Wednesday 4 November 2015

New challenge at Moo Mania and More

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at 

As always, you have 2 weeks to join us, and projects of all formats are allowed, not just Moos, so don't be shy, come and play along!

For my piece I digitally altered a  mixed media canvas made last year. I changed some of the heads, and gave the largest man a crown. I added a freebie building from Itkupilli at the front. I like the way this one turned out, with the contrast between the figures drawn with charcoal and the noble heads. I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, Inspired by autumn colours.

At Wen's 'Simply neutral's' challenge I have once again made a photo collage:

The autumn colours here are still vibrant, but the leaves get less from day to day:

This tree blooms in autumn and winter:

Here the slug was having mushrooms to eat - that Bovist should last it a long time!

And soon the last leaf will fall.....

Down by the Ferry at the Rhine I watched a group of fire-men discussing tactics for saving people in the river:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lo for coming by!


  1. I love the crown you created. You do digital so well. Very impressive.

    I was in awe of the photos today, too. It was fun watching the firemen as they planned their river rescue. That is something most people never see, and most people wouldn't bother to photograph and share. Spectacular visuals of autumn colors, too. Love the single leaf.

  2. Love your piece today. Very regal. Love how you drew the bodies and added the heads-and even better leaving one a bit mysterious Great photos too--the angel shadow is impressive. Enjoy your day!

  3. That mushroom is crazy!
    I love your faceless crown woman.

  4. Love your moos!!! Think I need to make a crown!!!

  5. Lovely pieces for the challenges. The leaves are disappearing here too, some of the trees look like dried arrangements.

  6. Wunderschön ist deine seite mal wieder,und tolle herbstbilder,schöne farben auch.
    einen schönen tag.

    hugs jenny

  7. Love your page today. The painting was wonderful before, but now it is really spectacular, just fantastic. As are the photos. Dentist for me today! Hugs, Sarah

  8. Ich war mal ein bisschen gucken, alles sehr beeindruckend, liebe Valerie.
    Auch sehen wir uns ja jetzt immer dienstags bei Dezinaworld. Den Beitrag für dort habe ich auch bewundert. Du bist sehr vielfältig aktiv!
    Herzlich Pippa

  9. Eine wunderbare Journalseite mit schönen Details und sanften Farben!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  10. Was für eine beeindruckende Journalseite Valerie und die Fotocollage und all die tollen Fotos sind auch ein Traum Liebes!
    Hab einen schönen Mittwoch!

  11. Oh wow Val, this is such a gorgeous post!! Your art collage is stunning! I love that you combined mixed media with digital art. Your photo collage is once again so beautiful too, and I love that shot of the shadow of the little cherub! And your photos, my, great shots! A post I thoroughly enjoyed! Wishing you a beautiful day, xx

  12. wowZer, your creative juices just keep flowing with new ideas love the post and your awesome photos once again.x

  13. A wonderful page and beautiful photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  14. Another stunning hybrid piece Valerie, you are so clever, the effects look amazing!

  15. Oh dear Valerie, how I missed your posts while I was away!! All those gorgeous autumn photos, just stunning and so is your work! Thanks for all the kind comments you left for me, you are so sweet. It's been a long couple of months but I'm mostly settled in now so I've finally time to visit some of my favourite blogs. See you again soon, hugs :)

  16. Not a clue where my comment went earlier but it seems to have blown away so here I go again

    Wonderful page you have created with a regal look and wonderful art work

    Just love the naturals collage with so many beautiful images to delight.

    Amazing photographs as always and even the slug looks beautiful as it nibbles at the mushroom. A truly amazing mix of things to see today Valerie

    Love Chrissie xx

  17. Hi Valerie, gorgeous collage, well done ! Your photographs are a amzing as always, thanks for sharing. I hope you are having a great day, Shirleyxx

  18. I love your page colours are gorgeous and once again stunning photos love looking at them. x

  19. Fantastic art pieces and photos Valerie, love the natural autumn shades you used and how you altered the canvas.
    Yvonne xx

  20. The new faces you used today for your journal page stand out for a marvelous piece, including the crown. Interesting to view photos of the crew training for river rescue. We live by the Boise River and often see the firemen training and at times doing a real rescue. How fortunate for the community. Thanks for sharing all of your photos with us today.

    1. Yes, we are fortunate to have volunteers, as we have a voluntary fire brigade here, who just have to jump up and leave everything to help when they hear the sirens.

  21. I like this crown challenge. This is a very interesting piece. The weather is really changing in your part of the world. Great photos.

  22. Beautiful canvas. I love that fancy crown. Thank you for sharing more stunning autumn photographs too.

  23. A fabulous page Valerie! Love your neutral collage too! Your photographs made me smile - especially the firemen as it reminded me of the flutter among the female staff when they used to come and visit classes at the Special school I taught in! Hugs, Chrisx

  24. Hallo Valerie,
    a wonderful post and a joy visiting you. Your digitally piece looks wonderful with the changes of new heads and the crown, great mix !! and I love your Neutrals collage with all the beauty nature,-and man made !! Here it looks the same in nature now, and we will soon have winter on my island too.Have you ever been to Bornholm ?
    Dorthe xo

  25. Such great photo's Valerie!! and the collage you made for Simply Neutrals Tuesday is wonderful. That teeny bird is so cute : ) & caught my heart. Thanks for sharing the photos from a day in your life... ~Karen O

  26. Beautiful work today Valerie. Love the neutral collage. Your walking pics are always a delight.
    Happy Creating. xo

  27. "Crown" is an intriguing theme, and your painting is tremendous.
    The "Neutral" collage is great with the different images joined happily together, I like the little bird.

  28. lovely page Val! And I really love that photo collage- beautiful ! xo

  29. oooooh I love LOVE your Crown MOO Valerie and love they way you have used the Harlequin patterns wih the wonderful imagery. Didn't realise they accepted digital work - which I love to do if I haven't time to paint/draw etc - so pleased I saw this :)
    Fabulous collage - awww is that a little mouse? and the baby robin looks a bit grumpy and sad :(
    Gill xx

    1. No holds barred at Moo, all styles, all sizes etc, it must just fit the theme -come and play!

  30. Ahhhh - sure do love your royal family Valerie.... the colors, the variety, the faceless!!!! Reminds me of my youth when Daddy used to say...."wipe that smile off your face" - eheheheh. And that slug - dear me... such an amazing picture. Gotta show that one to hubby!!! j.

  31. Ein Spitzenbild ist diese Kronen-Collage geworden! Ich bewundere deinen Fleiß, du musst eine unglaubliche Energie haben! LG Ulrike

  32. Love your digital collage, Valerie and the photo collage is great. Have a wonderful upcoming weekend.

  33. Hi Valerie, Your collages are wonderful. I like the angel heads. Enjoy your weekend,

  34. I love the collage and especially the figure with the crown. You leaves there are so beautiful!


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