Monday 23 October 2023

T sTands for tired and Too much To do

Hi Everybody!

This evening we will be starting Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday Drink party, where we share our drinks and news. So Here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here.  So what did I do this week?









And so on.....

We have a lot of herons here, in the stream next to the house and in the Rhine. and I love to watch them:

Have a great T Day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. You might be exhausted from your week, but all those coffee mugs did make me smile. I'm sure the coffee or at least the caffeine must have perked you up. And it's fun to see the herons. They are such great birds. I hope you have a great week Valerie. But I'm sure, based on your posts, you'll have lots of coffees. :) Happy early T day and new week. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, glad it made you smile! Well, yes, coffee will be on the ageenda again this week.... Have a great week, hugs!

  2. I loved seeing your herons, we have them here too on the lake- and lots of cofrees-nice to get out for a coffee-have a good new week hugs Kathy

    1. Thank Kathy. We're luc ky here that our little town is full of cafés and bakeries where we can always enjoy a nice cu of coffee or cappuccino or tea.... Hugs!

  3. The herons are beautiful and have lots of bright blue which I do not usually see. We don't have any around here. Hope you are getting some energy from all that coffee!

    1. I love these beautiful birds, and they seem to live here in large numbers. They find fosh i the Rhine and streams and hunt in the field for small animals, too - alwsays busy!

  4. T is definitely for Tired! Tired I may be, but I'm still wide awake at 4:00 a.m. How do you manage to be good and not have a pastry with your coffees? Hugs Deb

    1. So sorry you can't sleep! Once a week I have a pastry or croissant, but not every day! Have a good week, hopefully with more sleep! Hugs!

  5. Hi Val, good morning. I love your coffee makes the week go round post, made me smile 😊! Try to get more rest this week! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. You are right there! I have no big plans for this week, so it shoud be less runing about! Hugs to you all!

  6. Iam craving for hot coffee now!

  7. Before going any further let me thank you for this gallery of pictures of Grey Heron, a bird to evoke our admiration, but one that would nevertheless take out your eye with one lightening jab of its bill. Perhaps we should stand one next to Putin and all the Hamas murderers who triggered the cataclysm now taking place in Israel and along its borders. I notice, by the way, that my comment on yesterday’s post seems to have disappeared into the ether, so perhaps a glance into the netherworld of the Spam folder might be in order. Sorry to hear that you are overwhelmed with tiredness, Valerie, but I understand that hoisting that half rain barrel of beer with Heike is tiring work. Then of course you have saw the knife across the sausages and this is demanding indeed! At the end the coffee cup is to be hoisted too. This is all requires effort, resolve and muscle coordination, so you have earned a rest. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Glad you like the heron pictures, I always love watching them. That's a good idea to put Herons next to all those nasties who are so wicked, those birds never miss their mark! I haven't been sleeping well, and that makes me tired. Of course, eating and drinking are strenuous tasks, but we take our time! And the handsome waiters in the restaurants are always a bonus. We have to open our eyes and take a look!
      Have a lovely day, take care, hugs xxxxxxx

  8. Loe all the pics of the beautiful Herons.Just had my morning coffee and chocolate.
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol. Morning coffee and chocolate sound delicious! Have a great week! xxx

  9. It looks like a week well spent to me! Enjoy the down times when you can!

    1. Thanks Carol, have a great, new weedk, hugs!

  10. That's my kind of week!

    We have herons here but nothing like that. What striking coloring.

  11. Beautiful blue heron. Yummy coffee shop/

  12. What a relaxing way to kill time. Haha. Just love it. That heron is very pretty. We don't see them in Hawaii.

  13. yous coffee always looks amazing:D

  14. I'm still drooling over the bakery and I don't eat cake or biscuits as I'm lactose intolerant, but I love to drool..have an awesome week..

    luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Sorry, poor you - and they are all soooooooooo good!

  15. Drinking coffee looks like a good way to spend your time to me Lol! However herons! now they are not my favourite bird. I am happy if they stay in the park but they fly over us between the park and the Nature reserve and too often stop in my garden eyeing up the fish in my pond. We now have a scarer which flashes and barks at them (makes other sounds too) as they have pecked the eyes from some fish in the past. They like to walk into water but can't do that as it's netted so they find it difficult to catch the fish but try to and can damage them. The fish are very tame and think it is someone coming to feed them so they move closer to the edge, they are a bit thick at times! So you can see why they are not my favourite fish. Have alovely week. Hugs Angela xXx

    1. I know what you mean. The little pond next door was regularly emptied of fish by the herons. Now they have water plants but no fish 🐠🐟🐠! Have a great week! Hugs!

  16. Sorry meant to say they are not my favourite bird!

  17. Your coffee images are so tempting -- it's just a little to far to go for a morning cup of coffee so I just make a pot of French Press and we drink it every day. It's good coffee, but your little shops look so good.

    The Great Blue Heron lives everywhere in the US (I just checked the maps showing their presence), and breeds in some of the more northern areas, so birders here are very familiar with it. We have a few other closely related species as well. I am not one of the haters -- I t hink they are beautiful!

    best, mae at

    1. Sorry it's too far. This is a very small towm I need 10 minutes to the next bakery / cafe! Herons are beautiful, I love watching them. Have a great day!

