Thursday 26 August 2021

Thursday / Friday post and Rain's TAD

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another rather wild collage for Neet's type challenge at AJJ. I used up lots of scraps and magazine cut outs on a textured background again. And Rain's theme this week is  rough textures, so it fits there, too. I was asked how I get the texture on the collaged pieces - I fix them on with matt medium and then brayer over them vigorously so that the texture comes through. The added words were random ones cut from a freebie sheet:

And I have more textured art pieces:

In nature there is always an abundant variety of textures, from smooth to rough:

People just left the glasses they had used by the Rhine:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. You have the most fabulous use of color -- so bold and always beautifully blended. Every time I see it, I am sort of blown away because I just don't have that nerve. I love color but don't know how to use it well. And your technique is terrific. I love it all.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I love plying with colours. Have a great day!

  2. wow...a beautiful twig photos Dear..they are so artistic dear ^^

  3. Great projects, and fabulous images and art along with your design and amazing photos.... xx

  4. Collages is one of my favor mediums. Also recall doing paper weaving in school.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Collage and paper weaving are always fun to make, have a great day!

  5. I love your art and photos Valerie

  6. You have given us a plethora of texture in both the journal page you created for Neet's theme at AJJ and the other pieces you shared. I love them all, but the rusty head with the heart and the girl on the tag are my favorites.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I knew you would like the rusty ones! I feel rather rusty myself this morning!

  7. Pretty projects and my favourite is the butterflies. Interesting photos showing the different textures. Have a wonderful day.

    1. Thanks Nancy, butterflies are always a joy to see!

  8. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are fit and well today. And I hope your weather is better than ours it's cold and wet here. Love all the art projects you have made, you are so talented. The photos are fantastic, too. Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, I'm still trying to wake up! It's cold and grey here, too, good weather to stay home! Hugs to all!

  9. If this is what you call 'wild collage' keep coming back with more of it - It's fabulous!
    First of all I love the texture you get from the brayer I can imagine the sticky squishy noise it makes as you pass it over the paint and medium, what a great effect it gives.
    You have a knack to put colours together. I know orange compliments blue which is quite prominent in your page today but you have explored different shades of the colours and then there is that purple down the centre. I just love the swirling colours in the circles, adn the way you have blended colour down the sides. The contrasting dresses draw the eye into the page and the swirling words, like a ribbon, echo the curves of the circles.
    Valerie, this is a super page, thank you so much for another great entry to my theme at Art Journal Journey.
    Hugs Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I always enjoy the squishy noises the brayer makes! And I like just throwing things together till it all somehow fits! Have a wonderful day, Neet, take care! Hugs!

  10. Good morning Valerie: Rough texture is a theme I think I could get right into! I could leave stuff half finished and claim it to be my rough-textured piece! I could brayer them, pretending I knew how to do that, and invent a smoosher to layer on so much papier maché it would have rough edges like mountain crags. I could stick things on at random and paint and dabble at will. That's not what it's all about you say? I should have a theme? A grand plan? A design? It should look like the beauties you have created? Well, now you are being unreasonable. Probably better I stick with dickey birds and creepy crawlies! Your colours are sooooo coordinated! Did you take those glasses home? They would make a fine addition to your collection of funky things. Maybe they could become part of an art piece. The very last photograph is wonderful. Nature will always reclaim its own, and one day the arrogance of humans will be a mere speck of memory in the recorded time of the planet. Order will return. Equilibrium will reign. It might even have a rough texture to it! Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David! I think if you continue to be so interested in crafting techniques you will have to start making stuff and entering the challenges, that would be fun! And you don't need to choose a theme. You give it a title when it's finished and a write up to convince everybody that it is exactly what is needed for the challenge, you could be a winner. I'll give you a couple of weeks to practice and then expect to see your Oeuvres! I didn't take the glasses home, there were 2 kids there who were eying them longingly as they had football motives, so they got to take them home. I always love to see things like in the last photos, nature breaking free an saying, Here I am!' I wonder how tiny, delicate flowers can grow through paving stones, and always enjoy the plant life in the castle ruins. Have a great day, hugs!

  11. Wow. Lots of cool art pieces. You have been very busy. My favourite is the sweet tag.

  12. Valerie,

    You art pieces are fabulous examples for Rain's 'rough textures' prompt. I really like a number of these. In nature there is a lot of rough textures, knobby tree bark, bumpy mushrooms and other fungi, rocks big and small, prinkley plants, and the list goes on. Thanks for bringing your creative talents to this week's art date, my dear. Have a doodletastic day!

    Curious as a Cathy

    1. Thanks Cath, nature is always the best artist, and offers us a huge variety of wonderful things.

  13. I love the swirly words and the framed circles in your piece. And of course the rough texture too. You definitely nailed the rough texture in a beautiful way. And nice to see the other art also. It's like a virtual art museum-smile. And there is so much texture in nature. I love those tree photos, especially that knobby bark. Hope your day is going well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Glad you like my page. That tree was really one of the knobbiest trees I have ever seen. Have a wonderful day, take care, hugs!

