Thursday 14 May 2020

More birds

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all keeping well and fit! We were expecting rain this week, but we got nothing worth talking about. It's been cool and windy, but with lots of sun, so it was good weather for walking-

Today I have some more of the strange birds which can only be seen in Balconia-by-the-Rhine. I am showing a pair of wire-legged post birds. These birds have thin feathers and cover themselves with stamps and  scraps of paper or cloth to keep themselves warm. They watch the postmen when they are delivering letters and often steal stamps from them. They are not shy,  and have a loud call which sounds like co-ffeeeee, co-ffeeeee. The male and females look alike, and like the long-legged spotted stargazers, the  female usually stands on the back of the male:

I am linking to AJJ and Paint Party Friday

Okay, back to reality! The birds were cut from a stamped envelope sent to me by Elizabeth in 2016. The background was made from an 18" x 12" sheet of black paper which was stenciled with distress oxide ink and doodled:

I got sticky fingers layering them with more scraps and stamps:

Here you can see the fastener from the envelope and the sewing:

The 'male' wrapped in gold thread:

The 'female' with her legs wrapped with wire:

This was a fun project, and I will surely make some more!

And I have more photos from my visit to Hofgarten and the water fowl on Wednesday:

I love watching them clean their feathers:

This little group was making a heck of a noise:

And I loved seeing this pair of black swans with their cygnets safely between them on their swim over the lake:

And this one couldn't believe that the lettuce was all gone....

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love the details on the birds even down the little legs. Very, very well done. Happy Weekend.

  2. I like your bird artwork. It's fantastic. I'm also glad to see you got out to the park where the water fowl are. I love seeing the Black Swans' cygnets. I've never seen those before. :-)

    1. Thanks Anne. The cygnets are beautiful. I will try to visit them again today.

  3. Love your birds, you are very clever. So nice to see the birds and their young.

  4. Good morning Valerie wow your birds are amazing ,you really are very clever my friend,well done on your beautiful work.loving your beautiful pics,thankyou for sharing them with us my friend ,stay safe xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl, glad you liked them. Have a great day!

  5. Oh those birds are fabulous. You outdid yourself Valerie. And putting them on that Hawaiian hibiscus paper was smart. Thanks for joining Mia's challenge at AJJ again. And happy Thursday. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I wanted to make a special background for them! Happy Friday!

  6. You are so funny with the 'stargazers'! Beautiful creatures!

  7. Beautiful art with birds and stunning pictures of birds :)

  8. Thanks Laurie, have a great day!

  9. Thanks Monica! Have a great day, stay safe!

  10. Fabulous makes and amazing artwork with these birds, love the colour. Enjoy your weekend.x

  11. :-) I hope the co-ffeeeee-bird won´t steal my snail mail I´m waiting for! ;-)
    Cool idea, thank you for the morning-laugh!
    Great project, I love it!
    And thanks for sending me to "Perth" again, escaping 4C here, brrrr....

    Uhhhh, no lettuce?! Like "my" peanut, "no nuts?!"
    I´m reading Unlikely Friendships: 47 Remarkable Stories from the Animal Kingdom atm, maybe you might like that, too.
    Animals are people, too.

    A great day to you, GlG, Iris

    1. Keine Angst, die Vögeln leben nur hier in Balconia-by-the-Rhine. Die Vögeln haben sekundenschnell alles aufgegessen, und wer zu spät kommt....Dir einen schönen Tag!

  12. A post full of birds, yours are more colorful!
    Have a a good weekend!

    1. Thanks, more colourful and very rare :) Have a great weekend!

  13. Die gebastelten Vögel sind goldig und so süss an zusehen.. die Kunst ist und bleibt ein wundervoller Moment der Überraschung der Begeisterung sie an zusehen bei dir ach herrlich!
    Die schönen Fotos aus dem Park passen dazu.
    Doch bei mir hat es immer mal wieder geregnet aber gegen Morgens ode rin der Nacht. Der eiskalte Wind war arg bei mir gestern .
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke. Es ist gut dass wir uns Freude durch Kreativität machen können. Dir einen schönen Tag, pack dich gut ein wenn es so stark windet!

  14. I'm completely in love with your birds - a new species to me (though I am making plenty of avian friendships feeding the birds and sitting chirruping with them each morning during this lockdown). I'm grateful for the ornithological background and I loved seeing some of the process photos bringing these delightful creatures to life. From what you say, I'll get to see some more of them as I'm catching up - hurrah!

