Monday 9 November 2015

Face first into the new week.

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good, and wish you all a good
start in the new week.

I have 2 pieces to show today.  The first is a hybrid piece using a face which was created by a serendipitous accident. I wanted to print one of my older faces onto tissue to put into a journal page, and then the tissue and the backing paper it was on got caught in the printer. I managed to pull it out, but it was wrinkled like a concertina, and then I saw that the face had changed completely, and I think for the better. I smoothed it out without taking away the folds and took a photo, which I then scanned into the computer and have used here. The background is one of my paintings. I digitally added the face and the moon - another of my photos, here coloured purple. The window and David are from Algeradesigns and the winged angel is a freebie from Itkupilli. I had fun saving this face and re-creating it to a new one, which I am linking to 99 faces and to Kim Dellow's Show your face.
This is face number 2, just 97 to go!

My blogging friend Teresa  does a post every Sunday called 'Sunday's little Blessings', and she posts sentiments and/or beautiful little drawings which she generously gives as freebies. In this journal page for Art Journal Journey, inspired by autumn colours, I used one of  her lovely word arts, so this is a big 'Thank you' to dear Teresa of Tickle Expressions.
The background is a brush-wipe page with several layers of colour scratched on with my scratchy brushes and stamped into the top layer while it was still wet. I added Teresa's sentiment, my moon and the silhouette with the herons. The birds are from Itkupilli, as is the golden crown.
I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, crowns.

The new railing to stop us falling into the Rhine is finished at last, and now we can walk the whole stretch again without let or hindrance, and the benches are back. It was even warm enough this weekend to sit on them.

I must admit I prefer the old and rather rusty railings round the castle ruins.

The flower shop is wonderful whatever the time of year:

I had a bad night again and was awake very early, but such lovely skies really make up for it:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I agree. The folded face takes on a great dreamy texture. I am glad for once someone had a jam in the printer and it was actually for good.! And your heron/bird piece is very rich looking. I love that scratched in background texture! I think the heron is one of the kings of bird for sure! Hope your week starts off in a good way! Hugs!

  2. The wrinkles add a unique and lovely touch to the page. A lovely quote and great texture in the second piece. Wishing you a better night tonight.

  3. Beautiful pages love the wrinkles which added so much texture and interest...wonderful colours.xx { aNNie}

  4. What a happy accident with the printer! I do enjoy the wrinkles in the face and now you have this digit to use for numerous projects! Awesome sauce! Your second design is beautiful as well. Fantabulous!

  5. Love both pieces, the 'pleated' face and the lovely journal page, as well as the great photos. The railings look much higher than they used to be. Have a good day, hugs, Sarah

  6. I actually like this better, and this face has more character, I believe.

    White painted metal and rust. Be still my beating heart! Gorgeous autumn inspired photos today.

  7. I love your happy "accident" portrait, and the photographic tour is truly amazing. Blessings!
    PS - I'm sorry you were frightened by my spider, which I thought was a magnificent creature.

  8. Was für ein tolles portraits,wunderschön sieht das aus.
    deine seite ist auch klasse und die schönen bilder wieder heute.
    wünsch dir eine schöne neue woche.

    hugs jenny

  9. Love the 'happy accident' with the beautiful face and the autumnal colours on the journal page look stunning with the black silhouettes of the birds.
    Gorgeous photos of your walks and the early morning sky is beautiful.
    Avril xx

  10. Dylan Thomas said that in his 'dark art' of poetry, his best work came from accidents. I would say your clever adaption of a situation was ingenious rather than an accident :)

    The second one is mysteriously Regal!

    The photographs are, as always, a delight - thanks for sharing.

  11. The face page is wonderful Valerie and such a happy accident that the paper got stuck as it does add something different to the print.

    Love the Autumn colours page with your wonderful heron photograph in silhouette. So good that you have so many of your images to call upon for special pages.

    Love the photographs with the Autumn scenes. Not sure about the new railing beside the Rhine--they don't add to its charm at all. The path is still amazing though.

