Sunday 14 August 2016

Monday this and that

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good, have a great start in the new week.
I did a lot of housew**k today, as some long lost relations are coming
to visit me tomorrow, and I didn't want things to be as messy 
as they sometimes are....
And I baked some cookies, so I was busy.

For Art Journal Journey, Gill's lovely theme of Nature's wonders,
I have a hybrid piece. The background is from Gecko Galz, and I added a butterfly, some colour and some paper scraps and crackle to give more interest. Then I digitally added the photo of the young crow that I took recently:

And I have some more photos from my walk along the Rhine last week. Here I am looking back towards the Altstadt and bridges of Düsseldorf, you can see the wonky Church spire and the Post Office Tower in the background, and some of the party and restaurant ships.

This is taken looking towards where I live, which is not yet in sight - there's still a long way to go:

I loved these rusty pylons where ships can dock:

This ship is named after Heinrich Heine, the great German poet who was born in Düsseldorf's Altstadt. We also have an Avenue and a university named after him. But he left Germany to live in France, can't say I blame him....

This is the Yacht Club, there are lots of nice boats moored here. But my fave has to be the boat selling Döner (Kebabs)

I took a short cut through the North Park, as it is less far to walk that way than along the Rhine, and it was looking more and more like rain....
I used to work near here, so it was nice to have a quick visit:

After that I walked as quickly as I could over the last couple of miles, and just 
got back as the rain started.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful piece and i also love to see your photo's from your walk. Have a lovely week my friend and enjoy your visitors. x

  2. Love your page as always, and the photo of that little crow is gorgeous. Nice to see the photos of your walk home, brings back lots of happy memories of my time in D'dorf! Döner sounds good, too!
    Have a great week, hugs, Sarah

  3. Hello Valerie.
    What marvellous, new, photos today. I don't think I have seen any photos of the Park before, with its lovely water feature.
    I love your photo of the baby crow, what a pity it has to grow up to be a big crow.
    Good luck with your long-lost relations, have a happy time. Is that the same as "Found relatives" (as Tim Holtz calls them).

  4. glad you escaped the rain! enjoyed your photos today and that's a beautiful page! Have fun with your visitors I know they will love your cookies.

  5. A terrific page with the beautiful background and textures. Your own added bird stands out for me.

    Wonderful photographs and such a contrast to the usual ones with tranquil scenes and wild flowers. A real working area of the wonderful Rhine and such interest crafts in the moorings.

    Enjoy your visitors and I am sure they will enjoy your cookies

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Love all the boats and views, thanks for sharing.

  7. What a lovely park and piece.
    You just broadened my horizons. I had never read any Daniel Boone nature quotes so I looked them up.
    Have a lovely week. It's Sunday evening here.

    1. I used to love everything about Daniel Boone as a kid!

    2. Me too:)

      Hope all goes smoothly.

  8. was für eine tolle seite und schöne bilder.
    wünsch dir eine schöne neue woche.

    hugs jenny

  9. Nothing like a clean house for 'long lost' visitors, be nice to catch up. Love your project today and fab photos.xx {aNNie}

  10. Fabulous AJJ piece Valerie - love that image of the crow and that's a fabulous crackle texture too.
    Great photos but I feel so unfit seeing how far you walk - think I need to get out more!
    Hope your relatives visit goes well and you have a lovely day.... Gill xx

  11. Love your piece today Valerie. It's simple but sophisticated. Something is don't accomplish very often. Love seeing some more of the Rhine too. It's quite the river. Hope you have a good visit with your company. Hugs erika

  12. Eien beazubernde Hybridarbeit wieder mal Valerie und ganz ein toller Spaziergang und super gemacht vor dem Regen zu Hause zu sein!
    Ich hoffe Du genießt Deinen Besuch heute - ich hab meine Besucher inzwischen alle wieder los.... auch schöööön!


    1. Ja, Besuch ist schön, wieder Ruhe haben noch schöner!

  13. Lovely art work and the crackle background. The crow is a great addition. Wonderful photos about town. Enjoy your company coming and have fun!! xo

  14. Wonderful pictures Valerie - and you art journal page is wonderful too!
    sandy xx

  15. A wonderful hybrid page Valerie, its good to see the photo of the crow on it. Lovely photos of your walk, so different to see the Rhine from another angle. Hope you had a good day with your visitors.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Oh I love your hybrid piece Valerie, your crow is a stunner. I'm with you,my favourite boat would be the kebab one too ;-) xx

  17. Wonderful page. Glad to see that crow again. Wooldnt it be fun to step onto that red bost and take off somewhere?

    1. Oh yes, and plenty of good food for the journey!

  18. Another treat for all of us today with your journal page and the marvelous photos. I would like to wait on the dock for the Viking Cruise ship. Thanks so much for sharing with us.

  19. Ein wunderbares Bild! Tolle Komposition und Farben! Und ich freue mich, wieder einmal deinem Spaziergang virtuell begleiten zu können. Schöne Fotos, liebe Valerie!
    Ganz herzliche Grüße, Annette

  20. Love your page! The quote is wonderful and you have created such a wonderful textured background by using the crackle paste, perfect! Lovely to see all the different boats on the Rhine too. Have a great week! J :-)

  21. I love your digital page! That crows feathers are so pretty! You look as though you walked a long way home but such an interesting walk so I don't suppose you noticed the distance so much! I love seeing those boats alongside the river. The Park looks really beautiful! Hope you got your tidying done - I get spurred into a tidy session when we have visitors then can't find anything after they have gone!! Hugs, Chrisx


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