Tuesday 3 October 2023

Midweek Post - Steampunk and autumn colours

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time the beautiful Valerie is hosting, That's me! My theme is 'The colours of Autumn'  I hope lots of you will join me in this celebration of autumn colour at Tag Tuesday. I have posted several tags on the TT post, but will show them here one at a time. This was made with a tag which I painted. The leaves were stamped, first the leaves and then the veins. The other embellishments were added digitally:

And I have another steampunk piece for Neet's lovely challenge at AJJ. I used a background I had and added some pieces digitally. The moon is one of my photos, the man on the cog is my great grandfather, and the girl was cut from a magazine and collaged. I like the contrast between 'ancient' and modern here:

Sorry, that's all for today, my hands are very shaky and typing is not easy to say the least.

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Such a beautiful autumnal tag and steampunk page! Loving those autumn colours and leaves 😊. I hope you're hands are better soon and wishing you a Happy October ❤️. Hugs, Jo x

    1. Jo! How lovely to see you around again, I missed you! Hugs!

    2. Hi Val, good afternoon! You are later than usual. Love both pieces, as always, your work is always special to me. Have a good afternoon, don't work too hard, it's a holiday! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    3. Thanks Sarah. I slept late today, I was very tired and it did me good. Have a wonderful day, hugs to all!

  2. Have you tried using the dictaphone facility on your computer? It's not perfect, but on the days when my tremors get out of control, I do. find it helps me. communicate online. And to have a mind of its own. It puts in random full stops. and like Autocorrect, it decides what words I should be using instead of the ones I want to use. It is better than nothing though. Hope you feel better soonest Hugs Deb.

    1. Thanks Deb, I have tried but it's impossible with my ancient laptop. I hope I can soon buy a new one and then life should be easier. Hope you are doing well. Life doen't get easier as we get older, does it?! Hugs!

  3. Good morning, Valerie: Sorry to hear that your hands are shaky today, but perhaps a day’s rest will get them to settle down. Here is my confession for the day. I have no idea what steampunk is! So, I googled “Steampunk.” I still have no idea what steampunk is! I am sure that what you have produced, however, is a very good representation of steampunk, since it is normal for you to excel. Rest up, get better, and calm those trembling digits so that you don’t spill your coffee! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Well, steampunk is - well - something like my pictures perhaps?! It's a made up thing nd very popular among some. There's even a steampunk convention once a year in the exhibition place. Never been to it, and probably never will, but it's fun for making art! Hope you and Miriam are well and having fun and lots of walks. Hugs xxxxxxxxxx

  4. The Autumn colors really pop. I like your great-grandfather as the Man in the Moon. I hope you feel better today. Happy T Day

    1. I wonder what he would have thought about being the man in the moon?! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  5. I'm loving the new tag challenge Valerie. Your tag is just beautiful. And that steampunk piece is amazing. I wonder what that vintage man is thinking about the woman. Not something he probably ever saw. Then I sometimes wonder what it would be like to come back after 100 years and would be be surprised also? Have a great Tuesday. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I often wonder how it would be to go back or forward for hundred years or so - we will probably never find out! I would like to go back to Victorian times for a few hours! Have a great day, hugs.

  6. I just love that beautiful tag and the steampunk is awesome with your great grandfather in the mix! Rest your hands and take good care today!

    1. Thanks Carol. I love to smuggle old photos of my family into my work. I'm having a feet- up day! Hugs!

  7. Wow Valerie these are amazing. I keep forgetting to tell you how much I like your banner. Have a great day.

    1. Thanks Nicole. The Banner shows the industrial park in Duisburg, it's so fascinating to visit there!

  8. Hi Val, another wonderful post today! Love the colourful tag and the page with your great granddad in it, what a great idea. Have a lovely day, take care! Hugs, Martha

