Saturday 21 November 2015

A face and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend is going well.

For Art Journal Journey, inspired by autumn colours, and 99 faces I have an A4 journal page. I found a pile of old papers, which I used as backgrounds for faces. This one has been made minimalist, reduced to the bare essentials, and with a limited colour palette. I added colour with water colours and lots of 'random' stamping, the stamps used are from LaBlanche.

Some photos of my wintry walk today - the temps are falling fast!

I have been watching this tree stump rot and crumble for a couple of years now - it is covered with fungi and drilled full of holes - looks like an insect hotel. It's fascinating to watch how it is being reclaimed by nature.

The birds on the balcony are happily feeling again; the tits think they are the owners of my balcony and try to chase all the other birds away, however big they are!

Have a good Sunday, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your journal page - colours and face especially. Wonderful photos as well.

  2. Love the eyes on your page, Valerie. The silhouette of the bird is simply grand. big hugs, Donna

  3. Awesome sauce face V! Her eyes are a mesmerizing yellow-green, gorgeous! Wonderful use of those stamps and papers, very clever way to Upcycle and use what you have. Looks like your weather is changing the scenery. That stump is fascinating! Have an amazing weekend! Hugz. ~Niki

  4. Wonderful face, you know who she reminds me of!?! Great photos as always, hugs, Sarah

  5. ganz toll,ich geh jetzt ins bett, bin müde.
    schönen sonntag.

    hugs jenny

  6. Lovely page with neutral colours! It's cold here tonight too!

  7. I was reading a blog I'd never been to before a day or so ago, and the artist mentioned those LaBlanche stamps, too. I'd never heard of them before, but they are gorgeous. They certainly compliment your lovely face.

    Isn't nature wonderful? I like how you are drawn to the rotting tree. These things always fascinate me, too. Sort of like rust, they find their natural element in the end.

    Great photos and wonderful art today, dear. Have a wonderful Sunday watching the birds in the warmth of your home (I hope).

    1. Her stamps are good, and feather light and easy to use, and would be easy to hold for you.

  8. Wonderful and amazing project and photos again today.xx
     { aNNie}

  9. Fabelhat ist daas Gesicht auf dem schönen Hintergrund und perfekt mit den Stempelchen ...
    Die Fotos sind auch so toll... es ist wunderbar und beruhigend zu sehen, wie die Natur alles verwertet und aus allem NEUES entsteht auf eine einzigartige Weise!
    Sei lieb gegrüßt und hab einen schönen Sonmtag Liebes!

  10. Hello Little birds-so pleased they have your balcony and know they can be fed.

    What an amazing page today and I will never stop marveling at the way you create a face with such beauty and with so few lines of drawing

    Hope you have a wonderful day-we have a covering of snow and it looks very cold outside

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. A fun face on a great background! Beautiful photos too!

  12. I love your page. Your page show a wonderful autumn day.

  13. A beautiful face, I love how you've placed the birds at the bottom. Definitely wintry here, we have snow! enjoy your Sunday. Xx

  14. This page really is beautiful! I love random stamping! Love all the photos today, especially the rotting stump and the birds - I can't believe how much the birds here have eaten since yesterday! Chrisx

  15. A very beautiful face with the few lines, she has a secret sort of smile. Lovely photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Great piece today Valerie, love all the background stamping! Love the photos, temps are dropping here very quickly as well. I don't own a winter coat or boots, so I'm stuck inside until I have a chance to go purchase one. Happy Sunday :)

  17. Eine sehr schöne Journalseite! Mir gefällt dieses zarte Gesicht mit den grünen Augen sehr. So wenige Linien und Kurven und es entsteht ein wunderbares, ausdrucksstarkes Gesicht! Toll gezeichnet!
    Einen schönen Sonntag für dich!
    Liebe Grüße,Annette

  18. Lovely page and goegeous photos!Germany is magical!

  19. Love the subtle colors and all of the textures in today's art :) The photos are beautiful and that decaying log is fascinating. We have several fallen tress that we are watching the process of nature reclaiming them too.

  20. Gorgeous face with a fabulous background stamping. Love the colour palette you used. Great photos as well. Hugs, Mar

  21. A wonderful minimalistic page, Valerie, her eyes are so expressive and the stamped background is very beautiful. Great use of the old papers. Lovely autumnal photos. Hope you're having a lovely Sunday evening!

    Love and hugs

  22. Love your lady today. I love your background too. They work so well together. And great to see your birds at the feeder again, you haven't shown any of those for quite awhile. That silhouette of the crow is amazing.

  23. I love her! Great eyes and of course I love her big hair! :-) Is that a nuthatch that I see on the soot bag in one of the photos? Happy Sunday to you as well.

    1. No, it's a tit, they 'own' my balcony and spend a lot of time here!

  24. I love the texture in the background, the sweet birds and what intensity you have captured in the eyes of your lovely face.

  25. Tolle Journalseite mit den vielen Stempelchen! ...und meine Vögel sind auch alle wieder da, kaum dass es jetzt kalt geworden ist, gestern kam sogar eine Tannenmeise!.
    Ich bin ein wenig hinterher, weil ich einen Tag ohne Internet war... LG Ulrike

  26. Fabulous post Valerie - awesome journal page. Gorgeous warm colours and so much to look at.. Love the birds it all!.
    The rotting stump is great - we have a few small pieces of branches like that in our garden and it is fascinating to see the insect life and the birds that attracts too.
    Gill xx

  27. Beautiful face on your journal page Valerie. The colors are so rich and warm. Lovely wintry walking pics too. Have a great week xo

  28. She is a beauty and your photos are just wonderful- I especially love the berries and the one of the street with one car- this? I don;t know why-I just do! heehee Hugs for you ")


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