Monday 15 January 2024

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday!

Hi Everybody!

I have had a lazy weekend here. I went into the kitchen to clear my art table and then do some painting. Then I found an Ellis Peters book on a pile of stuff and started to read....End of Saturday! On Sunday I stayed  in bed to finish the book, and it was sort of afternoon before I got up, had a shower, and sat down to watch TV and learn a lot about the Danish Royal family. It was very interesting and as you may guess, I didn't get anything done again. Yes, it was a lazy weekend.

This evening we will be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday drink party, where we share our drinks. And here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here. I am sure you can all guess what my drink is:

And I wanted to say a big thank-you to all of the lovely people who sent cards for Christmas and my birthday, here are some of them, I will try to get the others done for next week:

From top to bottom, left to right:
Our lovely Erika, Carol and Sandy;
Two beauties from Elle, and an angel card from Silke;
David, Jim, Tracy Hotchpotch  and Barbara;
Carola and Nancy.
The cards are all wonderful, and I want to thank you all for thinking of me!

And as some of you like the stamps, here they are - from Erika, and  from Elle. I especially love the cat and the Queen, and I've never seen a Happy Holidays cancellation before! Once again, many thanks, and I sincerely hope that Covid doesn't get me again!

This is for Erika's 'it's on the calendar' challenge at AJJ. I made the tempates for those strange people many moons ago, and have used them a couple of times, so here they are making another appearance and trying to be nice to each other. Sorry the writing is bad, it is very difficult to write these days because of the shakes!

And some thinkies / funnies:

Happy T Day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh you are a popular birthday girl! -Christine

  2. Schön das dänisches Paar und mal wieder Wechsel, mache er es gut!
    Schön dein Posting mit all deinen selbst gestaltete Bilder!
    Guten Wochenstart wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke liebe Elke. Ja, das Dänische Paar ist sehr schön, Ich hoffe sie schaffen alles genauso gut wie ihre Mutter! Dir auch eine gute Woche, alles Liebe!

  3. Hi Val, good morning. Once again it's a cold and frosty day and we have been promised snow, I suppose you have the same. I love your fun art, those figures are fun! I'm glad you had a lazy day, you should do it more often. You got some gorgeous cards! Keep warm, take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, keep warm and have fun! Hugs to all!

  4. Such a cheerful post Vj. I loved all the cards you received. Not to mention those cute stamps!

  5. Good morning, Valerie: Another year older and another year better. More charm, beauty and wit - what a great combination that is. I am enjoying your people - they look like junior Sasquatches, and I am sure they have charm and wit too. I hope you will feature them more often - but not at the expense of long-necked, tress-tossed beauties I should hastily add. The cat in the shoebox gave me a chuckle. It’s not that much different from little children who get more fun out of boxes and wrapping paper than the toy that their parents decided they needed. Winter has finally arrived here with crisp white snow and cold temperatures. Yesterday it only climbed to minus eleven and I shovelled my driveway in bright sunshine, having a great conversation with “our” crows. It was quite glorious. Rest up, stay well, drink coffee, read books. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David. Even more beauty, wit and charm??? That is perhaps a tad too mcuh. Sometimes I need to do new things. When my grandchildren were small they always started playing with the boxes first, much better than the silly presents! And my Scruffy and Kitty both had various beautiful beds, and preferred to cuddle up in the box where the newspapers were! If ever I get a cradboard boy big enough, I'm definitely going to try it! Here it is cold and a sort of on-off snow / sleet, but they hae threatened us with heavy snowstorms tonight, We shall see. As long as I'm not snowed in up here on the 2nd floor it should be okay! Glad you had fun shovelling your snow with the crows for company! Have a great day, have fun, take care, hugs! xxxxxxx

  6. Ooh! Does this mean I've caught up! Coffee for me every time! Mmmm, Bolton's Bakery again - I can imagine the aroma! Lovely cards(and stamps ) I love those strange creatures on your journal page! Happy T Day, hugs, Chrisx ps I'd like some memory foam insoles please!

    1. Yes, the bakery is a nice place to sit and drink a coffee ☕☕☕ or three!

  7. i have today two coffees already:D

  8. Your handwriting is better than mine. Like that piece on the calendar. Also liked the shoe joke and the cat and pill joke. Made my day.

    1. Thanks, glad you liked the funnies! Have a good week, you must care for yourself as well as David! Hugs!

  9. Sometimes you just got to be lazy! Hope it helped. Hugs Deb

  10. Sounds like a perfect weekend Valerie, wish I could that that, but I can't I'm too get up an go, but one day...and loved all the photos and your cards etc..have a great day/night..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Since I was so ill in 2022 I can sleep and rest much more than before. That changed my life so much! Anyway, it is as it is! Hugs!

  11. Were you reading a Cadfael book? I always really liked those and if I remember right they were by Ellis Peters. The Danish royal family is pretty interesting -- lots going on there now. And of course your funnies are always the best. Stay cozy, my friend. Winter is hard!

    1. No, but I loved the Cadfael books. This time I was reading one in German, 'Death and the Joful woman'. I haven't read it before, and I never buy Englsh books in German, so I'm really wonderig how it got ino my kitchen....But you know how it is - you have a book in your hand, so you sit down and read it! Hugs!

