Friday 20 August 2021

Paint Party Friday and more

Hi Everybody!

Sorry I wasn't around yesterday, I had several appointments at various doctors which was time consuming and exhausting. At least I was lucky not to get caught in the rain, so that's something.

I am sharing another A3 mixed media collage page. The background was painted and textured and then I added some tissue pieces to add more depth. The Graffiti was cut from a magazine, including the letters BOG - the rest of the word was on the next side and was OTA! I used 2 paper dolls I found in my stash, a die-cut bird, and the fashion model on the left was from a tag I made years ago. The random letters were some left over rub-ons, which were a bit damaged, but I used them just the same. I am linking to Neet's type challenge at AJJ and to Paint Party Friday:

And I have a few archive photos from a beautiful lake we visited on a nice summer's day 2 years back:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What cute little children you chose for your journal page. That large face was a bit scary, though. How smart to use the old rub ons as type. They add to the page, too. Thanks for another inspiring entry at Art Journal Journey using Neet's theme.

    I remember the photos from two years ago. I was so surprised when I saw all those turtles lined up on that log. It struck me then, and it strikes me now. So glad you shared this again.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! I have never seen so many turtles on a log before or since! It was a lovely place to visit on a hot day!

  2. Amazing! Love everything you used in it. Love to see all the animals! Have a great day.

  3. That page is amazing. There's so many fun things to see in this piece. And I like how you used the rub on letters and added so many letters to the page. And nice photos from 2 years ago. That was sure a lot of turtles. Hope you are feeling rested and refreshed. Enjoy your FRiday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I had a long sleep and feel better today. The rub-ons were waiting for that page, I'm glad I didn't throw them away! Have a nice day!

  4. What a fun bright journal page. I love that you used the leftover ‘damaged’ rub on letters. They are perfect for a bit of an aging look. Like they’ve been on display past they life expectancy. I want to get some for my love of a grunge look.

    1. Thanks Annie! I'm glad I was able to use up all of the letters and not have to throw them out. Have a nice Friday!

  5. beautiful page and gorgeous summer photos.

  6. wow amazing and beautiful lake....
    i can imagine how happy those swan swimming there

  7. Interesting art vj.
    Great pictures from the lake. Where is it?

    1. Thanks Ashok. It was near Kettwig, a small town not far from here.

  8. Great art and lovely photos, you sure make my day good with loads of interest here. xx

  9. Glad you are ok. Love your mixed media page. Have a great day. anesha

  10. Hi Val, good morning! I hope you are feeling rested today and managed to have a good sleep after your many appointments. I LOVE your brilliant page, it's FANTASTIC! Have a great day, take it easy, hugs from us all, Sarah

  11. Thanks Sarah! I had a good, long sleep and will have a take-it-easy-day today to make up for yesterday's hectic. Hope all is well with you and the kids, hugs to all!

  12. Good work! I like your blog and I'm your new follower. May you follow me back?
    Thanks and have a nice day!

  13. The lake photographs are wonderful but I am here to talk about your journal page - and it is FAB!
    I love the background - what a lovely texture you got from applying the tissue, gorgeous colour you chose for the backdrop to your dolls. The one on the right reminds me of Art by Marlene, it has that same kind of face. Love the pair of them though - at first they reminded me a little of the faces I used to see years ago on clothes pegs and then I thought of Mabel ~Lucy Attwell figures. So many memories from just those two little figures.
    The bottom face is a little scary though, reminds me of an evil clown in a horror film but the figure on the left is dramatic with its mask and the lovely dress it is wearing. The lovely lettering rounds it all off nicely, I like the idea of using letters that are slightly damaged in this way, I must remember not to throw any away that I would normally.
    This is a super page Valerie, I really like it and it fits so well with my type theme at Art Journal Journey.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, glad you liked my page, I had fun making it and using up lots of odds and ends! The face from the mural is really scary, wouldn't like to meet him in a dark alley! Have a lovely day, take care and stay well!

