Saturday 2 May 2020

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy!

Here it's been cold, wet and windy with some sunny intervals, so we have at last had some rain. The trees and earth will be happy, and everybody with gardens, too. I still managed to get out for 3 walks, and was lucky to stay more or less dry.

I had a wonderful cheese soup for my lunch - cooked by Nathalie - she brought it to me yesterday, so it was good to have a delicious meal that I didn't need to prepare. And I was so hungry I forgot to take a photo, sorry!

For my 'anything goes' challenge at Tag Tuesday I have my last tag to share. I made it using the same system as the previous tag and it is more or less a mirrored version of the other one with flowers:

Here they are both together:

And once again I used the tag to make a hybrid journal page. The butterfly and blue flower were both hand painted and digitally added:

I am linking to Mia's 'flowers' challenge at AJJ

And I have more photos from the houses and gardens surrounding  Burg (castle) Linn:

Another coot sitting on its nest:

Another heron - this time without a swan:


And even a home for bats:

The street signs were all in the old German fraktur script:

Hope you enjoyed your walk with me!

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your tag and journal page. So glad you are managing to get out a bit more. Love the photos. Keep safe. Hugs Anesha

    1. Thanks Anesha! Hope you have a great Weekend. Stay safe!

  2. Hi Val, hope you have had a nice day. Glad you managed to stay dry by your walks. Kind of Nathalie to bring you a nice dinner, cheese soup is yummy. Love that tag and the journal page you made with it, you do these things so well. Love the pics from Burg Linn, always so beautiful. Is the textile museum still there? Have a nice evening, have a good rest. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! Yes, Nathalie is a good Girl. I will visit Burg Linn again when the restrictions have been lifted. Have a good weekend.

  3. I love the texture in your tag and as always, your photos take me to beautiful sites and I almost feel like I'm there.

  4. Life ... is good, sometime! Right?
    Love the photos. Haven't you had rain this weekend?
    Enjoy your evening, Val! Hugs!

    1. Oh yes, we had rain, I enjoyed it. Enjoy your weekend!

  5. 3 walks ~ that's terrific! -Beautiful tag- and a wonderful escape into photos ~ Thank you for the tour. Enjoy the weekend

    1. Thanks. It was good, I love being able to get out and about. Glad you enjoyed the tour! Have a great weekend.

  6. Your tag is Wonderful Valerie !! The background is Amazing, and I loove this white textured flower, and the little ones too. Your Art journal page is so beautiful, great Artist you are! Here we enjoyed a very warm day, many people went out for a walk (first day today)
    Your photographs from Burg Linn are awesome, and I love to see the heron, ducks, horses and cows, thanks so much for sharing.
    I wish you a very nice evening and Sunday too, stay safe, and I send biig hugs

    1. Thanks so much Caty, you are always so kind. I am sure you enjoyed going out today, you all had to stay home so long. Have a great weekend and hugs back to you!

  7. Harika resim ve fotoğraflar

  8. Oh how gorgeous!!!
    The colors are excellent!!!
    Your photos are so stunning.
    The waterwheel really caught my eye.
    Another of my favorites.
    I can understand you not taking a photo of the soup your friend brought you :)
    Hugs and Stay Safe 🌷

    1. Thanks Jan, I love these colours. Have a great weekend, stay safe.

  9. Was für Kunstwerke ob der Tag oder die Journalseite ich liebe sie alle!
    Die Farbenauswahl ist so hübsch und alles so kreativ von dir gestaltet!
    So schöne Fotos! Bei mir war auch heute Suppentag und die wärmte einen bei diesem Wetter!
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende bleib gesund und munter!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Suppe ist immer wieder schön an kalten Tagen. Bleib gesund!

  10. Nathalie is an angel! Lovely tag and page and enjoyed your photos today!

  11. So glad you got out for your walk today. We had a gorgeous day-finally. And cheese soup sounds delicious, especially on a cold wet day. I love the tag and especially love the hybrid page you created Valerie. It has such a dreamy feel. I hope you have a nice rest of your weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. It's always good getting out for walks. Have a great Sunday!

  12. Thank you for sharing your walk photos , it is or good to see spring. The castle is an amazing place, those chairs look like a wonderful place to sit in the summer. Your art work is lovely, dreamy looking even.

    1. Thanks, it is really a great place to visit. Stay safe!

  13. Beautiful embossed and textured design and lovely creation. Enjoyed your walk with you...x

  14. Hi Valerie how lovely of Natalie to bring you some nourishing soup,I agree with you that it's so nice to eat something that you haven't had to cook yourself wow what beautiful pics ,love them,stay safe my friend and take care xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl, cooking is fun but it's always lovely not having to cook! Stay safe!

