Sunday 31 May 2020

Sunday / Monday Post

Hi Everybody!

I know I say this very often, but time just seems to fly past. Perhaps it's an age thing.  The day is gone and I'm tired and haven't even got half of the things done that I would have liked to. And the new Blogger is a pain in the neck. It takes much longer to upload the pics, and  that it something I can't understand. Still, I suppose we just have to get used to it.

I have a hybrid piece made with one of my photos and an image from Mischief circus. Quick and simple, but I like it:

And at last I have processed the photos from Wednesday's walk.
I passed by the farm at the end of the road and walked through the fields:

I have been asking myself for 20 years when this barn will collapse, but it's still standing:

This is a social and educational place where they care for kids and youths:

Then I walked through a small street, the old village centre, and enjoyed the houses there, some of which date back to the Middle Ages:

A fun installation:

Then I got to Schloss Kalkum and enjoyed the peace and quiet there:

There was a turtle in the pond, but disappeared under the lilies:

I found the Canadian wild geese, the little ones have grown:

Mr and Mrs Goose gave me some dirty looks and then the evil beak, and told the kids to jump into the river:

And they all swam away. Perhaps I should have taken salad!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely post Valerie, dogs sure settle in your heart! I enjoyed your walk, there are some amazing older buildings, you had a beautiful clear blue sky day.

    1. Thanks, that's so true. Blue skies are always a gift!

  2. absolutely lovely work with the pup and the graphics! I love those old German houses - my son told me he's going to build me one when he's older ;)

    1. How sweet of your son, what a lovely thought!

  3. The days seem to fly by don't they … and here we are in June!
    Your photographs are great, your sky an amazing blue.

    Enjoy the longer weekend.

    All the best Jan

  4. Replies
    1. And June will probably disappear just as quickly as May!

  5. lovely hybrid piece and wonderful photos!

  6. Our furbabies are always faithful....Monte has become the most loving adorable boy. He sends his woofie hugs.
    Love these peaceful and most beautiful photos, your world is most gorgeous. Yes the year is flying bye too quickly, another year older soon and that's scary...sending Sunday hugs.xx

    1. That's so true. They love us unconditionally, and that's something people mostl can't do. Hugs back to Monte!

  7. Ich schätze, wenn man nicht mehr arbeitet passiert das, die Zeit rennt.
    Geht mir auch so...

    Die "neue" Blogger-Version habe ich noch nicht ausprobiert, aber langsam ist es trotzdem. Habe den Rechner beschuldigt, hoppala, muss mich wohl entschuldigen! ;-)

    Soll hier warm werden heute, auf einen schönen Tag und GlG, Iris

    1. Guten Morgen Iris. Ich habe für die Fotos mehr als doppel so viel Zeit gebraucht, ärgerlich. Hier is sonning, aber noch kühl, einfach schöne. Dir auch einen schönen Tag!

  8. I took a look at the new blogger, but didn't try to upload anything. I'm reverting back to the old one, an option I hope takes.

    Your dog journal page was poignant, because I miss my dogs. I've had two I've loved and lost, so that's why I now only have cats. Your page brought fond memories at least.

    It's amazing how some of your town is modern (built in the 1980s) and some is so old, the houses look like they were from the middle ages. What a diverse area you live in and what beautiful photos you are able to capture because of it.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I'm trying to get used to the New Blogger before the old one disappears. I miss my dogs and cats that I had at very times, pets really become part of the family. Have a great day!

  9. Wundervolle Seite mit dem Hund hast du toll digital umgesetzt.
    Ich würde auch gerne eins haben aber alleine schon der Tierarztkosten und weiter weg wäre nichts. Ich hatte auch Zwerghasen, Hund und Fische gehabt.
    Ein schöner, interessant Spaziergang mit den alten Häuser und der Gegend und den Gänsen.
    Schönes Pfingsten wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Ja, die Kosten heute sind gewaltig, une schwer aufzubringen. Dir auch ein schönes Pfingstfest! Bleib gesund!

  10. Hi Valerie love your hybrid pages ,beautiful work my friend,well done ,and what fun pics loving the different homes,Thankyou for sharing them with us my friend xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl. There are some wonderful houses here, wish I had one, but at least I can look at them! Have a great day!

  11. Very nice hybrid piece and gorgeous photos!
    Your photographs are always great! The sky is amazing blue! Here too ...
    The lake in Schloss Kalkum is beautiful, I also saw a lake full of blooming water lilies yesterday.
    The family of the Canada wild geese is beautiful! You have to be careful! The father can react very aggressively

    Enjoy the longer weekend. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella. Yes, blue skies are the best! Geese can be very aggressive, roosters, too, I was always scared of them as a kid because they would nip my legs or fingers when I crossed the yard!

  12. Morning Valerie, I feel a little bit like that barn this week lopsided but still standing..! After an awful time with updates since Wednesday and trying to get my head around the new *Blogger* I knew you would put a smile on my face this morning before I reboot and see if everything is still in one place. The German Shepard reminds me of mine & Hubbies first dog together Jade, lovely thought for today. You've done so well getting your photo's up for us all to see I for one appreciate them greatly. I love how the houses all have their different character. Another lovely sunny day here today, will be making the most of some outdoor craft time after dog walks are over.
    Take care & have a lovely day dear friend Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S I hope this comment posts ;)

  13. Trace, I know that feeling soooo well! New Blogger is not my cup of tea, but I suppose we have to get used to it. It evidently still has faults in it, and is really a pain in the bum! Have a great day, take care, and relax!

