Tuesday 23 August 2016

New Challenge at Moo Mania & More

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Moo Mania and More -
Nature's Beauty. This fits well to our theme at Art Journal Journey,
Nature's wonders, so I have one piece for both challenges. The background here was made in a marbling techniques, dripping colour onto  wallpaper-paste and taking the colours off with a sheet of paper. With this sort of marbling you can control the colours a bit, move the drips with a tooth-pick, or make patterns with a comb etc. This looked to me like a tree and water, so I scanned it into my computer, and digitally added the texts and the photos of the birds. The Hebrew word is 'shalom' - our world so needs peace right now.

Some of the wonders I see when I go out walking:

This tree-stump has been totally colonised by fungi

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love today's creation, it reminds me of Japanese art, very well done! Wonderful photos, too. Hope you are feeling better, hugs Sarah

  2. Beautiful! Love that sweep and flow of colour.

  3. Lovely nature page for the challenges, and enjoyed the wonders in your world today!

  4. Wow! The painting with the marbling is gorgeous. I also love the photographs, it is so very pretty there.

  5. What a gorgeous piece! Love the colours and textures. Great photos as well.

  6. I really enjoyed the new theme at MM&M. It really does go nicely with AJJ. I really enjoyed the background and the marbling.

    You chose some awesome photos to share when you are out and about on your walks. I love the ones with the mist, which to me is so difficult to catch on film.

    Hope you are feeling better and your day at the market didn't wear you out.

  7. So, so pretty! Love the pictures too. Yes, shalom!

  8. So, so pretty! Love the pictures too. Yes, shalom!

  9. Gorgeous piece today. I love the movement the colors have. They don't look fixed but like they are flowing. And I have never seen the word Shalom in Hebrew before, but even that looks artistic. The letters of some alphabets are such beautiful shapes. Maybe because I don't know them as letters and see them as shapes. beautiful photos too-enjoy your day! Hugs-erika

  10. Hi Valerie. Hope your bronchitis is less irritating and no fever. Your backgrounds yesterday and today are amazing. I love both of them, including the bronze statue in all his glory and the photos from both posts. You write beautiful phrases in Hebrew.

  11. Hallo Valerie
    ein zauberhaftes Bild und der Spruch passt perfekt.
    Die Natur hat jeden Tag "Großartiges" zu bieten, man
    muss es nur sehen.
    Lg Sadie

  12. Just adore the page with the amazing technique Valerie-I have tried shaving foam and even nail varnish on water but neither of those were as amazing as this. A must try for sure.

    Wonderful summery photographs and the stand out for me are the regimented rows of trees with the lovely walk underneath them.

    Have a great day-hot and sunny here today

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. The trees are in a park near here, I love walking there.

  13. Great piece today. Love the colours and the background. Beautiful photos - the light is special. Sunflowers - gorgeous. hugs, Donna

  14. Succsessful and impressive, i like your works and the great pictures !
    Greeings from Gemany

  15. oh that marbling is such a cool technique Valerie and what fantastic textures and patterns it gives - brilliant piece and love that quote :)
    That was a wonderful walk with your photos today, I'd love to walk there too.
    Hope you're feeling much better... have a lovely day
    Gill xx

  16. Beautiful Love the sentiment too.xx

  17. So eien schöne Seite - bin ganz begeistert von Deinem Kleistermarmoriertem Hintergrund und ganz tolle Fotos wieder ! Herrlich besonders die schönen Sonnenblumen!
    Hab einen feinen Tag, bin total faul heute- hab so schlecht geschlafen..wahrscheinlich weil ich gestern vormittag zwei große Tassen Bohnekaffee hatte... menno!

  18. Beautiful bird work Valerie. That might be one of my favourite quotes ever! Love your misty morning pics, mist is so beautiful and calming. hugs :)

  19. Love the background to your fantastic nature page Valerie, the words were wonderful. Not tried the wallpaper paste method, I am now wondering where I can get some at a reasonable price .
    Super morning photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  20. Ooh, I like that!
    I gotta get some sunflowers in the garden.
    Enjoyed the walk:)

  21. Great ideas with the marbelling, gives such an intriguing result.
    Your Hebrew word looks and sounds beautiful.

  22. deine seite ist wunderbar ,und schöne bilder vom wald hast du gemacht,da bin ich zu gern.
    hab einen schönen abend.

    hugs jenny

  23. Mit Kleister marmorieren bringt ja interessante Ergebnisse, das muss ich auch probieren, so hoffe ich, dass von meinem Kleister noch etwas übrig bleibt. LG Ulrike

  24. I love this piece almost more than I can say. And your photos -- again, so beautiful. I know I sound like a broken record but how I love the areas you show us with your camera.

  25. you were my favorite at the linkup :) Still is!

  26. Love the art today ♥ Hope you are on the mend now and feeling better :)

  27. Hi Valerie, love you art work. You always meet the challenge of the new themes.
    Love this quote too. Your walking pics are beautiful. You surly have wonderful views to enjoy along the way.
    Have a great rest of the week. xo

  28. Hi Valerie, love you art work. You always meet the challenge of the new themes.
    Love this quote too. Your walking pics are beautiful. You surly have wonderful views to enjoy along the way.
    Have a great rest of the week. xo

  29. Wow! I love that fabulous, very organic background on your page. Gorgeous nature photos too. hugs, Teresa

  30. Once again the colors are so vibrant and delightful together.
    Shalom - a perfect word to remember in today's world. But I tell you Valerie, I think there are people today who like to fight and cause problems for others. They are so full of hate - really miserable people. And you find these people all over the world. So sad.
    I do think that blogging helps promote understanding and peace among different people. The commonality? Art of all kinds.
    Sandy xx

    1. Yes, you are right. We need to concentrate on the commonalities and not on the differences!

  31. gorgeous art and photos of nature!

  32. Lovely page! The marbling is wonderful, I haven't heard of that technique before, so thank you for the inspiration! The sunflowers are beautiful and there is so many of them too! And the lines of trees either side of the pathway look very majestic, lovely! Hope you are feeling better! J :-)

  33. Fabulous artwork and pictures xx

  34. Absolutely beautiful piece Valerie!! Love the paste technique-must give it a go!! hugs,Jackie


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