Monday 16 August 2021

T sTands for This and That on Monday

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a good start in the new week. Today I have a new tag for Michele's blue and orange challenge at Tag Tuesday. The background was made with a left over piece of painted paper, then collaged, stitched, and given a few flowers and feathers. You still have a week to join us:

My types today are numbers. I used another page from the giant Webster's dictionary for the background, and gave it a coat of diluted gesso. For the numerals I used  a stencil for the larger ones, and then fussy cut them. The smaller ones are stickers. I am linking to Neet's type challenge at AJJ:

This evening we will be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here:

I had a cappuccino:

And my friends had ice, which I mustn't eat at the moment as it is not good for my pancreas :(

At the Wednesday market they were selling coffee too:

I baked a lemon cake, help yourselves, there's plenty there:

And we had some beautiful evening skies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I really like all the 3-dimensional elements to the tag your created! The sewing on the tag added such a beautiful touch. The colors and details on the numbers tag are lovely! Your lemon cake looks delicious! Yum! Such gorgeous sky pictures!

  2. Those yummy sweet is making my mouth water. And I like how you use the blue.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  3. Lovely blue and orange tag and a beautiful page. The cake looks so good! Enjoyed the photos.

    1. Thanks Christine, the cake was good, we all enjoyed it!

  4. How clever to add a waterlily to your latest orange and blue tag. I love the layers you created and the very dimensional feel.

    Your latest entry for Neet's theme at Art Journal Journey is different. I mean that in a good way. It turned out lovely and you put a lot of work into fussy cutting the stencil images. Thanks for the inspiration, dear.

    Lovely sky shots and some very fluffy altocumulus clouds, too.

    I love the bag(?) of coffee. That would make an amazing door stop! It would also make a great side table. I was impressed.

    I also want a piece of your lemon cake. It would go great with that cappuccino you had earlier. Thanks for sharing your art, your sky shots, your lemon cake, and your cappuccino with us for T this Tuesday (on Monday) dear Valerie.

    1. Thanks E!I found the waterlily on my table when I was making the tag, so it was used! Help your self to cake! The coffee sack is a table where people can drink their coffee, I love it, too! It would be good on my balcony! Have a great week!

  5. Adorable design with a adorable images, colours ar stunning.
    BUT your strawberries and deserts have taken over my taste buds today. xxx

    1. Thanks Annie, those ices really looked delicious! Hugs!

  6. I always enjoy your art work Valerie seeing the different things you do. Your lemon cake looks wonderful, I succumbed and bought a gluten free carrot cake at the supermarket today, very yum!! Those deserts look amazing!

    1. Thanks Sue, Carrot cake is good, too, must make one of those soon! Have a great week!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you had a good rest are feel fit for the new week. Your tag and journal page are wonderful, love the ideas and colours in both, you are always so creative. And great photos, as always. Have a great week, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks! Have a great week, hugs to all!

  8. A beautiful page for Neet's AJJ theme it looks so light and airy with the leaves and flowers climbing off the page past the numbers. Oh dear my imagination is kicking in.
    Its a fantastic tag and I did sneak a piece of that yummy looking cake.
    Have a good week.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, imagination is so important! Hope you enjoyed the cake! Hugs!

  9. Orange and Blue are two of my favourite combos. Love this tag and the waterlily in particular along with the feathers really adds interest to it.
    Great skies, especially the last photograph.
    As for your entry for my theme at Art Journal Journey - it is fantastic! I love everything about it from the Gesso over the page to the stitching on and around it. Love the words you have written up the two sides, all the numbers from many different sources and the leaves flowers and adorable ladybirds which really pop out from your page.
    Thanks for another great page Valerie.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, I had fun with this journal page, and was able to use up lots of odds and sods that were flying about on my table! Have a great start to the week! hugs!

  10. Good morning, Queen of the Crafters: I am dizzy just thinking about all the different things you create so many times each week. For this theme and that, and so-and-so's challenge and that person's party, and on it goes. Your mind must be bubbling with ideas from the moment your eyelids open. Doubtless you read a magazine, or receive advertising flyers in the mail (most of us call it junk), and view them with a different eye. "Oh that could be used later", you say, and the scissors flash in your hand and the snipping begins. A model has a lovely head, and immediately she is decapitated for preservation in the "head file" for use another day. Nothing is sacred. Any part of the body is ripe for dissection and future sticking and pasting and sewing and attaching. Fussy cut or not. And it is not merely bodies, I am sure, animals, trees, interesting hats, pipes, mouth organs and peaches are all treasures to be saved. Anything that piques your interest. I just picked up a magazine here and all I see are images, not crafting components. What a pedestrian fellow I am. Maybe I should check the real estate flyers; there must be something in them. Ever in awe, ever your dedicated admirer, ever your buddy across the sea. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Thanks David, King of all Birds, your comments always make me laugh! Yes, throwing things away is very difficult, it might come in useful one day! And I have folders with titles like heads, body parts, eyes, mouths, birds etc! As you say, nothing is sacred when I approach with my sharp scissors and dissect and sort them! Magazines are treasuries of future cut outs and words. Yes start checking all the flyers that arrive at your house, they could be full of treasures. And I have housetrained my neighbours so that they know to leave pretty packaging, papers, magazines etc in front of my apartment! Have a great start to the week, may you see oodles of rare birds, insects and spiders, and have fun! Hugs!

