Sunday 1 October 2023

In Gear

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at AJJ and this time the lovely
 Neet  from Hickydorums is hosting. Welcome Neet, I am looking forward to seeing what delights you will be showing us this month in your journal pages.

Her challenge is  'In Gear', and although she has started off with a steampunk page, on the AJJ Blog, she explains all of the other possible meanings and ideas for this topic, which makes it very versatile.

I love steampunking, so have started off with this topic. I used various images and  photos to create my image, which I assembled in my graphics programme. The strange, rusty machinery on the left is at our tram stop. But I don't know its purpose:

On Friday I had to go for x-rays at our local hospital. This was part of the waiting area and the doors you go through  to get to the various machines. I think I had the privilege of trying them all in the past couple of years!

And some thinkies / funnies:

Have a great Sunday, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Some great funnies there Valerie. I cannot pick a favourite as they are all so good but I do like the one about tattoos. Must try to remember that one.
    Thanks for a super page for my theme over at AJJ. I love the gears at the left hand side of your journal page and the addition of the pretty lady really sets the whole page off.
    The top centre section with the machinery and the clock face is intriguing and I just love the combination of the various parts.
    I notice your header is very industrial - perfect to fit in with this theme.
    Thanks for joining in with my theme at AJJ.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps sorry about all the x rays - what a lot of doors. Hope you are well, take care x

    1. Thanks Neet, have fun this month - you got off to a great start! Hugs!

  2. Oh wow, Valerie. I'm really loving your gears, your steampunk, and your machine oriented journal page. This is fabulous and I love this first entry using Neet's theme at AJJ.

    LOVED the funnies, especially the tattoos. My feelings exactly!

    1. Oh yes, tattoos are awful. I can't imagine why people have such things on their bodies. I always have to think of the poor souls in the concentration camps who had numbers tattood onto their arms.
      Have a great day, hugs!

  3. Great funnies and a gorgeous page for Neet's October challenge!
    Hope you get good results from the x-rays Valerie.
    Happy October,

    1. Thanks Alison, happy October to you, too! Hugs!

  4. Hi Val, good morning! We all had breakfast in bed this morning, thanks to my lovely sister who is staying with us - what a luxury! I hope you will also have a happy and relaxed Sunday. And I love your steampunk art today, and the beautiful header. Is that the Industrial park in Duisburg? Very fitting to your theme this month! Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Oooh, lucky you with breakfast in bed! How kind of Leah to treat you all, that was great! And yes, the header is Duisburg. Enjoy your day, hugs to all!

  5. I have a personal dislike of tattoos so I love the one about not putting a bumper sticker on a Ferrari! So true! Yesterday at the funeral there was a lovely young thing with a tattoo snaking up the side of her neck and it looked pretty repulsive to me. I can’t imagine that she won’t regret it one day. Since you have patronized the hospital with such fidelity I expect that quite soon they will be labelling that room, the Tups Centre. The thrill for all who attend there will be to walk through the same rooms as you have, to brag to their friends that they have literally followed in your footsteps. How many people can claim that kind of fame during their own lifetime? My daughter and son-in-law are visiting this weekend and yesterday they went kayaking on a local lake, and today we have a couple of walks planned. The weather is textbook perfect. In mornings it’s about nine degrees and by mid afternoon climbs to twenty-three, and I don’t think it gets much better than that. Last evening we went to a local Serbian restaurant for dinner, and it was delicious. Today I will cook arroz con pollo and make a Greek salad. Wish you here to share. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. I am not a friend of tattoos, I prefer to have my art on my walls! I often see elderly people here with stretched out tattoos where the skin has stretched and dropped - not a pretty sight. Hope all went well at the funeral. Glad you are enjoying good weather, we seem to have the same here. We sat out on the patio of a restaurant this afternoon. We enjoyed the food snd drinks. Kiddies were happy running about and playing at the playground there, it was all so ☺ happy and enjoyable. And we stayed out for 4 hours again, enjoying sunshine and fresh air - wonderful! Our hospital is named after Florence Nightingale who trained here, so I don't think I hve much chance, but it's still a good place! Serbian food sounds good, we had Italian again, yummy. Enjoy your meal tonight, too. Have a great October! Hugs xxxxx

  6. What a brilliant steampunk page! I love the colours you used too. Your header is very fitting for this month. I hope your days of x-rays have been useful. I remember the deja- vu days of hospital visits - wondering whether I would see the same person as last time! Loving the funnies - especially the Cookie Monster! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! Our hospital is very nice, but I wish I didn't need it so often. Have ffun with your gears this month! The header is from the industrial museum in Duisburg, where they used to work iron into many different things, it's a fabulous place to visit! Hugs!

