Friday 20 October 2023


Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all doing well. This week has gone by so quickly again , I never seem to catch up with things these days.

Today it's time for Gillena's AFF and Nicole's FFO, so once again I have some faces old and new to share.

This cow was stenciled last week with the left over blue paint from another project. My mother always called me cow-face when I was a child, so I took my revenge by collecting pictures and ornaments etc with cows and had them all around my room. And today my place is still full of cows, large and small:

M messy work table:

This cow is at the butcher's in our little town:

And this lovely face is my dear friend Heike when we went out for a meal this week:

This is an altered photo I made - we have a lot of Herons in the streams and at the Rhine:

A journal page:

Another altered photo showing Erika, a very distant cousin:

And I love this stamp:

This is an altered paper bag filled with photos which I sent to a cousin. This is me:

My cousin is on the left, I'm on the right:

Some thinkies / funnies:

I hope you enjoyed facing up to my faces of fact and phantasy.
I am linking to Gillena's AFF and

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Ohh, I do love your blue and white cow. She It's lovely. I couldn't agree with you more though I never seem to get on top of anything these days Even my most comprehensive lists don't help me get jobs done. And everything takes four times longer than it used to

    1. Oh yes, that's the way it is! I write lists and lose them. Then I plan things for the next day and do something else. I'm so happy that my home help comes once a week and brings order in my chaos! Have a great day, take care! Hugs!

  2. Yes, time does tend to fly by! Interesting story about your youth and cows . Your blue stenciled cow looks lovely and the funnies and quotes always give me a good chuckle or make me think. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Judee. There are cows at the end of the road here, so I often visit them. Ad there are horses and donkeys and chickens, geese and pigs. I Love it!

  3. Love your cow art and thanks for the funnies!

  4. Another great post. I particularly liked the cow and the altered photo.
    Hugs, Sandra

  5. Hi Val, good morning, Love all your faces today, and the blue cow is fabulous! You always present so many beauties on your blog! Have a nice day, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, hope all is well with you and yours! Hugs to all!

  6. Luv the cow art. Happy Friday. Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday


    1. Love and hugs back at you, too!

  7. Love your stencilled image. Hope you have a great weekend. Anesha x

    1. Thanks Anesha, enjoy your weekend! Hugs

  8. Wonderful stenciled cow, Valerie. Surely your mom called you that as a term of endearment. Too bad you didn't know the cow face yoga pose then, you could have assumed that position whenever she said that, lol. At any rate, cows are great animals to collect. I know people who collect frogs and owls. Happy Friday, xoxo

    1. A term of endearment? you didn't know her! Main thig is that I enjoy living with all of my cows! Happy Friday to you, too!

  9. What a fun read today with so many faces to see. I love the old photos of you and your cousin and of course the cows are great, but that early stitchin' and bitchin' just tickled my funny bone LOL

    1. Thanks Carol. Stitch 'n bitch is my very favourite stamp! Have a great day, hugs!

  10. Did your mom really call you “cow-face?” Unless there is some inside knowledge that I am not privy to, that seems incredibly cruel and insensitive. No wonder you rebelled by collecting all the cows you could lay your hands on. And cows are, in fact, beautiful looking animals so perhaps you can take solace in that, and treated with kindness and respect, are capable of something resembling affection for humans. Sadly, most of them are mere milk factories or destined for the slaughter house at a very young age. It’s always great when you incorporate images of your young self and your cousins and other relatives into your pieces. You come from a handsome family, none of them worthy of a derogatory epithet of any kind. There are enough politicians and terrorists for that. I hope you are feeling well, Valerie, and able to get out with Heike this weekend for lunch. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. My mum was often ill and very depressed and then she just lashed out, mostly at me, because I was still home when the others were at boarding school or whatever. I know she didn't have an easy life, but nor did I. I moved out at an early age and stayed by various friends and relatives till I went off to college when I was 18. And the last time I saw her she cursed me and said I would never be happy for the rest of my life, and that is something I can never forget.
      Here we have several small farms, with mixed animals, and they are all very well looked after and cared for - so much nicer than these huge herds. And cows always have beautiful eyes and eyelashes!
      Have a great day, hugs! xxxxxxx

  11. Ohhh as much as I love cows and your art is beautiful. I don't know about being called, "cow face" Glad you started you collection of cows because of it. You have so many wonderful faces today especially Heike, that's a great photo. Thank you for joining FFO and have a great day today.

