Saturday 14 November 2015

Autumn face

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend is going well.

I am still in shock after the awful happenings in Paris, and
my thoughts are with all who lost loved ones
and those who are struggling for their lives in hospital.

For Art Journal Journey, inspired by the colours of autumn, 99 faces, and 
Kim Dellow's Show your face I made an A3 mixed media page. The background was painted with acrylics in warm colours and then stamped. I drew the face with black ink, and added some of my natural leaves embossed with Utee gold. I sprinkled a few golden stars  down one side.

Today we had a lovely sunrise, but after that it was mostly cold, grey and windy.

Have a good day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Finally got here Valerie and I'm in shock too. Your tribute is really lovely and your face art just gorgeous. Great photos too.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
    Fliss xx

  2. Hi Val, lovely post and a great tribute to Paris, thanks! Hugs, Sarah

  3. I am so sad for the people who were hurt in France.

    Your art is lovely, I love how you've incorporated the leaves.

  4. I agree with you about the happenings in Paris. It is awful. And it makes you angry. My heart goes out to those people who were innocent victims. And I love you face and how you painted those leaves and used them for their hair. A real woodland nymph for sure. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  5. She is an Autumnal Goddess! The colours are glowing so beautifully.
    Valerie, I cannot comprehend what has happened. A rising death toll and with so many gravely injured, it is imaginable the nightmare for so many people, too many people.

  6. Love your Paris image, it has put a damper on things. Beautiful face and a spectacular sunrise

  7. Adorable creation and love the face and colours chosen. A very sad day and it has rolled into morning here with no result to the tragic situation,,, we need peace on Earth.xxxx
     { aNNie}

  8. What a remarkable and fitting tribute to the people of Paris. I am also still struggling to understand the reason behind this senseless act.

    I especially like the stars you used with the face. It really set her apart and gave so much added texture. The leaves for her hair are brilliant, of course, but the stars are what I was drawn to.

    Your photos of today were lovely. The trees near your home seem to be quickly shedding their leaves, but the ones on your walk are still in full autumn coloring. Lovely art and photos, as always, dear.

  9. oh ja es ist so schrecklich was in paris passiert ist,mein mitgefühl ist bei den familien.
    dein herbstgesicht ist sehr schön.
    einen schönen tag dir.

    hugs jenny

  10. Deine digitale Arbeit zu diesem unfassbar traurigen Ereignis drückt alles aus Valerie!
    Das Gesicht mit den echten Blättern ist einzigartig schön.... ganz besonders schön!
    Hoffentlich ist der heutige Tag schöner bei Dir, denn bei uns regnet es und ist trüb und novemberlich.

  11. I just read your question about my book covers. To date, I haven't had any buckling, at least not the type you associate with book pages. These covers are thick, and take a lot of abuse. I'm working on a mixed media piece right now that has lots of collaged papers, glaze, and paint. I've not had any buckling with it, or if I have, it's because of the paper backing on the cover which is covered over with various book pages and glue. I guess the main buckling occurs on the paper part of the cover when I try to paint directly on the cover, rather than gluing a background onto it. Thanks for asking.

  12. I think the whole world is in shock over what happened in Paris....
    Your face looks stunning, love those amazing gold embossed leaves surrounding her! I have only ever done that with clear UTEE but it makes them look a bit plasticy, this is a great alternative!

  13. The happenings in Paris will be with us for a very long time it is all so sad and beyond comprehension for most of us.

    Your page is so beautiful with the Autumn colours and the face with leafy hair.

    Glad that you saw a sunrise we have rain and then more rain so only clouds to great us this morning. Lovely wall and bird photos

    Take care

    Love Chrissie xx

  14. A stunning face, love how you used the leaves in her hair.
    It is a fitting tribute to what has happened in Paris, I think the shock has been echoed round the world.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Wow Valerie, love your gold embossed leaves!! Gorgeous photos today and nice tribute to Paris. hugs :)

  16. Wow, a stunning mixed media project, Valerie, the leaves are so beautiful. Lovely autumnal photos too.

    Love and hugs

  17. Brilliant, stunning creation, love the vivid colors. Thank you for the additional lovely photos as well. Love the fall colors.
    Take care!

  18. What a beautiful page, I love those golden leaves!

  19. Valerie, our hearts are broken for Paris and the horrible act of violence. We lift our prayers for all.
    Love your gorgeous work and the walking pics are always a delight to see.

  20. I am, like you, so shocked that something so terrible has happened in Paris. It has affected so many people! It just doesn't make sense and makes me feel so sad!
    I love your leafy lady and your photos are fabulous as usual! Chrisx

  21. your autumn face is beautiful and such a touching tribute to Paris; it is like a prayer.

  22. Shocked and saddened by the pain and loss for our fellow citizens across the globe- when will it all end? Your pieces you have created for Paris, are beautiful -thank you!

    On to your page, those gold leaves are out of this world beautiful!! I love them! xo

  23. Beautiful page, love your face and the gold leaves. It's so awful what has happened in Paris (and other countries along with the plane that was bombed). Praying for world peace. xx

  24. Your Paris tribute page is beautiful and I love the autumn face ♥ The weekend was truly beautiful here but today is wet , wind and chilly . I think our beautiful warm days are numbered if not over .


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