Wednesday 3 January 2024

Thursday / Friday Post.

Hi Everybody!

Hope you have all well and truly arrived in the new year! I still have the feeling that I am not quite here or there, but I'm hoping for the best.

Today I have a tag for Sandie's  'Wings' challenge at Tag Tuesday. If you have a few spare minutes, it would be great if you could join in, too! I have a butterfly tag:

And I have a rather strange A3 piece for Erika's 'It's on the calendar' challenge at AJJ. This isn't a calendar, but it has lots of numbers. Amd if you read what's written round the head of the girl on the top right, it might start to make sense. I was just playing around on the cardboard backing from my block of paper ....

And some Thinkies and Funnies:

I think this one is another fake, there have been other 'murals' exactly here before, but they were all fun!

I am also linking to Nicole's FFO, Gillena's AFFF and  Rain's Thursday Blog, dance.

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful butterfly and quote on our fabulous tag Valerie and I love all the eyes, the eyes have it..that just popped into my head, and did I see you in the mirror? hope you feel better soon, it takes a toll doesn't it..stay safe..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Yes, the eyes have it. And yes I managed to sneak a secret pic of me in the mirror, too funny! Hugs!

  2. Hi Val, nice to see you posting again, I was wondering where you were. Here things have calmedx down since they have all gone home again, I love my family, but I'm alwas happy when the go home! Hugs from us all, Sarah

  3. Thaks Sarah, I am just not up to doing much just now. It can only get better! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Not feeling up to much here either, and I feel I exemplify why they call it the January Blues. Hopefully we'll shake it off sooner rather than later. Do hope you aren't getting the dreadful storms, but I've a sneaky feeling you are too. Hugs Deb

    1. Hi Deb, welcome to the Blues c lub I think in my case it's blacks not blues. Big storms today, the water is rising more and more and many places just can't do more to help- Toda it stormed and rained and my balcony was full of hail stones. Hugs!

  5. Hi Valerie. I am loving your art work today but you must get plenty of rest too. We're having lots of rain here in the UK too. They had to close part of the A1 dual carriage way today because the water had come out of the fields and flooded the road. We have had to take water out of our pond most days or we would have koi swimming in the garden. It is very flat where we live and low too but I have never seen so much water in the 30+ years that we have lived here. Please take care Valerie and wishing you a very Happy New Year. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. I remember flooding in the wet land's of Lincoln when visiting people down the hill, and travelling on the train with water all around. Take care! Hugs!

    2. Wet lands, not land's. My Spellchecker drives me mad!

  6. Lovely art and thinkies Valerie, sorry you are still not quite there yet.

  7. Wonderful art and thinkies Valerie, love the street art of Freddy. Take care.

    1. Thanks Sue. I think the mural is a fake, but it would be nice!

  8. Love your tag.
    So good to see your selfie in the mirror.
    Thanks for the thinkies.

    Hope you feel better soon.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan! Have a great start in the new year. Hugs!

  9. Oh I really like this page, and I think it works just great for a calendar challenge. It reminds me of a friend whose neighbor keep watching her over the fence between apartments. :) And I can just see someone writing down how creepy their neighbor is on their calendar/journal. Thanks for sharing this too. And nice tag and memes too. So far no 2024 issues for me, but I know I'll write the wrong year before I get used to it. I hope you have a great Thursday and Friday. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, sometimes it's fun to do something different. The lady who lives downstairs here has her eyes on everything, I think she knows more about me than I do! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  10. Wow - that pink really pops. I love your page. It's vibrant and fun and all those eyes dotted about keeping watch on all that goes around. It is perfect for Erika's theme.
    Loved all the thinkies/funnies you really do keep finding the best ones.
    Do take care, there is a lot of covid and chesty complaints about.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, glad you like it. The lady who lives downstairs is the 'Eyes' here. Mc Covid has gone but I still have a lot of other unpleasant problems, all because of Covid. I just hope it soon leaves me alone! Hope you are keeping well, hugs!

  11. First of all I must congratulate you on your new header featuring Canada 🇨🇦 Geese wishing everyone a Happy New Year. What taste, Valerie, what refinement. What a marvellous choice. May they fertilize everyone’s lawn with happiness! Now as to your piece with all those eyes staring at me, that is downright spooky. It is bad enough that Miriam has eyes in the back of her head (and in her toes I sometimes think) without having you providing images to give me fits. Bring back the long-necked beauties, I say. Let their tresses flow, let the stars shine in their hair. Then I’ll wish for extra eyes to see them better. The weather here continues to be dismal and totally un-Canadian. So far this winter, other than for an ephemeral dusting or two we have not seen snow. And it’s now January. I want my winter back. See what you can do about it, will you? In the meantime I am sending you hugs and kisses by the million. David

    1. Hi David. this is the 3rd time I tried to start my reply, and this time Nobody has called me on the phone or rung my doorbell again....Yes, those eyes are rather spooky, but I like spooky! I think all women have a radar system and always know what their men are doing or thinking at an given time, so be careful! I thought you would like the geese, I made it specially for you, of course! The weather here is very strange - storms, rain, hail, wind, but mild, and there are floods everywhere. Here it's mostly just fields and the paths along the Rhine, but some places are in danger as the dykes are soaking though and if they burst it's really bad. They are working day and night with sand-sacks but if the rain doesn't stop it will be really, really bad. I have some more faces made especially for you, and I will show one at the weekend! Till then try to be good! BIG hugs! xxxxxxxx

  12. Great tag and I really like all those eyes, I sometimes feel like my eyes have to be fixed on everything just to stay alert. Wishing you better days ahead in 2024.

