Saturday 7 August 2021

Saturday Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, enjoy! And even after 12 years of being retired I still look forward to weekends.

Today I have another mixed media piece (16 x 12") for Neet's type challenge at AJJ. This was another print face I made after being inspired by Karen O'Brien's challenge at the Art is Magic weekend. I cut the body from a magazine and collaged it onto a page taken from a magazine. The fish was printed and cut out. I backed it with some cream coloured card to give it more stability:

Changing cloudscapes have accompanied us through the week again:

The tree where the birds like to gather is almost devoid of leaves:

Pigeons and a magpie, of course at the very top, the king of the castle:

And a wonderful sunrise which I enjoyed before taking my coffee back to bed to snooze for a bit longer:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Fun art today and beautiful cloudscapes.

  2. I love this little creature and the fish too. Have a nice weekend.

  3. Something I like about the first card, their something about her face. I find interesting.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Thanks Dora, it's fun putting character into faces! Have a great day!

  4. Wow what a wonderful project, loving this. x

  5. Great project and words! Wonderful sunrise photos.

    1. Thanks Sue, sunrise is always beautiful! Hugs!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! What a fun piece you have made today, S is sitting with me and likes it, too, she wants to know how you caught the fish....Have a great day, take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah! Now where did I catch that fish? I'll have to think about it! Have a great day, hugs to all!

  7. Your new header photo is just amazing! It's now unseasonably cold here, high winds and rain. Have a great weekend, hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, I caught the geese as they were flying over the house on their way to the Rhine. Hope your weather soon gets better!

  8. I do like the faces you make inspired by Karen O'Brien and this one sits so well on that body with the majestic frock-coat on. Great fish too - and the words made me smile this morning.
    Beautiful skies, wonderful clouds - I love looking at clouds and making pictures from them when I can - and wonderful sunrises.
    Thanks for joining in with my theme at AJJ again. Have a lovely weekend.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, I'm having fun with this theme! Have a great weekend, take care!

  9. That magpie is a handsome fellow. Thank you for all the beautiful sky photos and doves are always lovely to see.
    The expressive face you drew is cute and funny. I really like that robe as well. It reminds me of a Jedi warrior. hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa, magpies are cute and clever. I never thought of a jedi warrior, but you're right! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  10. Good morning Valerie: You certainly give full rein to your imagination with these faces you create. This one looks vaguely spooky. I am sure you missed a career in animated horror movies. What a job you could have done! The skeletal tree with the magpies would have fit right in, but you would have had to replace the magpies with ravens. They always seem to be associated with doom and foreboding. Yesterday Lily and Heather came for lunch. She is a little whirlwind! And now she walks several steps unaided, so soon she will be running all over when we go for our walks. She has several words too. Her favourite is "No!" We say to her, "Eat your banana". "No!", she says, in the kind of tone that dismisses the very idea. Grapes yes, cherries carefully pitted for her - of course, cheese - divine. But definitely no bananas. Sounds almost like the title of a song! We have a picture of her on the fridge when she was two weeks old, and there is quite a change! It's comical if you ask her to give you a kiss. She leans her forehead to you so it's like kissing the ring. She has gone from being a baby to a little girl right before our eyes. My daughter had two boys, Miriam's daughter had two boys, so this is doubtless the granddaughter we never had and we are enjoying her. Enjoy the weekend my little cherub. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David, I always loved drawing faces, and strange or spooky ones are always extra fun! I love watching ravens and crows, too, they are such clever birds. How lovely that Lily and Heather visited you. She is really a little princess. They grow and develop so quickly at that age, one needs to enjoy every minute! I wonder why she doesn't like bananas? Yes, we have no bananas! I need to make some banana bread as I have some very dark bananas in my kitchen. My daughter only had boys, too, I would have preferred a little girl, but I didn't get to choose! The boys were very cute, too. I hope you took lots of pictures of Lily and show them soon, she's already an international star on David's wildlife show! So, I'm exhausted again from doing next to nothing, so I'm off for an afternoon nap. Have a great day, hugs to you both!

    2. She even likes bananas but if there are other choices that she prefers that day bananas are off the list! Slumber well!

    3. She's clever, nothing but the best!

  11. Wonderful quote and I like your interpretation. I just love your sky photos. Those dark clouds look so ominous. I enjoyed seeing all the birds especially the magpie. I don't think we have magpies here. Enjoy the weekend

    1. Thanks CJ. I didn't realise you didn't have magpies over there. They are fun birds, intelligent and noisy like all of the crow family. You have a great weekend, too!

