Tuesday 30 August 2016

Last Day of Nature's Wonders at AJJ

Hi Everybody!

This has been a great month with Gill as hostess at Art Journal Journey,
and we had nearly 200 entries, as so many people
enjoyed her theme. BIG thanks to Gill for all the hard work she put in, making lovely journal pages, visiting all the participants, etc. 
Great job, Gill!
We have all enjoyed your challenge!

I have made my traditional collage of all my entries:

 Hope to see you again tomorrow to learn about our new theme and Hostess for September!

The day got off to a wonderful start:

I enjoyed my walk:

In the afternoon it got cloudy again, but didn't rain:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What beautiful art in your collage! I love how they all look together. Your sky photos are incredible and I think the shot with the horse is beautiful.

  2. I always love your monthly recap, you can be proud of all you manage each month. Wonderful photos, especially the sunrise again, perhaps I must occasionally get up earlier....Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

  3. What a fantastic months worth of journal pages you have everyone one special. XOXO

  4. beautiful collage, another month gone by already! Enjoyed your photos today.

  5. Those skies are so dramatic -- gorgeous. I'm so sad summer is nearing its end.

  6. schöne skybilder,so dramatisch.deine monatscollage ist super und du hast wieder so schöne stücke gemacht.
    danke dir sehr für deine süsse mail,ich hab mich sehr gefereut.
    mein tag heute war schön,es gab viel kuchen und cafe,bulletten,sekt und süsse geschenke und karten von meinen schatz.
    wünsch dir einen schönen tag.

    hugs jenny

  7. Fun and bright and beautiful collage!!!
    Keep posting those wonderful scenic photos!!! Feels like I am visiting your town!!

  8. I always look forward to your end of the month collages. This one is wonderful and I've really enjoyed seeing all these beautiful entries this month.

    Loving the ships, boats, water, and sky shots you shared with us today.

  9. Having done a (one off) collage for 14 days of works I found it time consuming and hard to make the puzzle of photos fit - so I'm in awe of the monthly collages you create Valerie, this is awesome - I love it!
    Your other photos from your walks are fab too - some of those skies look pretty evil again. Like the photo of the gulls snoozing - I just hope they are keeping one eye open in case there are any hawks about.
    Thanks for everything this month Valerie and for the lovely comments on this post too.
    Have a great day... Gill xxx

  10. What wonderful pages you have made for the theme this month Valerie and so good to see them in one collage. Can't wait to see what is in store for us in September.

    The photographs are amazing and I have saved one, how could I resist. The boats look very busy with lots of passengers-not sure I would want to be so squashed in the one space.

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. The boats are never full - they've just all moved over to one side to get a look at Kaiserswerth! Or perhaps they wanted to see ME!

  11. Eine wunderbare Collage con all Deinen schönen Naturwunderseiten Valerie und herrliche Aufnahmen..auch lauter Naturwunder!
    Das war ein fabelhafter Monat für AJJ - Mein Dank gilt nicht nur der tollen Gill - sondern natürlich auch DIr - Du bist die Seele von AJJ!
    Bussi und einen schönen Mittwoch!

  12. Love your post below and this collage is awesome...great pics.xx{aNNie}

  13. This certainly was another wonderful month of creativity over at AJJ.
    Gill's lovely nature theme resonated with me too.
    Your art filled mosaic is splendid liebe Valerie
    What a delight to see so much creativity all together like that ♥♥♥
    Thanks as always for sharing your life along the lovely Rhine.

  14. It was a great theme last month and all your pieces were so inspirational, I wonder what will be the next theme? Super photos of the sunrise as well as on your walk.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Hi Valerie, What a wonderful blog post for me to return to! Love the collage of your gorgeous works of art! I have missed your collection of photos as well. I want to take a nice boat ride now! Have a wonderful day!

  16. I love seeing your art work as a collage, especially as I've probably missed so many this last month.
    Lovely photos, thanks for taking me on your walk.
    Avril xx

  17. Wow your collage is so beautiful and so are the gorgeous photos of the sunrise. Take care, Shirleyxx

  18. I always love your end of the month collages. I enjoyed this one as much too. And those are sure dark clouds. We have had clouds but no rain and we are officially in a drought. It is so dry. Unusual for us too. Can't wait to see next month's theme at AJJ. Hugs-Erika

  19. There's so many beautiful pieces in the collage. It's so colorful and cheerful.
    Looks like we almost got rained out on our walk.

  20. It was indeed a wonderful theme and your collage of works is amazing! It looks like you're still very much enjoying Summer your way,
    Kat xx

  21. I do so enjoy a collage ... so busy ... so many nooks and crannies.

    Try to catch aircraft condensation trails making a few X X .... for Valentines Day post!

    1. Well, I suppose I could errrr...change some.....

  22. I love seeing your collages - Gill's theme has been a great one and I am sorry I didn't have chance to join in more - didn't think about the time involved in producing something with so many details in each week when I accepted at SSS!!! I did enjoy it though - made me focus too!! I love the sky pictures and it's good to see folk enjoying trips on the Rhine! Hugs, Chrisx

  23. Fabulous Valerie, I always look forward to your collages and this one is no exception. Wonderful photographs too xx


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