    1. Thanaks Nicole. Cow face is not a compliment! Hugs!

  12. ...Valerie, River Dance is a delight and thanks for the laughs. Take care and have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks Tom, you have a wonderful weekend, too!

  13. So many wonderful faces Valerie. Including that lovely cow. That wasn't very nice of your Mom, but cows are such sweet animals I'd take it as a complement. I hope your week has gone well, and Happy Friday and start to your weekend! hugs-Erika

    1. I'm looking forward to painting and reading over the weekend! Hugs!

  14. Krowa zawsze kojarzy mi się ze spokpjem i dobrocią. Krowy mają piękne oczy . Śliczny jes ten portret krowy.Milego weekendu:)

    1. Yes, they are gentle and friendly. Enjoy your weekend!

  15. Happy Friday! Your altered photo is terrific and I love the cow! Oh, my favorite part of this post -- seeing your work table. Artistic work tables always make me happy!

    1. My work table is always messy, but I lke it! Hugs!

  16. Wonderful cow creation and post is so creative ~ love the comics especially about DC ~
    So much creative works here ~ you are so creative ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your day,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. The blue and white cow is so pretty. Your cow collection has always made me smile. Looks like your and Heike had a nice time out on the town. Sweet tags and bags with pictures of you and your cousin as children. Enjoy the weekend

    1. Thanks CJ. We always have fun when we go out! Happy weekend!

  18. I love cows, too. That beautiful woman on your journal page with the proverb, "She is clothed in dignity," who is she? Is she a famous person? I cannot take my eyes off her. Look at her gorgeous profile and her neck. She must have made the men swoon.

    1. I don't know if she's a real person or just a painting, but she is lovely indeed!

  19. Nachdem die Seite ja aus Good Old Germany kommt mach ich´s mal auf Deutsch. Schöne Bilder, nette Cartoons, die zum Schmunzeln anregen. Und die Kuh ist auch ganz toll. Auch die am Metzgerladen.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Hi Violetta. Good old Germany ist tierisch kalt momentan und die Heizung im Haus wird erst Ende des Monats eingeschaltet! Ich komme aus good old England, lebe aber lange Zeit hier. Dir ein schönes Wochenende, viel Spaß! Dir Alles Liebe!

  20. What a fun post! And you certainly are not a cow face!!! But I like he cow stencil!

  21. Cow face? Really? I'm quite speechless, and when I read your reply to David's comment I hurt for that little girl you once were. And to curse you in such a way - this is seomthing I simply don't understand how someone can do this to their own child.
    Cows are beautiful, gentle animals. My dad was a vet and he was often called out to the farms to vaccinate the cows or check on suspected rabies cases. He often took me with him and I would spend the time with the cows, pigs and of course the various dogs and cats that lived on the farms.
    Your thinkies are great, too, and I like your altered photos, especially the one of the heron. Very beautiful and atmospheric.

    1. Thanks for your sympathy, that means a lot. But my hard childhood made me strong and independent. Mostly! I still struggle with that curse, even though I know it can't hurt me. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  22. Fabulous stencil Valerie, I love your cow and fabulous background colours..regardless what your mother said or did, that means nothing, the best is now, with all your friends and online people who love you and what you do..

    Liv CHRISSYxx

  23. I like your blue cow, cow's have such nice faces.

    1. Thanks Lin, and there eyes and eyelashes are gorgeous, too!

  24. I love seeing the older photos. Thanks for sharing.

  25. I do like your blue cow.
    Thanks for the funnies.

    Have a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

  26. Oh Valerie, I absolutely adore your cow. It is wonderful. I have seen photos of you as a child and do not believe you looked like a cow. However, it's a good reason to start a collection.

    It's good to see Heike is feeling better and enjoying a mock beer with you. It's also wonderful you have those photos of you and your cousin. I love seeing older photos. Putting them on tags was genius.

    Cute funnies, especially the Florida one. Have a super rest of the weekend, dear. So sorry I didn't get here sooner.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. No, I did not look like a cow, but my mother was sometimes very strange! You have a good rest, too! Hugs!

  27. Cows have such sweet faces, those big, soft eyes.

  28. That's a great stencil and blue is a lovely colour for your cow. We lived between two farms so cows were a big part of my growing up. Good to see you are out and about with Heike! Love seeing your photos from the past, hugs, Chrisx


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