  18. Ohh! Now, I have to get up and go make a coffee!

  19. Like you, I drink coffee all day, every day. However, I grind my own and fix it at home. I can't afford to drink it in a shop. You are so lucky to be able to get out and visit all those various cafes. I am in total awe. Thanks for sharing so many wonderful cups of caffeine with us for T this week.

    I have never seen a blue heron before. All we see are Canadian geese who have become North Riverside's mascot. North Riverside is the area in which I live.

    You were an addict before me. Three is young for coffee addiction. I started when my grandmother gave me a bit of coffee in milk, trying to get me to drink milk, which I didn't like at the time. Within a month, it was about half coffee and half milk. But I DID learn to like milk, at least (grin). Have a super rest of your T day, dear.

    1. That'a good way to get someone to drink milk. An you have learned it for life! Hugs!

  20. I get the impression that you actually live in these two coffee shops! So lovely that you can get out and sit to have a decent cup of coffee - that is certainly something completely missing in the US. It's either something like Starbucks or a breakfast place, but Cafés like we have in Germany is not something you find easily here in the US. I know of one wonderful Café in the South Bay and that, of course, is owned and operated by Germans. Happy T day to you, and I hope you will be able to sleep better.

    1. I would miss cafés if they were not there! In London and everywhere else there were always little cafes where you could get a drink and something to eat, and which wasn't too expensive. Ha! Germans like their cafes! Happy T Day, Carola!

  21. Your weeks' worth of coffee look delicious. And what a stunning heron! I love the blue.
    Happy tea Day,

  22. Good to see you are continuing your coffee tradition Valerie! The heron is beautiful, great photos.

  23. Your post is interesting and I love how you have enjoyed coffee every day. About feeling tired and having too much to do is common with many of us. Take a deep breath, and I hope you find a moment of rest and relaxation. Your creativity shines through even on busy days. Happy T Tuesday!

    1. Thanks Amila. Theses days we all have lots to do, and you even more with your little boy! Hugs!

  24. That bakery looks like a nice place to hang out :-) We have a pair of great blue herons that patrols the marina. It's great to watch them patiently waiting for their catch of fish in the river. But they sure do make a mess!

    1. At the Rhine we have Herons, Canadian Geese and gulls, and between they make a lot of mess! But I still like watching them! Hugs!

  25. Ha, You made me smile with your daily coffee roster. I have. one coffee a day usually and that's it.
    The heron photos are great. It is a beautiful bird, even though he is a predator.
    Happy T Day,

    1. Some weeks I drink my coffee at home. And even if I go to the cafe, I make myself a cup at home first! Happy T Day! Hugs!

  26. I'm glad they keep you well-supplied with coffee and pastries, Valerie. We have herons, several species. My favorite is the tricolored heron with a blue back and long rusty red neck, white head. My town has a Nature Center that is on the Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail. So, of course they also nest in our neighborhood trees, especially in older areas like where we live. My neighbor across the street has them in her trees and they are messy. We have a street and a park named Blue Heron. Being such a temperate climate, we have a lot of migratory stay-overs among many bird species. The ruby-throated hummingbirds caused quite a stir here a few weeks back, there were tons of them. Never seen that many before! Hope your week is awesome, xoxo

    1. Oh how lovely to have so many wonderful birds to see. I've never seen a tri-coloured heron, and I would love to see hummingbirds, they don't live here. I think I would spend a lot of time looking at them. And how lovely that they nest in your trees, wonderful! I hope they are not too messy! Have a great day , take care, it's bedtime here so I'm off to my bed! Hugs!

  27. Haha, ich trinke auch täglich Kaffee - und mindestens 4 Tassen - coffee-addict könnte man fast sagen. Beim Anblick des Gebäcks krieg ich immer einen richtigen Gusto...auf resche knackige Baguettes.
    Alles Liebe

  28. The herons are gorgeous, Valerie.
    I just had my morning coffee and an empanada ☕

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Hi Veronica, I just had my midday meal, a nice, home-made veggie soup, delicious! Hugs!

  29. I'm so sorry you are feeling fatigued, I certainly know what that is like. I really love the bakery you have there. These sorts of bakerys have been long gone where I live. Now we just have instore one size fits all bakerys in our grocery stores. I hope you start to feel better soon. Hugs N.

    1. Thanks Nicole, we could both do with some good health! I love our little bakeries and cafes.

  30. I'd say that's a serious amount of coffee! I'm just wild about your photos of the heron. They're perfect!

    1. I love the herons here, but others don't! Poor herons!

  31. Lovely to see the heron photographs.
    Keep on enjoying your coffee ...

    All the best Jan

  32. Wow! You did well for outings - and any of those coffees would do for me! The heron is beautiful- we watched a couple fly down the edge of Tatton mere yesterday and then as we walked on the flew up from some reeds and scared us! Struggling a bit at the moment but hoping for a catch up now having had a better day! Hope you are OK (I'll read on and find out!!) Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Coffee is my must have every day! Keep well! Hugs!


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