Wednesday 10 January 2024

Midweek post:

Hi Everybody, 

Time for a new post again. Time goes by so quickly!

I managed to walk along the Rhine, the path is very narrow because of the floods. The usual shore line is marked by a post to the right of the boat.

Snow and ice:

And I have another piece for Erika's 'It's on the calendar' challenge at AJJ, just sort of scribble art and washi tape on an old calendar. I always use my old calendars for drawing practice as I mostly don't use them as calendars!

And some thinkies / funnies:

And lots of pictures from David Zinn:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. I love the "It's on the calendar' and that chalk art is amazing. You've had a lot of rain.

    1. A lot of rain? Well, yes, you could day that. But other places have been hit much worse. Hugs!

  2. It is great to see blue skies in your walk photos. We haven't had many bright days here for awhile now. Right now it's snowing-again. And I love your calendar page. I like the face you added to it, and how you just have the calendar at the bottom. Once again, thank you. And thanks for the David Zinn art too. It's always such a pleasure to see. Have a great middle of the week. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, glad you like it. I have been painting today, too! Have a good one, hugs!

  3. Great use of the calendar Valerie, I am enjoying your pages. Isn't David Zinn observant, I love where he does his drawings. Stay safe on your walks.

  4. Whay a lovely place for a stroll Valerie and another fabulous calendar page even if they are old and not used..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, it is pretty here by the Rhine. Have a lovely day, hugs to you and Honey!

  5. I love Zinn's chalk art, he is so creative and fun, and the photo of the man and his dog, both looking noble.

  6. Hi Val, good morning. You had lovely weather yesterday, what a nice change. Blue skies are such a treat, and I'm so happy you managed to get out and walk along your much beloved Rhine. I just hope you didn't do too much. I hope we get more blue skies. Love your fun art, too. Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks, and we had lovely weather again today! Hugs to all!

  7. I am happy that you have been able to get out and walk, Valerie. The fresh air is no doubt therapeutic. As for your art piece, I have only one observation, “Why is it that when I scribble it is patently scribble, but when you scribble on an old calendar it becomes art?”
    Justice is obviously lacking in this world. Yesterday, I was giving a presentation on “Winter birds of Southern Ontario” and when I came downstairs it was snowing and was already white outside. Perfect! By the time I finished and left to come home, it was raining, and everywhere had turned to slush. I really would like my winter back! Today I have another presentation to give, this time on “The Birds of Australia” and tomorrow yet another on “Bird Banding and Tracking.” Busy, busy! Three widely disparate audiences and that makes it interesting. Take good care and keep walking, hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks, it was so good to get out. It was freezing cold, but lots of sunshine. And I was out again today, wonderful, but tomorrow I must rest! Glad you are being kept busy, I m sure you are having fun. Big hugs, xxxxxxx

  8. Liebe Valerie,
    zunächst mal vielen Dank für deine Antwort unter meinem Kommentar von neulich - und es macht nichts, wenn du deutsch und englisch mischst, ich kann ja beides (wenngleich deutsch deutlich besser als englisch 😉). Und ich finde es toll, dass du nichts verschwendest - weder die ausgeronnene rote Farbe (möglicherweise kam Picasso auf ähnliche Weise zu seiner blauen Phase???) noch Kalender. Ich mag deine "Kalender-Werke"! Ich habe meine früher oft für Collagen verwendet, jetzt hebe ich sie auf, damit mein Enkelsohn darauf zeichnen kann.
    Der Rhein ist ganz schön aus seinem Bett gehüpft! Deine Fotos davon sehen gut aus, auch wenn das Hochwasser vermutlich so einige Probleme mit sich bringt.
    Und deine Thinkies/ Funnies mag ich auch immer wieder sehr. Der Typ mit dem Hund ist ja der Hammer 😂
    Alles Liebe, Traude

