Monday 22 January 2024

T sTands for Coffee, Frost and snow

Hi Everybody!

On Monday evening we will be starting Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday celebration, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here.

On Saturday I went for a walk - with a short break by Bakery Bolton before I walked home. I was surprised to see the moon in the sky at 2 in the afternoon:

In the evening the moon rose higher, it was a lovely evening:

And in our little town the carnivalists were already having fun:

The metal pole against the wall shows the height of the floods The highest one is almost as high as the wall, that must have been awful:

And before I forget, I have a messy collage (it was fun!) for Erika's 'It's on the calendar' challenge at AJJ. I found several old calendars - unused - and they are coming in handy just now:

Have a great, new week, take care, keep warm!


  1. Here in the UK Saturday was the better day weather wise and like you I was out and about, unlike you I didn't take any photographs!
    Your sky is so blue and the coffee stop at Bakery Bolton was, I'm sure, most welcome.

    I like your messy collage, fun and colourful.

    Hope the new week ahead will be a good one for you.
    Take care.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I always take pics, wherever I go! Have a great week, hugs!

  2. I wish there was a bakery/cafe like yours in my town. When the girlies were little and I would see the moon during day, I would say, The Moon is out. Time for bed. 🤣Love the messy collage so much to look at. Happy T Day

    1. Sounds good. I so wish that somebody were here to send me to bed when the moon shines by day! Have a great week!

  3. Lovely photos from your walk Valerie and a great calendar page, good friends are very important as we age. Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog, I am still unable to reply to you so will do so here - Finn is growing so quickly, hard to believe he is one already!

    1. Thanks Sue. I just saw a boy who came running down the stairs and waved. it was the neighbour's 'baby'. Kids grow very fast! Have a great week, hugs!

  4. Lovely art and thinkies Valerie. The photos are lovely too.

  5. Hi Val good morning, hope you slept well! I am totally exhausted after the weekend at Leah's, it was really lovely, I ate too much! Now I'm home and it's all quiet and I need to catch up on work. Love the art you made, and thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a good day and have fun with Wolfgang! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, glad your weekend was good if tiring! I hope you have caught up on some sleep by now! Have a great week, hugs!

  6. I Love the Meme about the Mind mirroring the Internet Browser, it mirrors how my Mind feels lately. *Smiles* Enjoy time spent with the T-Gang. We have some very nice Coffee Shops around these parts and I do see some folks meeting up there in the Communities around them that must be Regulars.

    1. I live alone, so it's nice to meet up with others for a chat now and then, and of course cappuccino is always good. I think my mind has taken to going out without me lately. Have a great week, hugs!

  7. Your little bakery looks lovely, Valerie, and very welcoming. I am trying to think of something similar here but I come up blank. There are coffee shops, of course, but all are part of a chain. There is actually a small cafĂŠ in nearby St. Jacob’s, called Eco CafĂŠ and sometimes at the end of a birding trip we go there for a coffee and Miriam and I split a tea biscuit (scone) and it is very pleasant. You probably are familiar with the Mill Race from my blog, and it’s at the mid point of a walk there that we patronize this place. It has become a firm favourite with many who first experienced it on a cold winter’s day, when hot coffee and access to washrooms was very welcome. Your meme about the mind mirroring an internet browser is a clear indication that from time to time neither works well and is prone to sudden lapses and stops and starts. Stay well, stay warm, drink coffee, walk sprightly (okay slowly), hug Heike, pet stray dogs, greet Canada Geese and generally enjoy your day. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. There are a couple of cafĂŠs here, too, but much more expensive. Nice to visit from time to time, but the bakery is just a bit more homely and friendly, and about half the price of the cafĂŠs. And people all talk to each other, and that's the best! And of course, as you said, washrooms are also great. And if passers by just come in to use the washrooms, that's okay, too. Yes, my mind and my browser seem to have similar workings! And I hope to have a new Notebook soon, that will be great. This one is 11 years old, and was really good, but time takes its toll! I could tell you lots of tales about that....Hugs! xxxxxxx

  8. Seeing the moon during the day used to fascinate me, and I'm still struck by it when I see it. Great shots!

    1. Yes, it was fascinating, I never noticed it before! I was surprised that my smart phone made such good shots. Have a great week, hugs!

  9. Replies
    1. Oh yes, I need a coffee, too! Have a great week, hugs!

  10. Happy T-Day. The flood pole is really interesting.

    1. I remember the flood in 1995 where it was half way up the flood marker. The street gets shut off with flood walls, but it's awful to think of all that water pressing against the walls. And in the coming years it will probably get worse.

