Monday 27 September 2021

T sTands for TsfT on Monday

Hi Everybody! 

Here's wishing us all a great week!

Today I have another tag to share for Sandie's bookpaper challenge at Tag Tuesday. I used a stencil of Mona Lisa on the book paper:

This evening we will also start celebrating T sTands for Tuesday at Elizabeth's, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit:

The windows of our thrift shop:

And on one day I had a coffee at the bakery, the sales lady was very nice and carried my coffee out for me as she noticed my shaky fingers. I enjoyed a pleasant half hour people watching and enjoyng the cappuccino:

And some more news from our hole! They are working along both sides of the road:

The red machine is huge pump to regulate the water and drain it off:

The hole has been enlarged and the sides straightened:

The top surface of the road has been taken off, and they bored more holes:

The barriers on the pavement are an attempt to stop people on bikes and motorcycles riding along it:

I'm wondering what they will manage this week:

The huge drill:

The water gets pumped through this contraption to the other side:

The sticky flowers are still a magnet for butterflies and bees:

Autumn flowers in the window-boxes in town:

And this is the last working farm on our road:

Some funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Great photo of kitty watching the birds on steps.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  2. Nice Mona tag. I love the background paper. Is it Greek or Hebrew? And pretty invite for T too. The thrift shop has some beautiful teapots. Those ones with the fat bottoms and thinner tops are quite interesting shapes. I also love the pretty butterfly on the sticky flowers. And I wanted to say you were the only person tog guess a ship on my blog post. You have a good eye Valerie. Hope you had a relaxing weekend and have a great start to the new week, as well as a happy early T day. Hugs-Erika

    1. The background paper is a photo made from a Greek Bible, I didn't want to cut it up. I always love looking into the thrift shop, I don't often buy things but I bring lots of my stuff there when I'm decluttering. Glad I guessed right with the boat! Have a wonderful week, hugs!

  3. Pretty tags and fun memes Valerie, ...that Shakespeare one haha.

    1. Thanks Christine, I loved the Shakespeare one, too!

  4. Great arty post settled amongst the coffee and photos, love it. xx

    1. Thanks Annie, coffee is always good. Have a great week! Hugs!

  5. Your tag is wonderful. Where did you find ink that black? Mona really POPS.

    I love your T invitation. It is beautiful and I love the jam and "biscuit." I fell in love with those tea and coffee pots. Not that I need one, but I sure liked them all.

    Thanks for the update on your hole. It looks like they are going to have it fixed before winter sets in.

    Lovely butterfly and loved the flowers in the flower boxes. Had to laugh at the night stand and the opportunistic cat. Thanks for sharing your art, your hole update, and your memes with us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! I used black acrylic paint for Mona, it's more intensive that ink. Glad you liked the T invitation. That cat has really found a great place for pigeon watching! Have a great day, hugs!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you have a great week. Love the art, photo and funnies today, thanks! Take care of yourself, have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! Hope you have a great week, too. Hugs to you all!

  7. I like both the Mona Lisa and Tea of two, very nicely done. Hope there will be good progress on the road work. Thanks for the funnies especially the night stand. Lol!

  8. Good morning Valerie: I have booted my daughter and grandson back to Ottawa, so time for commenting again! The Mona Lisa brings back memories of the time I saw her in The Louvre. I know she only had eyes for me. Back then I was young with a full head of hair and she knew a good thing when she saw it! It's great to see a working farm on your street. I hadn't realized you were quite so rural. You are probably happy to see them starting work on the hole in the street. It will be a while before that is complete though. Kudos to the kind lady who carried your coffee. There is a highly respected naturalist in our club who has developed a substantial tremor in his hands, and a while ago when he was conducting a fern identification walk I turned the fronds over for him so that he could point out the details of the sporangia. I hope that if ever I am impaired (other than from drinking too much wine) in any respect others will help me. Take good care of yourself as you enjoy walking those lovely streets. Hugs and kisses. David

