Tuesday 21 September 2021

Tuesday/Wednesday Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week got off to a good start.  

Today I have an A3 mixed media journal page to share for Wendy's vintage challenge at AJJ. The background was painted, textured an stenciled. I used a mixture of vintage and modern images:

This is the other half of the rose that I accidentally cut in half:

Blogger has once again changed the order of the photos, the evening sky pics should have been before these lovely images of the moon rising over the trees:

The lake:

Empty benches:

Neighbour's flowers again:

And this feather fluttered down onto the leaf as I went by:

The evening sky:

And some funny memes:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh, that moon and those skies. I fear I will miss tonight's full oon -- it's completely clouded over and I doubt any light will get through at all!

    1. I'm glad I saw the moon on Sunday, the full moon here was hidden by clouds! Have a great day!

  2. I'm loving the collage today Valerie. I had to laugh at the rose. I do that all the time, but isn't it great when you can save the image on a piece? And wow, those moonshot photos are amazing. All the photos are great. Hope your week has started well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Things like that happen often, it's part of the game! Have a great day!

  3. Such a bright moon! Gorgeous page and photos.

  4. What a fun and unique journal entry for Wendy's theme at AJJ. Be thankful it was just an image of a rose you cut in half. I accidentally cut my non-stick craft sheet/mat when it got caught under a page I was cutting on my guillotine cutter several years ago.

    Beautiful full moon shots. Lovely. Here it was cloudy all last night. It threatened to rain, but never did. Just some lightening in the distance. Your neighbors flowers are beautiful and I really like the memes, especially the last one!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. These things happen! I always love the moon, especially when it's so low in the sky. Have a great day!

  5. Those are some great moon photos.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well. Love your beautiful journal page and photos, the moon ��is fabulous! Have a great day, stay safe, hugs from us all, Sarah.

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks, I slept well, snug as a bug in a rug! Have a great day, hugs to all!

  7. Pretty post with those lovely spring flowers. Love your journal too. hugs. xx

  8. Great moon photos and evening sky. Both the funnies made me laugh. Have a beautiful day.

  9. Cool a d quirky collage. Great pics of the moon. I think we call that a harvest moon.

  10. Now that is real creativity when you can cut a rose in half and work it into your art as though it had been intended! Vintage and modern is a lovely combination, like some people's wardrobes, filled with clothes they will never wear again, at least in part because they are 10kg heavier! I do realize, of course, that clothes can inexplicably shrink in a wardrobe. That's a universal phenomenon too, not restricted to any one country or social class; equality of weight gain so to speak! Your pictures of the moon are stunning. Too bad you confessed that they are out of sequences. All manner of amateur astronomers would have been befuddled trying to interpret them. I am quite sure that the feather falling at your feet had some form of metaphysical meaning, far beyond the capacity of most of us to fathom, but no doubt profound. You will have to ponder it, Valerie, and let us know what you come up with. Perhaps it will be the meaning of life itself. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hmmm, David, you know that we can never just throw something away, it has to be used! That's crafter's law! Oh dear, who's got 10 kg heavier? Did those nasty calories creep into the wardrobe and make the clothes smaller! My best trick is buying something new occasionally, and then not wearing it to keep it nice and new....That makes sense, doesn't it!? The feather really had a meaning - a bird had scratched itself and the feather flew down. Better than being pooped on! If you want the meaning of life itself you#ll have to ask 42! Have a great day, take care, hugs!

  11. I love your surreal page, Valerie. The photos of the lake are beautiful. And you know how much I admire your fantastic photos of sky and moon. Hugs, my friend.

    1. Thanks Mia! The sky and moon are always beautiful!

  12. Very cool piece. I like the statue head on the model body. Your moon photos are fantastic. With the thin cloud in front almost looks like Saturn. And a white feather, a loved one was thinking of you.

    1. Thanks CJ! The moon really looked like Saturn, I was really excited to see it! That's a nice thought with the white feather!

  13. This is a dreamy piece. I love the placement of the girls. Your photos are amazing. That moon is special. Have a great day.

  14. Beautiful art Valerie, and I love the skies and flowers!
    Thanks for those funny memes too.

  15. Hi Val, Bill here, lovely art and photos, wonderful moon!

  16. Very creative as usual vj.
    Spectacular moon clicks!

  17. Fabulous photos as always, especially the moon shots.

    Your neighbour's flowers are gorgeous.

    And your journal page is beautiful, Valerie.

  18. What a gorgeous rose your neighbour has, so white with that deep pink outer layer. Again lots of lovely photos and two adorable funnies.
    Love the journal page and how you have built up the figures, especially the central one in the gorgeous ball gown and the statue head. Then again I like the man with the sexy legs on the left. You know what Valerie, I like them all, you've done a fab job at piecing them together. I did a few pages with magazines and I didn't find it at all easy.
    Have a good week.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. My neighbour is nice, sometimes He gives me some flowers. Glad you like the Journal page, I had fun putting it together. Hugs!

  19. Fabulous collages Valerie and awesome phots, love the cats, not me thank goodness, and the dog with his tongue sticking out, so cute..the moon shots are fab too..

    luv CHRISSYxx

  20. Those memes are priceless.
    The moon looks like it's stolen Saturn's ring:)
    The feather on the leaf is a great shot.
    Love the way your piece blends old and new.
    Take special care.

    1. Thanks Sandra. The moon really looked like Saturn, it was so beautiful! Have a great week!

  21. I like the mix of faces on your journal page.

    ... and no matter on the order, your moon photographs are LOVELY.

    All the best Jan

  22. Its a fabulous page with all the collage pieces you used, the rose adds a touch of colour and was meant to be on this page.
    Lovely photos again today and a big grin at the funnies.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! The rose really itted well here. Glad you like the funnies, have a great day! Hugs!

  23. Those memes hit the spot. Especially the last one. LOL.

  24. Beautiful page Valerie, I love all of the different images you used! Awesome photos, the moon is gorgeous and looks so spooky, I love that cat meme, it's so true!
    Take care,

    1. Thanks Tammy. That cat meme is fitting for me! Have a great week!

  25. Great mixed media page Valerie, wonderful moon shots and love the funnies!

  26. My eye is drawn to that hat! I'm wondering if I'd wear it... Maybe :)

    I also feel drawn to your woodland walk photos. And your moon pix are gorgeous!

    1. I love hats, even if people sometimes look askance!


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