  11. Love the messy collage and wish I could let myself go and do that, so colourful and playful..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, lately I have been trying to do more messy, and it is hard.!

  12. Liebe Valerie, die drei Damen mit ihren violetten Kostümen und roten Hüten sind ja entzückend 😊! Und der Spruch vonwegen "My mind..." lässt mich grinsen. da kommt mir manches schon ein bisschen bekannt vor... 😉
    Ohja, manchmal sieht man Hochwasser-Erinnerungsstriche an Mauern, da Ăźberkommt einen das Gruseln. Zuletzt gab es in Deutschland in einigen Orten ja auch ziemliches Hochwasser - ich hoffe, nicht SOO hoch! Deine Collage und ihre Aussage "se your time well" gefallen mir!
    Alles Liebe 😊 , Traude
    PS: Verschiedene Grautöne können zusammen sehr gut aussehen. Ich bin allerdings nicht der Grauton-Typ. Vor mittlerweile fast 9 Jahren hab ich dennoch mal ein "Shades of Grey"-Posting gemacht: 😉

    1. Ja die 3 Damen sind süß, die Farbe mag ich auch. Ich mag viele Farben, habe aber oft Angst sie zu tragen, doof! Aber ich trage oft ein buntes Halstuch, sehr gewagt! Hugs!

    2. I loved the images.
      Especially the cutting and gluing ones.
      Nice to discover your blog.

    3. Hi Janice, thanks for commenting, nice to 'see' you. I will be over to visit your blog later in the day. Hugs!

  13. Liebe Valerie - ja die drei Damen haben´s erfasst, das ist ein wohl sehr wahrer Spruch. Und fĂźr die Tasse Kaffe zu Beginn bin ich immer zu haben. Ihr feiert auch schon Fasching/Karneval. Bei uns geht das erst am Unsinnigen Donnerstag bis Faschings Dienstag los...und vielleicht beim Faschingsball. Ich wĂźnsche Dir auch eine gute Zeit und alles Liebe

    1. Hi Violetta! Ich hasse Karneval , and sie fangen immer frueher an, aber hier ist es nicht wegzudenken, leider! Ja, die drei Damen machen es richtig! Dir auch Alles Liebe!

  14. Are you teasing us again with lovely photos of a German bakery? I miss those places. The flood marker is impressive - I remember a few very high floods of the Rhein and it's scary to see how high it could actually get. It's possible that the mark will be reached again in the next few years, a truly scary thought.
    I like your "messy" collage on the calendar page and it's perfect for Erika's challenge.
    Have a good week, Valerie, and happy T day. Hugs - Carola

    1. Yes, I am teasing you! Places which smell of fresh bread and coffee ☕ are high on my list! The floods will probably get worse if the climate change goes on like it is now, and what then? Have a great week, Alles Liebe!

  15. Hi, just got back from visiting mum. Loving the photos and the funnies made me smile too but the collage is something else reusing the old calendars, great work. Sending hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Hope your mum is doing well, and that you didn't have to avoid floods this time! Hugs!

  16. What a fun post with great pics. I'd love to sit and have coffee in that quaint little cafe. The coffee looks amazing! Great collage and I always love all the funnies too. Have a great week ahead!

    1. Thanks, it would be great if we could sit there together and enjoy our coffee! Hugs!

  17. I love your collage creation! I thoroughly enjoyed your funnies, and even read the one about the browser to my hubby and we both laughed. I do agree with how valuable time and good friends become with age. Great photos. Nice to get back and see what you are doing. It has been too long. Have a wonderful week!

    1. Yes, you have been missing for a long time! Glad your hubby enjoyed the funnies, too! I don't have many friends anymore, so many have died, so I treasure those I still have. Have a great week! Hugs!

  18. Wow! What a nice post. I love seeing where you go for your walks and of course the bakery. I really like the peeping toms and how the brain is like a PC that is me for sure. Wonderful art too. Hope you are feeling well.

    1. Thanks Nicole, I love my walks here. Hope your foot is getting better and better! Hugs!

  19. I am chopping up some old calendars now too. It's good to use them, at least for me. I love your collaged page, and once again, thank you for joining in my challenge. It is much appreciated for certain. :) And that blue sky and snow look pretty during your walk. It looks a little chilly too, but I bet it was refreshing. And I'm glad the river is not as high as that post with you standing there- smile. That is a lot of water. I hope you have a super T day. hugs-Erika

    1. I have 3 more calendar pages ready for you, I am happy I found those calendars! The snow was definitely prettier than the rain! Happy T day, look after yourself!

