Saturday 18 September 2021

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, let's hope it will be a good one!

Today I am sharing a small tag made for my recycling challenge at Tag Tuesday. The citrasolv transfer on a scrap of printed paper was made long ago. I stamped round the edges and shaded them with Adirondack expresso ink before mounting it  onto two mats cut from leftovers:

Then I mounted it onto designer paper from LaBlanche, added a sentiment and some embellishments and sewed round the edges so it fits to Wendy's vintage challenge at AJJ:

So now back to our big hole:

For the past few days work has been started. A huge drill bored lots of holes into the road at marked places:

It looks like giant moles have invaded us:

The earth piles around the holes have been individually numbered:

 A porta potty is ready:

And this shows the van of the bomb disposal squad. They always do controls before digging and building in case any unexploded WWII bombs are there. I hope they didn't find anything:

And today we were even in the newspaper again. The drainage pipes are now on their way, and they hope the work will be finished by February. They didn't say if they mean February of 2022....We shall see! I will keep you informed!

Some photos from my morning walks:

And 2 funnies for you:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. That citrasol transfer came out amazing Valerie. It works so well on your tag. And your tag works so well on your journal page. I like the addition of the crow. It really ties the tag onto the page. And That's interesting how they need to look for bombs from WWII. I was wondering why they had to drill all those holes. The construction is interesting. Hope you have a super weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! They still find bombs from time to time which need to be defused and removed or exploded under control.Then the have to replace the drainage pipes and canalisation for the 60 meters where it's damaged!

  2. Great tag and page Valerie. Interesting fix for the road I guess drainage will stop it caving in again. You would think all the bombs from WW2 would have been found by now, better to be safe than sorry!

    1. Thanks Sue. I hope they don't find anything here! Have a great weekend!

  3. Now THAT is a hole! Boy what a repair job that must be. Fascinating to watch it being done -- and I'm sure you'll be glad when it's done! Love the page, Valerie. Very pretty.

    1. Yes, it will take time for them to replace 60 meters of tubes. Have a great weekend!

  4. Most of our portal potties are blue in color.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  5. Lovely art and enjoyed the photos and memes haha. So good they started on the hole, interesting about having to check for bombs, wow.

    1. Thanks Christine, glad you liked the memes! have a great day!

  6. Here in Bangalore we are used to road digging through out the year... Its a money making scam for the politicians here. The ww2 bombs are interesting news !
    Your morning walk clicks are beautiful VJ.

    1. That's interesting. Here they never do more than necessary, the towns dont like paying for them!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Another lovely tag, and you turned it into a wonderful journal page again. Fascinating photos, the work on the road looks interesting, I hope they don't find bombs in front of your house! Have a great weekend! Hugs from us all, Sarah.

    1. Thanks Sarah. Have a great weekend, take care, hugs to all!

  8. Love your two funnies - and the photos from your walk but the hole has too many bad memories for me. (I once had a hole in my drive which grew and grew until they thought my house was in danger of collapse).
    That is a beautiful tag on your journal page. I have never used citra solv myself, always wanted to but never got around to it. Your picture reminds me what lovely effects you get with it. Perhaps one day! In the meantime I will just enjoy your page.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. Holes are always scary, I'm just hoping this one will be safely repaired before too long! Citrasolv is good, but I hate the smell, and only used it once or twice. Have a lovely day, take care, hugs!

  9. They really are giant moles, Valerie, so be very careful as you walk in their vicinity. They are known to occur after serious flooding in the area, even up to 100 km away. They travel underground and lurk around human habitation. Sink holes are their favourite habitat and they lie in wait underground waiting for a chance to leap out and snatch an unwary human, who they find especially tasty. Their favourite delicacy is little old ladies, so you are great risk. The authorities will not alert you to the danger, and will not even admit it exists. All the scientists, biologists, mammalogists and others have sworn to secrecy among themselves, and are continuing with their efforts to put you in jeopardy while claiming to fix the street. Beware! And don't believe what you are told. Don't even believe what you see with your own eyes. This is no more ridiculous than the idiotic conspiracy stories peddled by so many today. This is what we have come to. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David! Your fun bon mots always cheer me up! And you are so right about these idiotic conspiracy theories, how stupid must you be to believe their wild ideas? When I got my 2nd vaccination a man outside was doing a protest, and told me I would not be able to have any children because of the surprise at my age! And back to the moles. I think anything that bit me would be in great danger. I have to take so many medicaments these days, I must be poisonous! So I'll just take my chances. More machines have been built up today, so I'm looking forward to see them working! I'm off now for coffee and cookies, so have a great day, take care, hugs to you both!

