Monday 8 January 2024

Monday Post, this and that

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. Here it was grey and cold, so  I stayed home and rested, and it was great to enjoy my coffee in bed, and then doze and read and listen to music. And it was sooo good that I repeated it on Sunday until the early afternoon, sometimes it's good to be old and lazy!

Today I have a piece for Erika's 'it's on the calendar' challenge at AJJ. I found an old invoice from a load of groceries I had delivered some years back, so I played with it with paints, stickers and more.It was from 2014, when I had the operation  for my 'new' knee:

And I have another A3 face painted in pastel colours, similar to the first one but also different....I used a stamp for her eye:

Sorry if I'm not writing much just now, typing is very hard!

Have a good start in the new week, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely pages and thanks for the thinkies Valerie

  2. Beautiful art Valerie, and good to hear you had a restful weekend.

  3. Hi Val, good morning. Your art is great, love both pieces. The altered invoice is fun, and the painting is wonderful, love how this one has a different theme. Really beautiful! Have a great day, take care, hugs from us all, Sarah.

  4. I keep getting that annoying “Fail to publish, please try later” message so this is a test before I set about writing a real comment.

    1. I get that silly message time and time again, I think nobody likes it!

  5. Well that worked, Valerie so here goes with my normal babble. My word you are really having a lazy time, staying in bed till mid afternoon. But it’s your apartment and your bed so you are entitled to do whatever you want! I am not sure how many people I know keep old grocery receipts; I am not sure how many people I know keep any grocery receipts. I am sure that the mind of a craftsperson works in way the rest of us can’t imagine. “Oh, look at that lovely wrapper from the candy. Better save that. Maybe I can use it decades from now. The price tag on my new dress? Priceless. Bound to be a theme later where it will fit perfectly!” Your pastel lady is, of course, alluring. You don’t create them any other way! She too has her eye on art, unsurprisingly enough. I love the quote about being dead or being stupid. I may have to use that one somewhere along the line. There really does seem to be a worldwide glut of truly stupid people. It scares me that they vote. It’s Monday now, so I hope you have emerged from under the covers and are ready to face the world. If you go out and buy something, don’t forget to fold the receipt carefully and save it. You might find a use for it ten years from now. Hugs and kisses for you and Heike - David

    1. Yes, you're right, it's my place and my rules here! I have no idea why I kept that receipt, but I did,and voila! Today it was just what I needed. I'm sure your Miriam collects bits and bobs, too, we never throw away anything which could, might possibly be useful for something or some project at some time- perhaps- in the future. We are always ready! And don't let's start on the theme of clearing out....that is just a waste of time. I'm sure you know the wonderful saying ' work is the curse of the drinking classes'. So I wish you a great week, hugs! Xxxxxxx

  6. So glad you enjoyed a lazy, restful weekend. I did the same thing here. We've earned that right to be lazy. I like what you did with the old invoice, and the painting is lovely as always. The funnies today had me giggling, especially Einstein's quote LOL

  7. That is a super new page, and I love how you used the old 2014 invoice for the background. And I'm really interested in the shape (bottom left) and spots. Is that stenciled. It really does look like split coffee made that person. I'm sure it's just coffee colored paint, but it is a great addition. And your face is super and that is a very clever way to make an eye. I am hoping today I can finally feel up to cleaning off my work table so I can actually start making some art for 2024. It seems like I've been away from my table for too long. And glad you had a relaxing weekend. I 've been relaxing with covid for several days now, and I want to be more active, but my energy only goes so far. Happy new week. And I appreciate your linking up to AJJ again also. Thanks. hugs-Erika

    1. Hi Erika, happy Monday, so glad you enjoyed my page. I had a pool of spilt coffee on my counter, and I used it to colour that stenciled corner of my page! This was fun! And I dipped stamps in it and it worked, too. I am having fun painting these pastel coloured faces, and will paint some more! Hope you are soon feeling better. COVID seems to slow you down, and you need to take your time. I can hardly walk jut now, but hope it will get better! Have a great week, hugs!

  8. That sounds like a wonderful way to spend your weekend -- a very relaxing one. I do love your bold use of (my favorite) colors! It always makes me smile.

    1. Yes, I think I will do this every weekend 💖!

  9. Imagine: Art on a receipt. You take recycling to the limits of imagination. I love that doorbell - dog joke. Pretty clever.

    1. Thanks a lot, sometimes it's fun just to do something different! I always had a huge bed, more than enough space for my dog and kitty, but Scruffy always needed to be on my feet and 🐈 Kitty draped round my head....

