Wednesday 15 September 2021

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

It's midweek already, time is flying!

I have another journal page to share for Wendy's vintage challenge at AJJ. This time I started with an old tag, which I placed into the centre of an A4 page, and then painted the page with diluted acrylics to match the colours of the tag. Then I sewed around the tag and sewed the page onto some black cardstock This was  a quick and easy one:

And a funny for you:

Yesterday I took a walk along the stream next to the house. The fields have been planted with bee-friendly plants to make a huge and beautiful meadow. Blogger changed the order of the photos again!

The hedgerows are full of berries:

I waded through the sea of flowers, they came up to my waist, and it was a great feeling to be in the middle of all these beautiful plants and to hear insects buzzing around me:

Even though summer is almost over, they made a wonderful display.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. OMG. That meme is hilarious. I love it when church members have a sense of humor;) Love the piece and your pictures are so warm and inviting.
    Hope you're having a fabulous day:)

  2. I'm going to be like Google and respond in reverse order. That is a beautiful field of flowers and perfect for bees and other pollinators. I can just picture you walking through the field and hearing the bees. I know that sound well. And I do like you latest tag and page. It's a great image and that stitching looks fantastic. It gives just enough detail. I hope your week is going well and you have a happy Wednesday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I wonder why Blogger keeps changing the order?! Being in the middle of that field of flowers was really therapeutic, and I enjoyed it so much. I'm glad people are starting to do something for the bees etc before it's too late. Have a great day!

  3. Gorgeous tag and page Valerie, I love the stitching and that fabulous black bike! Beautiful photos, awesome field of flowers and berries, what a wonderful walk!
    Take care, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, the bike is a die-cut, I have a motorbike, too. Have a lovely day, take care!

  4. I really like bike on tag.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Thanks Dora, it's a nice bike! Have a great day!

  5. Good job with the art page it really becomes an extension of the tag. Beautiful photos I can imagine your pleasure wading through the blooms.

    1. Thanks Christine, it really was wonderful to wade through those flowers!

  6. Your journal page is wonderful. I love the addition of the sewing, especially around the edges. It turned out great and that tag is beautiful. I also like how you used watered down acrylics for the background. They colors were perfect. Thanks for sharing these at AJJ using Wendy's theme, dear.

    That field of flowers is out of this world. Simply wild and beautiful. I can see why you were drawn to it.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I love that field of flowers, good for people and insects! Have a great day!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well and feel better today. Love the Journal page, very clever! Great photos, too, glad you enjoyed being among the flowers. Have a lovely day, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I slept well, didn't wake up till after 7. Have a lovely day, hugs to all!

  8. Loving your journal page-and I love the planted meadow you found-I wish more areas would do that good for our well being as well as the wildlife-hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. Yes, we need more wild flowers to make the world happy and bring it back into balance! Have a great day!

  9. The bike stands out on the journal page. Lovely to see the wild flowers in the meadow.

    1. Thanks Nancy, I would like a bike like that! Have a good day, stay safe!

  10. Great journal page, good to see your machine is cooperating now. The flower meadow is beautiful, I imagine the bees would be very happy.

    1. Thanks Sue. I cleaned the machine, it was full of fluff and dirt, and now it's behaving well! Have a great day!

  11. Lovely journal page, Valerie. You do well to immerse yourself in the wildflower meadow, entering with gay abandon until you are waist high in all the sights and sounds and odours it has to offer. I have done this so many times I could not even begin to count, and it is always cathartic in so many ways. I would be the first to agree that there is beauty in a well manicured estate, and much to be admired, but the ordered neatness of a constructed garden will never surpass the exuberance of a wildflower meadow. You took some great pictures. I can enjoy the experience vicariously. Yesterday we discovered a wonderful spot called Graves Island and walked its perimeter in bright sunshine with the temperature a very pleasant nineteen degrees, perfect for walking. The birding was good, the wildflowers delightful and squirrels chatted to us frequently. It doesn't get much better. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, nice to hear from you again. The wildflower meadow is really wonderful, such a lovely sight to see it extending for more than a Kilometer. I'm pleased the town gardeners plant wildflowers on every open spot they find. They even sell their seeds, it's called the Düsseldorf Bee Mix, I hope more communities are doing the same instead of sterile, manicured grass areas. Graves Island sounds wonderful, and good that you had a normal temperature to enjoy your walk. And even the squirrels chatted to you, that#s something! Enjoy your day, have fun, hugs to you both!

  12. Absolutely fabulous arty designs, and most refreshing floral pics. . xx

  13. What a great tag/journal page, and the photos are fabulous. Autumn is such a pretty season. Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. I love this time of year! Have a great day!

  14. Incorporating your tag into a page was brilliant. I love how it turned out. It seems like they were always meant to go together.

  15. I love the piece. The colors are fabulous. And beautiful nature photos today, too!

  16. We need more pollinator-friendly meadow spaces and fewer large expanses of grassy lawn.

    1. Absolutely right! They are slowly getting started here!

  17. Beautiful tag art and wonderful photos Valerie!
    P.S. I really appreciate all your comments and likes on FB, thank you so much.

  18. I like the pearl accents on the bicycle. Hygenesis! 😺 That's how I want my meadow to look! I need to hack through all the weeds or get a goat to get started.

    1. The meadows are lovely indeed. A goat would be fun!

  19. wow those photos of the nature... so amazing;)

  20. Those berries just pop.
    Hope your day is pleasant and pain free.

  21. Oh Valerie, I love that tag. What a beautiful picture it is, and so clear. I adore the colours you have used on the background page so citrussy (is that a word?) it blends in perfectly with the tag.
    Love the funny and the other photos which remind me that our local councils have taken to planting wild flowers on lots of open spaces. It looks lovely, I must try to get a photograph some time.
    Have a good week.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, glad you like the Tag. I don't know If citrussy is a word, but I like it! A very accurate description! It's good that people are planting wild flowers, the bees and other pollinators will be Happy. Have a great evening! Hugs!

  22. You can't think about anything negative when you are amidst all this beauty.

  23. Oh I really like this one. The threads set it off. Beautiful photos too.

  24. Love how you blended your tag into the background and the little bit of bling on the bike, I really enjoy making art like this, makes a great display. Another amazing walk with you in pictures today, I have big pink cosmos in my garden too.
    Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. I would like a bike like that with bling on it! Have a great day, hugs!

  25. First of all that notice board outside the church shows a real sense of humour shared with all the folk passing by.
    Your journal page is fabulous with the old bicycle and the stitching you added, lovely seasonal colours as well.
    A walk in the countryside scenery you showed in those photos, with the gentle buzz of the insects sounds ideal to me.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, I liked that sign, too, someone has a good sense of humour! Have a great day, stay safe, hugs!

  26. I love your page, Valerie - the colors are amazing and the sewing is fabulous. I had to look at it a long time because I seriously wish I could get those colors on a page - wow. Great make. The funny is wonderful - thanks for sharing. Lovely flower pictures too. Thanks for sharing all this - was a treat to view while drinking my coffee this morning.

    1. Thanks Nancy, glad you liked the page. The colours were very watered down. Have a great day, hugs!

  27. Lovely selection of photographs.

    We saw a lot of berries in the hedgerow on our recent walk.
    I do like this time of year.

    All the best Jan


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