  14. Such a gorgeous page! Your created so much detail with all the layers you added, everyone I look I see something new - perfect 😀. Lovely photos of the lake too capturing beautiful summer memories! Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, glad you like it, I had fun making it! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  15. Good morning Valerie: Goodness me, one visit to the doctor is enough, but several in one day,I can barely imagine. I am quite sure I would forget what each one told me! Your artwork today is wonderful, so bright and colourful. If that's what it's like in the bog sign me up for a visit. Perhaps you will come along as my guide? Actually real bogs are fascinating places to visit, with unique flora and a whole suite of birds that favour such habitats. The best bog I ever visited was the Orono Bog in Maine several years ago. It was perfect. There is a beautiful little bird called Canada Warbler and I saw several there. Speaking of birds, thanks for the ones you showed us today. The swans are especially elegant, like the photographer no doubt. I hope the news from all the doctors was positive. Have a wonderful Friday. We are off shortly to meet up with Heather and that little dynamo, Lily. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David, it really was an exhausting day, and I was happy to get home again after shunting about in overfilled trams all day. I slept really late today, and am having a rest day, I deserve it! Hmm, I'm sure we could have fun in a bog together! We have a tiny bog a few hundred yards from here, in a nature preserve, I only got to go in there once. They let a few visitors in twice a year, and it's fascinating. Birds are wonderful creatures, I always wonder how such tiny creatures can sing so loudly and sweetly! I hope to get results from the doctor after more tests on the 31st....Have fun with Heather and Lily, give them some hugs from me!

  16. Cool collage piece. I like how you recycled bits from previous art. Hugs, Teresa

  17. A fabulous page Valerie, and I love the water birds and turtles!
    Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Alison. I've never seen so many turtles together! Have a great day!

  18. Oh I love this. That face at the bottom of the page, brilliant. I remember some of these photos. Always a pleasure to see them.

  19. Today's art is very whimsical. Love it. And thanks for such pretty photos of the lake. Love the swan.

  20. Such a delightful piece! Happy PPF!

  21. Hi Val, Bill here. Love the Art and photos.

  22. Thanks Bill, have a wonderful day!

  23. Love how fun and vibrant your page is!! beautiful outdoor walk scenes. Wishing you well. Happy PPF!


  24. These works are very unusual. Beautiful photos. I wish you a lot of health :)

  25. Cute! I like the damaged rub on letters. beautiful photos.

  26. Wow the lake is beautiful. I luv al the versions of your art.
    Thanks for dropping by my blog today


  27. Gorgeous collage piece Valerie, so colorful and I love all of the different textures! Beautiful photos of the lake, looks so peaceful! I hope you have a nice weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. Have great Weekend and stay Safe!

  28. Such a delightful piece! Happy PPF!


  29. Was für ein farbenprächtiges schöne Seite, ich bin begeistert un die Fotos dazu.
    Ich hoffe dir geht es gut!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Zur Zeit geht's mir nicht so gut, aber so ist das!

  30. This is such a fab, fun piece, so bright and happy. I did wonder about the BOG lol. This looks to be a very good way of using damaged rub-on's (I have loads). Have a great weekend xx

    1. Thanks Sue. I was happy to sie up those rub ons!

  31. hi, love your Collage page. Love the composition and colors.
    Loved your nature shots too, a fine place to spend time.

  32. Great art work Valerie, the lake photos are beautiful, I always wonder how the turtles get onto a branch like that, it can not be easy for them climbing up!!

    1. Thanks Sue. I have never seen so many together!

  33. Oh ~ think this is one of your best artworks ~ love the two faces and your nature photography is awesome ~ thanks ~ Xo

    I apologize for my tardiness in commenting,

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol, better late than never. Have a great, new week!

  34. Just love your bright cheerful page with the two cute little figures. I also love the picture of the duck that looks as if he has a pair of antlers.
    Hugs Wendy

    1. Thanks Wendy, we laughed about the antlers, too! Have a great, new week!

  35. Those peaceful scenes in your photos are lovely. I hope you're rested from your busy day.

  36. Lovely colourful art.
    Beautiful photographs from your archives :)

    All the best Jan

  37. Cute page. I love the expression on the boy. The scenes at the lake or pond are so peaceful. Take care.

  38. This really made me smile - in fact still smiling! Lovely photos - I was beginning to think I would have to go back and find some sunny pics but it did brighten up a bit yesterday! Hugs, Chrisx

  39. Sorry about the Doctor appointments! Hope you are well!
    Loving your art piece! So cute!
    Those turtles are adorable!
    Big Hugs!


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