Tuesday 30 August 2016

Last Day of Nature's Wonders at AJJ

Hi Everybody!

This has been a great month with Gill as hostess at Art Journal Journey,
and we had nearly 200 entries, as so many people
enjoyed her theme. BIG thanks to Gill for all the hard work she put in, making lovely journal pages, visiting all the participants, etc. 
Great job, Gill!
We have all enjoyed your challenge!

I have made my traditional collage of all my entries:

 Hope to see you again tomorrow to learn about our new theme and Hostess for September!

The day got off to a wonderful start:

I enjoyed my walk:

In the afternoon it got cloudy again, but didn't rain:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 29 August 2016

Imagination, children and more....

Hi Everybody!

Today we are beginning a new challenge at TIOT -  
Projects of all formats are allowed, and as always, you have 2 weeks
to get inspired and join us. Hope to see you there!

I started reading when I was 3, and basically have never stopped since - as a child my books were my great treasures. On my page you can see children from past ages having fun - playing outside, walking in the park etc. 
Here in my project, I have used a children's book, and the characters from various books are walking around outside, as I always carried the characters with me in my imagination - and still do! Mother Goose is flying over the scene, and Jemima Puddleduck and Mrs Rabbit have wandered in from Beatrix Potter....
I know a lot of kids have different hobbies these days, but I think 'real' play and fantasy are very important for a child's development, and not just sitting in front of a computer!
Let your imagination take you on a flight of fancy, and join us for our challenge!
(Some images from Mischief Circus)

For Art Journal Journey, Nature's wonders, I have my last hybrid project to show today.
Once again we are back in the dark depths of my head....Cloudy skies, night, and the creatures of the night have always fascinated me, and are here made into a fantasy scene, perhaps a dream.....I have made a mixed media/hybrid piece, mixing digital elements, photos, a nude painting made some time back, and a lot of fantasy. I am also linking to Creative Carte Blanche, as they are a nice bunch of ladies asking for sun, moon and stars this month, which is right up my street!
(Images partly from Mischief circus and Serif)

Today is also T stands for Tuesday at Elizabeth's blog, so a big welcome to all of the T Gang.
This is a typical meal that I like to eat  - yellow sweet peppers, zucchini, corn, carrots and peas, stir fried with lemon grass and ginger, and then topped with a layer of crunchy fried onions:

Followed by waffles:

And cappuccino:

Who can want more?

The storm on Saturday night was no dream, and brought down a lot
of branches, as well as mounds of twigs, conkers, acorns etc.

But Sunday was hot and sunny for walking again:

I am happy to say that the weather today has been cooler, which is really pleasant.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 28 August 2016

Flowers, clouds and sun

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend went well. We had a big storm in the night, with lots
of thunder and lightning, and lots of branches were blown off
the trees, but it was still extremely hot today - sigh!

For Art Journal Journey, nature's wonders, I have another of my quick flower paintings, made from some flowers I picked on my walk.  The basic painting took 15 minutes, using water colours without drawing beforehand. Then I added the window, bird and leaves digitally.

And here before the frame was added:

 I was up and out early again to avoid the hottest part of the day:

The birds are still busy harvesting:

These huge clouds gathered in the evening:

But after a stormy night the day dawned warm and sunny again:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 27 August 2016


Hi Everybody!

It's still hot, hot, hot and I think my brain is slowly frying in the heat!
I hope we will soon be back to our 'normal' weather, although
nothing seems to be normal these days!

For Art Journal Journey, Nature's Wonders - Gill's lovely challenge which ends in 3 days - I digitally changed a sunflower photo - the last one below, using a filter. Then I digitally  cut the sunflower out, resized it, and added 2 more to my journal page, together with the lovely quote from Victor Hugo. This is a fun and easy technique, ideal for hot days when energy is low.

The walnuts are growing larger, I hope I can reach some of them to pick.

And here are the sunflowers in all their glory:

This ship is really huge!

Autumn is coming nearer, the berries are ready to be harvested by the birds:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and hanks a lot for coming by!