Saturday 21 August 2021

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

I hope we all have  a happy and relaxed weekend - enjoy!

Today I am sharing another A3 mixed media piece for Neet's type challenge at AJJ and my last tag for Michele's blue and orange challenge at Tag Tuesday. For the journal page I have collaged a very elegant type of lady, and given her some extra flowers, feathers and butterflies. The butterflies were fussy cut and just glued on in the middle to make them 'fly'. I used a left-over piece of painted and glittered paper to give more interest (and to use up scraps!) I added a die cut sentiment:

And this is my last tag for Michele's fun blue and orange challenge, once again using up scraps and UFAMTOs (Unidentified flying around my table objects):

And I have some photos from Neviges, taken on the same day as the lake pics I showed yesterday:

I wonder ig this was the tower where Rapunzel was locked up?

The old castle:

The old station, now a restaurnat/hotel:

The old town:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful page and tag, enjoyed the photos today.

  2. That lady on your journal page is quite stunning. I like her hat and those butterflies flying off the page. And nice tag too. The blue is vibrant and makes the tag eye catching. And I bet Rapunzel could easily live in that tower. The old town looks like a great place to walk around. Enjoy your weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! I love blue and orange, too, it's a great combo. I suppose the tower was a watch tower in the old days. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  3. I'm still looking forward to retirement so I can be more creative. The tag is fun and colorful. Have never seen castle.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Thanks Dora, retirement is good. There are lots of old castles near here.

  4. Hi Val, good morning! Lovely art again today, love our pink lady! Beautiful photos, love the idea of Rapunzel's tower! Have a wonderful weekend, we're all off to my sister's for the day. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah! Glad you love the pink lady! Have fun t your sister's, hugs to all from me!

  5. Beautiful art-as always, awesome photos of the area-so cool to have castles and towers near by. Happy weekend-hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. I love living here because I love all of the ancient towns and buildings. Stay safe, hugs!

  6. O wie schick sie aussieht und so Vornehm mit dem Schmuck und Hut . Klasse die Schmetterlinge dazu. Das Tag ist lustig geworden . Eine tolle Fotoreihe von diesem Städtchen und wer weiss ob dieser Turm doch davon abstammmt *zwinker* von Rapunzel!
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Ich bin sicher dass Rapunzel dort gewohnt hat! Neviges ist ein schönes Städtchen! Dir eine schönes Wochenende, bleib gesund!

  7. I hope you are staying safe. It is worrying here now as cases have doubled in the last week in my county, and cases in general are rising rapidly across Wales since lockdown ended a couple weeks ago. Three or four hostelries in my small village had to close due to staff cases!
    I love the orange and blue tag, it's a favourite colour scheme of mine. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. It's getting really bad here, too, and I'm very careful. So many don't bother with masks or vaccinations. At least in public transport and shops its mandatory, and I do my best to keep away from people! Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  8. Beautiful art. You are very creative. Nice photos of the castle and old town. Looks like a wonderful place to visit. Take care and stay safe.

    1. Thanks Nancy! It's a pretty place to visit. Have a great weekend!

  9. Another vibrant Tag, I think the colour combo for this challenge is great, but I did struggle with it,lol.
    My decorating continues, it's taking ages doing it single handed, I'm not giving up though.
    Have a great weekend...x

    1. Thanks Sandie. You are very brave to do the decorating on your own, that's something I can't do anymore. Getting old sometimes sucks! Have a great day!

  10. What beautiful photos Valerie, I do like Rapunzel's tower. Seems as if they like towers there as I spotted a couple more.
    Love the tag - but you know I like orange and blue together very much so it was bound to be a winner for me.
    I admire your lady wearing that super hat. Love how she has worn it with her hair scraped back out of sight, it gives it even more elegance. The butterflies you fussy cut out are so pretty and you can tell they are from a different type of paper. They have a very pearly look about them. Love the feather and all the other additions you have given to your page, which has a very pleasing background to it.
    Another successful page for my theme at Art Journal Journey, thank you
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Hi Neet, glad you like my pink lady and the photos. I coated the butterflies with perfect pearls, glad you could see it! Have a great weekend, take care! Hugs!

  11. When you start out with butterflies and feathers, Valerie, you know that you have my attention right from the get-go. Yesterday we were out with my two butterflies, Heather and Lily, and had a wonderful morning together. Lily is walking well now, and we took her down to the local park where there is a terrific splash pad and she really enjoyed the water. There is also a little "zoo" where she could feed the animals and she squealed with delight at that. When it was all over we went to my favourite deil, found a table in the shade, and I bought gelato for everyone. It didn't take Lily long to demolish that! I helped her with it so that her mom could enjoy hers in peace. Your orange and blue tag is bold and colourful, a bright start to a Saturday morning. Weekend is here, but as you know, for retired people it is little different from the rest of the week. Last night we had chicken tacos for dinner and there is enough for a repeat tonight. Take good care. Hugs and kisses, David.