  14. Your textures look so 3D. They really jump off the pages and tags. I was stunned by the ivy growing through the wall.

    1. Thanks CJ. It's great to see that walls can't keep nature out! Have a great day!

  15. Your tree trunks are amazing. thanks for sharing your art with us today. Think i will edit my post and add some tree trunks also


  16. I'm always amazed at how much texture I can see in your art, even on this flat computer screen. Those woodland scenes make me want to get out there and ramble :)

    1. Thanks, Texture is fun! Rambling is always great!

  17. Terrific collages and photos ~ You spot so much beauty, you inspire me to open my eyes and my mind more :) Enjoy your weekend!

    1. There's so much to see in nature, it's always a pleasure to be out!

  18. Fantastic textured art and photography Valerie!
    Have a lovely evening.

    1. Thanks Alison, you have a great evening, too!

  19. You certainly captured texture and color in your pieces and your photos. A definite thumbs up.

  20. I am delighted with your works are beautiful. Unusual photos. Have a nice weekend :)

  21. Great photos ;) Have a nice day :)

  22. Gorgeous textured art Valerie, I love how colorful your first piece is! Beautiful photos, the wooded area looks like a wonderful places to take a walk.
    Take care, Hugs Tammy x

  23. I noticed blue shoes - cool :) Rainy 'almost autumn' greetings from Finland!
    Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks, same weather here! Have a great day!

  24. Lovely collection of artwork, Valerie! They are all wonderful, and I specially love the second texture artwork and the gears one. Beautiful photos, too. The first tree trunk photo is amazing. Great find!


    1. Thanks Soma! The tree was really amazing, I love it when they grow like that!

  25. Super selection of art this week.

  26. Wow this is a brilliant post Valerie. Great textures in every shot.

  27. Your talent oozes out through your pores as the Ivy does through the stone wall ... Your art is beautiful, but more than that it is meaningful. I always learn from your insights and it is always a pleasure to explore with you. We both turned to nature as the greatest source of texture and there are endless examples of it. My favorite is the last picture ... there is something hopeful about the Ivy being able to escape through the crack in the man made wall ... You are always right on, Nicole. Thank you again for another look into the beauty in your heart.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea. The last photo is my fave, too, it is so full of hope and promise. Have a great weekend!

  28. You showed a lot of versions of rough textures. I like them all.

  29. Oops, I am so sorry. I called you Nicole and I know you are Valerie. It's my old Poop brain doing it's thing again. Please forgive ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  30. Toll dein wildes und grobe Seiten, eins klasse wie das andere, ich liebe sie alle und deine Fotos mit dazu, was du alles gesehen hast!
    Schöne letzte Tage im August wünsche ich dir auch wenns herbstlicher ist gerade!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, heute war ich in Bonn, war schön trotz schlechtes Wetter!

  31. oooo the metallic touches add so much love the long metallic on face piece especially

  32. This is wonderful Valerie, the texture and colours are just fabulous! I'm really enjoying these pieces. Take care and have a wonderful weekend, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, have a great weekend, it's bad weather here so time for crafting and reading!

  33. I love your collages, Valerie! They are vibrant with color, and I love the texture you add to them. When I went out to get some art supplies a few weeks ago, I looked at brayers because you had mentioned them and I had never heard of such a thing before. But I have a long way to go before I need a brayer ~ LOL! I'm just getting started.

    That tag with the girl's face is gorgeous! Chief Seattle's quote is profound! I enjoyed each of your art pieces with quotes ~ wise commentary to make you think. Of course I loved your photos, especially that white and green wall. Who just leaves glasses behind? I dearly love ferries having lived on a number of islands in my life. So I had fun imagining riding on the little ferry in your photograph. And your beautiful frog! I haven't seen one in a long time. Have a happy September!

    1. Thanks Louise, everybody needs a brayer or three! I love the ferries here, too, it's almost like a little holiday crossing over to the other side! Today I say another frog! Have a great weekend!

  34. Fabulous.bright and colourful collages Valerie, so much fun and enjoyed my walk through your photos..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, at the moment I need colour! Have a great weekend!

  35. I especially like the tag with the girl and butterfly.

  36. Wow! such creative energy filling your blog post ~ Gorgeous collage work ~ and marvelous photos ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  37. Wonderful post Valerie, isn't it interesting once you do something with texture or a particular colour you see it every where.

    1. Thanks Sue, that's true! Have a great weekend!

  38. lovely texture and colours - and lots of it.

  39. A fabulous selection of art projects Valerie, I love how you thought 'wild' to me they have their own special beauty. Great ideas and inspiration.
    Stay safe
    Yvonne xx

  40. Some fabulous pieces of art, I love all of them, the colours are fabulous. Lots of texture and interest, great photos as well.
    Hugs Wendy

  41. I do like your textured art.
    Great photographs too.

    All the best Jan

  42. Hi Valerie! ☺ Great ensemble of rough textures!!! I really like the weave-art, that's really cool. And all of the photos, especially the frog and the trees! "Silent Tears Washed Her Face"...made me a little sad!!

  43. You are so talented with your art and your photos! Love everything! Big Hugs!


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