Friday 20 November 2015

This and that on Saturday

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a better weekend than the last one,
and peace and safety for all.

For Art Journal Journey, inspired by the colours of autumn, and 99 faces I have an A3 mixed media journal page

The centre part is a hybrid work using a face I drew layered over a patchwork background and an old letter. The autumn leaves and butterfly are digital additions. I pasted it onto a gessoed background, framed it with a broad marker, added a TH die-cut tree and the quote.

The water in the Rhine is still low:

Ships are only allowed to move half loads:

The leaves are almost gone:

But on the meadows the rape seed is blossoming in the middle of November.  We are expecting very cold weather from the north now, so it looks like we're moving from spring to winter.

The fire-brigade boat:

A beautiful and rusty hand rail:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. A lovely layered piece today, nice leaf quote. Yes the river is low.

  2. Love your butterfly page, so pretty, great photos too. Off to bed here now! Hugs, Sarah

  3. liebe deine butterfly seite,ohja sehr schön gemacht.
    danke für die bilder vom rhein,bei uns sieht es ganz ähnlich aus.
    schönen abend dir noch.

    hugs jenny

  4. Golly, Valerie, it's barely suppertime here, and yo are already celebrating Saturday. The mixed media beauty you created is wonderful. I was really impressed with the leaves that worked their way around and through the piece. I could barely believe it was digitally added. You make it all look so effortless and unique.

    What amazing photos today. I was surprised the Rhine was so low. I thought you had gotten a lot of rain and snow, but I guess that was further north. LOVED the rusty railing. You sure know what makes my heart go pitter patter.

    Have a lovely Saturday, dear.

  5. I forgot to mention that Mali was just hit with terrorists, this time from suspected Al Qaeda, so it's shaping up to be another sad weekend for more than a few people.

  6. Your art in the fall colors is really gorgeous. The digital part adds to what was beautiful already. I love seeing Europe in autumn via your spectacular photos. I've never seen photos of the Rhine so low.

  7. I love those eyes seem to be peering out from behind the natural materials. You've been creating some great woodland nymphs lately. And more great photos today. Those flowers almost look like spring is here! Enjoy your day!

  8. You know these colours are so appealing and beautiful one never gets tired of seeing what you create...beautiful everything.xx
     { aNNie}

  9. A wonderful page Valerie with such a beautiful quote. Not many leaves left on the trees here after the gales but the paths are carpeted with Autumn colours.

    Wonderful photographs yet again and a stand out one for me which I just had to save. It is the one with the steps and the curl at the end of the railing. Suc wonderful angles and shapes you find.

    Have a good day-we have snow forecast

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. My fave photo, too. I love those steps and the rail.

  10. Großartig ist Deine hybride Spielerei .. fantastisch und auch die Fotos sind ein Traum.. Der rostige Treppenaufgang ist ein Hit! Na es fühlt sich wirklich wie Winter nach Frühling an ... Du hast recht!
    Einen schönen Samstag Liebes!

  11. Beautiful piece today, the ribbon around the tree is a wonderful touch. Love your photos, looks like our seasons seem to be pretty close together. Our leaves are all gone as well. I'm looking forward to the first snowfall. hugs :)

  12. Hiya Valerie hope all well with you :)
    I love your gorgeous AJJ artwork - beautiful face and really warming and cheerful colours on such a cold day here.
    Fabulous photos too - is the low river unusual or usual for the time of year?
    Have a lovely weekend ........... Gil xx

    1. Unusual, we mostly have more rain in November!

  13. Marvelous hybrid art page and a lovely face that you drew.

  14. yes, wishing you a better weekend than the last one!
    lovely art and the flowers you still have! love that spiral of the railing photo!

  15. Good Evening Valerie. I just love the colours you have used to create this beautiful page. Winters on its way with you as well. We are forecast Snow and Ice for tomorrow. Hugs Rita xxxx

  16. Hi Valerie! What a fabulous page, the background is stunning and the colours are perfect. Now I am going to look at the previous faces.
    Great photos as always.
    Hugs, Mar

  17. I love how you've merged so many separate elements so beautifully. Just lovely! I especially love the rail photograph and the tree below it. The colors correspond with your art and are wonderful!

  18. This is an awesome page, love the face merged into the background. Wonderful photos as well, we had a covering of snow today, didn't last thank goodness.
    Yvonne xx

  19. I would like to have a butterfly for a nose, instead of my prominent proboscus. Ha. Wouldn't miss that river fire boat cruising along would you, reddest of red. Lovely well used handrail. xox

  20. The art is very interesting today ♥ Love all of the photos but the rusty rail is of course my favorite. The temperatures have dipped here and the snow was blowing this morning. It didn't stick but it won't be long before it does I'm sure.

  21. Hi Valerie, Beautiful art piece you've created. The face fading into the background is so interesting.
    Love your photos as always. Wow the Rhine is very low.
    Have a great rest of the weekend. xo

  22. W-O -W!! Your face is just brilliant! Love the photos - I think we must have had all your rain as the field across from the caravan is like a lake! !Chrisx

  23. Just stunning! Is that your own quote? I love it and it fits so beautifully with your page! Love how you layer Valerie! hugs


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