Wednesday 11 August 2021

Midweek Post -Strange types

Hi Everybody!

Where does the time go?  I wish I knew!

Today I have another tag for Michele's challenge at Tag Tuesday. I used an image from Gecko Galz on an orange, striped tag and added a blue butterfly and flower:

And I have another of my strange types, collaged with a jacket onto a painted background. I love the quote! I am linking to Neet's type challenge at AJJ:

And I have some strange types I found at the Art Museum in Düsseldorf:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I do like the colours on your tag.
    A fabulous collection of strange types, I enjoyed seeing them :)

    Happy Wednesday.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, strange types are everywhere! Have a great day!

  2. Beautiful art and wonderful
    Pieces from the museum.

    1. Thanks Christine, they have a wonderful selection of art there, from ancient to modern!

  3. I know I would enjoy spending a day at Museum.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. I'm sure you would. And you can drink coffee there, too!

  4. Those finds are fascinating.
    Love the saying on the second piece. Heh. And the first piece is so colorful and perky. The characters look like they are ready to step right off the paper.

  5. Nice art in your post today, yours and at the museum. I like the tag and your journal page. The quote on that is page is terrific. It works with that face too. And I like a lot of that art at the museum. There's a few strange ones though. But those strange ones always lead to good conversation. Have a great Wednesday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! They have wonderful, classical pieces as well as modern, and some pieces were even stranger! But it's always fun to walk about there!

  6. I enjoyed your interesting finds, Valerie.

    Cool museum and beautiful art.

    Happy Wednesday!

  7. Inspiring collection of art!

  8. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you had a good sleep! It's cold and wet here this morning, looks like the kids will be playing at home today! Love your fun art, and the pieces from the museum, they're great. Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! It's really misty here today, like Autumn has arrived. Have a lovely day, hope it clears up so the kids can get out! Hugs to you all!

  9. Good morning, Valerie: I think that some of these faces you are creating would not look out of place in a gallery of Zombies (or politicians, which is pretty much the same thing!). They have a bit of a sinister look about them don't you think? Again the resemblance to politicians is remarkable. The statue of the rhinoceros really captures the bulk and the power of this creature. I have seen them in South Africa and they are formidable beasts. Sadly, tragically in fact, they are being driven to extinction to satisfy the irrational demands of Chinese men who can't get it up any more, and believe that powdered horn will do the trick. One species in fact faded into extinction quite recently. I know what I'd like to do with the horn to the poachers of these animals. This morning I have to have blood work done. Routine stuff but I hope they don't hurt my tender skin when they push that giant needle into my arm, or leave blemishes on my pristine alabaster flesh! It's mid week already. I swear that the passage of time accelerates every day. Enjoy the sunshine if you have any and put up with the rain if not. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David. Zombies or politicians....I think perhaps both! I'm having fun giving the faces character, and nasty faces are even more fun! The bronze statue of the rhinoceros is beautiful, and life size. And as for those people who let animals be slaughtered to satisfy their needs, well, I have no polite vocabulary for them. Scumbags! I hope that the doctor will be gentle with your silken skin and not hurt you with nasty needles. I have bad veins, so it always means getting pricked several times, but I'm used to it by now! Yesterday it poured, today we woke up to morning mist, and it's still very cloudy. But tomorrow they have promised us summer. But only for tomorrow! Have a great day, take care, be a good boy at the doctor's and don't scream too loud! Hugs!

    2. I have the same problem, Valerie, they have a hard time finding a vein. The nurse this morning was very gentle and cooed lovingly as she stabbed me with her pointed instrument. I was very brave, however, and uttered not a murmur of protest.

    3. You are my hero! I hope Miriam rewards you with a wonderful dinner this evening!

  10. Your tag is wonderful, so vibrant, and I really like the colour contrasts. Your page is funny and some of the arr in that museum is certainly strange. I wonder what the artist was thinking when he made that head with a man hanging on it.

    1. thanks Teresa, it's a great colour combo! The modern art in the museum is definitely thought provoking to say the least. But there's also a wonderful classical department there and a great café! Have a great day!

  11. Gorgeous tag and page! The museum looks like a wonderful place to visit, loving that baby rhino 😀. Happy midweek wishes! Hugs Jo x

    1. hanks Jo, the Rhino is one of my faves, it's a lovely bronze statue!