  11. The background on your tag is amazing. I am loving this blue and orange challenge. I have another tag pre-posted for later this week. And you page is amazing too. I like the numbers. Especially the traced dotted ones. And even though your art is amazing Valerie, all those yummy foods have stolen my thought process away from art and to my stomach. I would take any of those right now, although they wouldn't make a very good breakfast. Happy early T day. Hope your week starts off in a good way! hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I love the challenges, too, both the blue and orange and the type challenge, such fun! And how true that yummy food lets us forget art and culture and turns our minds to basic delights! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  12. coffee and blue sky:D the best things in the morning;)

  13. Hi Val, Bill here, lovely art!

  14. Thanks Bill, have a great week!

  15. These colors are great together, aren't they! That bead element is pretty. It looks like you found the perfect spot to enjoy your treat. I'd have a hard time choosing from such a tasty-looking selection of desserts. Happy T Tuesday

    1. Thanks, I love these colours. The ice there is always special!

  16. A fantastic page Valerie, and I love your blue and orange tag!
    Great photos too, now I'm feeling a bit peckish.


  17. You had a wonderful day. I love ice cream but I can't eat it either because my throat hurts immediately :( Your works and photos are beautiful. Have a good week :)

    1. Thanks Lucyna, sorry you can't eat ice-cream either!

  18. Beautiful tag Valerie and fabulous textures and I love your page, the faux stitching looks awesome! Great photos, your lemon cake looks delicious!
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! The lemon cake was really delicious, it's one of m faves! Have a great week, take care, hugs!

  19. Yum! Your lemon cake looks delicious.

    All the best Jan

  20. Blue and orange is such a lovely color combination - and it's a beautiful tag! I'm sorry that you can't eat ice cream - those German Eisbecher are so tempting! Since my daughter left for Germany last September she has enjoyed going to the Eisdielen and she has doen it often. Wonderful skies and a great shot of the crow!

    1. Thanks Carola, I love ice, but not Bauchweh! Have a great week!

  21. Love your tag- especially that lotus! Your journal page has such a nice flow and the varied size and style numbers are fab.
    Oh my those decadent desserts- too sweet for me but I'd happily have a cappuccino with you;)
    Beautiful photos. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda, have a happy T Day, and a great week!

  22. That painted paper in the background of your tag is a stunner. Love it!
    Your lemon cake looks delicious. I would love a slice!
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate, enjoy your lemon cake! have a great week!

  23. Great tag with cool background fun elements, Valerie. I adore that dictionary base on your AJJ page along with the playful marks, words, and numbers. The ice cream looks really good, but your cappuccino looks even better!

    Gorgeous skies for sure! I need to take some from around here - won't be soon though - the tropical storm has hit and it should be getting nasty here tonight and tomorrow.

    Happy T-day and many hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. Stay safe in the storm, take care!

  24. Good morning Val,
    What a shame you can't have ice cream as my mouth was watering at the sight of those beauties. I'm not an ice cream lover but when it is presented like that, even I can't resist. We aren't having ice either as hubby can't have it on his chemo.
    The cappuccino looks yummy. I am learning to make all these lovely drinks as we now have a frother machine. I will blog about that next week, as I have little time now. (Grandchildren visiting from England)
    Your tags are beautiful. As other people have mentioned: very dimensional.
    Today is the first day in a week that the temperatures are below 40. What a relief!
    Yes, I'd love a piece of the lemon cake. Thanks.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Hi Lisca, the ice really looks tempting, but it gives me stomach cramps and diarrhea, so I have to leave it, but cappuccino is always good. I have a milk frother at home, too, and it gets used daily - sort of all day, every day! Glad the heat has dropped, it must have been very bad. Enjoy your lemon cake! Hugs!

  25. Orange and blue is such a striking color combination. Nice that you had an outing with friends. I'm not a big fan of ice cream so I'd rather have a slab of your lemon cake under the beautiful sky. Happy T Day

  26. Love the delicious food and skies.

  27. Fabulous tag and page! Loving the blue and orange together on your summery design 😀. So lovely to have a coffee at the café again and those ices look amazing, I wouldn't be able to resist! Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, the ices were really tempting! Happy T Day!

  28. All those sweet treats look delicious. I like your little collage with the feather.

    best... mae at

  29. What a beautiful tag Valerie. I love the background, the colours you have chosen and those cute details. The art journal page is fantastic, those numbers are very original.
    Happy t-day! I'll have a little of the lemon tart, which looks very good. The photos as always are beautiful.
    Take care of yourself a lot, and big hugs,

    1. Thanks Caty, good to see you again! Happy T Day, Valerie

  30. nothing but gorgeous art, and delicious food and coffee here! love your latest orange and blue tag! xo

  31. Oh My! Coffee, cake, wonderful skies and on top of all that a fabulous tag and a really brilliant journal page - sorry you had to miss out on ice cream! Hugs, Chrisxx

  32. Loving your LOVE art piece! The number one is so cool and pretty! I will have some lemon cake, please!!! Gorgeous sky photos! Big Hugs!


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