Friday 24 September 2021

Friday Post / PPF

Hi Everybody!

It's Friday already - where did the week go?

Today I am sharing a hybrid journal page made using an image of my great auntie Fanny. I used a photo of rust for the background and added embellishments from Serif:

I am linking to Wendy's vintage challenge at AJJ.

And I have another tag for Sandie's bookpaper challenge at Tag Tuesday

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

I have been enjoying the ever changing skies here:

From a cemetery in London:


There are several of these signs to be seen in London these days:

Be cautious!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. The tag is well done but I absolutely love the vintage piece with your Aunt Fanny. Some of those picture memes are quite interesting. Grin.

    1. Thanks Sandra! Auntie Fanny was a pretty lady I love this photo! Have a lovely day!

  2. Gorgeous header photo. Beautiful page and tag. Lovely photos and I enjoyed the memes. Happy PPF Valerie.

  3. Lovely creativity.. All your sky clicks are stunning!

  4. Beautiful creative post have a great weekend.. xx

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are feeling well today. Love the beautiful journal page with your auntie Fanny, and the tag is fun, too. The sky photos are fabulous! Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah! I had a good sleep and that always helps! Have a great day, hugs to all!

  6. Fabulous vintage page and tag. Love the rust background and the picture of your aunt. Hugs Wendy.
    PS I am on holiday from tomorrow for a week, hope I can get on the internet.

  7. Beautiful journal page. Lovely changing skies and interesting signs. Have a good weekend.

  8. Great photos (Oh Em Gee at the petrol pump) with beautiful skies, great tag (love the boldness of the man) and a great journal page. I love rust and you have got the perfect rust on here and how lovely does it look with all those flowers. You have chosen the perfect ones to compliment your aunt and the rust.
    Love it.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I wonder If some people try those tricks at the petrol pump? Have a great day!

  9. I had an aunt Fanny as well - she was my great aunt. I wish I had a picture of her when she was younger. She was one of my favorite aunts. I love how you framed yours up -she is sooo pretty.

    Very cool tag too - love the flower on his hat - very unexpected and fun.

    They skies are amazing - you captured the amazing so well. Those signs were unusual and very unexpected as well.

    Fun post as always, Valerie.


    1. Thanks Nancy! It seems that Fanny was the name of several favourite great aunts! She was always a very kind and good hearted person. I spend a lot of time watching the sky, always fascinating. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  10. The page you created with your Aunt Fanny is beautiful. So old-fashioned and romantic. The gent with the flower on his bowler reminds me of Monty Python. So fun. Gorgeous skies. Enjoy your day

    1. Thanks CJ. Yes, the gent would fit in well with Monty Python! Have a great day!

  11. Hi Valerie, I love soup, I have been making and freezing chicken stock that I made after baking a whole chicken-soup sounds good pretty soon-we are warming back up again here
    awesome art and always enjoy your photos so much-hugs Happy friday and weekend

    1. Thanks Kathy, soup season is always good, yummy! Have a great Weekend! Hugs!

  12. A fabulous vintage page Valerie and the rusting effects look great, its a super book page tag as well. I liked seeing your photos, especially the regal looking black bird perched on the stalk.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! That black crow always perches right at the top of the tree!

  13. Your great aunt is beautiful and the background you have created is very attractive. Gorgeous photos, as always.

    1. Thanks Tarang, she was a lovely person! Happy PPF!

  14. That last photo made me laugh. Honestly! Your aunt was a very beautiful woman.

    1. Strange to think what some people get up to! My aunt was really lovely person!

  15. Fanny looks beautiful. And you made beautiful art of or with her :)
    Happy PPF!

  16. Wow luv the tag. When i saw the tag i thought you had responded to The Three Muses promot MASCULINE.
    Gorgeous photos.

    Happy PPF


  17. wow, the things you have to tell people. Can you even imagine anyone at the pump inserting that...Your auntie is lovely but her dress is enviable. I wish I'd known her from this pic

    1. No, I can't Imagine it, never! My auntie was a lovely lady.

  18. Good morning Valerie: Your great auntie Fannie has been featured several times in your creations if I am not mistaken. I wonder how she would feel about her image travelling all over the world, something she could probably never have imagined during her lifetime. I bet she would have been pleased! Yesterday I filled up with gas knowing that tomorrow I will be leading a walk for eager birders down to the north shore of Lake Ontario. I have to say that I never for a moment considered performing either of the tasks indicated on the pump you show. I think the warning is probably aimed an violent anti-vaxxers who might well be tempted to do it, thinking no doubt it is an alternative treatment for COVID, which is a hoax anyway of course. Maybe they should do it. Might even be the most intelligent thing they have done. My daughter and my grandson will be arriving today for a weekend visit and to join my outing tomorrow, so if I am tardy getting to your blog you will understand, I hope. Until the next time, hugs and kisses, David.

    1. Hi David! Yes, I use my family members in a lot of my vintage pages. Auntie Fanny and Erika and my mother would have all been delighted! I'm so glad that you managed to fill your car with gas and knew where to put the nozzle and where not! There are evidently people who are stupid enough to do things like this! If the anti Vaxxers can take veterinary medicines as a prevention for Covid, why not gas? I wish you a happy time with your daughter and grandson, don't worry about commenting, have some family time! Hugs to you all!

  19. Loving your tag and page, the rusty elements with your family photo look amazing 😀. Those skies look so beautiful too and I smiled at the soup of the day, I could live with that! I hope you've had a lovely week and wishing you a wonderful weekend! Hugs Jo x

    1. I can imagine that you would enjoy that soup of the day! Cheers, have a great weekend!

  20. Beautiful art and photos Valerie! Have a lovely weekend.

  21. Wonderful mixed media! Filled with so many details! Happy PPF!

  22. Hope your weekend is filled with energy, no pain, sunshine and flowers.

  23. Gorgeous vintage page and photo Valerie and I love that awesome tag! Beautiful sky photos, great 'soup of the day' sign, love it! Enjoy your weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! That's a great soup of the day! Have a great weekend!

  24. Wow that first piece is just gorgeous. Love the black and white too. Have a wonderful day.

  25. What a stunning page and your Aunt was so very attractive, love the colours in the background and all your beautiful flowers and details..gorgeous Valerie...

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  26. A beautiful page and tag.

    All the best Jan

  27. Beautiful piece, Valerie! And wonderful photos, too. Love that gas pump pic!

  28. I love that page of your Aunt Fanny. It is a beautiful tribute. And I like that tag a lot too. The back of the man looks super on the book page. And Nice sky photos, but interesting photos from London. The time travel one is fun. Hope it was a great FRiday. I'm in catch up and off to read your latest post. Hugs-Erika

  29. I am so sorry I'm late visiting. Your Aunt Fanny looks so good in front of the rusty background. I'm in awe of this beauty you created for us at AJJ using Wendy's theme.

    That tag is great. I love the idea of white collar, signifying class structure. The use of book pages in the background really set the man off.

    LOVE the sky shots and the DEAD photo from the city of London. I'm off to see what else I've missed, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! Someone had humour to create a grave stone like that! Hugs!

  30. Wow what a greatly designed layout for your great aunt Fanny! It looks absolutely beautiful! I love your take on the tag challenge, hard to beat a silhouette image!

  31. A super tag, I love the image and that background is awesome.
    Thank you so much for supporting my theme Valerie...x

  32. That wave in her hair is delightful. The pink flower on the back of the gentleman's hat is perfect. Your skies are gorgeous with so many kinds of clouds.

    The "dead" monument is impressive.

    1. Thanks, the old styles were always so elegant!


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