    1. Ah yes, butterflies and feathers are definitely your realm! I can imagine that you had great fun going out with Lily and Heather. All kids - and dogs - seem to love splashing in water. So do I, but only when nobody's watching! It must be wonderful for her to have these social contacts, and be able to feed animals. And then Gelato for everyone to top it all, what could be better? When my daughter was small and sitting in her pushchair, I was in a shop buying some groceries and saw to my horror that she was sharing her ice with the dog, each taking turns to have a lick! We all survived it! I just made myself a sort of kiddy lunch - fish fingers with spinach and mashed potatoes, yummy! I love the orange and blue colours together, I will be sad when the challenge is over! Chicken tacos sound good, too, so enjoy them again this evening! Have a lovely weekend, hugs to you both, Valerie

  12. Happy weekend my friend. Enjoy it.

    1. Thanks Rue, you have a wonderful weekend, too!

  13. UFAMTOS. 😺 love it! I like the stars on the hat, too. That tower certainly looks like Rapunzel might have lived there. I love the architecture of the old station. That would certainly be a fun place to stay while on vacation. It's been so hot and humid here, a run through that fountain would be fun, too.

    1. Glad you like it. My kitchen table is infested with UFAMTOs, as fast as I remove them, they grow back again over night! I love the old towers and buildings from ancient times, they always remind me of fairy tales and epic hero stories. Here it was quite warm today, that was our summer, it's already clouding over! have a great weekend, stay cool!

  14. I love those "flying" butterflies and that lady does look elegant. Cute photos of that town.

  15. Wonderful art and photography Valerie! The old town is beautiful, and I love Rapunzel's tower.
    Happy weekend,

  16. Really beautiful page, love the soft colours and the lovely face. Have a great weekend. hugs ANesha

  17. Sorry to be so late visiting. On Friday, I was without power for over 16 hours. I am hugging my AC about now after suffering ~40 F heat for a full day! Now I know what you went through last summer.

    You created two wonderful pieces for this post. The orange and blue tag are beautiful,. I love the die cuts, too. Your journal entry is beautiful. I love how you added the stars to her hat and the bling you created with the paper. It's a great entry for Neet's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    I also remember the architecture from that post. I felt like I was in castle heaven. Beautiful memories, I'm sure and a great look back.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth and I am sorry you had so many hours without power, not nice in that heat. Yes the last couple of summers were too hot, this one is almost non existent! But I'm not complaining,it's better than heat for me. Have a great weekend, take care, keep cool!

  18. What gorgeous pieces Valerie, your lady is so elegant! Your photographs are fabulous, it looks to have been a really lovely day when they were taken. Take care and have a very happy weekend, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, that was really a great day Trip!

  19. Very interesting buildings on the photos 😊

  20. Thanks Martyna, have a great Weekend!

  21. More wonderful art created by you Valerie, that old town is wonderful, the o,d buildings are amazing. A wonderful place for a wander.

    1. Thanks Sue, it's a pretty place with all of the old buildings!

  22. wow a fabulously brilliant post with art and buildings...lovely. xx

  23. Hi Val, Bill here! Have a great Sunday!

  24. Your art is beautiful-the photos are amazing. I would love to see a real castle. I hope your week is extra good!

    1. Thanks Debra! I Love old architecture and we are lucky to have so much here. Have a great week!

  25. She is beautiful. The tag is my kind of art. I love the orange.

    1. Thanks Nicole, I love those colours, too. Have a great day!

  26. Love everything about the first piece. The jewelry, flowers, butterflies, glitter, etc. And the second is so cheery, it made me smile.
    Neviges looks like it would be such a lovely place to visit.
    Hope your weekend is wondrous.

    1. Thanks Sandra. Neviges is a wonderful place.

  27. I love your Elegant Lady, really stylish with her jewellery and that fabulous hat.
    Love the photos from Neviges, looks a beautiful place to visit. Hope you're having a good weekend.
    Avril xx

  28. Oooo, that hat! That looks like a Rapunzel tower to me :) A castle! It never ceases to amaze me, the age of some of the places you show.

    1. I Love that hat! We have lots of castles here,I love them!

  29. Hasn't the weekend whizzed by!

    A lovely page and tag here.
    Great to see your selection of photographs.

    All the best Jan

  30. A truly lovely page and a great tag to brighten up today -dull again! Love the photos - of course! Chrisx

  31. Both your art pieces are so beautiful! I love the pink and I love the orange one for fall! Great photos of the old town! Big Hugs!


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