Friday 5 August 2016

Moon, stars and a cat

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy!

For Art Journal Journey, Nature's wonders, I have another hybrid piece. I altered a painting I made long ago and didn't really like (4th picture). I added a mask and some digital add-ons (Itkupilli), and I like it better now.
I am also linking to Paint Party Friday.

This was the original, made with acrylics, sprays, gelatos and metallic pens.

And here another doodle - cats are definitely wonders of nature!

And for a change I am showing some photos of Zons, an ancient little town on the other side of the Rhine, about 15 miles up river:

The high water marks - all above my head!

 Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful artwork Valerie. It was wonderful before and spectacular now. The cat is very cleverly decorated.

    The little town has lots of interesting buildings and things to see. The windmill is certainly quite different from others.

    Enjoy your weekend

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Love your moon painting, wonderful colours. I like both versions, and the cat doodle. Great to see the photos of Zons, I remember spending a fun day there! Enjoy your weekend, hugs, Sarah

  3. What beautiful, magical pieces! Your photographs are also lovely.

  4. I was just thinking it would be nice to see the original painting when up it came. It looked great but what you have done with it made it super-great. It has such intensity and colours and is a remarkable scene, can I say again, one of your best.
    I enjoyed the trip through Zons, quite different from your own area I think, loved the towers.

  5. Unique style and wonderful artwork ~ Great photography too!

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  6. Lovely mystical hybrid page Valerie! The colour intensity makes me feel like I'm flying amongst the stars and the dazzling lights of Aurora Borealis. Zons is very pretty, I loved the tour of this picturesque ancient little town, thank you. Wishing you a Happy Weekend! J :-)

  7. beautiful piece moon stars and quote! Lovely doodle and what a charming town!

  8. favorite is your cat doodle :)

  9. Your cat doodle is wonderful. I, too, like to put a wee bit of red in mine. Your pictures of the windmills are heavenly. I never got to the Netherlands on my trips across the pond, so I just have to look at pictures like yours and drool :-) Maybe one day we will all learn what it is like to be out there among the stars. Your piece this week is beautiful. I am amazed at all the layers that must have gone into it. Yes, the moon is romantic...even for a 77 year old. genie

  10. Gorgeous different art works!! Love the moon and nighttime!! Also a wonderful doodle! Even the photos are different than I sense a change? All as beautiful as ever!!

    Hugs Giggles

  11. The retake of your painting is marvelous. AND, I like the cat too. I have always liked cats and had one until hubby decided it was time for a dog. Thanks for sharing the new photos. The small towns in Germany offer so much to those of use who have never been to them. Have a great weekend.

  12. LOVE the AJJ art!!!
    Your cat is really great!

  13. wow,dein mondbild ist traumhaft,tolle farben und eine geniale idee hast du gehabt,der weltraum ist ja auch ein wunder.
    die doodlekatze ist auch klasse,und deine stadtaufnahmen sind toll,ich liebe alte mühlen und schlösser.
    hab ein schönes we.

    hugs jenny

  14. Wow! What a fantastic work of art Valerie! Love the gorgeous scene that you created! Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos too! Happy PPF :)

  15. EIne fabelhafte hybride Spielerei mit dem ohnehin schon super schönem handgemachten Hintergrund und die gedoodelte Katze sieht auch super aus! Was für ein entzückendes altes Städtchen... da fühlt man sich 500 Jahre zurückversetzt bei diesen Gebäuden!
    Schönen Samstag Liebes!
    oxo Susi

  16. Love your neon pieces today, so vibrant and happy!! Great shots, I've never seen a windmill, how cool!! hugs :)

  17. What a beautiful background! Perfect fit with your elements you have added! Guess what, I looked all over that painting for the cat, only to give up and move on in the post and then see your doodled cat! heehee Tricked me!

    great array of photos Valerie- I always love to see other's worlds! hugs

    1. Things like that happen to me, too - sometimes you can't see the wood for the trees!

  18. This is one adorable and pretty creation.Those colours are fabulous as is this design.xx
    Enjoy your weekend.xx {aNNie}

  19. A gorgeous hybrid page, very atmospheric with that super background. The cat is wonderful as well. Zons looks a lovely old town to visit, the statue of the drinking man appealed to me as well as the old windmill. have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  20. Your reworked art is gorgeous. I love the depth the colors give it. I always enjoy walking with you as you seem to photograph just what would appeal to me as well. thanks!

  21. Hi Valerie - lovely new blog header (I'm sure it wasn't like this yesterday)
    Another fab post today with so much to see :)
    I was looking at the stars in the early hours, I agree with your words.. I wonder what its like up there and also wonder what else is up there we don't yet know about.
    In photo four, just above the central orange line I can see a face - when I zoomed in... it sort of looks like John Lennon...??.. ok maybe I need to clean my glassed as I can also see a face at the end of your fabulous cats tail.
    Lots of great photos - love the statue of the drinking man.
    Have a nice evening.. Gill xx

    1. I just looked - I see John Lennon, too - spoooooooooooooky!

  22. This is simply beautiful. The rich colors and the moon. Ooohh I love it. Fabulous photos too. Have a great weekend.

  23. Another new header. Love it!
    Have a great weekend.

  24. Love the art ♥♥♥♥ The colors have that WOW factor going :) Beautiful little village you shared today. The Statue is very cool and I love the tower and the windmill. Those are some pretty high water marks on that wall !

  25. Your page is incredibly light-filled and I LOVE your doodled cat. hugs, Teresa

  26. Oh so exciting - to visit someplace new!
    Moon, stars, and a cat - well I guess there is logic in there somewhere.
    beautiful colors - you create the magic of nature with the colors you use.
    And as for your cat - you have more patience than Carter has Little Liver Pills!
    Sandy xx

  27. So reading this after your most recent post it answers my question about how far Zons is from your little town. And by the way-love your new header. You look like you've been having fun changing it around lately. I really like this page too. The colors are rather cosmic, they remind me a bit of how you see pictures of the northern lights-with slightly different colors. Hope all is well. Hugs-erika

  28. What a wonder your page is Valerie and of course you must know I love your doodled cat! Zons lookalike a great place to visit! Chrisx

  29. I fell in love with that cat and Bleubeard and Squiggles did, too. But what I really enjoyed were all the pictures of Zons. It looks like a place I would visit if I could. I was really impressed with it.

  30. Any post with a title "Moon, Stars and a Cat" is going to hit me spot on! Beautiful moon work and I loved your cat! And thanks for the visit to Zons. It looks charming. I'd love to walk those streets with you!

  31. The colors in your painting are WOWEE gorgeous and you've turned it into such a really beautiful piece liebe Valerie!
    Zons looks especially wonderful.
    Medieval anything always calls my name.


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