    Have a good day will email later-hopefully

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. Nobody seems to like the new railing,and the powers that be wasted half a million Euro on it!

  12. Beautiful autumn photographs. And that face, goodness me, it has taken on such a fabulous, haunting quality, what an amazing accident.

  13. Stunning pages, the first one is dreamy and the second one is lush.
    xxx Hazel.

  14. WOW! Such a wonderful accident! I love how you were bale to see what would come next after the page got stuck! Beautiful first page Valerie! xo

    ps Rileys appreciates and returns the hug! ")

  15. Hi Val, hope you are well. I can only reiterate what everyone else has said, great accident. As always I love your photos. Lovely autumn colours :) T x

  16. Manchmal ist es richtig gut, wenn etwas schiefgeht... hier sieht es toll aus! LG Ulrike

  17. Wofür Mißgeschicke manchmal gut sind, nicht wahr? Zwei wunderbare Seiten zeigst du heute. Sie haben jede für sich einen ganz eigenen Ausgruck und sie gefallen mir alle beide sehr gut!
    Eine gute Woche für dich, liebe Valerie!
    Gruß, Annette

  18. Your pages are gorgeous, love the top one with the 'wrinkled' altered face, it's very mysterious and the second has wonderful textures and colour... beautiful and so are the photos. I wish I could take your walks :) Enjoy the rest of the day xx

  19. What beautiful art work you have to share with us. LOVE the "mistake" printer is not so friendly....LOL
    As always your photos draw me in and want to join you on your walks.

  20. Shame on me! Ich bin heute morgen wohl von allen guten Geistern verlassen gewesen, was? Was hab ich hier versäumt! Zwei genial schöne Arbeiten Valerie und wunderbare Aufnahmen sind das - ich muss zugeben, dass mir die neuen Geländer auch sehr gut gefallen...


  21. Sometimes little mishaps turn out for the best. The magical effect on your page today is a winner; I love it! Sorry you didn't sleep well. The early morning photo is spectacular as are the late autumn ones. It warmed up so we have rain today, not snow.
    Hugs and sweet dreams tonight.

  22. I could just step into those photographs and take a lovely autumn walk.
    And I love your pieces, especially the one with the herons. And the sentiment....perfect.
    Have a day as lovely as you are, Val.

  23. That "wrinkled" face in the background of your first page is hauntingly beautiful.

    I love the scratchy paint strokes in your 2nd page. Thanks so much for the lovely shout-out. I'm so glad you were able to use my sentiment.


  24. I love the results of your "happy accident"! Your cranes with crowns are also brilliant! Good to see the railings are finished and that you can sit on the benches again! It has been raining and so dark here all day so it was especially good to see your photos. Hugs, Chrisx

  25. Your face painting is sheer magic and all your additions to it are complete genius. This is a top class piece.
    Did you say "Oh dear, that's unfortunate" when your paper got caught in the printer?
    I'm glad the railings are complete and now I can lean on them to admire the Rhine on my favourite virtual walk.

    1. No, I said 'What the f*ck!' and a few other choice words, but after I had seen the results I forgave my printer!

  26. Today's pages are definitely unique and very beautiful. Love how the happy accident with the printer turned out. Great photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  27. Hi Valerie, you created a masterpiece from a little mishap. Love how this takes on a special style. The colors are wonderful too. Awesome walking pics too.
    Have a great week. xo

  28. Isn't it wonderful when an accident turns into something special...your purple artwork is gorgeous and very atmospheric.
    Fabulous journal page too - great textures on background makes it look like fabric.

    How useful that the design of the new railings allows people to climb over them easily should they wish too - Such a shame these things are necessary and spoil the view.

    Sorry to hear about the bad night sleep... one morning about 5.30am a day or so ago there was a lovely view of the moon, venus, mars and jupiter all in a line..I couldn't quite see Mars though. Skies here seem much redder lately in the early morning. Love your photos.

    Have a great day Valerie
    ... Gill x

  29. Yes, those folds did make that face more interesting I think too. I love those beautiful cranes too.


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