Sunday 1 August 2021

New challenge at Art Journal Journey (AJJ)

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at AJJ and the lovely and talented Neet is hosting. Her theme is 'type'. This is what she has written about her challenge:

'Typing has always been a passion of mine and I love the various fonts you can now play around with on a computer which is why I chose “Type” as my topic for August but I want you to think broadly around the word - very broadly!
The Readers Digest Pocket  dictionary says: n. person, thing or event serving as an illustration, symbol or specimen; a letter or other character used in printing; collection or fount of this; execute on, or use typewriter.
So think - typewriter, printing machines, keys (as on a typewriter), fonts, letters and numbers used in different ways - correspondence, calligraphy, illuminated letters, signs etc
Remember, also, it can be used as both a verb (“he typed the words …”) and a noun (“he wrote her the type of letter she loved”) so that hopefully opens up a whole host of images you can use.'

For my first piece I made an A3 mixed media piece. The centre of the page was a photo of a graffiti covered door I took in London many years ago. I added some more brickwork round the photo with structure paste  to carry on the wall idea. The red, black and white face in the middle was inspired by a lesson from Mareike Blokland in 'Art is Magic', who inspired us to draw different types (of  people) and to use different types of writing and script to add interest to our pages. I added various words, including peace, love and music. Then I cut Mr Umbrella Man from an old calendar page, so he is a type with types. This gives us a type wearing types looking at a type surrounded by various types of script, including a piece of a torn, handwritten letter:

And I have some beautiful sunrise photos. The crane was being used to repair something, not often there's a crane in the fields:

After I watch the sunrise, I make myself some coffee and take it back to bed, as It's still very early.

Have a great Sunday, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a lot of types you managed to find for your first entry this month at Art Journal Journey. I was in awe and quite surprised at your take on this theme. Even the umbrella man had his own take on type. Really a different change of pace and completely unexpected. Tanks for this really different and inspiring entry.

    Very strange to see the crane in the field, but beautiful sunrise photos.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, I'm always good for a surprise! Happy Sunday, hugs!

  2. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well, Love your fantastic new piece, wow! Totally different and bombastic, what fun! Gorgeous photos, too. Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, glad you like it! Have a fun day, hugs to you all!

  3. First of all I must say you have some beautiful sunsets for us to look at today. I love your photographs.
    Your journal page depicts something I always enjoy seeing. Graffiti.
    Love your wall with the face and the words which takes me back to the seventies when my class thought they could startle me with Ian Dury and the Blockheads. I wonder what the guy with the umbrella is thinking as he looks at it all.
    I just love the vibrancy of your page and can imagine it in real life with the texture of the brickwork. Fab face too!
    Thanks for joining me at AJJ.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I always find graffiti fascinating, as long as people don't deface buildings etc where it's not allowed. The umbrella man is probably shaking his head and wondering about it all! I had fun making this page, absolutely my type! Have a great Sunday, hugs!

  4. I love the contrast of the stark, industrial feel of the crane against the softer background of nature. Happy August! Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. Where did July go? Have a great month, stay well! Hugs!

  5. A fine type of post you have created here, Valerie. You marshalled all your creative forces to come up with this one. Years ago Miriam and I used to have coffee in bed in the mornings and for some reason we got out of the habit. We would get the coffee pot ready the night before and whoever woke first would go down and turn it on and then back down again a few minutes later to bring up the tray with the coffee. Sometimes we split a banana too. Now it's rare that we are awake at the same time. Usually I am the early riser and active long before Miriam. I hope that your coffee in bed this morning was good and that you didn't spill any on the sheets. Yesterday we spent the afternoon with good friends who have just become grandchildren for the first time and they are delighted with their new status in life. Let the spoiling begin, I say! It is late morning for you, not even 5 am here. Enjoy the rest of the day and take good care. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David! I always enjoy my coffee in bed, it's a great way to start the day. And no, I would never waste my good coffee by spilling it on the sheets! Today I even fell asleep again, so it was rather late when I eventually rolled out of bed. Your limerick was much liked yesterday! Your friends have become grandchildren? Time travel? or have they become grandparents? Yes, it's always good to be able to spoil children and let the parents do the hard work! You were really up early today, no wonder Miriam likes to sleep longer. I hope you take her a coffee later! Have a wonderful Sunday, hugs to you both!

    2. Oops, grandparents of course! Maybe I need to go back to bed! Glad you enjoyed the limerick yesterday. Who knows, more might follow?

    3. Yes, I think you need more sleep. Or more coffee. Great thought, I'm off to get myself another cup! And yes, more limericks!

  6. What a brilliant AJ page, stunning in all ways as are the gorgeous photos. xx

  7. Great page with lots of types. I wouldn't want to meet him on a dark night though.
    Hugs Wendy

    1. Thanks Wendy, I know what you mean! Have a great Sunday, hugs, Valerie

  8. Fun take on type. I like the umbrella man studying the graffiti. Glorious sunrise pictures. Take care.

    1. Thanks CJ. I like the Umbrella Man everywhere! Enjoy your Sunday!

  9. Love, love Love! your tag on the previous post, and your art for this post is outstanding. I really like how bold it is. I have always loved fonts and playing with letters myself. You did a great job! The sky photos are beautiful. Have a wonderful week ahead!