    1. Thanks Carol, have a lovely day, take care and stay alert! Hugs!

  13. A happy Year 2024 greeting comes to you from Viola... all the best wishes to you.
    Yes, Freddie... who doesn't love him?
    Hug to you.

    1. I wish you and your family all the best for the new year. Be healthy and hzppy! Hugs

  14. Hi Valerie, hoping you feel much better soon-hugs
    Always love your art and great funnies
    Hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. Big hugs! Hope Larry is doing better!

  15. Omygosh, Valerie, the creepy neighbor! haha We have one next door, she's always been nosy, we call her Gladys Kravitz (who was the nosy neighbor on Bewitched tv show). When daughter and son in love visited us for 3 days at Christmas, daughter noticed her peeking out every single time they got in or out of the car in our driveway. LOL XOX

    1. Yes, these people seem to have no life of their own. We have the one who lives downstairs and one on the opposite side of the street. Gladys Kravitz is a good name, too. I will call my two peepers Gladys 1 and Gladys 2! Hugs!

  16. Liebe Valerie, oh ja, so ein Freddie-Mural würde mir auch gefallen! 😊
    Wenn ich von deinen neuesten Werken ausgehe, scheinst du 2024 in eine ziemlich pinke Phase gekommen zu sein. Wie auch immer, ich mag dein Schmetterlingstag und auch dein "rather strange A3 piece" mit den beobachtenden Augen. Was den "dream of peace" betrifft: Möge er 1) nicht nur ein Traum bleiben und 2) sich auch bzw. vor allem dort niederlassen und Auswirkungen zeigen, wo es momentan besonders notwendig ist!
    In diesem Sinne wünsche ich dir von Herzen ein glückliches, gesundes und friedliches Neues Jahr 🍄🍀!
    Alles Liebe, Traude

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Traude. Die Welt ist wirklich in Gefahr. We really need peace.
      I had to use up red paint recently after a tube burst, and so I made things in pink, purple, orange etc. Not my fave colours, but don't like wasting paint!
      Oh jeh, ich habe wieder Deutsch und Englisch gemixt! Es kann nur besser werden! Dir ein gutes neues Jahr und viel Spaß und Freude. Alles Liebe Valerie

  17. Love the beautifultag and butterfly and great journal page with all the eyes,love the new blog header too.Our cats have never knocked thing off shelves but last night me and the daughter crept down after hearing the tv on really loud and both thinking it was hubby,but when he came to bed we both crept down and found the tv on with the oldest cat sat on the remote watching it lol-the remore is now put away when we go to bed lol.
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol, that made me laugh. I wonder if they have a favourite channel? Have a good week, hopefully with no more cat-burglar incidents! Hugs, Valerie

  18. The tag is beautiful and your piece fun. Happy 2024. Hope its wondrous.

  19. Delightful post with your healing pink art. Certainly hope you feel here or there very soon dear friend. Aloha, Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks Cloudia. Pink is a very soothing c olour! I just need this Post Covid to go away and leave me alone!

  20. A pretty tag Valerie. Thank you so much for supporting my theme...xx

    1. Thanks Sandie, wings is a lovely challenge. Hope you are feeling a bit better!

  21. ...Valerie, I hope that your new year will be filled with good health, happiness and peace.

    1. Thanks Tom, I wish you peace, blessings and good music!

  22. This is a fabulous post. I love the tag, the face and eyes are wonderful. The best is that mural of Freddie. That is so cool. Thank you for joining FFO and have a really nice day.

    1. Thanks Nicole. Freddie s always fun. But the best ic for me today was your healed foot, thanks God for that! Hugs, Valerie

  23. Love the butterfly tag. I can't imagine driving in London and seeing such a huge mural on the side. Too distracting.

    1. London is fun, but very chaotic. It's not easy to drive there.

  24. Your Memes today were great, Thank You. And Happy New Year.

    1. PS: Loved the Art with the Eyes.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Today I sat in a cafe and the lady opposite was all eyes, tried to read other people's phones, lööked into their purses when they wanted to take out money. Her head and eyes were continually moving - scary! Glad she doesn't live on our street!!

  25. Fantastic post Valerie.
    Happy New Year. Thanks for linking to The Twelve Days of Christmas. After tomorrow's post , i will take a week off from blogging.


  26. Beautiful art Valerie, and the funnies made me smile.

  27. I hope you soon start to feel 'here' ! Love the tag and those eyes look like an exciting version of an Advent calendar. Hugs, Chrisx


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