    1. Thanks Martha, have a great October, have fun with the kids! Hugs!

  9. Oh Valerie, I love the rich jewel colours of the tag. I love autumn and its beautiful colours (just don't like raking all the leaves up) and I love the way you have stamped the leaves and their veins.
    Thank you for also doing another entry for my theme at AJJ. What fabulous gears you have to show us today. I love the rusty background you have achieved, it is the perfect foil for the figures and everything you have included in your journal page.
    I am always drawn to the fact that you often bring one of your own photographs into your work and this moon is perfect for your grandfather to stand in front of. Love the eyelets down the side and the bird is perfect standing there. I was particularly drawn to the use, as you say, of ancient and modern. The contrast of the two figures is a great idea.
    Hugs and thank you for such a fabulous page Valerie., Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, autumn is my very fave season. I love seeing old and new together. I am soooooo enjoying this theme! Hugs!

  10. Beautiful bright and happy Autumn colours Valerie, I love the stamped leaves and the Steampunk is AWEsome...

    luv CHRISSYxx

  11. Sorry to hear your hands are giving you fits. Love your pieces. That first one just pops.
    Hugs, Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

  12. Fabulous Autumn colours on your tag Valerie - some leaves are already changing colour here. I love the ancient and modern steampunk page for Neet's AJJ theme! Love that the bird has found a n ideal perch. Look after yourself- hope that resting improves your shaking hands! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, some trees are on the go here, too. I love it when the colours change. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  13. great projects , congrats Valerie :) i like the colors and elements
    hugs from Chile

  14. Such a lovely tag, the Autumnal colours are fabulous.
    Lovely to see your great grandfather in your second piece.

    Sending my good wishes and hoping your hands feel better soon.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I like to use old photos where possible! Hugs!

  15. love the rich Autumn colours on the tag and great Steampunk journal page love the added photo of your Great Grandfather too.
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol, steampunk is such a fun theme! Hugs!

  16. I love how beautiful these both are -- and in such different ways. And Valerie, I always especially like it when you include family photos in your art. It becomes so personal.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I like using my old photos, too! Hugs!

  17. Beautiful colors. So sorry about your hands.

  18. so amazing autumn arts:) i hope that you will fell better soon!

  19. So glad to see the paper parts of your creations. Love that tag background. And the AJJ page, have to wonder what that old guy is thinking of that woman, hahaha. Hope you are having a good week, xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee. I am sure he would have been asking 'What is the world coming to?'

  20. Fabulous 'in gear' page


  21. It's just wonderful what you do. In spite of your condition, you still continue to produce art and your blog. Keep going!!!

  22. Oh what lovely artworks! I hope your hands feel better.

    1. Thanks Lisabella, great to see you again! Hugs!

  23. Hi Valerie, I'm loving the tags and the Steampunk project is perfect. love it xXx

  24. Liebe Valerie,
    ich mag Herbstfarben SEHR - du hast ein großartiges Thema gewählt. Dein Herbstblätter-Tag sieht so schön leuchtend aus! Und dann noch dein Steampunk-Bild, eine wunderschöne Kombination von Alt und Neu, Metallic-Glanz und einem nostalgischen Foto, zu dem du sogar einen persönlichen Bezug hast.
    Ich hoffe, du fĂźhlst dich bald wieder wohler!
    Alles Liebe und schĂśne Oktobertage
    🍁🌻🍂 🌻🍁

  25. I have NO idea how I missed this. Love the tag. Very autumnal. Gorgeous colors, too.

    That steampunk gear inspired entry is awesome. It is great you used your own family as part of the spread. What a lovely entry. I am impressed. It's perfect for Neet's theme at AJJ, too.

    Sorry to read you are shaky and not well. I hope you feel better soon, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, glad you like it all. I love putting old photos into my compositions, it's an extra challenge for me. I'm having a rest day today, so will stay home and just have fun! Hugs!

  26. A fabulous tag Valerie, love the rich autumnal colours, love the journal page with it's industrial looking background and the quote works great with the figures you've used.
    Hope the shaky hands improve.
    Avril xx

  27. Loving the Steampunk Creation, I like Steampunk Style. Having Fun going thru your Archived Posts, a Welcome distraction right now.


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