    1. Thanks Debra, I had fun with this one. It's good to sometimes just play and be messy! Have a great, new week! Hugs!

  10. An fantastic page and inspiration for the new AJJ theme Valerie. I love how you added Mr U and the graffiti to the wall.
    The sunset photos looked beautiful as well.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, I had fun playing here. You have a great, new week, too, take care!

  11. I am loving this page and the graffiti style type/text you used. It is a lot of fun and a creative take on this challenge. I hadn't thought of graffiti. And I love the number of Mr. Umbrella Man too. Very nice addition. And I must say, you have had some gorgeous sunrises. Wow. It looks hot and summery. Hope your weekend is going well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! We have had lots of wonderful sunrises, but mostly it's clouded over later and was then just warm and humid. Strange weather! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  12. Very cool page, Valerie. Has a great graffiti look for sure and that giant image is very eye-catching. Love all the details.

    Beautiful sunrise skies - the colors are amazing!!!!


    1. Thanks Nancy, I had fun making it. Have a great Sunday, hugs!

  13. Wow! You sure managed to capture the beauty of the sunrise, and yay to you for your patience. So wonderful to see. Hope you're getting some rest now. Hugs, RO

    1. Thanks Ro, I love watching the sunrise wach morning. I'm enjoying a restful weekend. Have a great Sunday!

  14. Beautiful page and oh gosh stunning photos.

  15. I don't have a clear sight to the horizon at my house, and your colors in your sunrise are gorgeous! What a sight to see!

    1. Thanks, it's wonderful to see this each morning!

  16. Great to include different types of types, Valerie. I love graffiti art (maybe street graffiti not so much) and you've made an inspiring graffiti art here with lots of good ideas.

    1. Thanks Sheila, I had fun making this! Have a great day!

  17. Valerie you nailed it. I love this face too. The photos are fabulous.

  18. I love creative graffiti - not just those tags that seem to get everywhere - and your wall is just that - it looks although different folk have added to it over time - maybe umbrella man is thinking what he could put up there!
    That sunrise is wonderful! Yes, the sun rises here early too (and yours is an hour earlier!!) but our view is blocked - not that I mind as we have sun all day long in our apartment! You earn your coffee getting up so early! Hugs, Chrisxx

    1. Thanks Chris! I like the idea of earning my coffee by getting up early! Have a great, new week!

  19. The face is very nice. I love the sunset pictures! In every picture it's different. Have an amazing day!

    1. Thanks Aishu. It's always beautiful to see! Have a great day!

  20. Wow! Awesome sunset photo and very creative artwork ~ fun ~ Xo

    Living in the Moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


  21. Your new job is very interesting. the sunrise photos are amazing, I am sleepy and I admire that you managed to photograph the sunrise. Bravo, have a nice week :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks Lucyna, the sun wakes me every day!

  22. What a fabulous piece Valerie, I love the fun graffiti theme! Absolutely stunning sunrise photos too! I hope you had a nice weekend.
    Take care & hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, I had fun making it! Hope you weekend is good and that you have a good start in the new week!

  23. Wow fabulous sky photos Valerie-I love them
    and I really like your journal page for the theme type-will be interesting to see everyone's interpretation of this one.
    Happy Sunday and new week ahead

    1. Thanks Kathy! This will definitely be a fun Challenge. Have a good start in the new week! Hugs!

  24. I like your graffiti art and those sunrise photographs are fabulous.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, have a great, new week! Stay safe!

  25. *wow* da sist ein kreatives Kunstwerk das ich liebe zu Neets Thema und die schönen Sonnenaufgänge. klasse Fotos!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke liebe Elke. Das Thema is gut und mir hat es Spaß gemacht das Bild zu kreieren. Bleib gesund! Hugs!

  26. Beautiful photos, and a fantastic journal page Valerie!
    Happy August.

    1. Thanks Alison, have a happy and creative August! Hugs!

  27. Interesting page. It reminds me of modern graffiti art. Those sunrise photos are amazing. HUGS, Teresa

  28. I love street art and that guy is fantastic. You’ve added details around him that look really great.

    1. Thanks Annie, I had fun with this one! Have a great week!

  29. What a fabulous piece, I'm really loving these faces of yours.Lovely photographs too, and the idea of taking a coffee back to bed is definitely a good one! xx

    1. Thanks Sue. Coffee in bed is a nice little luxury! Have a great week!

  30. This piece has a lot of character and I recognize your Bowler Man! What glorious sunsets!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. We always have wonderful sunrise scenes here. Have a great day, hugs!

  31. Valerie I love your graffiti artwork, unfortunately we have a lot of it here,. It used to be the joke here in Spain twenty years ago with all the building work going on, what’s the national bird of Spain? the Crane, not so much now though
    Gorgeous photos of the sunrise.

    1. Thanks Jan, have a great week! We don't have many cranes here, so I liked the contrast here! Have a great week!

  32. Very cool art piece! I love the face!! I have never seen a crane look so beautiful in a sun rise! LOL! Big Hugs!


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