    1. Viele Dank, liebe Traude. Ich versuche mich heute zu konzentrieren und bei eine Sprache zu bleiben. Ich muss momentan sehr viele Tabletten nehmen (26 Stück Tag für Tag), und sie machen mich etwas dusellig! Ja, der Rhein ist sehr hoch, aber wir hatten wunderbares Wetter heute, Sonne und eine strahlend, blaue Himmel. Schön. Aber jetzt bin ich müde und gehe ganz früh ins Bett. Dir eine gute Woche, alles Liebe, Valerie

  9. Good Morning, I really enjoyed your post-and so glad to read you were able to get out for a walk too that must have felt wonderful Loved your AJJ piece and great photos and mems
    hugs from the lake Kathy

    1. Thanks, dear Kathy! I was out for a walk again today and got more lovely photos, but now I need to rest.a It's ice cold but beautiful! Hugs!

  10. Bardzo podoba mi się namalowany przez Ciebie kalendarz. Lubię sztukę uliczną. Dbaj o siebie, dużo zdrowia.życzę:)

    1. Thank you so much, dear Lucyna! Have a great week! Hugs!

  11. I'm just delighted that you could feel strong enough to take a walk along the Rhine. I know how much you love walking and doing the beautiful photography you share here and it has to have been very frustrating not to be able to do it. That's the best news here!

    1. I was so happy to get out. And today I wEnt again. But now I need to rest for a couple of days! Take care, Jeanie and thanks!

  12. I love that blue bird. I have never seen one in Hawaii. So pretty.

    1. It is pretty indeed, but not a native here either!

  13. Replies
    1. It is indeed, another few inches and it could have been worse!

  14. I am so happy that you were able to take a walk. Be careful of that icy snow. I think this year will be good for both of us as far as health goes. That's my plan anyway. I love your face today. You have such a good imagination. Have a very lovely day today.

    1. Yes, that's a very good plan! I am very careful where I walk and have non slip ice boots, cozy! Hugs!

  15. The views are wonderful, your artwork is once again amazing, and the funnies are always amusing. I cannot stop giggling over the photo of the year. They always say dogs look like their owners and it must be true! LOL

    1. Thanks Carol, The photo of the year is really good. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  16. Great photos and brilliant art work. Hugs Angela xXx

  17. I like your walking trail. Hope you are feeling perky. Hugs

  18. This post is a full entertainment center, a little bit of everything. I am just loving it.

  19. So pleased you were able to get out and enjoy a walk, nice to see your photographs.
    I do like David Zinn's art.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    All the best Jan

  20. Your photos are beautiful. It's great that you are getting out! Your inspiration is upliftings. I love Rumi quotes and got a real chuckle out of the first one with the dog. Using the old calendars is brilliant!

    1. I like to use up old things where possible! Hugs!

  21. I'm glad you enjoyed your walk, Valerie.
    Your delightful post with the beautiful views, impressive artwork, and funnies was delightful as always!

    Hugs and blessings

  22. Just stopping by for a catch up to see all your art creations and photos and so enjoyed my visit. I know I am late but I send you very best wishes for the coming year Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, we still have a lot of the year in front of us!

  23. Well that's some flooding! And also that's a cool way to use your calendar, actually, fun
    page. I usually pick up a small wirebound planner for cheap on Amazon every year and have begun collaging on the pages of the old ones as a warm up. I hate just throwing them out if they can be used again for something else. XOX

    1. Yes, and sometimes it's a lot worse, and the flood gates to our little town need to be closed. There are markings on the wall to show how high the flood was, I will take a photo for you. I love using old calendars or notebooks, and you have a ready made background! Hugs!

  24. The water level looks very high! We couldn't take one of our usual walks as the path and surrounding ground was under water even though the river has gone down a little now. I love this calendar portrait - fabulous page for Erika's theme. Pavement art is fascinating - would love to see these close to! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. It's still high, but dropping slowly. Sometimes they have a pavement art day here in Kaiserswerth and anyone can join in, it's mostly children, but also a few adults who never grew up!

    2. I could do that quite happily! Don't know what it says about me! Xxx


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