    It's so great that you can now get out and about a bit. We're still shielding very carefully, despite the government's (bad) advice, as my mother is in at least two vulnerable categories. But I have my outside space and plenty of birds to talk too, so I'm not going mad yet!
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. These birds are shy and rare, even here, so I like to make them known to a wider public! Enjoy your warbling with the birds, and stay safe!

  15. waue I totally love love love your birds..and your duck photos

    1. Thanks so much Dorte, have a great weekend!

  16. Wow, those birds are amazing, you created a fantastic and beautiful page Valerie. it must have taken ages to add all the detail, the background looks perfect for this long legged pair, its a great page to add to Mia's theme at AJJ as well.
    All the photos of the birds looked lovely, my favourite has to be the black swans which must be good to see in real life.
    Take care and stay safe
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, little things like this make me happy! The black swans are always worth seeing, we are lucky to have so many here in the park!

  17. My God, Balconia-by-the-Rhine is the site of hitherto undiscovered birds yet again. The Wire-legged Post Bird is an extremely interesting species and seems to be of recent phylogeny. It is imperative that DNA analysis be performed without delay to verify this supposition. It appears to be from the same ancestral origins as the Long-legged Spotted Stargazers so it is apparent that a long lost suite of birds has surfaced at Balconia-by-the-Rhine. It is quite remarkable that there is (apparently) a reversal of sex roles and the female climbs aboard the male. This is completely unknown in avian biology, and merits serious study of their, ahem, "parts." In all my years of ornithological work I have never come across a phenomenon such as this. I may have to lie down to recover from the excitement of it all. At least there is a regular, plain old male on top, Canada Goose in your post to let me know that the world has not been turned entirely upside down. Archaeopteryx was discovered in Germany and now this. Amazing! Thank you so much, Frau Doktor Valerie for sharing!

    1. Thanks for your observations, David. I thought you would be flabbergasted again by this bird. And with the female birds being 'on top', we have a reversal of general politics, where women are usually kept 'down'. With the exception of Mrs Merkel, of course, she is a tough old bird and has kept her position for a long time! Wishing you a great day when you have recovered!

  18. Wow! Your birds are wonderful. I understand the sticky fingers part but look at your result!!! Your use of the gold thread is very clever. You out did yourself here. Thanks for sharing! Happy PPF

    1. Thanks Susan, I had BIG fun playing about here, and it kept me off the streets, out of the bars and away from housew**k for quite some time!

  19. Wow, I adore those birds you created and the just work so well on that background. Beautiful outdoor photos as always. Stay safe.x

  20. OOhh your birds are really wonderful Valerie !! Loove them with those beautiful feathers. thanks so much for showing us the step by step. Great Background too.
    I hope the weather will change and you could get a better weekend. Here it´s cloudy today too, Let´s see.
    Have a very good weekend, and I send big hugs

    1. Thanks Caty. I was out in the park again today, it's cool but sunny, and was great for walking. Take care of yourself!

  21. Your post birds are delightfully whimsical. It's obvious that you had a lot of fun creating them.

    I like watching the waterfowl, too, but my favorite thing is when they dip underwater.. bottoms up. Sooooo cute!

    Take care, and have a super weekend, dear lady.

    1. Thanks Susan. It ist indeed entertaining to watch the waterfowl, they can be really funny.

  22. Oh Valerie! I love these long-legged Stargazers!!!
    They are the perfect birds for a retired USPS employee.
    That get my "stamp of approval" ;)
    Gorgeous photos are amazing my friend! So talented!!!

    Hugs 🌷🌞🐦

    1. Thanks. I didn't know that before, so I will call the female Jan! Have a great Weekend!

  23. We must've gotten all your rain ;)

    I looked for brads everywhere before I finally gave up over a year ago. I need to check Amazon. They would come in handy for several ideas I had back then... I love these fanciful birds!

    You have a nature paradise to walk in :)

    1. Sorry the rain was wrongly delivered. I always buy things like that from Amazon, it's easier than running all over town.

  24. What a wonderful post this is.
    I love your long legged Stargazers and the photographs from your walk are lovely to see.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, glad you like our regional birds! Have a good weekend!

