Friday 6 November 2015

Autumn, the year's last and most beautiful smile

Hi Everybody!

It's Friday already, which means it's time for Paint Party Friday,
hosted by Eva and Kristin. My piece is also meant for 
Art Journal Journey, inspired by Autumn. I made a mixed media A3 page. The centre part has been made from  digitally altered and combined photos. The background shows castle Avenue at sunset. The watchman is part of a photo taken recently in Kettwig, so I hope the folks there are not cross with me for giving their watchman an outing here! I digitally removed him from his background and put him here. The birds were add-ons, I changed the colour to gold to let their feathers sparkle in the evening sun. I used an overlay from Daisytrail. I painted around the picture using a mix of yellow, orange, ocker, green and black, and stamped into the paint while it was still wet. I used my second scratchy brush, Jill (the sister of Jack). The wonderful quote is from C.S. Lewis, best known for his Narnia books, although he wrote many other wonderful works of fiction as well as theological books.

This is Jill. She was recently VERY insulted when I showed Jack and left her standing in the brush pot, so this is my way of putting things right with her.

Here they are together, a wonderful,  scratchy pair.

The weather has been good this week:

I love the rusty arches sculpture at the castle ruins:

Have a good day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely art and photos - and happy to meet Jill, too! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Your painted entry is gorgeous. The added altered photo was framed nicely by Jill. This is beautiful.

    I always perk up when I read RUST. Those arches are out of this world. They remind me of a jungle gym and I'm surprised kids don't play on them. If it were me, I'd wrap a vinegar soaked bed sheet around them and let the sheet sit in the sun for a day (grin). Rust is magic in my world.

    Those tree lined photos are wonderful. Very, very impressive. I simply adore your part of the world as you photograph it right now!

    1. Love the idea of hanging my sheets on the sculpture, but I might just get arrested for trying it!

  3. Beautiful photos and artwork. I always liked that quote.


  4. Gorgeous art and wonderful photographs of more beauty! Thanks for sharing it all! Have a creative week!

  5. Beautiful page, such stunning colour. Your photos are art in themselves too.

  6. Wundervoll Deine Seite Valerie , Jill und Jack sehen sehr fleissig aus und die Fotos heute sind wieder BRILLIANT!
    Hab einen feinen Tag !

  7. Poor Jill I hope she is happy now and posed also with Jack...but the lime light is still the fabulous project today and what amazing colours you used PLUS those photos are just stunning.xx
     { aNNie}

  8. Super art and photography. Happy PPF

  9. I love the idea of having a Jack and Jill set of scratchy brushes! The texture they create is amazing! I love both your painting and photography this week. The colors are a great tribute to these final days of autumn.

  10. Just wonderful that you could use some of your photography as part of this amazing journal page. Lots of today's photographs would fit in well with the theme and I am so pleased your weather is still good and you can take us on your walks.

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. Wow what exquisite artwork Valerie, the colour is amazing!
    I love everything about it. Your photographs show just how beautiful and magical Autumn can be.
    Jack and Jill are so cute together.
    Happy PPF to you

  12. What a fabulous colourful post! Love the art and photos....but jack and Jill take the cake because they made me giggle!

    Hugs Giggles

    1. Typical! Those two always steal the limelight!

  13. Wonderful golden colour. Stunning page.
    Happy PPF ♥

  14. Wonderful piece and it looks like Jack and Jill have been working very hard! Love your photos, you have so many wonderful spots to walk too, love the leaf close up!

    Hugs :)
    My Little Craft Things

  15. Love the slight abstractness of your piece today Valerie. It feels like fall but isn't just about fall, and that is nice to see. I think the watchman is really cool and I would use him too. Enjoy your weekend! Hope the weather stays nice for you.

