Saturday 27 January 2024

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Oh, what a day. Stress and appointments, visiting, shopping, and a fight with a new notebook which would not let itself be installed - I am all in!

After this post it will be bath, bed and a good book - my way to get back to normal!

Today I have another piece for Erika's challenge, 'It's on the calendar' at AJJ, and once again a page in my re-used calendar. I made a background with painted scribble roses and added a postcard from my collection:

I love the drawings from David Zinn:

And I was here again, too:

Some more funnies and thinkies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh the blue on your latest page is gorgeous Valerie. It's quite striking against the black, and that's a great quote and postcard too. Thank you once again. I've enjoyed all your pieces. I still love this black background calendar. And I can see why you love David Zinn's work too. I hope you get lots of R&R this weekend and have a great weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, glad you liked my page. Yes, David Zinn is good! I was out with Heike and, now it's feet up time! Enjoy your weekend, hugs!

  2. Your page is striking beautiful VJ.
    Thanks for introducing David Zinn. Awesome art works!
    Enjoyed all your funny ones.

  3. Painted scribble roses - now there’s a varietal I had not known before, but very lovely I must say. I expect they have a wide range of inflorescence too, some quite orderly and others flinging themselves around in wild abandon. I might even create some myself and I bet that I could produce a beautiful display in no time at all. I am sure you enjoyed your bath after a busy and stressful day. I can’t even remember the last time I took a bath. I am the very model of the quick shower devotee. Get wet, soap up, rinse off - done! David Zinn is very talented and lots of fun. Miriam follows him on Facebook so I get to see his creations regularly. The world is in great need of more David Zinns to add joy and whimsicality to our lives. I wonder if he is a bath or shower type? Maybe both. The weekend has now arrived, Valerie, and I hope that you and Heike will be getting together to nosh and natter. Giant hugs and big kisses for each of you - David.

    1. Mostly I do the quick hop-in, hop-out shower🚿, too, but once a week I enjoy a lovely, hot 🛁 bath. I was out with Heike, it's very cold and frosty but with glorious sun. We warmed up with ☕ coffee and cocoa at one restaurant and then in a second one for chicken, chips and Tzatziki. Yummy 😋. Now I am resting at home 🏡 Happy weekend, BIG hugs xxxxxxx

  4. Hysterical- morons and the one about stupid... I wish I could copy them to share with fiends... Anyway love your painted scribble roses and sense of humor. Glad you found a way to deal with the stress!!

    1. Glad you liked the funnies, morons is my fave!

  5. Hi Val, happy Saturday. I was out shopping with the Teenies, expensive! Enjoy a great weekend 💖! Hugs from us all, Sarah

  6. I just love what you're doing with the old calendars. Very impressive and so much fun with that perfect sentiment about a garden too. Enjoy your weekend and that good book.

    1. Thanks Carol, I am having fun with this calendar. Have a lovely weekend!

  7. The blue background and white roses are so pretty. I think I would spend a lot of time and money in your bakery/cafe. Enjoy the weekend.

    1. Thanks! It's always fun to sit, watch and listen! Happy weekend!

  8. Lovely page and good thinkies!

  9. Liebe Valerie,
    das klingt wirklich stressig und nicht sehr erfreulich - ich hoffe, du hast deinen "way to get back to normal" gut geschafft. Deine Seite gefällt mir sehr - Hinter- und Vordergrund in schöner Ergänzung. Und auch deine thinkies/funnies sind wieder sehr ansprechend; am meisten grinsen musste ich über den "Driver is old"-Wagen ;-DDD
    Alles Liebe, Traude

  10. Fabulous journal page and love all the pavement art.I prefer a shower but now and again I really miss a bath as we have a wet room due to hubbys ill health,I did laugh at your notebook problems-I have a desktop computer and when I first got a printer it kepr saying it did not recognise it -I ended up shouting it's right there next to you!!! lol
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol! Yes, computer can sometimes cause more problems than they solve. I must confess that I used some naughty words yesterday evening, and after that I felt better! Enjoy your weekend, hugs!

  11. I love this post. Other than you are done in from the stress of life. I get that way myself. Glad you have a normal regime to go to. I would so love a bath. No bath tub here. I love the funnies and the one that talks about growing a garden. Have a relaxing day.

    1. Thanks Nicole. A sudsy bath once a week really does me good even if I just shower the rest of the time. Stay well, and hope your foot is getting better from day to day. Hugs!

  12. After a stressful start to the weekend take time to relax ...

    I do like the pavement art, and a nice collection of funnies.

    All the best Jan

  13. Amazing and what a gorgeous post this is with this lovely designs and colours ♥

  14. Wunderschön dein Kalenderblatt und all die Witze und Fotos!
    Ruh dich gut aus liebe Valerie
    Schönen Sonntaggruss Elke

    1. Danke liebe Elke. Dir auch einen schönen Sonntag und alles Liebe!

  15. Love your scribbled roses and "can't see your finger" has me LMAO. Hope you can get rested up and de-stressed, xoxo

    1. Thanks, that made me laugh, too! Have a great Sunday, hope you are keeping well. Hugs!

  16. That DOES sound like a stressful, rough day. I'm glad you had time to do the challenge art -- I like this piece a lot. And you found some wonderful funnies and thinkies for us! Thanks for the smiles!

    1. Sometimes I just take on too much, I never learn! Hugs!

    2. Hi Val, lovely post, as always. We had a great weekend, but busy, our in-laws visited us. At least my place got a good clean beforehand! Hugs, Martha

    3. Thanks Martha, I know all about cleaning before visitors come! Hugs!

  17. Bardzo podoba mi się Twoja praca. Poszukam informacji o artyście którego rysunki pokazałaś. Serdecznie życzę dobrego tygodnia:)

  18. I like the black background you used for your garden art. I hope the stress has been relieved {hug}


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