Friday 19 January 2024


 Hi Everybody!

It's Friday, almost weekend - have a good one!

For Nicole's FFO I have some faces created with AI:

And I have a piece made for Erika's 'It's on the calendar challenge' at AJJ. Recently Erika said in her post that she was looking forward to spring and green, so I tried to create a spring piece for her, using  stenciling, scribbling and stamping on  an old calendar page:

We got a lot of snow yesterday and in the night, but this morning we had blue skies and sunshine, so I went for a walk through our little town and along the Rhine - wonderful I was totally exausted afterwards, but it was worth it!

My first try at an animation, I don't know how to slow it down - yet!

Here I played around a bit with the night photos:

And I had to visit Café Bolton for a cappuccino on the way home:

And a few funnies / thinkies:

I am also linking to Gillena's AFFF.

Have a great day, take care.
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Those faces are so colourful.

    Lovely photographs from your walk.
    Stay warm and safe.

    All the best Jan

  2. Those are cool faces, but I will say your art journal page is making my heart beat faster. :) I hope my bees are still doing well; it is way too cold to peak into the hive. If they are (or should I say that they are-thinking on the positive side) I know they must be waiting for spring. I'm waiting until I can go into the hive and check them out. And your snowy photos are lovely. I bet it felt great to go out and walk. I went Monday when it wasn't quite so cold. There's cold, and then there's a bit too cold. I hope you have a super Friday and start to your weekend Valerie. hugs-Erika

    1. I keep thinking of your bees and hope they are doing well. Today is icy so I will stay home, I don't want to fall! Hugs!

  3. And I forgot to say thanks for linking up to AJJ. It's much appreciated.

  4. Your faces are amazing! loved all of the photos and funnies-my favorite is the sheep one-smiles and I love your AJJ page with the bees hugs Kathy

    1. Yes, I was thinking about the sheep when I was trying to sleep 💤😴 last night! Hugs!

  5. Good for you with AI art Valerie, really nice pieces. That is a thoughtful page you made for Erika. Enjoyed the photos and thinkies.

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Love your AI art, but I love your own art better! And the page you made for your friend is lovely! We are all off to Leah's today, so that should be fun. Have a lovely day and take care! Hugs from us all, Sarah

  7. OMG luv those funny thinkies especially the creation story. Nice AI faces; and your photos are stunning. Happy you linked to Art For Fun Friday


  8. I can imagine that negotiating the snowy streets with your rollator would be a recipe for frustration, but all credit to you for boldly giving it a shot, Valerie. Winter brings its challenges but it delivers beauty too. The cappuccino doubtless tasted even better than usual having struggled to get to the café. I was wondering about Heike yesterday. How is she doing? You must miss having your pal around. Your faces made with AI no doubt provide a technical challenge for you, but the long-haired beauties you create are much more agreeable. AI is becoming so sophisticated that soon we’ll be hard pressed to know what is real and what is not. I know that I am real. I just pinched myself and it hurt. I can go forward with equanimity! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks so much, David. The snow was mostly crisp and dry, and relatively easy to navigate. But it was so lovely, with blue skies, white snow and no wind, I just had to go out! Heike is still in hospital, I am sad and lonely just now! But I hope she can go home next week! AI is fascinating but scary, very scary, because of all the possibilities which can be misused. Today I am having a rest day, which is also good! Big hugs to you and Miriam! Xxxxxxx

  9. Such wonderful faces and beautiful photos of your part of the world shared today. The walk sounds like such fun too. Enjoy your weekend and take care.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Great colourful faces but very wary of AI-love the Bees on your Spring journal page and the creation funny-Beautiful photos from you walk-freezing/frosty but sunny here thankfully no snow as yet-enjoy the wekend.
    Carol x

    1. Yes, I think AI will make us huge problems. Have a great weekend and hopefully good weather. Hugs

  12. ...I left this message on the wrong post. Thanks for taking me on this beautiful tour, I hope that we can do it again. Take care and stay warm and well.

    1. Thanks Tom, glad you liked the tour. Usually you give the tour with your lovely photos! Hugs!

  13. That face has such impact, Valerie! Wow! I just love it when you take a walk through your town and I'm completely elated that you were feeling strong enough to do that. It looks like quite a walk, too. Your town is so charming. I love the streets, the signs, the walls, all you share. I hope you have a terrific weekend -- and a good rest!

    1. Thanks, I enjoyed it very much, but today I am resting. Hugs!

  14. That last joke made me laugh. Something a stand up comedienne would say. I have never tried AI, but the results are amazing. Love that little town of yours, but it looks deserted.

    1. Thanks! I was out very early as it's easier to take photos when not too many people are about. As our town is very small it's completely full when a handful of people are out!

