Thursday 23 September 2021

Thursday Post - TAD

Hi Everybody!

Rain's theme at TAD this week is Sculpture. I have chosen some photos taken in Düsseldorf and Duisburg, a neighbouring town. It was hard to choose as I have so many, but I think this is enough for today. I'm starting with the 'Triton' Fountain on a bridge at the beginning of Königsallee, one of the very expensive shopping streets. If you want to spend a lot in a short time, you're at the right place here! 

The definition of sculpture is 'the art of making two- or three-dimensional representative or abstract forms, especially by carving stone or wood or by casting metal or plaster.'

Another sculpture on the same street:

The lion of Düsseldorf at the other end of  Königsallee:

I love this bronze of the girl playing ball, also on the same street:

Another beautiful bronze statue nearby:

Some rusty sculptures on a street of old houses:

Duisburg was the birth place of  Gerardus Mercator, who was a cartographer and mathematician, and one of the 'inventors' of the globe, which was a revolutionary way of showing the world in the 16th century. In Duisburg there are many globe sculptures:

This sculpture is a fountain:

Another globe:

Another beautiful bronze:

And this is a HUGE sand sculpture made by a very talented international team who worked for weeks to make a sculpture which could only last for a short time. In spite of setbacks they made a 50 foot high sculpture from almost 4000 tons of sand. I enjoyed visiting it in the old industrial park there:

That's all for today! Have a great one, stay safe,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Amazing sculptures, especially the sand sculpt. Too bad that can't be saved for more than a few weeks.

  2. So many beautiful sculptures you have shown Valerie.

  3. Cool looking sculptures. The girl throwing the ball, I think I see kale growing.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. Love this post, so much to see and study over. xx

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Love all the beautiful sculptures today! The sand sculpture is especially lovely, a masterpiece indeed. Hope you're doing well, have a great day, hugs, Sarah.

    1. Thanks Sarah, it was really beautiful and amazing. Hugs to all!

  6. I remember when you showed that sand sculpture. Good thing you got photos, because its lifespan was quite limited. Of course, you had me at rusty sculptures. You found some genuine beauties. Have a super Thursday, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I know you like rusty sculptures. I feel rusty this morning, can't get moving!

  7. So many beautiful sculpture around you Valerie. The sand sculpture is stunning.

  8. So many beautiful and interesting sculptures. So much work gone into making the beautiful sculpture even though it is only for temporary.

    1. Thanks Nancy. Those people worked very hard to create the sand sculpture, I loved it!

  9. I loved the bronze girl playing ball...all of them are wonderful and inspiring to look at.

    1. The bronze sculptures are very beautiful, glad you like them.

  10. Awesome!!!!!

    happy Thursday


  11. Fabulous sculptures, especially that huge sand castle.

  12. Good morning Valerie: That sand sculpture is breathtaking. How do they do it, especially considering that it is destined to have such a short life, and probably requires touching up constantly, even while the construction is still going on. It must require knowledge of sand humidity, structure, adhesion factors and so on in addition to incredible vision and artistic skill. But I know that you could do it, Valerie. I am sure that you are already planning your own structure, and devising ways to have the unveiling celebrated by thousands. Be sure to sell autographed post cards, and charge for selfies with you. You will make a fortune. I have always lusted for a trip to Antarctica but it is simply too expensive for my meagre budget, so here is my chance. I know that I am your best bosom buddy (I really like the bosom part) and you will wish to fund my trip there. First class mind you. No scrimping. If you wish you may even come along. Off now to dream of ice bergs and penguin colonies, skuas, seals and sunsets. Thanks for being so generous. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, keep on dreaming! Wouldn't it be nice! But yes, I'll go with to keep a tight rein on the expenditure! The team who do the sculpting are really experts, I have no idea how they get it to stick together. And they had constant setbacks caused by idiots who broke into the place at night and climbed the sculpture, or threw stones at it. In the end it had to be watched by security people each night! Today I cleared off my kitchen table, which is also my work desk, the heaps of papers and detritus almost reached to the ceiling, but now I can see the wood of the table top, wow! Now I can have fun covering it all up again. My great auntie used to tell me that tidiness and order was an important part of life, but I like the other parts better! Have a wonderful day, dream of Antarctica, have fun! Hugs to you both!

  13. You have some fabulous sculptures here. It must be wonderful to live in a city or populated area where there are so many to view. That sand sculpture is amazing. We have a beach not far from where I live that does this every summer. You've inspired me to go next year and see them. Plus that fountain (not flowing) is pretty interesting also. This is a great post and a nice challenge to get people to look at the art all around them. Hope the day is going well. Hugs-Erika

    1. We are very lucky here that we have so many beautiful sculptures and places of interest near by. Have a great day, hugs!

  14. Valerie,

    I loved all of your examples but what I really enjoyed the most is the sand sculpture. That really blows me away. The details are amazing and the work that's put into a temporary art piece is mind bending. How can one vest the talent like that knowing it will fall or be destroyed? I couldn't do it. Thanks for sharing, my friend!

    Curious as a Cathy

    1. Thanks Cathy! The sand sculpture is really amazing. Have a great day!

  15. These are just amazing. I love the woman. Have a great day.

  16. Hi Val, Bill here. Lovely sculptures! Have a nice day!

  17. Amazing sculptures Valerie! Thanks for sharing them with us.
    Have a lovely evening.

  18. Oh Wow Valerie, I so enjoyed all of these sculptors-so wonderful that you can view them in person. Loved the sand castle-amazing! before retirement we used to live near Lake Geneva Wisconsin-it sits close to the border of Illinois and Wisconsin every year that would have sculpture contest-amazing to see the creativity-thank you for sharing this wonderful photos-hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, glad you liked the sculptures. We are indeed lucky to have so many sights nearby. Have a great day!

  19. What gorgeous sculptures! The sand one is amazing!

  20. wow, you found a lot of sculptures. The girl playing ball reminded me of one we have of a woman taking the morning bath. She is called Morning. Aging also made her green.
    And the sand sculpture... so amazing! hard to understand how they succedid creating all the details. They must have spent months just to create the drawings for the sculpture. Probably even a 3D sculpture. Amazing! Thanks for sharing.

    1. We have lots to see here. The sand sculpture is really amazing, I hope they do another one sometime! Have a great day!

  21. You are surrounded by artistic vibes and it shows in your art. But today it shows in the many and variable sculptures that are throughout your neighborhoods. I love the bronze sculptures of people, but nothing compares to the sand sculpture. Such detail and creative thinking to say nothing of the knowledge and patience you would need to create in sand ... so sad that is was temporary, but it lives on in peoples photographs ... like yours. Awesome selection Valerie :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea. We are lucky to have so many things here. The sand sculpture was fabulous! Have a great weekend!

  22. WOW!
    These are all amazing, a beautiful selection for Rain's theme.

    All the best Jan

  23. Such detail! Artists are amazing in their ability to create work unlike that of other artists. The variety always impresses me.

  24. Hi Valerie ☺ I love your selection of sculptures. The bronze ladies are fabulous. I'm always very interested in globe sculptures...the amount of work involved and detail is staggering. The sand sculpture is out of this world, omgosh!!! Reminds me of the ice sculpture competitions in the winter! Lovely! ☺

    1. The sand sculpture was really fantastic, I loved it. Have a great week!


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