Monday 9 October 2023

T sTands for cappuccino and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all have a good, new week! I can't write too much today, I am so shocked by the happenings in Israel. I can never understand why people start off yet another war, once again with many dead on both sides and no end to the terror.

For Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday, which will begin this evening I have some pictures from a couple of weeks back when I was in Düsseldorf with Heike:

The waitress was just bringing our coffees. We had to order via an iPad, although the place was empty. Later on we had breakfast, but I forgot to take photos:

And these pics were taken today:

And I have another piece for Neet's In Gear challenge at AJJ. I made this large door hanger some years back, and here I haved mounted it digitally on a dark blue background with lots of gold trim:

And some funnies / thinkies:

Happy T Day, Take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. The new war is horrifying, with Hamas executing the surprise raids using maniacs not soldiers to kill children, concert-goers, elderly people (and their caregivers), and many other innocents. Then these brutal and vicious rulers of Gaza will say how they are so abused. It’s so unthinkable!

    I’m with you thinking about all this… mae at

    1. It's so unthinkable. So much brutality. Hamas is always working for Iran. And you are right about the rulers in Gaza. Such a terrible situation.

  2. It's so horrifying and scary. We had an upcoming trip to Egypt in mid Nov and now we are glued to the news about this.

    I'm so sad about all the needless killings.

    1. Thanks Nas, it is really scary. Such madness and cruelty again. Hugs to you!

  3. I can't believe another war is starting either. What happened to the idea of working with others towards a peaceful world? Perhaps that has never existed because hate seems to be so popular. I do like your newest take for Neet's challenge, and I also like how you recycled that cool door hanger. And happy early T day to you. Those 2 pups who came home from grandmas with those fun hats are the most patient dogs as my 2 would never leave them on. Smile. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Yes, hate and violence are always there. It's so scary, I am afraid for all those they have taken as hostages, and for my family there.

  4. We are living in dangerous days. It all makes me so sad. One thing that worries me is seeing "friends" on Facebook taking opposing sides.
    On a lighter note, some super funnies today. Hugs, Deb

    1. This is always possible, it hurts me when I see such things, too! We can just hope and pray! Hugs!

  5. Hi Val, good morning. We are very shocked by this unprovoked terror and killing by Hamas, too. I hope your family there is safe. Stay hopeful, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. I am very worried.
      Have a good week, stay safe and well!

  6. The new outbreak of savagery and barbarism in Israel shocks me to the core. There will never be peace in that region, of that I am quite sure. The different faiths can’t even get along at the most mundane level, with Orthodox Jews in recent weeks destroying statues and spitting on Christians, and some right wing Christians calling for what would in effect be a new Crusade. It seems that brutality is a core component of what makes Homo sapiens distinctly not sapiens. On two separate occasions I have planned a birding trip to Israel and have cancelled due to outbreaks of violence, like the Intifada. Earlier this year, I was seriously considering going on an organized tour in November that combined nature and culture, and this time I only passed on it because it was incredibly expensive, so I am going to Cuba instead for a third of the cost and three days longer. I doubt that I will ever get to Israel, much as I would love to. To think that I might have been mere weeks from a visit makes me shudder. Do you still have family there, Valerie? Are you in touch with them? Let us all hope that the conflict doesn’t spread to the entire region although there are already signs that Hezbollah is getting into the conflict. Today my hugs and kisses are especially heartfelt. I only wish I could be with you to deliver them in person. Shalom, dear friend; today that cherished word has special meaning. David

    1. It's a very difficult situation just now. The Ultra Orthodox men are awful, too. I just don't know how all this will carry on. All the family I have live there, my grandsons and nephews will be called up as reservists, one nephew is a general in the army. And I can't do anything. Sorry, I am feeling a bit crazy today. Yes, Shalom, peace is what we need. And a miracle to stop the madness. Hugsxxxxx

  7. I just love that door hanger. So 'just right' for the challenge I set at AJJ. How good it looks though now that you have mounted it on that blue background. I would never have thought of blue but it is perfect. You have hit the right shade of blue. It needed to be a rich colour to take the rich tones of the hanger and you smashed it.
    I know what you mean about the war, these senseless killings make me so angry and what Hamas has done is dreadful. I dread to think what has happened to those poor people who have been kidnapped,
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Glad you like my piece. I tried lots of colours in the background the blue was the best! I just hope and pray that this mad war will end soon. Hugs!

  8. Frightening times.😿 You have the nicest coffee shop. Love the gent on the door hanger. He reminds me of the 11th Doctor when he lived in Victorian England for a while. Happy T Day

    1. Yes, there is a similarity. He was so chaotic! I need to watch Doctor Who again, that would do me good! Happy T Day!

  9. These are certainly scary and dangerous times! Love your fabulous door hanger and about the train/convenient meme-we used to ring DR and ask for a repeat prescription and say which ones we wanted-now we ring an autommated line using a pin number and a barely recognisable autommated voice lists each tablet by name and press 1 if you want that -takes ages whereas before -did you want everything-yes please-no problem and done??? x

    1. Thanks Carol. So many things these days are complicated. I wonder how old people who don't have a smart phone etc manage. You'd think all the technical stuff would/should make it easier! Hugs!

  10. Love your door hanger and pic of Heike. Her glasses match her sweater. Yes, that Donald Trump made me laugh. I shall repeat it to David when he wakes up.