    2. Magpies are not present in eastern North America where CJ lives, but it is a very common bird in the west. It is actually a different species from the one you have in Europe although they look very similar. They are Black-billed Magpie (Pica hudsonia) here and Eurasian Magpie (Pica pica) in Europe.

    3. Thanks David, good to know! A pica pica Just visited my balcony!

  12. I am always amazed at how many different personalities you get into your booktype faces. This one definitely has an attitude and I love it! What gorgeous skies!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, it's great fun making the faces into distinct characters. And this one really has attitude! Have a great weekend!

  13. I got a kick out of this piece, especially in light of the Olympic track events where the runners lean so far forward they fall across the finish line lol Good advice for us all, move forward, lean into it :)

    Those skies! And I always enjoy seeing the birds like magpies that we don't get here. Crows yes, Bluejays, yes, but no magpies. Thanks!

    1. It's always interesting to see the differences and similarities in the bird populations. Magpies are very common here. Hmm, I suppose that's a good way to win a race! But I won't try it!

  14. A fun page Valerie, and I love the quote. Fabulous pictures and some stunning sunrises. I must admit since retiring I still keep weekends and make them different from mid week.
    Have a lovely weekend, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril. I think the weekend feeling is programmed in us after so many years!

  15. You manage to catch the most amazing sky shots.
    That piece is fascinating.
    Hope those fingers are behaving.

    1. Thanks Sandra. My fingers like shaking! Have a great weekend!

  16. That face made me smile, and it is perfect for that body. He doesn't look too happy so I am guessing he did fall on his face. What a super page. And I really like that beautiful morning. We had one yesterday and today is sun to clouds like it can't make up its mind. Have a super weekend Valerie. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Today we had a wonderful morning again and then rain, clouds and more rain! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs!

  17. Hi Val, Bill here! Nice Art and photos!

  18. Thanks Bill, have a great weekend!

  19. Love the art today,so unique !! Your photos are lovely as always.

    1. Thanks Carol, have a great weekend, take care!


  20. This character with a fish is mysterious and unusual. I love the weekend because everyone is happier. Fantastic photos. Have a nice weekend:)

  21. I love how you set everything up for the art! That big gray cloud looks so cool lol. Beautiful sunrise! What time did you take it at? Have a great weekend! :)

    1. Thanks Aishu. Sunrise is at about 6 a.m. Have a great weekend!

  22. A super page Valerie! And those skies look amazing, I love those dark and ominous clouds.
    Happy weekend,

    1. Thanks Alison, I like watching the clouds from my balcony. Have a great day!

  23. What a fun and cute piece Valerie, I love that face! Gorgeous sky photos today, the sunrise is beautiful! I hope you are enjoy your weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe, hugs!

  24. I love the face painted on text. This character looks annoyed that you would even suggest it fall on its face. But your words made me laugh and the images made me smile. A very cleverly put together art page.

    1. Thanks Annie. I love painting those faces, I think I will do another batch today! Hugs!

  25. Oh Valerie! I love this post I am squealing (very quietly of course) That fabulous page is absolutely divine - brilliant for Neet's theme. As for the photos - what a gallery!!! Big hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, I heard you squealing! Have a good, new week!

  26. I totally agree with you, weekends are the best! I don't have to get up at 6.30 to go swimming so I get to enjoy my coffee rather than gulping it down lol. These faces are fabulous, and of course everything looks better with a fish on it! Take care, Sue xx

    1. Yes, ue, you are so right. We NEED our weekends!

  27. A real fun page Valerie I needed a smile this morning, I hope that fish was okay if she fell on it.
    Have a good week.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, the fish jumped back into the water, no problem!

  28. Wonderful page! Loving the face and page design you created 😁. Wow, those cloudscapes, birds and multicoloured skies look amazing! Happy and creative wishes! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. I love watching the clouds and the birds! Have a great week!

  29. HMM! I didn't get a day off this week, but I'm not complaining. I love your person and her fish. Mixed media and collage are the best. I really love that quote, too. In fact, I laughed.

    Great sky shots. Some were moody and some were scary, but they were all beautiful.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I know you worked hard all week with your bamboo! Have a great day!

  30. I hope you don't mind, I copied your art piece and put it in one of my folders, on my computer! I love it so much! Don't worry, I won't copy it, or sell it. I just wanted to see it and enjoy it! It inspired me!
    Gorgeous photos! Big Hugs!


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