  15. Oh wow. I would love to join you for cheese sou. Nathalie is the BEST.

    The texture on that tag is incredible. I wanted to reach out and touch it. I love the sewing, too. Brilliant. It's a great tag, then added to the journal page, made a wonderful entry for Mia's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    I want to join you at that castle. I want to tour the grounds, the garden, and the lake. I want to see the old signs, and sit in that meadow with my art journal. I want to MOOOOOOO at the cow and find the bat house. I'm in love with this post and your photos today, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I would have gladly shared my cheese soup, and it was sooo good! Have a great day, take care!

  16. First of all I did enjoy my walk with you today, the photos looked so beautiful.
    The tag looked amazing and I love how you added it to create the beautiful journal page. It looked so touchable with the lovely textures. Thank you for linking with Mia's theme at AJJ.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks so much Yvonne. That is indeed a beautiful place to walk. Have a great Sunday!

  17. Great shots of the Grey Heron, Valerie, and the curly tail on the white duck shows its origins as a wild Mallard. I am very happy to hear that St. Nathalie brought you homemade cheese soup. Her star continues to rise!
    Stay well. David

    1. Thanks David, Nathalie's a good girl! I'll tell her about her star rising! Interesting that the white duck is from a wild mallard. There are lots of 'odd' pairs at the castle bear here, always interesting to see. Have a great day!

  18. Your art is amazing and beautiful!! You have the neatest walks around you-so much to see and enjoy-Happy Sunday-hugs

    1. Thanks Kathy, much appreciated. Have a great Sunday, too!

  19. Lovely tags and pages. I enjoyed the walk today especially the swan weather and of course, the Fraktur script. I'm lettering graduation diplomas and am using a Fraktur script for the names. Take care.

    1. Thanks CJ. I knew you would like the script!. I learnt to write it way back when but don't think my shaky fingers would manage it these days. Have fun with diplomas!

  20. Wow, this is so beautiful...and fantastic photos.

    1. Thanks so much Marjut, have a great Sunday, stay safe!

  21. Very nice art. Keep it up. Love the German signs, which remind me you live in Germany. I think you would crazy looking at our Hawaiian signs, because they are hard to decipher since it is a foreign language to you. Lol.

    1. Thanks Gigi. It's always fun seeing signs in other languages and scripts, and strange not being able to read them!

  22. I've never had cheese soup, but it sounds tasty. I like that fountain, and what a great photo of the mill wheel! That little chair out there looks like it's in a good spot.

    1. Thanks a lot! I would love to have that garden with the chair and to be able to sit there every day.

  23. Gorgeous tags Valerie and I love your photographs. Our weather is going backwards at the moment and it's cold and rainy. It's always the same at this time of year - our peony starts to come out and then it gets battered by the wind and rain. Take care and have a fun week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. Same weather here, but we needed the rain. Could have done without the wind though! Have a good, new week!

  24. Beautiful tags! Love the colors!

    Glad you got some needed rain and that you were able to take a few walks too. Looks like you saw lovely sights. Love the animals! The fountain really caught my eye! The cheese soup sounds tasty. Hope you have a fabulous week. Stay well!

    1. Thanks Jess. It's a great place to walk. Have a wonderful week!

  25. I think I have to visit the Lin Burg, Valerie. It seems a great place through your camera! Your tag is amazing! You used great colors and I love the stitching! And how lovely idea to create an hybrid page with two tags! I am gonna "steal" this idea!!! Ha ha! Thank you so much for entering again your creation at AJJ! Hugs, my friend.

    1. Thanks Sweetie! Burg Linn is a great place to visit. I Look forward Go seeing your hybrid pages!

  26. Soup and three walks sounds perfect!

  27. This all looks so beautiful. Some day I will visit this place.

  28. Cheese soup! I never had that! Nice of Nathalie to bring you this.
    Guess I´ll look for a recipe!
    Purple. Reminds me of "Purple Rain", the movie, I had to watch in French, LOL.
    Cute, that home for the bats. We have a bat-detector, I hope they come back come summer.
    Icky today here.
    HA! I can read those street names, bet my Niece can not...
    To a grey-great day GlG, Iris

    1. Käsesuppe ist sehr gut. Dir einen schönen Tag!

  29. Cheese soup sounds interesting! Beautiful tag and hybrid page Valerie, and wonderful photos.
    Have a safe and happy week,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, You have a good and safe week, too!

  30. That's a fabulous partner for the first tag, and I love how the butterfly on the hybrid page is just transitioning from tag to background. The photos of the horses standing in the field capture the feeling of a peaceful summer's day perfectly, and I really enjoyed seeing the heron and the ducks too.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. I love to see the horses on the fields, it's always a highlight of my walks to visit them.

  31. I did enjoy my walk with you... thank you.
    That water wheel photograph is wonderful :)

    All the best Jan

  32. What a fabulous final tag! Those colours really are wonderful! These photos are great...haven't had a chance to see ' our' heron for ages! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. I'm sure your heron will be waiting for you!

  33. Love everything!!! Love the bat house! LOL! Love your tag and the other piece! Beautiful together! Big Hugs!


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