  12. Good morning-lots of awesome art here today-thank you for sharing-and love your art too-hugs

  13. Hi Val, Bill here, Love your art and photos.

  14. I love those little hats in your tag. Fascinating pieces from the museum. It amazes me how creative artists are!

  15. this collection is truly wonderful:D


  16. Your works are truly amazing. The characters you found in the museum are both funny and a bit scary;) Have a nice evening :)

    1. Thanks Lucyna! You are right about the stange things in the museum!

  17. What a beautiful tag Valerie, so colorful! And I love the face piece, awesome and funny quote!! Gorgeous photos of the museum too.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, I like that quote, too! Have a great day, Take Care!

  18. I would so love to go to that museum, Valerie. Very cool art with a twist - something I adore. I think the man climbing on the head is my favorite.

    Your tag is very cool with the butterfly, flowers, orange and star characters. The journal page is awesome! Those words probably apply to all of us - if we only knew what everyone really had to say....we would be on World War 3,000,000 if there were any people and marriages left - lol! Glad God gave us some filters. Super cool face you drew and I love how you put it all together. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy, I'm sure you would enjoy that Museum. I think if we knew what others sometimes think we would have no Friends! Good that we have those filters!

  19. Very fine photos. Have a nice day :)

  20. Your tag is quite charming and vintage. I like how you incorporated the colors. Of course, the journal page is fabulous. That face was very stern looking. May have been the eyebrows. I laughed at the quote. You really hit the nail on the head. I like how your mind works, too. Thanks for this great entry at AJJ using Neet's theme.

    I am in awe of that museum. You found some really unique images to capture. The man climbing on the head was great, and the man with the many hands is a conversation starter. Of course, outside I loved the rhino, which is, if I understand correctly, still endangered. But you know my favorite is probably the cat. I had to say that or Bleubeard would be mad at me. Thanks for taking us to this great museum.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! The Cat is really pretty. It's a great museum, I Love visiting there. And I like that quote, too! Have a great day!

  21. gorgeous blue and orange tag! your museum finds are extraordinary! xo

  22. Lovely post. Fabulous blue/orange items

    Happy you dropped by my blog


  23. Well, there's blue and orange and there's blue and orange - I mean the figures at the museum seem a bit garish to me but the way you have used the various shades and tones of the colours in your tag at the top of your post is delightful.
    Love your journal page - I do like the landscape in the background, that is beautifully done. Then there is the O'Brien face - you have certainly got the hang of these and this one is really good. I like the last one you did with the masculine body and this one has a masculine body too. It works so well. Great colouring on the face and brilliant words to fit in with the theme at Art Journal Journey.
    Thank you for another great entry to my theme.
    hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! The modern art at the museum is sometimes rather thought provoking, and I didn't even show the bad pieces! Glad you like the tag and my strange type. I need to stop making these faces and do some dreaded housew*rk! Have a nice evening, I'm hoping for an early night! Hugs, have a great day!

  24. Your blue and orange tag is brilliant Valerie, I struggled so as my printer faded away and I had to go free no printing pictures..but came up with a little tag and will share Saturday..but I love the images you used and the colours so bright and vivid..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, we need our printers, that#s true! Hugs!

  25. Your tag and page are wonderful Valerie, and that's an interesting selection of art from the museum.

  26. The tag is cute and the face and quote just says it all. Love the trip to the museum. You had me at cat

  27. Blue and orange, a primary and complementary color pairing on the color spectrum, remind me of the sports colors of the Minnesota "Kicks" professional soccer team back in the 1970s. Brings back fond memories of social interaction.

    1. Thanks. I think we have all missed social interaction in the past months. Have a great day!

  28. That pair of whimsical characters on your tag are fabulous. They are perfect for the bright orange and blue colors too. I like the holes framing the tag and also the cleverly cut bit at the top above the ladies. It feels like a stage act. Love it.

  29. Have a beautiful weekend my friend

  30. A fantastic selection of strange types, great photos. I loved the art and your journal page, she does look quite a character. it would be best to stay on her good side and not upset her in any way.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  31. that orange is such fun -- it just pops! What a fun selection of art from the museum. I saw many here I really enjoyed!

  32. Great tag and those words on your journal page made me laugh....hhmm!!! Hugs, Chrisx

  33. Loving both your art pieces! The first one is so cute and love the quote on the second one! LOL! Loving all the art you showed us!
    (Sorry again for missing so much on your blog!)
    Big Hugs!


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