  15. Ohhhhh your AI is just FABULOU!!!!!! I am pretty hooked on it. I agree that art by our hands is always better but AI is fun and very creative too. Your photos are really nice and your funnies got me laughing. Especially the last one. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks Nicole! That last joke is funny indeed! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  16. Hi Valerie, so much colour today and loving the photos I feel like I was with you for the walk. The funnies are good too, definitely smile worthy! Hope your weekend is full of smiles. Hugs, Angela xxx

  17. Wonderful wintry photos from your walk ~ awesome ~ and great Lol funnies too ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. Was für ein wundervolles Posting liebe Valerie und Fotos mit dem Schnee!
    Hab ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruß Elke

    1. Thanks Elke! Today I am resting. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  19. Lots of goodies today. AI can be fun, can't it. Hope today is a good day for you;)
    Hugs, Sandra

  20. What a fun filled post Valerie, I love the snowy pictures, didn't cool me down but made me happy, I adored the colourful gorgeous faces, and all the jokes I actually read and enjoyed , have an awesome weekend, I'm inbto Saturday morning and just been outside 6.30am to water the veges and it is 25oC [ 80F] already..ugh..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, you've got too much warmth and we're freezing out backsides off - that's life! Have a great weekend and keep cool! Hugs!

  21. Hi Val, lovely art again, great funnies, too. The last one made me laugh so much I got hiccups! Beautiful snow photos in your little town. Have a great weekend, hugs, Martha

    1. Thanks Martha, have a relaxing weekend, keep warm! Hugs!

  22. I am impressed that you use AI in a way that nevertheless reflects your usual style and color sense. Your snow phtotos are lovely.
    best, mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, the snow yesterday was great, I think tomorrow won't be as good. Have a nice weekend!

  23. The walk through your beautiful little town looks wonderful - nothing here comes even close to those charming little streets and buildings. It seesm the Rhein is still pretty high. I like how you utilized the calendar page and made something really beautiful out of it. The funnies are great, too - I especially liked the cat one. Have a good weekend, Valerie, and stay safe.

    1. Thanks, Carola! Kaiserswerth ist wirklich hübsch, ich wohne sehr gern hier. The Rhine ist still etwas hoch aber ganz anders als vorher. Ich sehe ich habe schon wieder Mix & Match mit Deutsch und Englisch gemacht! Dir ein gutes Wochenende und Alles Liebe!

  24. Nothing quite like those winter blue skies i'd love to bottle that colour.. fabulous pics Valerie. Your AI faces are fabulous the colours are so warm something we all need with the chill in the air atm. Great use of the calendar, Spring will be here before we know it and my little garden really needs some TLC.
    Really enjoyed having a read this evening through all those posts that I have missed, I'm glad to see you are recovering from that pesky Covid but still take time to rest lovely lady. Thanks for the funny's The hubby looking through the window really made me chuckle hee hee.. Have a great weekend Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Glad the card found it's way to you .. xx

    1. Your card made me very happy! I feel bad that I didn't reply sooner but Civic really knocked me out, and I am still struggling with fatigue. Some days I still get nothing done. I wish to a good nigjt, take care of yourself! Hugs, Valerie

  25. I'd be stopping for a coffee too, Valerie, after such a beautiful and cold walk. Your AI images are vibrant and colorful. I like your spring calendar page, but it makes me think of organic chemistry, a nemesis of mine ~ lol! all the best to you!

    1. Thanks Louise. Organic chemistry is a fascinating subject! My nemesis at school was geography! Hugs!

  26. Wow! They're awesome- don't like to think what AI can do though. Love the calendar page you made for Erika! Your town is beautiful and it seems to look more beautiful in the snow! Great funnies- loved the wolf and the sheep but it was the last one that really made me laugh! Of course you had to go to Cafe Bolton!!! Hope you have a restful weekend, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Of course I had to go there. There's another cafe, too, but it's almost double the price there, so you see, I am saving money!

  27. I hope you see this comment since I'm so late visiting. High winds knocked my electric out. Nothing worked. Even my heater and hot water heater have electric starts, so the cats and I huddled under blankets until the heat came back on.

    Your AI faces are lovely. Somehow, I am just not into AI. Tried it, but my images didn't come out the way I hoped.

    I love how you used the calendar to welcome spring. This is a great entry for Erika's theme at AJJ.

    Enjoyed seeing photos of your neighborhood filled with snow. And of course, the cat funny was truly funny and TRUE!!

  28. That face blew me away. It is fantastic. I couldn't stop staring at it and it dominated my brain as I scrolled through the rest of your post. Love the two different poses, very clever, it must have taken you ages to do this, I hope you have this mounted and on your wall.
    The journal piece for Erika's theme is delightful and I love the wajy you have the garden growing between the dates on the bottom of the calendar, truly inspired.
    Then we have the walk through your town, what a pretty place it is, so picturesque with its little blanket of snow. Takes me back to the year I was in Dusseldorf and it snowed. It must be a delight to live in such a pretty town - and I noted the name of the coffee shop was my town.
    More great funnies etc - off for another peek but may get waylaid on the portrait to start.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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