  10. The tag is awesome! The construction will give you something to watch. I hope they can get the work done before Feb! Your walk along the Rhine and the fields is much more pleasant. Have a good weekend!

    1. Thanks CJ. I'm so glad that I have the Rhine and fields and woods to walk through every da, that is really a blessing! Have a great weekend!

  11. I really like how you're incorporating your gorgeous tags into art pages lately.

    1. Thanks, this saved work and fitted my theme of reusing. Have a great weekend!

  12. I love that tag. Your Citrasolv transfer is far better than any I have tried. It came out great. It fits perfectly with the journal page you created for Wendy's theme, too.

    I'm delighted you updated us on the hole. Those DO look like mole holes. I find this all so fascinating, too!

    1. Thanks. I will keep you informed of Progress! Have a great weekend!

  13. Happy Saturday, Valerie! Your angel piece is delicately beautiful. Thanks for sharing about your street. I am fascinated by all kinds of construction, and this is very interesting. I hope that it is finished in 2/22! You live in a green and verdant area, and I enjoyed your pictures. I have a big painting project this weekend ~ a cement porch and three stairs. I'm a little intimidated. Maybe I'll add something stenciled. Take care!

    1. Thanks Louise, I'm hoping they get it finished, too! I will be sharing more pictures as the work progresses. I live in a tiny town which is very ancient, and like being between the old buildings, castle ruins and green fields. Good luck with your painting project, some stenciling would be good!


  14. As always, your job is amazing. Beautiful photos and interesting, I wish the renovation end as soon as possible. Have a nice Sunday:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna. Have a wonderful weekend, take care!

  15. Hi Val, Bill here! Lovely art and photos, that looks like a big building project!

  16. What a gorgeous tag and page Valerie, love that image! It does look like mole holes outside, hopefully it will start to look better soon. Beautiful walk photos and I love that windows funny! Take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. I remember scenes Like the women in the Chat room from my childhood! Have a great weekend, stay Safe!

  17. Hilarious memes.
    There're the horses....
    Giant mole holes. Heh. I wouldn't have thought about needing the bomb squad. That's a little scary.
    Your piece is soft, misty and beautiful.

  18. Very interesting photos 😊 have a nice day 😊

  19. That is one big hole! While work is being done, it would be interesting to watch and keep track on the progress. Do update us on the work. 6 months to complete the work is quite a long time. Love the beautiful outdoor scenes. Thanks for the funnies. That is one grumpy cat. Love the last one. Those were the good old days.

    1. It will take a long time because they need to replace 60 meters of drainage pipes under the road, I will be making progress updates! Have a great day!

  20. Great photos, and I love your fairy tag Valerie. Glad to see work has started on the sink hole.
    Have a lovely Sunday,

  21. I love how you used the tag and created the fantastic journal page, great Ajj inspiration.
    It was hood to see the work started on the sink hole, they don't seem to be in any hurry to finish the repair, no doubt they will have a few good excuses.
    Super funnies the Windows photo appealed to my sense of humour this morning.
    Have a good rest of the day.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Usually road repairs get done quickly, but they needed to wait for the new drainage pipes, and they are in short supply since the floods as they are needed everywhere. I like the windows photo, too, reminds me of scenes in my childhood! Hugs!

  22. I know the neighborhood is happy to see work starting, and I hope progress is steady. Your walks include such a variety of environments. Nice!

    1. Thanks, there's a lot to see around here as well as our hole!

  23. Liebe Valerie ein wahres Kunstwerk, das mir sehr gut gefällt. Die Baustelle ist riesengross und hoffentlich dauert es nicht zu lange. Ich hatte 3 Wochen für den Wohnblock neue Heizungkessel eingebaut wurden. Ein Lärm war das, nur gut dass es jetzt wo es kühler wird zum Duschen wieder die Heizung läuft.
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönen Wochenstart und hoffe dir geht es gut!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Ja, es wird hier bestimmt laut! Dir auch einen schönen Start in die neue Woche!

  24. this tag is really stunning! I've been so busy I've nearly missed this challenge which is such a great theme. stay safe from the hole and have a great week. xo

  25. I'm still smiling over your funnies! That cat-oh dear, I wouldn't want to meet him! Your tag is just lovely. Of course, your photos are beautiful. Always love to visit you!

  26. Another wonderful post. Wow all those holes. That cat, OMG! I love the chat room one too. Have a great day.

    1. Thanks Nicole. The chatroom was my fave! Have a great day!

  27. I hope you had a good weekend.
    I had to laugh at the chat room one ... brilliant :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, it used to be like that, I remember such 'chats' when I was growing up in London!


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