Tuesday 24 August 2021

Tuesday Post

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another A3 mixed media piece to share, which will perhaps make some people shudder. I was trying to use up more UFAMTOs from my desk - unidentified flying around my table objects. So I collaged them here, and if you don't like beetles etc it may be hard to look at, but I had fun putting all these disparate objects together. I don't know what types of birds or beetles they are, perhaps David will know! The words and images were cut from various magazines, except for the birds, which were part of a paper napkin.  I am always surprised by the variety of types used in magazines - much too good to throw away! I am linking to Neet's type challenge at AJJ:

I am sharing some pictures of a visit to Eindhoven in Holland before Corona times. Blogger has completely reversed the order of the photos, sorry!
Some of the shops we visited had jazzy decorations:

Lots of bikes outside the station:

St Catherine's Church:

A peaceful courtyard where we had coffee - what else?

Old houses which I liked much more than the modern ones:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Great collage of images on your journal page.
    I loved seeing your pre-corona pictures. The church is beautiful and I agree with you, old houses have so much more character than modern ones. The only downside is there is a lot more to fix in old houses.
    Love all the signs you shared as well.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate, have a great week, happy T Day!

  2. I like this page Valerie. The bugs are interesting, and 2 of they may even be fireflies. May is the key word there. And it is fascinating to see your photos from your visit to Eindhoven. It's interesting those stores have wording in English. One day hopefully covid will be gone so we can do some of those fun visits again. Have a wonderful Tuesday my friend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. In Holland most of the stores had wording in English, and in many stores here the same is happening. English is evidently 'in' as fashion language!

  3. Lovely post and gorgeous art...Your colours are awesomely gorgeous.. The photos are beautiful...xx

    1. Thanks Annie, have a great day, hugs to you and Bella!

  4. Interesting how you have eye looking out.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Thanks Dora, eyes are important! Have a great day!

  5. Love the beetles. Wonderful place you visited, the buildings are amazing.

    1. Thanks Sue, it's a fun place to visit! We are lucky that Holland is so near!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Your Art is fascinating, but now I will be thinking of beetles all day. Great pics from Holland! Have a great day. Hugs from us all, Sarah.

    1. Thanks Sarah, better think of the Beatles than beetles! Have a great day, hugs to all!

  7. Beautiful art and great photos. Nice old houses. Enjoy your day.

  8. One thing I enjoy very much when I holiday in Europe is looking at the houses. I remember my first trip to your city seeing the house shapes fascinated me so much and after that wherever I went I loved seeing the houses. Love the interior of the church too.
    Again you have obtained that lovely textural look to your journal page. Whilst I am not a fan of either beetles or moths I like your page. There are things on there that really excite me - eyes being the main one. I love eyes in magazines. The skull is fabulous - now I am wondering if you decorated it or did it come embellished. Either way it is magnificent.
    A super page Valerie, love the newspaper lettering. Thanks for another great entry to my theme at Art Journal Journey.
    Hugs, Net xx

    1. thanks Neet. I never tire of the various architectural forms we get to see. The church was wonderful, I would have liked to spend more time there, but my companion was impatient to go shopping! I love eyes, types, mouths, hands, and have quite a collection - cut from magazines, of course! The skull was already decorated, also a magazine cut-out. I just added the smoky green in the eyes, or rather eye-holes! Have a great day, Neet!

  9. Wonderful collage of mixed media images. I love seeing different bugs and interesting images. love it. Love seeing the architectural beauty where you live. Excellent photography.

    Hugs and Blessings,

  10. Will be back later in the day, Valerie. It is Tuesday bird walk day, and we have to drive for an hour this morning. xo

  11. Cool art! I'm always impressed by your photos. You see so much beauty. Thank you for sharing it with us!

  12. What a fabulous journal page you have created for Neet's theme at AJJ. Very surreal. I was most impressed, and like you, I love to save words with different fonts from magazines, too.

    That was a beautiful town you visited. I also love old architecture, but that church was absolutely incredible. Nothing like you see here in the states. Those bells are out of this world, too. Thanks for these lovely photos from a few years ago, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I like to cut useful things out and save them, too, free embellishments! The church was really gorgeous, so much to see and enjoy.

  13. Hi Val, Bill here. Great Art and pics!

  14. Such a delightful and enjoyable post, Valerie.

    Love your art and photos.

  15. Hi Valerie, I have finally got here for a catch up - I do love your page and the pictures of Eindhoven look fabulous but I am going to go way back to start my catch up so I see things in order - I hope that's OK with you, Hugs and apologies for taking so long to get here, Chrisxxx

  16. Great photos Valerie, and your art is beautiful. I don't mind the creepy crawlies, it's skulls that make me shudder.
    Happy Tuesday,

    1. Thanks Alison. We're all different - I don't mind skulls, but creepy crawlies are my nemesis! An earwig ran over my hand on Sunday, screeeeech! Hugs, Valerie

  17. Hello Valerie: We are back from a very productive morning of birding, with a few really "good" species. Now the heat and humidity are building up so it's good to be inside where it is pleasantly cool. There are some dark overtones to your output today, with skulls ominously looming in the background. You have done a wonderful job, with everything having an overall surreal feel to it. Your visit to The Netherlands seems like it was great fun. So much to see and do. It's great that in Europe you can be immersed in a different culture in a matter of hours. Miriam's sister, Grace, just came to visit, so must go now. Until the next time. Hugs and kisses, David.

    1. Hi David, glad you had a good birding trip, and can now relax at home. From here we can be in Holland, Belgium etc really quickly. Have fun with Grace, enjoy her visit. Hugs!

  18. What a so wonderful page Valerie, I like it very much, although I have to admit that insects scare me, I don't know why, but I've been scared of them since I was a little girl.
    The photos are beautiful, as always, thank you very much for sharing them with us. The church of Santa Catherine is great, how many bells! Happy T-day!
    I wish you a very nice Wednesday, stay safe and big hugsss

    1. Thanks Caty, I don't like insects either. I hope all is well with you, hugs Valerie

  19. wow this monument is so amazing!

  20. Yay! I did it!! Great reading as always! Hope you are OK, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, have a great day! Well done on getting through it all! A++

  21. What a fabulous piece, though I must admit I'm not a fan of insects lol. What wonderful photos, the church looks amazing! Have a fun week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, I am not an insect lover either.insects and spiders freak me out! Have a great day!

  22. You are certainly brave in your creativity which makes you a true artist. I love your boldness. hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa, I love trying new things. Have a great week!

  23. Wonderful mixed media page. Very intersting combination of images. Have a great week. Hugs Anesha x

  24. I don't mind pictures of beetles, in fact some are very beautiful, I just don't like them crawling near me.

  25. I love the name "Guts and Gusto!" And the step-back houses are wonderful. I like those very much as well.

  26. Lovely art and lovely photographs especially the stained glass window.

    All the best Jan

  27. Bugs, a skull and an eye - you know this page got my attention. Very cool!

    Love every picture - but especially the cool uildings and the beautiful church. Wow.


    1. Thanks Nancy, glad you like my page, I had fun making it! Have a great day!

  28. St. Catherine's church is striking! It serves one of its purposes in lifting my eyes upwards. Inspiring :)

    1. Thanks, it's a beautiful place, I hope I can go there again.

  29. Watch me is so cool!!!
    I love the photos! Those sayings are brilliant! Love the church! Big Hugs!

  30. A great page Valerie and a super way to use the pieces we cannot throw away. I will pass
    giving my thoughts on the creepy crawlies , but I am sure some folk will admire their unique beauty.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I think most of us don't like creepy crawlies! Have a great day, hope you are keeping well, hugs!


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