  14. Good morning Valerie: I will be sure to let the Canada Geese know that you are one of us and they should treat you with respect and friendliness and never poop on (or perhaps even under) your funky footwear. I enjoyed your walk, as I always do, and you seem to have a wonderful range of interesting places to roam, quite close to your home. The weekend is almost over, but for those of us who are retired, it makes little difference of course. Last night there was a danger of frost. The weather in May has been crazy! A little bit like a lady I know in Germany. I wonder who that could be? I will give you a clue. She lives in Balconia-by-the-Rhine. She is the most influential citizen there, in fact! We will chat again tomorrow, no doubt, and I will look forward to the pleasure. David

    1. Good morning David, although for me it's already good-afternoon - time flies. It would be kind of you to tell the Can. Geese that I am a 'friend', but it's still impressive that they care for their young so well, in contrast to many people who don't. We van learn a lot from the behaviour of 'lesser' creatures! But I am wondering which crazy lady you mean? Have a wonderful day, enjoy whatever you are doing, and take care! Hugs to you and your lady!

    2. I think you can meet her by looking in the mirror! I must add that she is crazy in the most wonderful way!

    3. Thanks. When I look in the mirror I always wonder who the old lady there is!

    4. Miriam wonders why people photoshop wrinkles onto her face!

    5. Well, she's right, it's disgraceful. Nathalie has an app which makes me look young again, if only I could feel that way!!

  15. I love that work , so true!

    1. Thanks Natalia, have a wonderful and safe day!

  16. Lovely piece, love the photos from your walk.Have a great day.

  17. Sweet piece. We had a house down the end of the street that was like your barn. It stood for ages. The property was sold and the new owner knocked the house down. I had to smile at new meeting old seeing the antenna and satellite dishes on the medieval houses. Enjoy your day!

    1. Yes, I always have to smile at things like that, too!😁😁 Have a fun day!

  18. You take the most wonderful walk and I do love your pictures.
    Sandy xx

    1. Thanks Sandy, Always happy when you visit me! Stay safe!

  19. What a beautiful day you got for your walk Valerie! The photos are beautiful, so much sunshine! I hope you are feeling a bit more sprightly today!! Thanks for the offer of sharing my link on Tag Tuesday but honestly I would be afraid of offending the rest of the team :( xx

    1. Thanks Pinky! I have been tired all week, don't know why - perhaps too much coffee and not enough sleep? Enjoy our day!

  20. Hi Valerie :) I love going on walks with you. Those cottages are so beautiful to look at, a shame the satellite dishes ruin the look!! Oh, that photo under the tree at Schloss Kalkum looks so peaceful! Happy Sunday!! :)

    1. Thanks, they would look much better without, that's true!

  21. Love your pictures. That quote regarding true friendship resonates with me.

  22. Valerie, my friend, I fell in love with your touching and beautiful art piece today.
    As I scrolled down the page, your gorgeous and tranquil photos brought me peace and how I love that old barn that refuses to fall

    Hugs 🌷🌞🐦

    1. Thanks Jan, your words make happy! Have a great day!

  23. Hi Val, hope you had a wonderful day and were able to enjoy the good weather. We were all out again, and now I am tired. Love the piece with the dog, he looks like Scotty, nice memories. Wonderful photos as always, it's easy to see how you love your surroundings. Have a lovely evening, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks for visiting! Glad you all had a nice day out. Take care of yourself!

  24. Oh that is a fantastic piece of art today Valerie. I love the dog image and its transparency look. And boy have those goslings gotten big. I would hardly recognize them without seeing their mama or papa with them. And I was also interested in the green car in one photo. I sure wish we could get green cars like that here. I enjoyed my walk with you today too. Happy June. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Dogs inspire deep feelings in us. There are lots of green cars here, although I always preferred red. Have a great day!

  25. Very nice pics! 👌👌👌 Thanks for sharing! 🌈🌈🌈

    1. Thanks Carol, have a great day and a happy, new month!

  26. Lovely hybrid page! True words and lovely image! Your pictures are fabulous - how cool to have houses in your town that date back to the middle ages. Wow. That is a long time! You find the most interesting things!!!! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! I live in a very old little town and we are lucky that so many historical buildings have survived. Have a great day and a good, new month!

  27. Such a lovely hybrid art piece, and great photos of your walk Valerie! Lovely old houses.
    Alison xx

  28. What a fabulous post Valerie! The dog piece is amazing, and what a fabulous quote you've used with . The barn does look to be on it's last legs doesn't it, but it will probably last for years lol. I don't like the new blogger either,I keep flipping back to the old style, but I'm going to have to get to grips with it soon. Have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. I find the new blogger annoying, but we have to get used to it - the old one will soon be gone, sigh! It all takes soooooooo much longer now!

  29. I'm not sure how old barns survive like they do, but they never seem to finally collapse. Weathered but unbeaten :)

    I can't imagine what it would be like to live in a place with buildings that date back to the Middle Ages. Wow! I haven't tried the new blogger yet. I won't have a choice soon.

    1. Weathered but unbeaten? Sounds like me, I haven't collapsed yet, either!

  30. I haven't tried new blogger yet, though I guess we all will be as soon as the big change takes place. Maybe it already has. I'm dreading it.

    1. It makes everything take longer. Sooner or later we have no escape!


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