Thursday 26 November 2015

Autumn has almost blown over

Hi Everybody!

The week has disappeared in a flash, Autumn has lost all of its leaves and colours, and winter is greeting us with its cold blast.

For Paint Party Friday, and Art Journal Journey, inspired by autumn colours, I made an A3 mixed media journal page. The background of the middle part is a sunset photo taken here at the Rhine. I used my photo of the night watchman that I took in Kettwig, and here he is doing his rounds and checking that the stone lion (Dezinaworld) is feeling well. The clock is from Purely vintage designs. I think the quote is very suitable for the end of Autumn. I painted the surrounds with acrylics using matching colours and my scratchy brush.

Last Sunday I took more photos of the shop windows here, and I love the surreal feel of the views of the interiors and houses opposite at the same time.

My fave windows here show a shop which is having a sale before rebuilding, I love the dummies wrapped in brown paper. They ususally have a very staid and old fashioned window decoration, so I was happy to see this one.

This is the 'Conditorei', a baker and confectioner with a café, where you can buy wonderful cakes, biscuits bread etc:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love the End of Autumn page Valerie, not many leaves left on the trees here.
    Wonderful shop window photos - the cake shop looks yummy!
    Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

  2. That page certainly speaks of the end of something! Fantastic reflections in all those pretty shop windows. Paper dresses, candles, festive reds and look like a good bookstore. xox

  3. Gorgeous page. Thanks for taking me window shopping again. hugs, Teresa

  4. It's wonderful how you use your photos in your orginal page pieces and the photos are art in themselves as I always tell you!

  5. I can relate to your sentiment today, since we are under a severe ice storm watch until Saturday night (my time). I hope your weather is nicer than mine.

    I dearly LOVE the photos you took with the houses in the background. I can't seem to get that with my digital camera, although I used to be able to with my old Nikon SLR. Maybe it's the light. I truly love those photos, and yes, they are a bit surreal. I also liked the mannequins wrapped in brown paper. Great shots.

  6. Wonderful journal page, love the photo you chose as background, and how you assembled all the other parts in t. Very clever, And your photos are fantastic again, I love how you see the world. Hugs, Sarah

  7. Valery this is a terrific end of autumn page. It is rich in color and design. Your photos again take us on an unexpected trip. I love all these shops and who ever did the brown paper on the manikins did a great job.

  8. Love the photos of all the shops. Those manikins look awesome. Love your autumn page.

  9. I always enjoy my virtual tours with you. Happy PPF!

  10. Eine stimmig schöne Seite heute Valerie und der Schaufensterbummel macht richtig Spaß mit Deinen effektvollen und künstlerischen Fotos!
    Happy FRIDAY Sweetie!

  11. eine tolle seite und der schaufensterbummel hat mir spass gemacht.
    #wünsch dir ein schönes we.

    hugs jenny

  12. Happy Winter ... we are still waiting where we are. Yes, the paper wrapped mannequins are fun indeed!

  13. Lovely creation and super colour combination...
     { aNNie}

  14. What a great end of autumn journal page - it's so creative how you collage all the parts together. I always enjoy seeing the sights of your town and love the brown paper wrapped mannequins - is that to spare their modesty while they wait for the newest season's fashions!?

  15. Lovely almost mystic journal page! Wonderful window shopping fun!

    Hugs Giggles

  16. Amazing page Valerie with wonderful words to think about.

    What amazing photographs of the shop windows with all the different wares. Just love all of them

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  17. I'd love a browse round those shops. We're having a German Christmas market this year in the city centre so I can't wait to visit that. I also found a little tea shop run by a German lady, her speciality is waffles. I had cherries on mine and it made me think of you. It was absolutely scrumptious! Xx

    1. I love waffles with hot cherries and cream, my fave!

  18. Oh, I love once again your vivid colors! Have a nice weekend!

  19. deine seite bringt die Herbstfarben nochmal total schön rüber! ja, jetzt winter, und dann ganz schnell frühling! ;)
    die Doppelbilder durch die Schaufensterscheiben sind klasse! hab ein schönes WE!

  20. Wonderful page, I love the light in it, and how you put together all those elements. Great photos, the reflections of the beautiful buildings mixed together with the shop windows create great layers. I'd love to go into that Conditorei right now for a nice cup of tea and a slice of cake. Can't beat German cakes. Torte, to be precise. There doesn't seem to exist an appropriate word in English for a proper Torte.

    1. Yes, in English a proper 'Torte' is a 'Gateau'!!!

  21. Awesome journal page Valerie... glorious sumptuous colours - the night watchmen is fabulous!
    Really enjoyed window shopping today too - wonderful shops.
    Gill xx

  22. your journal page is so striking-love the flashy yellow and orange! Thanks so much too for those beautiful window shop photos!

  23. Beautiful art today Valerie and I love all the window display photos. happy weekend, hugs :)

  24. Wonderful autumn color artwork Valerie

  25. Die Schaufensterfotos sind dir großartig gelungen! Mir gefällt das mit der Schaufensterpuppe im blauen Himmel besonders gut! Liebe Grüße von Ulrike

  26. Such a beautiful piece you have made with the different elements. The e. e. cummings quote is "right on". Autumn had flown by here for sure and winter is nosing its way in. I am not a cold weather person so I always hope that winter will be mild. Your photos always bring back such fond memories of my trips to Germany with the reminder of how young our America is.

  27. Love your fantastic autumn page, and I like the background photo, a clever idea. Today the photos are super, Valerie!
    Hugs, Mar

  28. Love today's post Valerie. The journal page is wonderfully colorful and atmospheric! The shop windows are such fun! I wonder how much it costs for a paper dress!?

  29. As always, your photography is so striking and beautiful--and I love your piece about Autumn. Those words, the accompanying art--fill my eyes and heart to the brim.

  30. I love your page using the photo image of the night watchman. fabulous piece and a super quote. The shop window photos are brilliant. super contents and reflections in them all.
    Yvonne xx

  31. I hope that ax isn't going down on the poor lion's head. Beautiful piece today. You seem very inspired by your digital and mixed pieces lately! How fun is that! And I love the shop windows. How fun to see them in their holiday mood and also full of all those items.

  32. What a great page- looks like a poster for a movie!
    Are those dresses made of brown paper? how fun!
    hugs xo

  33. Love all the shop long as those "brown paper dresses" are not new styles!

  34. Autumn, must it end? Your journal pages this month have been so colorful using autumn as the theme. Today, your window reflection photos are superb. I love the way you capture the reflections in your photos. I had to chuckle at the paper dresses, what a hoot and such a great idea. Have a wonderful weekend.

  35. This is amazing Val, I love the light in your piece, and the photographs are fab xx

  36. An interesting way to include your photograph in the collage.

    It is definitely feeling like winter hear even though it I still fall. We have snow and even had an indoor day at school because the windchill was so cold.

    it was fun to see the buildings and the window displays.

  37. You did it again - gave us sun for our shorter and shorter days.
    I really like what I see in your photos - idyllic place for humans to live. Steel and glass are so cold to look at. Why can't they build nice looking buildings like yours whatever material is behind beautiful street side....
    Storms are gone for today - it's almost sunny right now!
    Have a good week ahead!

  38. Lovely autumn composition. The colors carry the glow of autumn even if winter is upon.
    The shop photos are terrific and I love the image upon image look very much.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  39. spooky - he reminds me of the grim reaper ....
    Sandy xx

  40. Love how you created this page! Those shop windows look so interesting and I love the reflections too! Chrisx


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