    1. Thanks so much. Good jokes are worth repeating! Hugs!

  11. Like you I cannot understand why in this day and age people cannot get together and sort out their disagreements and come to a resonable way that they can all live in peace. They are like small children who cannot have their own way but so much more dangerous. However your funnies brightened the day a little. There are some beautiful words and cartoons here today so thank you for that. Take care and have a good week. Hugs, Angela xXx

  12. The Donald Trump meme made me laugh out loud:) Excellent gear hanger;)
    Hugs, Sandra

  13. I had no idea that you have family in Israel, Valerie, I only saw this in David's comment. This makes this horrible development the more terrible for you. Will there ever be peace in that region? I don't have much hope. Terrible things have been done on both sides in the past, but this is an escalation of violence that only calls for more violence. A deadly spiral with no end in sight. It makes me sad and angry at the same time.

    1. It's a very difficult situation, and this time it's being stirred up by Iran and other terror organisations. A very problematic situation which will cause the loss of many lives.

  14. The problem (as I see it) is Israel didn't see the warning signs. Hamas built a mock area right under the noses of Israel. The attacks are cruel, vicious, and senseless. I believe Israel will move swiftly and, hopefully successfully to quell the attacks. The surprise raid on the concert where so many were massacred with no regard for life, while others were turned into hostages to be bartered off for thousands of prisoners or millions of dollars is what bothered me the very most. I agree with everything you said, Valerie and hope your family is safe.

    That is a fabulous entry for Neet's theme at AJJ. It has a bold look to it and I LOVE that you recycled your old art. Thanks for sharing it.

    What a lot of drink choices you have given us. So glad you and Heike were able to meet and enjoy your non-alcoholic beers. And your cappuccinos are always fun to see. Thanks for sharing your art and your drinks with us for T this Tuesday, dear.

    LOVED the tRump meme. Also loved how you included some Halloween inspired drinks.

  15. Your cappuccino looks yummy! Yes, the events in Israel are awful but not unexpected. It all goes back to the Ishmael vs Isaac. There will never be peace until The King returns.
    Loving the rustic look of your door hanger.
    Happy Tea Day,

  16. My neighbor and good friend went to Isreal to visit her family. She can't get out now. I am so worried and sickend by this. Oh, I really dislike ordering on line while I'm sitting in the restraunt. I went to the convenience store yesterday and got in line to pay. I look past 3 people and see that the line is for QR pay only. OH HELL NO. This is very new at this store. Anyway I love your art and all of the funnies. Hope you are well.

    1. I wanted to fly to Israel now, but everyone I know has advised against it. I hope your friend stays safe. Hugs.

  17. The door hanger is a true vintage beauty and thanks for the funnies, especially the matching potato and dog face - too cute! I need a reason to smile after seeing the brutality and violence going on in the world today. It leaves me speechless with the horrors people are having to endure.

    1. Thanks Carol, glad you like the funnies. So much horror and wickedness, I feel so helpless. Hugs

  18. The present violence over that stretch of land is so horrible and sadly doesn't look as though it will end without more deaths. Killing and capturing innocent people isn't the way to resolve anything! I hope your family are safe.
    Ordering by phone when there's no one but the waitress seems a bit much - but, hey ho, it's supposed to be progress!!!
    I love the door hanger as a journal page!
    Great funnies - laughed at the 'Old Lady', Belated Happy T Day, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! I can't reach any of my family just now, I have left messages. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  19. I hope your family are safe. Love your doorhanger. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  20. Again, so Sorry you have Loved Ones in the situation of this War. Wars are always terrible, but Terrorists aren't interested in the same things as any Military of any Country Serving and Protecting Honorably their Nations. They simply commit atrocities and spread intentional Terror, usually with Extremist dogma, but in my opinion, the depth of Evil in the Hearts and Minds of a Terrorist was likely always there and why they gravitate to join Extremist Groups. Any Support or excuses made for Terrorist Organizations is complicit and no better than they are. That Coffee Shop is a place I'd enjoy. And a good group of Memes again.

    1. Terrorists are really evil people, and I hate to see what is happening over there. I just hope and pray it will soon end. Tomorrow I'll go for a coffee when I get my weekend shopping! Hugs!

  21. PS: Love the Door Hangar you made, it reminds me of Tim Holtz Style Art.

    1. Yes, I used to make a lot like that, now I mostly do painting. Have a great day!

  22. Liebe Valerie
    jetzt habe ich einen anderen Browser sonst geht nichts bei mir, doch ich wollte doch unbedingt dir sagen wie süß deine Eule geworden ist , du weißt ja bunt ist meine Welt und deswegen bin ich so begeistert. Auch das andere Journalseite ist großartig geworden.
    Ich hoffe dir geht es so weit gut, das Wetter mal kalt mal warm macht mich auch klirre echt.
    Pass auf dich gut auf, lieben Gruß Elke

    1. Danke liebe Elke, schön von dir zu hören. Ja, die Wetterumschwunge machen schwer zu schaffen. Ich bin auch jetzt erkältet. Freut mich dass dir die Eule gefällt. Farben sind für uns sehr wichtig, sie machen gute Laune! Bleib gesund und Pass auf dich auf!

  23. It's such a somber time. Thank you for bringing some brightness to our world through your blog.


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