Wednesday 17 January 2024

Midweek post!

Hi Everybody!

For Pinky's Something new tag challenge at Tag Tuesday I have some fun tags.

I recently told someone I hadn't used my big shot in years, and so I got it out again for one more play. I used an ancient owl die, from Sizzix, and had a happy evening cutting and decorating little owls, which I made into tags, and then grouped together to make some little tag albums! I didn't get to bed till 4 a.m., but who cares!? 

So now I have some nice thank you presents for the nice neighbours who so often help me!

And a few funnies to keep us all happy!

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. Oh my goodness. I think you were super smart Valerie pulling out your old die cutting machine. Those owls are amazing. Why go to bed if you can have such fun-and it looks like you had a lot fun. I hope you don't plan on getting rid of Big Shot, because I think you can have some more fun another time. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Yes, I don't sleep anyway, so a bit of play is good. I am thinking of geting rid of the Big Shot as it is so heavy for me to move. I just hate parting with things!

  2. Such cute tags! Great thinkies too. -Christine

  3. Hi Val, good morning! I love these little tags, they are gorgeous, cute and fun! I hope you got some sleep afterwards! We've got snow ❄️❄️❄️ here, so I'm glad I have a studio day and can stay home. Take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Enjoy your Studio Day and have fun! Hugs to all!

  4. Your owls are adorable, Valerie. Even veteran birders like me have a soft spot for owls, since they are nocturnal and difficult to find. The fact that you stayed up until 4:00 am is entirely appropriate when dealing with creatures of the night. I know where there is a screech owl quite close to here and I haven’t paid a visit in a couple of weeks so I’m overdue. I’ll have to wander over there to see if it’s in its usual spot. The environmental studies students at the University of Waterloo have formed a club called The Society for Ecological Restoration and I will be taking a group of them on a full day’s outing on Saturday. There is a chance for them to see a screech owl that day. I know they will screech with delight if they do. I hope that you are able to quickly get back into a regular sleep pattern after a long night of owling. Best wishes to Heike. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Yes, owls are fun, even when they are only made of paper. Yes, I am becoming a creature of the night - I often can't sleep till the early morning hours, and I suppose making owls is a good way to pass the time. I am sure the club will enjoy going to visit a real owl. Do screech owls screech? I hope you and your Miriam are keeping well and safe in these cold winter days. It snowed all day here. At least snow makes pretty photos.... But I stayed home, I don't want to fall on the ice. Have a great day, take care, hus! xxxxxxx

  5. Love all the fabulous Owlsand I would like to cancel my Winter subscription too -if it was only that easy lol.
    Carol x

  6. Those bowties are really cute and fun to look at. If I had a collar, I would love to wear them. You had fun, that's the main thing.

    1. I am sure you would look good with a bow tie! Hugs!

  7. You must have had a ball. That is some collection. I am a raptor fan so you made my day.
    As usual loved your thinkies/funnies. Read down through all of the posts since I last visited. Loved them all.

    Blessings and hugs.

    1. I love doing little, childish things from time to time! Stay safe and warm! Hugs!

  8. I love your owls! They're so stinkin' cute! I would use them cut out of white paper {or black for metallic paint} and use their chubby little bellies to make colour swatches. Keep warm! Hugs, Deb

    1. Glad you like my owls! Next week I have more time, and I will cut you some owls from white paper, and black, too. You must please send me your post addy, there's a message form in the side panel, it's safe and private. Hugs, Valerie

  9. Bardzo lubię sowy te Twoje są super. Dużo zdrowia życzę:)

  10. Your little owls are so sweet. I thought it was just me that started crafting late at night and then forgot what time it was. I used to work late at night when I was at college and never got out of it even when I was working. Take care and have a great week. hugs, Angela xXx

    1. I love working late at night, it's always quiet and I can concentrate on my work without being disturbed. Have a good rest-week, hugs!

  11. I love the owls' expressions. It sounds like a fun project.

  12. I love that you made presents for your helpers -- and those are just so cute! I love that you stayed up till 4 working on them! That's really being in the zone!

    1. I am happy that some help me when I can't do things myself, and I want to give a little something back. I made a lot of these owls some years back, and everybody loved them!

  13. I love your little owls, they are so cute.
    Many thanks for the funnies.

    All the best Jan

  14. Wonderful owls Valerie, you had fun!

  15. Adorable owls! I still have my original Sizzix Big Red and it's ten times heavier than my Big Shot. Has been used as a door stop before, lol. But smashes bottle caps the best ever. Also have my original Zip E Mate die cutter and my original blue QuicKutz Squeeze and still use both occasionally. Never throw it out! XXO

    1. I have some older things, too, but I gave my red Sizzix away many years ago!

  16. That collection of owl tags is just amazing - each has it's own distinctive look and personality with the googlie eyes and neckties. Well done even if it took you half the night to complete them! Enjoying all the funnies today - especially the figure of speech! LOL It's bitterly cold where I live with more snow coming in on Friday, so that one struck my funny bone LOL Stay warm!

    1. Thanks Carol. It's so cold here I will need to be careful of my figure of speech today....hugs!

  17. Haha, daß einem der Arsch abfriert gibt es also auch in Englisch. Tolle Eulen hast Du da gebastelt. Wünsche Dir eine gute Zeit und alles Liebe

    1. Danke, liebe Violetta. Pass gut auf deinem Hintern auf, hält's schön warm! Alles Liebe!

  18. Love all your adorably decorated owls! As usual, I came away with some inspiration and a good chuckle. Thanks Have a great week.

  19. Those owls are fabulous Valerie. I love them all.

  20. O wow these owls are not just te cutest things but are absolutely brilliant too! and it looks like you had so much fun making them too! That polymer stamp that you asked me about is about 12.5 cms x 9cms if that helps at all and I think there is an offer on buying all 3 via Debbi Moore Designs. I hope that helps. Have a fab weekend too. Michelle x

    1. Thanks Michelle, I think I need that stamp, and the size is good! I will visit Debbie Moore designs later. Hugs!

  21. What a lovely idea Valerie. I just love your little owls!! Hope you are keeping well and taking it easy!!

    1. Thanks Pinky, I am somehow not good at doing nothing! Hugs!

  22. ...Valerie, I appreciate you taking me on this beautiful tour, I hope that we can do it again. Take care and stay warm and well.

  23. Love the Owls Valerie, I am guilty too of not using my Bigshot enough. A drawer full of dies that I should use more often, especially as the dies aren't cheap,lol. Hugs xx

    1. I would use it more if it wasn't so heavy But I'm going to try to use it every couple of weeks. The owls were one of my fave dies back when! Hope you are keeping well, take care, and thanks for doing so much for TaTu, much appreciated! Hugs!


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