  9. Of course she only looked at you, what else would she do!? I kept getting moved on at the Louvre, we were only allowed a short time to look at the paintings, very frustrating! We are on the outskirts of town here, and in spite of some new building, it still retains its vintage and rural atmosphere, which is nice. Shaky hands are really a pest, I never imagined I would need help carrying a cup of coffee. But there are lots of friendly people around, so that's good. Today is another very shaky day. In half an hour I'm going shopping with my neighbour, I'm so glad he helps me this way. Hmm, stay off the red wine, I get to shake without drinking, I'm a cheapskate! Have a wonderful week, hugs to you both!

  10. Lovely tag and gorgeous invitation page. I’m glad your road is getting fixed. It has been quite a while. I didn’t know Shakespeare knew about Facebook. ;) hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa, FB teaches us a lot! Have a great week!

  11. Good morning Valerie, I loved everything in your post-art work, and beautiful photos. wow that is quite the street project especially to tie up both sides of the road.
    Happy T and new week

    1. Hi Kathy, thanks! It really is a huge project. Have a great week, stay safe!

  12. Interesting Mona Lisa art vj. Loved your click of the kitty watching birds! Lovely post

    1. Thanks Ashok. That must have been exciting for the kitty!

  13. Mona is so classy and the T Party invite is so pretty and cute. Nice that you could enjoy your cappuccino outside. Out of all the pictures, you know the one I like best. Ink watching the pigeons! He'd be just like that, too. Happy T Day!

    1. I knew you would like that photo! Happy T Day!

  14. Thank you for the visual joy you brought me today. Blessings my friend.

  15. How kind of that woman to carry that cup of coffee to your table. I love the red and green plants outside. Lovely.

    1. Yes, it was kind, things like that make me happy!

  16. I'm not sure if I've commented on your header photo, but it is a lovely scene. What a sweet invitation :)

    I'm drawn to the ship picture. And I see hats :) and so many tempting cups and saucers.

    It's good to see how much progress they're making on the hole. It's moving along faster than I expected.

    1. Thanks. There are lot of hats in the thrift shop. They still need to cut out 60 meters of road to lay the pipes....

  17. I love your Mona Lisa tag Valerie. Great photos too, the butterfly is stunning.
    Those funnies made me smile.
    Hope you have a good week,

  18. Hi Valerie, just wanted to say thank you for your dear comment on my blog last week, I really felt the love and support of everyone and it touched my heart. ♥♥

    1. I know how hard it is to part from a fur baby. Have a great week, hugs!

  19. This is fabulous Valerie, Mona and text, two of my favourite things on the same piece! That hole in your road is going to need its own Facebook page soon lol. Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. I could make a Page about the hole, today the house was vibrating while they were working.

  20. As you may know, I have a big collection of Mona Lisa parodies of all types, especially post cards (from the old days when post cards were a thing). So I love yours! I love the tea and coffee sets in your thrift shop window.

    best... mae at

    1. Glad you like Mona, I have made lots of versions of her! Happy T Day, Valerie

  21. I do like your tag and your 'T' invitation is brilliant :)

    Goodness me ... that is some task filling in/repairing that hole.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, it's not just the hole, but the sixty meters of broken drainage pipes that have to be replaced!

  22. Your Mona Lisa tag is lovely. Your town has lovely flowers as well as window displays. I always love seeing what is in the shops.
    Looks like progress on the whole is slow. But some progress is better than none.
    Love the quote about facebook.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. It will take some time to get the whole hole job done!

  23. That is a beautiful tag, Valerie. I had to laugh that the Port-a-Potty is called "Alleskönner" - I wonder what else you can do inside except for... you know. Here, one company of these "establishments" calls them "Honey Bucket". Oh well... I do know why I don't like honey...

    1. Thanks Carola, I don't want to know what else ou can do inside the 'Alleskönner' - the mind boggles! I think I will stay away from hone today! Happy T day!

