Thursday 2 September 2021

2nd on the 2nd and TAD

Hi Everybody!

This week is flying by very quickly, where does the time go? September is already here, and the weather has a definite nip of autumn in the air, but I must confess that I love the colours of autumn!

Today is Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd, where we share art about which we have already blogged some time in the past. Rain's theme for her Thursday art date is Expressionism, so I am sharing some of my 'Knock-offs' made in past years for various challenges.  According to Wikipedia, "Expressionism is a modernist movement, initially in poetry and painting, originating in Northern Europe around the beginning of the 20th century. Its typical trait is to present the world solely from a subjective perspective, distorting it radically for emotional effect in order to evoke moods or ideas"

Van Gogh - these pictures are A3 mixed media using collage, acrylics, water colours and pastels:

Matisse - mixed media collage:

Vincent van Gogh again:

The sower. This picture hangs in the Art Museum in Düsseldorf and I cant remember who the artist is, sorry! This was a collaged, patchwork piece:

And van Gogh again:

My boots instead of Vincent's:

Amadeo Modigliani - mixed media, A3:

Okay, if you're not asleep already, thanks for looking! No photos today, the post is already long enough!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Thanks for showing us such wonderful examples of expressionism, you are a good teacher.

    1. Thanks Christine, I had lots of experience in teaching! Have a great day!

  2. What a fun post today Valerie. It's great to see so many wonderful pieces again. And thanks for the definition of expressionism. I wasn't familiar with that, and I just love that style of art, so know I know what I love. Smile. Your knock offs are just wonderful. Happy September 2. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I can hardly believe it's September! Have a great day, take care, hugs!

  3. Wow what amazing art pieces! Loved them all Valerie! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Stacy, have agreat day, stay safe! Hugs!

  4. I like read the history and how the art period and era comes about. I have say I like the surrealism the best.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Thanks Dora, surrealism is great. Have a safe day!

  5. I remember so many of these, especially the Van Goghs and the Modigliani, which are my favorites. These are great examples of Expressionism and a great look back at a lot of the art you have shared with us from the past. Thanks for sharing these great and beautiful paintings with us as your second look on the 2nd, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, it was a happy coincidence that Rain's TAD fitted so well with 2nd on the 2nd. Have a great day, hugs!

  6. Wow! Such a gorgeous line up of artwork - each one so unique! I love the idea of revisiting art work not quite done - getting a project finished is always so rewarding, whenver it happens! Lots of hugs to yuo!

  7. Morning Valerie,
    so nice to be back in blogland again, what a treat to see so many Van Gogh classics. I could create expressionism style all day long but i'd never be brave enough to share many. I think all artists need to express their art in this way, a great way to release those inner feelings. Fab walk back in time.
    Hope you are keeping well?? Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, I love this sort of art very much, and it's always fun to make. Great to see you around again. I'm not well at the moment, it can only get better! Hugs!

  8. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well! The sun is shining here,looks hopeful! Love all your art, really gorgeous! Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, good morning to you, too. Hope all is well at your end! Have a nice day, take care!

  9. What a great post! It was good to see those artworks again, with your unique take on them. Good ole van Gogh. I love Modigliani. I have been a 'fan' since I was 11 yrs old and had a huge poster in my room from a Modigliani exhibition my daddy allowed me to go to.

    1. hanks Lisca! I always love van Gogh, and Modigliani is wonderful. I have his 'Knock-offs' hanging here in my living room! Have a good week, take care, and hope your hubby is doing well with the chemo. Hugs!

    2. Thanks not hanks! My fingers do what they want!

  10. Awesome post vj...wonderful to see the classics!

  11. Definitely not asleep. These are great art pieces. I like how you write in white around the portraits. Thanks so much for describing expressionism. I've heard the term, but only had a vague idea of what it was. Enjoy your day. We are bracing ourselves for a big rain storm the next couple of days, with high winds. I hope our giant sunflowers will be okay. They are just starting to bloom.
    hugs & smiles, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa. I love this art form. Stay safe in the big rain storm, and I hope that your sunflowers survive. Take care, hugs!

  12. very cool and artsy Dear...i like every color in that painting ^^

  13. Hi Val, Bill here. Fantastic art today, wow!

  14. Oh my gosh-this is amazing!!!!!!! I love it all!

  15. Wonderful interpretation of the Masters. You're a Master, too

  16. WOW what a spread!!!!
    Luv your impression of Starry Starry Night best


  17. Wow these are wonderful Valerie! I think I remember most of them from the first time around but it's always good to get a second look. Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, glad you enjoyed the second book! Have a great day, hugs!

