Thursday 12 November 2015

Thursday this and that

Hi Everybody!

Hope your day is going well.

My first piece today is for June's 'Cheeky' challenge, where the theme this week is 'sisters'. I have an old photo, from the beginning of the 20th century, which shows 2 of my husband's aunts as children. I digitally removed them from their photo, softened the edges to make them look more faded, and placed them behind a window of our basilica. I added some freebie brushes from Foxey Squirrel. The 2 little mice are there because I often see mice scurrying about in the entrance to the basilica - the proverbial Church mice? These little girls look so sweet here but when I got to know them in the 1970s they were 2 very crabby and unfriendly old ladies! Time changes all things!

Here is the original, the sisters together with their brother,
who I cut out of the composition today:

For Art Journal Journey, inspired by the colours of autumn, and 99 faces I have made another hybrid collage: I used a painted background and placed some brushes over it. The face is my 'alien lady', although she could be a wood nymph. I added the autumn tree and some leaves. This is face number 5 - 94 to go!

Some more photos of the basilica:

Do you recognise the window?

I always love the lamps

There were lots of men at work, busy chopping down branches and sweeping up mountains of leaves:

And some more rusty bits. I was pleased to discover another of the rusty rosettes on some other gates, there are quite a lot of the same sort around here, I suppose they were all made by the same artisan.

Have a lovely day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love both of your pages today, and the photos are great, love the men-at-work shots! Hugs, Sarah

  2. You were busy artistically and walking today. Both the AJJ face and the two sisters were incredible.

    RUST. I'm in love. Yep, so in love I was inspired to put some metal into a bin to rust it today. And where are all these men when I was cutting down my small trees and brush? Where were they when I was sweeping my sidewalk and driveway? Where were they? They were in Germany, not the US, apparently! Thanks for giving me a laugh before I go to bed.

    1. Yes, they were here, and I always enjoy watching them playing with their machines!

  3. Das Schwesternbild erscheint mir wie eine wertvolle Rarität. Verblichen und kostbar. Herzlich Petra

  4. Fabulous, love the creations, the meeecies and gorgeous colours used.
     { aNNie}

  5. wunderschön dein gesichtbild und tolle bildeer.
    einen schönen tag dir.

    hugs jenny

  6. Both pieces look great! What a wonderful old photo and you used it so cleverly here. The background on the hybrid collage looks stunning and a wonderful face too!

  7. Zwei wunderschöne Bilder! Mir gefällt ganz besonders das zweite mit dem feinen Gesicht und den wundervollen Farben! Toll!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  8. Great digital page - love the comment about your aunts! Fabulous face once again! The photos of the men clearing leaves has me huffing and puffing again about how much better organised things are in Germany (and from what I have seen - generally in Europe)We have leaves all over the roads and pavements that used to be swept up - they then block the drains and we have flooded roads in the Winter! Crazy! I love your other photos today! Chrisx

  9. Beide Arbeiten heute sind großartig liebe Valerie. Das alte Familienfoto ist eine tolle Rarität und Du hast es perfekt genutzt in der Collage! Hihi .. sie waren schon zwei alte Schrullen als Du sie kennenlerntest.. ja viele süße Kinder wachsen zu Monstern und Ungeheuern im Laufe der Jahrezehnte.... leider!
    Herrliche Aufnahmen... Toll wie schön sie den Park betreuen .. das sind wirklich riesige Berge von Laub..Wahnsinn! Und Du machst rostige Architekturteilchen zu Fotomodellen mit ganz viel Flair! Bravo!!!
    Hab einen feinen Tag liebe Valerie!

  10. Fabulous creations and photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  11. Great pieces today. Yes, your lady looks a bit alien, but I like her. She has a very curious face. And your very good at the digital pieces. Yes, they look like nice little girls. I guess life just made them sour, which is kind of sad really. Great photos too. I love the rusty bits-for some reason in the fall they looks like they really belong. Enjoy the rest of your day!

  12. The sisters page is wonderful Valerie and so is your latest face page.

    Love the photographs with the wonderful textures and the machinery

    Have a great day

    Chrissie xx

  13. Beautiful pages, great job blending in the sisters to the background! Love your photos today, such great architecture! hugs :)

  14. Love the page using your old photo, I had a good smile when you described them as being crabby, a good old English description. Another beautiful face and super photos.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Good morning, my friend. The sisters piece is wonderful. You know that would make a perfect gift for a family member. Those little mice are so cute.
    I hope your day is perfect in every way. You're always so upbeat and cheerful. It's a great way to start my day:) I'm assuming you teach art. What grades?

    1. I used to teach art in grades 5 - 10, now I just stay home and play!

  16. This is a great theme. Love how you placed the sisters and the colors are gorgeous. Have a very lovely day.

  17. Nice work for the challenges, well a very good looking family your husband had! Lovely architectural photos!

  18. Love your design today of the two sisters. Wonder if they were crabby little girls too. Great design and I love how you added the little mice running about.
    Beautiful walking pics. The colors are gorgeous! xo

  19. I've got a bit of a sore throat today and now you have made it worse Valerie :) as I can't stop laughing about your crabby old ladies comment... he he... that's really made chuckle and I can't think of anything else to say as I'm also humming that song you have quoted - was that used in 'white Christmas'....
    Fab artwork and post as always..
    Gill xxxx

  20. I think it is so cool how you marry photography and art together. Both of your pages are beautiful. The girls do look sweet, thought the elder seems a bit bossy looking to me. It's a shame they grew into crabby old women. As for me, I intend to never grow up. :)

    1. That's the secret Teresa! We can grow older without growing up!

  21. Poor old ladies (and poor anyone who had to visit them). Your Sister piece is tremendous with the basilica entrance and the two mice sisters and your flowery layering. And your surface/background is just fabulous in your face piece, so delicate.
    Great rusty photos too, I wonder why we like rusty things so much.

  22. Hi Valerie, I love your sisters piece. I love the aged effect and wern't they beautiful ? Really good work on this piece. Also love your photo's especially love the lamplights.
    Thanks for joining in the challenge this week my friend.
    June x

  23. A wonderful post full of beautiful art - I love your sisters! Soft beautiful colors and great effects.

  24. What a wonderful piece you have created Valerie! Your aunties do look so lovely together and their brother is just as sweet in the other photo!
    I see you are also familiar with the "Sisters" song! My sister and I used to preform the dance along with the movie! teehee

  25. Beautiful work on your sisters challenge I like the blurred image very nice.

  26. Wie schön, dass du für die Sister-Collage das alte Foto benutzt hast, toll geworden.
    Ich bin ja etwas enttäuscht von der Challenge, denn ich dachte, dass June jede Woche ein Bild für alle einstellt, das wäre etwas Neues gewesen...
    LG Ulrike

  27. I love your sweet sisters! Bit of a shame that they turned out to be crusty old ladies.


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