  7. HAPPY SUNDAY VALERIE. luv your 'gear' journal page
    Would you put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari???Indeed!!!


  8. Happy October! I love Steampunk, and I love your work today.
    I have been sorting out my dies and found a complete set of Sizzix cog dies! Result! Hugs, Deb

    1. Hi Deb, thanks so much. this is a theme I like very much, too. I must dig out my dies and stamps, I have a lot! Hope you are feeling well and that the weather is being kind to you. We have wonderful weather here and I have been out all day with a friend, visiting various restaurants and cafés! Hugs, Valerie

  9. I'm in the scan zone on Monday. I love seeing hospitals in different places, though I'd rather not have to be the one being tested! Loving the steam punk!

    1. I know what you mean, Jeanie. I am there so often they should be giving me a rebate! Steampunk is FUN! Hugs!

  10. You do steampunk so well, but I don't envy you having to get the x-rays. Hopefully all turns out well. Love the funnies, especially the cat reading the instruction book LOL Happy October!

    1. Thanks Carol. The cat reading the instructions made me laugh, cardboard boxes are always a BIG treat for Kitties! Hugs!

  11. Love your first page Valerie, very cool steampunk vibe. I have a love/hate relationship with tattoos, some are amazing and some are awful and depends on who's wearing them. Your x-ray department looks like ours. I've been in a few doors too. Have a lovely Sunday!

    1. Most of the tattos I see here are just awful. Well, the good thing is that I know my way around our hospital and don't have to search! Have a great, new week and a good month! Thanks for being such a good hostess last month! Hugs!

  12. What a super new header for this month's AJJ theme Valerie. And I am loving your steampunk starting page. It should be a really fun month. And I love the tattoo quote about putting a bumper sticker on a ferrari. Smile. Happy October to you. I hope there's not a lot of those hospital doors in your life this new month. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, steampunk is fun, great theme. I have to go back to the hospital in a couple of weeks for an MRT. Hugs!

  13. Lovely page for the Gears challenge, Happy October. Love the funnies, some good ones today.

    1. Thanks Christine, happy October to you, too! Hugs!

  14. Good luck with the xrays too Valerie.

  15. Your page reminds me of my mother and the factory (sweatshop, really) she worked in sewing coat and dress ensembles. The clock and gears reminded me of her sewing machine. She could make that thing fly! Love the bumper sticker on a Ferrari! 😺

    1. The family of my mother were all tailors and dressmakers, so I loved watching them sewing, always so quick. I grew up with beautifu clothes they sewed for me! Hugs!

  16. I never heard of "steampunking," so this is something new. That tattoo on a Ferrari joke made my day. I've had Xrays, CT scans, sonograms, and MRIs this year, so I know what you went through could not have been pleasant. But, hey, we still manage to wake up every morning. We're not dead, yet. Haha.

    1. Steampunk is fun, now you have learnt something new! I am a good customer at our hospital, and it is never pleasant, but necessary! And yell, we still roll out of our beds day for day! Hugs!

  17. I am really excited about this theme. I don't join in but I love what you and other's create. I had an echocardiogram yesterday. Uhhhggg...

  18. Love your steam punk art. The cat funnies are great!

  19. Love your steampunk piece, it's wonderful. I've never tried it myself but perhaps I should! Have a happy October! Hugs, Martha

  20. Thanks Martha, so glad you like it. Hope all is well with you and your family. Hugs!

  21. Ha, love the tattoo funny and your steampunk page. I sure hope they don't x-ray you too many times, you might glow in the dark! {kidding} XOX

  22. Replies
    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Rika! Dir eine schöne Woche!

  23. I think an XL Batman T-Shirt is in order then...


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