  18. What a fabulous and informative post today Valerie. I so enjoyed my journey through your gallery, especially the work of Van Gogh. I am sure I have mentioned before that I studied him at college and he is a favourite artist of mine. His life story is so interesting, reading it had a definite effect on the way I studied his paintings and early drawings.
    Hugs Neet x

    1. Oh yes, Van Gogh was a very special person, and I love his work, and enjoy making my knock-offs! Have a great evening!

  19. Valerie,

    Excellent job! I love them all truly! Van Gogh's "Starry Night" is my favorite but look at you with these portraits? WOW, you're amazing! The patchwork piece is super cool and it looks so much like the painting. Thanks for sharing, my friend. Have a doodletastic week...what's left of it. The time is really zipping by fast!

    1. Thanks Kathy! Time flies by indeed, the days just disappear.

  20. What a wonderful collection of art work are so talented..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  21. Adorable colours on your art work and the writing around that image is gorgeous...xx

  22. Wonderful to revisit some of your pieces Valerie.

  23. You have skillfully captured the atmospheres/feelings of the original artists!
    Happy PPF!

  24. O get chance to take them all in again... what a grand post.
    Happy PPF Valerie, take care & stay well.
    Off to take my MIL to the hairdressers then the weekend is MINE at last!!
    Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, enjoy your weekend! Hugs to you and Freya!

  25. Your Expressionist 'knock-offs' are amazing Valerie!
    Happy Friday,


  26. Your works are amazing. Van Gogh is one of my favorite painters. Have a nice weekend:)

  27. Looks like you really had fun with this theme, Valerie. It's interesting to me that many people claim Van Gogh as their favourite painter, but if you press them (and why should I?) they can barely name one of his works, or even explain what they like about them. And don't dare ask what it is about the paintings that universally appeal so much, or why they consider his work superior to others, and how they differ. It seems almost as though it is a name they have heard and hang on to. All seem to know he cut off his ear, other than that, very little. I think the artists you feature might have been both pleased and amused at your creative approach. It's Friday, so it's a day to walk with Heather and the effervescent Lily. Soon she will be walking alongside us. The weekend is almost here. Enjoy! Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David. There's a saying, Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery': I only try to 'knock-off' paintings of artists I like, but like to add my own twist to make them mine. I think some might have been amused, others might have been scandalised, but that's life! We have a new exhibition about expressionism coming up here, so I will go and see it. One day a week you can get in for free, so I will do just that, and spend the money wisely in their cafeteria or book shop! Have a wonderful time with Heather and Lily, take lots of photos! Hugs to you all, Valerie

  28. Replies
    1. Thanks Gillena, have a great weekend, stay safe and well! HUGS!

  29. You did a wonderful art, very unique. Have a great weekend.

  30. Oh my, you really pulled this off ... your art work mimics the real art of the masters and in an expressionist form. I love VanGogh, so I really enjoyed your knock offs of his painting and your explanations in white so even my old eyes (with my glasses on) could read them. I love your walking boots ... they look real enough to slip my feet in and start walking. You are awesome in so many ways, Valerie ... Happy September! I am looking forward to the beautiful color changes we are about to experience. Stay safe, stay well ... great art, Valerie!

    Andrea @ from the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea, your comment makes me feel good! Those boots are my very, very fave ones, can't bear to get rid of them, they make me feel good, too! Have a I great September, I'm looking forward to Autumn and its wonderful colours, too!

  31. Very interesting art collection. I like Vincent Van Gogh, but am not familiar with Matisse.

  32. Gorgeous art Valerie, I love the Matisse collage, it's beautiful! Enjoy your weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, have a great Weekend! Stay Safe, hugs!

  33. Your art is delightful and inspirational! Happy PPF!

  34. wow Valerie- what an absolutely fabulous tribute to these artists- brilliant paintings!!! happy PPF, and have a great weekend!

  35. I remember these. All of them are so beautiful and full of life and color and just telling. You are so very talented. Have a great weekend Vallerie.

  36. Great to see these, some for the first time I think! Hugs, Chrisx


  37. Hi Valerie! :) I love your "knock offs"!!! Especially Van Gogh's Mother and your boots!! Great variety of art today! ☺


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