  24. It was such a great post from the get go; I don't think I will remember everything. LOL
    Loved the tags, the tea shops, the funnies, but especially the invitation to TSFT. That is great! The funnies I especially liked were the kitty watching the birds on the steps and the "one night stand". Funny. It is also interesting to see how the work is going on the street. How long ago did it sink? :_ Happy T Day!

    1. The hole has been with us since the middle of July, it's a really big job. Glad you liked the funnies! Happy T day!

  25. Wonderful art and photos. I like the funnies too.

  26. That tea for two tag is adorable. And that cat photo is priceless.

    1. Thanks Jackie! Happy T Day, have a great week!

  27. Hi Valerie, beautiful artwork and tags as usual, love the T party invitation. Looks as if they are gradually getting closer to finishing the hole, over in Spain they usually start road works in the summer when the tourists are around, LOL
    Great funnies and the cat watching the birds is funny, a bit like our Grand doggies trying to catch the seagulls.
    Happy T day

    1. Hi Jan, they will need a long time to get the job done. Here in Germany they start working on the motorways in summer, really intelligent! My dog used to try to catch birds, too, but my Kitty just hissed in indignation when one came too near! Happy T Day!

  28. Lovely tag - hard to beat the Mona Lisa - love that stencil! Your invitation to the T-party is fabulous - reminds me of our group with the whimsy, color, pretty tea cups, variety of tea, and food. Great pictures - loved seeing what they are doing with the hole, the waiting kitty is fun (not for the birds, of course), and William is/was right. I am pretty sure that William would be horrified by Facebook but use it to his advantage. Happy T-day and many hugz.

    1. Thanks Nancy, I love my Mona stencil, too, I have her in various sizes! That Kitty in the photo is really sweet, having fun choosing a pigeon! I think we see FB similarly, okay to use when necessary, but not always to be trusted! Happy T Day, hugs!

  29. Your Mona Lisa tag is great.
    Thank you for the update re the hole In The road. What a palaver! Big drills and all sorts.
    I like seeing the window of the thrift shop.
    Hurray for a nice coffee outside! And so kind of the lady to bring it out for you.
    The butterfly is gorgeous and the memes had me chuckling.
    Happy TDay,

    1. Thanks Lisca. Today the whole house shook, they were working with some sort of hydraulic hammers, scary! Have a great holida, have a fun, hugs!

  30. Loving your elegant tag and the journal page is such fun - perfect for T Day! There are so many fabulous goodies in the theft shop and the photos of the beautiful butterfly and autumnal plants are amazing 😀. Looks like they did a great job on the road and those funnies made me smile, especially the cat and Facebook ones - perfect! Happy T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! I think it's a thrift shop not a theft shop! At least I hope so!

  31. YOu have such a fabulous thrift shop -- I'd love my mind in there! And I really love your Mona tag. Fun to see progress on the hole and all your other lovely photos!

    1. Yes, it's a great place to poke around! Enjoy your week!

  32. A beautiful day starts with a besutiful mindset. Lu that quote. Nice tag and photos
    A Beautiful Tuesday to you


  33. wow, a mona lisa stencil? i love it and i love the tag! also that butterfly is beautiful! be well. xo

  34. I really like this Tag with Mona Lisa..
    Thank you so much for supporting my theme Valerie with all your wonderful tags xx

  35. Love your invitation to tea! And wow they have done so much work on the hole! It must be interesting to watch them. Sorry for my lateness, have a sick kitty. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  36. Fabulous Mona Lisa tag and I love the tea party invitation. I'm glad that someone carried your coffee for you - and sorry for your shaky hands. Its good to see the progress with thew hole ! Thanks for the peeking the thrift shop window - Great funnies -love the hopeful cat!!! Take care, Chrisxx

    1. Thanks Chris, Mona Lisa is always fun! Some people are really kind and caring, and that#s a help. That cat has a good strategy! Have a great weekend. hugs!


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