  20. I want to begin by saying how much I LOVE your messy calendar page. I have a lot of very old ones somewhere, but I have no idea what I did with mine. I especially LOVE the birds. Thanks for sharing this at AJJ using Erika's theme.

    That water pole is scary. I hope it never gets that high again, but I fear it will.

    Loved the ladies. And of course, the mind being like the internet.

    That bakery is making me hungry. And so is your cappuccino. Thanks for sharing these wonderful snow shots, funnies, art,. and cappuccino with us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie.

    1. Thanks, glad you like it! Floods are always scary, perhaps you can remember the destruction of our road 2 years back, and that was just caused by our little stream flooding. Have a happy day, enjoy your coffee! Hugs

  21. It wasn't letting me comment again, but is now, so Yay!! That flood must've been really scarrrry! Love the funnies and all the pictures. I have've been anywhere interesting this week, so, haven't shown any outside shots...maybe next week! Happy T day

    1. Hi Lyn, Blogger sometimes annoys us! Floods are always scary, we are protected by dykes, but they can break and then it's really bad. Hugs!

  22. Valerie, I bet you had a bit of fun making that messy collage! And I know you enjoyed your walk and bakery snack. Flooding is no joke, my town got submerged by Hurricane Harvey in 2017, it was a 1 in 1,000 year flood event. Luckily, my street stayed high and dry, but I know so many people who lost their homes to it. Stay warm and dry! xoxo

    1. Oh yes, messy. Is fun! I remember Hurricane Harvey, it was awful. At this time of year we often have floods here at the Lower Rhine. The snow melts on the mountains in the South and the water flows along the Rhine into the sea and often causes floods here in the 'lowlands'. Have a great week, hugs!

  23. Seeing the moon during the day used to puzzle me, but I looked up the phases of the moon, and as it changes from dark to full, the moon is actually visible in the daytime sky on 25 days of its 28 to 29 day cycle. During the third quarter of its cycle, you can see it during several hours of daylight. Thursday of this week is the first full moon of 2024. We haven’t seen the moon in ages because of clouds. Even if it is clear, it’s too cold to go outside. I’m a lunatic!
    best, mae at

    1. You and me both! Thanks for the research you did. We mostly have cloudy skies, that would explain a lot! Keep calm, keep warm!

  24. So pleased to see the bakery and it was fabulous to walk with you in the snow 😊. Loved seeing your wintery scenes and exploring along the river. Your thinkies and funnies are fabulous too and wow, what a great page for Erika's theme - perfect ❤️. Take care and wishing you a Happy T Tuesday! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, I enjoyed the snow, too, but I am looking forward to warmer days! Hugs!

  25. That's an interesting calendar collage. Amazing what you can do. I love that Peeping Tom joke.

    1. Yes, the peeping Tom joke was good. I often find my neighbour's cat looking into my window, too funny! Hugs!

  26. Great photos Valerie, and I love your messy collage!

  27. I always love your photos, and of course the bakery and cappuccino is lovely too. Here in Andalucia they don't 'do' cappuccinos (only in the tourist areas), so I make my own with an electric frother.
    The floods are scary. I hope you don't get any more.
    I smiled at the computer mind. My mind is sometimes like that. I had heard this one before but it still made me smile. And the 'peeping Toms' are hilarious.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Milk frothers are good, I have one for at home and a portable one if I have to go anywhere where there's no cappuccino. Okay, apart from that I'm more or less sane!

  28. Always enjoy your pictures and cute funnies Valerie! Have a happy T day! Hugs! deb

  29. Yes, the essential coffee comes first but I do really love those views. Your calendar page is brilliant- loved spending time looking at all the little details. A trip to Cafe Bolton is a must surely? Happy T Day, Chrisx

    1. Coffee always comes first! Have a great week, hugs!

  30. I love the photos you are sharing with us today and the one with the 'Peeping Toms' really brought a big grin to my face. Wow, that flood water! I am just watching a drama on ITV called "After the Floor" and it is scary seeing the sgtreets flooded like that and the desperation on the faces of gthe actors. I wondered how they got the water to look so realistic but i still haven't found out. (I keep falling asleep on the computer and tv).
    I do like your journal page, it looks as if it was indeed lots of fun to make. So colourful and so much to see. If you put an eye on a page it's enough for me, I once dressed a figure in nothing but eyes I had cut out.
    Hope you are getting well.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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