  12. Nothing wrong with a lazy weekend, sounds good to me! Just finished my evening Latte, very nice too. Great card collection and yes love the stamps too, no obsessed with stamps! they make great decorative pieces and I love using them in my collage pieces too. I mean just look at them, how could you just bin them! Very meaningful words today too. Take care. Hugs Angela xxx

    1. Well, you're right there! I have a huge tin of stamps, which are there to use on projects, but I can't bear to use them... ave a great week, Angela!

  13. Hello, and a happy start to the week is wished for you :)
    What a lovely post this is.
    I enjoyed seeing your Christmas and Birthday cards, and your thinkies and funnies are so good.

    Hope the rest of the week is a good one for you.
    Keep warm.

    All the best Jan

  14. Happy Belated birthday to you - I hope it was a good one. The cards you received are just lovely and your thinkies are always fun to read through and chuckle over. I hope you are feeling well today and enjoying this new week so far. Stay warm.

    1. Thanks Carol, the week is going well so far! Hugs!

  15. My favorite item about the Danish royal family: their crown is only used once -- they put it on the casket at the Monarch's funeral.
    My favorite photo info about the Danish public celebrating the new king this weekend: they were ALL wearing crowns, mostly paper or cardboard, I think.
    best, mae at

  16. Great post Valerie. Sounds like you had a very realzing weekend. I'm glad you did. Nice Christmas and birthday cards. Good funnies too.

  17. Nothing like a lazy day, we all need them.

  18. You sound like me. This afternoon I ate, then promptly fell asleep. Woke, then went back to sleep. Can't seem to stay awake.

    You got some lovely cards. People love you very much. It's nice to know that you are loved even if you sent nothing (like me). Your card is NOT in the mail, but it is finally finished. Soon, I hope.

    LOVED the coffee memes. I'll have coffee over tea any day. Thanks for sharing your impressive art and your cards with us for T this Tuesday. Your handwriting is SO much better than mine, too!!!

    1. Yes, sleeping is my fave pastime just now! Hope you soon feel better and stronger! Hugs!

  19. That sounds like the perfect weekend! It could have been me. When I get caught up in a good book, that’s it.
    My internet was playing up because of the bad weather and I missed any news about the Danish royal family. I’ll find out.
    Your quotes are very good as usual. Fr Richard Rohr, I used to follow his blog when I lived in the UK. I don’t quite know why I stopped. He’s a very wise man.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. The Coronation in Denmark was good, and not quite so over the moon as In England, which pleased me very much! Have a good week, hugs!

  20. What a fabulous post! Glad you've had a restful weekend and enjoyed your book. Loving all your thinkies and funnies, they made me smile 😊. Take care and wishing you a very Happy T Tuesday! Hugs, Jo x

  21. Ellis Peters! Good choice :) What lovely cards. I'm choosing coffee as usual this morning. Happy T Tuesday

    1. Yes, Ellis Peters is always a good read! Happy T Day!

  22. Wonderful post! I loved the cake one! I hope you are feeling better....

    1. Yes, new motto, take cake wherever you go....

  23. Sounds like the perfect restful weekend and you must have needed it-love all the funnies.
    Carol x

  24. I really enjoy watching you.
    And isn't it always amazing how we misunderstand some things... the little cat in the shoebox shows us this wonderfully.
    A happy hug to you.

    1. Indeed - c hidren and animals have their own minds!

  25. Some great funnies. Sounds like a fun weekend. Yay for friends who send cards.I love the painting of the coffee and flowers. Gorgeous. Hugs,

    1. This year I even bought cards to send, and then came Corona....

  26. You had a perfect weekend. Art, reading, watching television. Good for you! Wonderful mail art, too. Happy T Day

    1. Oh yes, nothing better! Well, perhaps some ice-cream would have been good as the icing on the cake!

  27. Lazy days are the best. We had some over new year, stayed on the couch all day with blankets and hot drinks. Loved the memes, especially driving with cake, that should be a rule lol, and the memory foam lol. Well at least I realised that had sent two cards but not until I'd posted the second one - I couldn't understand why I was short of cards! Glad you liked the stamps, the xmas ones are from the 2023 xmas stamps. Happy T Day! Elle xx

    1. Thanks Elle! Sometimes we need a few lazy days. Yes, memory foam would be good. Sorry that you were short of cards, but I love them and they are on my desk! Hugs!

  28. I loved all the memes you shared. It had me giggling. Lovely assortment of cards. Happy belated birthday!

  29. Hope you had a good birthday, even though you were sick. You sure got some nice cards and several funnies made me chuckle. Great art from you as always, xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, I hope I can have a better birthday party next year! Hugs!

  30. There's something about those two figures you used for Erika's theme that is appealing but I cannot make my mind up where they are from. Am sure it is somewhre like Planet Zlog! They brightened me up and despite they appeared the day after the accident I am just looking at them.
    Oh those funnies had me chortling, I love the cat family especially, she is quick - and the Winter Storm, had me chortling again. Just too many to keep mentioning but Valerie, you do a great job in finding them.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. I can't remember either, I know I saw something similar back when, but I don't know more! Hugs!


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