  16. Inspiring work, my friend!Happy PPF!

  17. Glorious golden glow on your wonderful watchmen artwork and thats another great quote you have used. Love the framing of the piece.
    Had a fair amount of rain in last few days so Just spent 2 hours picking up leaves in garden so no one slips on them. I love autumn and its gorgeous colours but I just wish the leaves would fall in to neat little piles and make it easier to pick them up. Fabulous photos, so many great places to walk - and what a wonderful rusty and intriguing sculpture.

    Hope Jill is feeling more happier nw that you have shown her - I love the colours she is wearing - what a lovely outfit :)

    Happy Friday to you Valerie - have a great day
    Gill xx

    1. Great idea to have the leaves fall into little piles! I told Jill what you said, she is preening herself now!

  18. Such a spectacular page! I love the depth, detail and color. Your fall photos are gorgeous (and wouldn't we all like to have a castle in our neighborhood to sketch?) Happy PPF

  19. Another great page :) Love the walk with you along the castle ruins :) your photos catch everything so well ♥

  20. All those golden, wonderful warm colors in your art today bring happiness to us who look at your blog. So beautiful. The C. S. Lewis quote is a great one. Thanks for sharing it and for sharing the lovely fall photos.

  21. I love the rich golds and light in your piece and those photos of your autumn walk are glorious!

  22. Spectacular page today and the watchman sets it off so well with the contrast in colors. I hope you have another pleasant week to enjoy the fall beauty that surrounds you. My brushes will be sad knowing they have no names when I mention Jill and Jack.

  23. Happy PPF. I always enjoy visiting your blog!

  24. I just love the way you create. I really love the colors you have been using too. The photos of course just draw me to where you live.
    Have a wonderful weekend

  25. Your journal page is stunning. I think this will always be one of my favorites. Your nature photos are always gorgeous.Love that pathway picture with the Fall trees on both the sides.

  26. Your journal page is stunning. I think this will always be one of my favorites. Your nature photos are always gorgeous.Love that pathway picture with the Fall trees on both the sides.

  27. I love the colours in this journal page - that wonderful autumnal sparkle! I also love that you have names for your brushes!

    1. Don't tell me that other people don't have names for their brushes....

  28. Gorgeous photos!! I love seeing the autumn colors of the trees. And Jack and Jill are truly the best! They make such a lovely couple.

  29. I can totally see the inspiration of the colors in your art this week from the lovely fall colors all around you. I love that quote and it does keep us all honest :)

  30. Such a golden post! Striking art and your photos are full of Autumn's beauty, thanks for sharing!

  31. Gorgeous golden artworks. Let's enjoy the last rays of summer!
    Happy PPF

  32. You're putting Autumn in the shade with your palette. loved the photographs too. Have a nicew weekend

  33. What a great painting, I'm sure everyone connected with the watchman would be proud to see him here.
    Loved reading your description first.
    Jill and Jack, aaaaawww. I'm glad you gave her her rightful mention.

  34. superb photos I particularly like those paintbrushes for some reason

  35. A stunning autumn glow on your fabulous page today, love how you used the watchman.
    Good to see that you have given both of those faithful bushes a photo call. Jill should be happy now.
    Yvonne xx

  36. There is a beautiful glow radiating from your page.
    Lovely photographs and nice to be introduced to Jill :)

  37. Beautiful page. I love the quote by C.S. Lewis.

  38. Beautiful art and quote!! Love the photos - cool variation in the stone of that castle!! Happy PPF :)

  39. Wow Valerie! Everything about this post has made me smile! Hugs, Chrisx

  40. Valerie your art piece is gorgeous. I love the quote too. I have many a Jack and Jill too and would be lost without them. Beautiful fall pics from your walks. Have a nice weekend.xo

  41. Omgosh Valerie! Your photos are absolute Splendor! Such an Autumn feast for the eyes! The one close up of the leaves- I think you should use this in a journal piece- soo beautiful! xo

  42. Love the fall pics. Enjoyed tag tHe quote. Great piece as well. Awesome post'😀

  43. Beautiful art again!
    Hope you had a good weekend and this week will be creative - as always :)

  44. Wonderful page, love the warm colours, and how you put all the pieces together.


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