  10. Sounds like the perfect weekend to me-did you take inspiration from the cat meme lol ? Love the journal page and great recycling,the things we save -just in case.Love the face with her stamped eye.
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol. Yes, the cat meme was very inspiring, being lazy is one of the perks of being old! Have a great week! Hugs!

  11. Love LOve LOVE the face, especially how you've done the eye, I really do. Agree it's good to sometimes be lazy and January is a good month for it. Hugs, Deb

  12. Thanks Deb, glad you like my face! I have another one finished and perhaps I will do another one or two! Have a wonderful week , hugs!

  13. Happy New Year. I love your creative pieces. Have a great week. Anesha x

  14. Quite alright, Valerie, typing's hard for me today as well. Love the painted face and fun collaged invoice. It's also cold and grey here. Depth of winter. We're supposed to be very cold but sunny tomorrow and I cannot wait to feel the sun again, been too long. Take care, xoxo

    1. Hi Aimeslee, sometimes life's hard, but hey, we need to keep going! I hate this cold weather, my apartment is hot in summer and cold in winter, but apart from that. it's fine! Hugs!

  15. Sounds like a perfect weekend Valerie..too hot here and does not get cold enough to enjoy either..I love your calendar page and the prices, you wouldn't get prices like that any more, love your art and the stamped eye is so effective and clever..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. So true, the prices have more than doubled, but my pension has only been raised by 10% at the most, somehow it makes no sense. Hugs!

  16. What brilliant pieces Valerie, I love your face, and I really like how you spent your weekend. It's so cold here I wouldn't have minded staying indoors too but we got the chance to go for a walk with my son and granddaughter so of course I went lol. Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Okay, a walk with a new granddaughter is good in any weather! Hugs!

  17. Good way to spend the weekend. I spent all day Saturday on airplanes and in airports, starting at 3 AM. Ouch. I’m still tired out, but it was worth it.
    I save receipts and I’m not even a crafter.
    best, mae at

    1. Not my idea of fun anymore, I used to love travelling but not so much these days!

  18. My dear friend you don't need to write much those funnies have made my day! Loving the new face painting too. Sadly the water's not gone down much though we've actually been lucky where we live. We went to see my mum today but had to do an extra 35 miles to get there as the direction we normally use was closed as the area was flooded part of the way and the road closed. I don't know if this will work but it's a video showing the area and someone tried to cross it which was not a good idea xXx

    1. Thanks , Angela, for your understanding and for the video, that's how I remember things in the first year in Lincoln, back in 1965. Glad you found a safe alternative. The sun is shining so I'm off for a walk into 'town'. And yes, although it's so tiny it's been a market town for more than 1000 years! Hugs!

  19. So pleased you enjoyed a restful weekend.
    Lovely art today and I enjoyed the thinkies/funnies.

    Many areas of the UK have been experiencing floods, but we actually had a few snow flurries earlier today and the weather has turned rather chilly. Stay warm during the coming week.

    All the best Jan

  20. Don't like to use the word "always" but art is always inspiring.

    1. Nothing wrong with always. Clear and simple speech is always the best! Hugs

  21. I am always in awe of your artwork. Love all your thikies/funnies. I often have insomnia at night. I then stay in bed until 10AM or later. In my case it is old age.

    Hugs and Blessings

    1. Same here, Jim. Insomnia by night and deep sleep in the morning 🌅! Old age does this to us. But we are lucky, we lived to be old! Hugs!

  22. Your lazy Weekend sound like my Ideal lately and total Bliss.

    1. So true, at my age I deserve to be lazy! Have a great day ❤️!

  23. I love that face! Cool composition :)

  24. Thanks, I'm making a whole series! It's fun!

  25. A super page for Erika's theme at AJJ, I love how you used an old invoice to begin your page. I couldn't quite make out the figure in the bottom left so I decided it was the doctor beginning to use an instrument on your new knee. Great page!
    Great portrait too, Ilove the colours you chose, and the stamp for the eye is true genius!
    Sorry you are still suffering, good to stay in bed though but I think it is something that we all do, of a certain age, even when well and in the winter, I know we are finding we sleep longer in a morning, but then we have become night owls.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  26. Your relaxing weekend sounds ideal to me! I love your journal page. Old receipts often get used in my pages - mainly as backgrounds (stuck on randomly and gessoed) but this one featuring as your background looks really great! Love how you made the eye on your absolutely gorgeous portrait! Great funnies especially the first one! Hugs, Chrisx


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