  25. Oh Wow Valerie your birds are so amazing-I love what you have created.
    and of course I loved and enjoyed all of your photos-hugs

    1. Thanks Kathy, glad you like the birds. Hope your hubby is doing well and getting better from day to day, look after yourself!

    2. thank you for asking-yes he is getting better-I think he is pushing too hard, but better than not helping himself-he is always able to push through the pain somehow.

    3. He has a great attitude and that's the right way to go! I cared for my husband for many years, I know how hard it is.

  26. I adore your colourful birds Valerie, they look amazing! Great photos too.
    Alison xx

  27. These birds are wonderful. I love their story too-where they live. You put your heart into your art-that's for sure!

    1. Thanks Debra. We have interesting birds over Here! Have a great Weekend!

  28. I love your use of stamps on your birds. Just beautiful.

  29. First, I was BLOWN AWAY when I saw those birds. Not only were they incredible, I could barely believe they originally came from ME. You did a MUCH BETTER job of saving them than I would have. You are truly incredible when it comes to thinking outside the box (or envelope as the case may be). It must have taken you forever to add the extras that took them over the top. I also LOVED that the female was on top for once, too. Thank you for these magical birds. Who knew? I surely didn't.

    Since there were flowers in the background it was so nice that you also shared these beauties with us at Art Journal Journey.

    I LOVE the birds, but most of all I love the black swans. If you don't mind, with your permission, I want to use the black swan photo with the cygnets and the two black swans for a post I want to create on Saturday. Guess that's tomorrow (grin).

    1. Thanks E. I have emailed you the photo. Have fun!

  30. OMG those birds are sooo much fun. Enjoyed the process as well. Happy PPF thanks for dropping by my blog today


    1. Thanks Gillena. At times like these we need some fun!

  31. Oh WOW Valerie, I LOVE your birds! They are so cute and fun, awesome textures and background! Gorgeous photos today all of the birds are beautiful!
    Take care.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, I love my birds, too, especially the real ones, they are so gorgeous! Have a great weekend, take care!

  32. Lovely birds creation and great photos!

    1. Thanks so much Marjut. h<ave a great weekend, stay safe!

  33. super mixed media bird art Valerie!! Love seeing the real birds too. Happy PPF, keep well too.

  34. Excellent birds homemade and real. Another great cloud photo.

  35. I love seeing your process on your birds - they are fabulous!! Love seeing all your bird pics, too - they are sweet!! Have a wonderful week!

    1. Thanks Tammie, I have a thing for birds🦆🦅🦜

  36. I love ducks and swans, Valerie. Thank you for the beautiful photos you share with us!
    And WOW!!!!!!!! A big WOW! WHAT A SUPER creation with these birds, sweetie! A huge THANK YOU for the inspiration! I had NEVER thought using the envelopes as a scrap paper for my creations! What a fantastic creation, my friend. Thank you for the tutorial and thank you for joining again my challenge at AJJ! Kisses!!!!

    1. Glad you like my exotic birds! Stamped envelopes always make wonderful, ready made backgrounds, I love using them! Stay safe, Sweetie!

  37. I LOVE these! And your fanciful description of them. I'd enjoy seeing them picking around my yard for bits of yarn to drape themselves with. You've inspired my quilt making today

    1. Thanks Lee Anna. They would find lots of yarn in my sewing room! Have a great Weekend!

  38. You certainly got me with your opening sentence I was waiting to see this rare bird that maybe lived in Germany - meaning feathered! Love them! What a great idea and I do like the background you made - I thought it was a printed background not a stencilled one which you had outlined.
    A lovely page and a great story about a new species of bird.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Glad you appreciate our strange birds here! The stenciled backgrounds are quick and easy to make. Have a great weekend!

  39. These birds are brilliant, and you can't blame them for calling for coff-ee, I do it all the time lol. Take care, Sue x

    1. Thanks Sue. Coff-eeeee is a thought that goes round in my head all day! Strange that the birds have the same call, what a coincidence!

  40. Oh, your birds are adorable 🐦 🐤
    Happy PPF!!

  41. I love your birds and the step-out photos. And you have our same Canada geese!

    1. Thanks. The geese habe conquered the world!

  42. Your wire-legged post birds are outstanding, whimsical and delightful, Valerie. I absolutely love them. Yes, please make more! I bet Elizabeth was delighted to see them. Eileen xx

    1. Thanks Eileen. I had fun and will make more when I have a quiet afternoon! Stay safe!


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