Thursday 14 May 2020

Rain's Thursday Art Date - Historical events

Hi Everybody!

Rain's theme today is historical events, so I am doing a tongue-in-cheek take on it this time, as today was a historical event for me. For the first time in 2 months I got my act together and traveled by tram into Düsseldorf, although I was a bit scared beforehand. The tram was almost empty, so that was good, and I felt safe with my mask and nitrile gloves and hand-sanitizer in my pocket. Everybody MUST wear a mask in the buses and trams.
I walked a bit though the town centre, and there were not a lot of people about. Then I walked through Hofgarten, which was the aim of my trip, and enjoyed an hour walking round, visiting the ducks, geese and swans - who enjoyed the lettuce I took for them - and of course, taking photos. I know it is a bit of a risk traveling on the tram, but I was very careful, and it really did me good to get out and about again. 
As I said at the beginning - it was a historical event for me!

For Michele's Haberdashery challenge at Tag Tuesday I have a last tag. And the invention of sewing machines was also a historical event for mankind:

And now for the photos of my 'historical event' today:

Handsome Canadian geese:

 I love the pink legs of the Nile geese:

The black swans are nesting, so I hope they don't get disturbed again like last year:

Nile geese and goslings:

I always love this ramp for the water fowl:

The ducks and ducklings swam faster than I could look:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Such a beautiful tag! I love the image of the old Singer sewing machine 😊. Such lovely photos too, those little ducklings are adorable! Happy and creative wishes! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

  2. Beautiful tag Valerie, love the sewing machine and bits and bobs. It is great you can get to the park and see all the birds.

  3. I bet it was scary. I am scared just going to the grocery store. But good for you to go beyond the fear and go. I bet you feel good. I went to a garden center today and I was kind of nervous too, but I went late afternoon and there weren't many people. And I just love the haberdashery tag. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I think we sometimes need to overcome our fears!

  4. Good for you getting out on the tram, and brave! The old sewing machine is quite historical too! Beautiful photos.

    1. Thanks Christine. I used to sew on a machine like that with a handle to turn, nice memories.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Fabulous tag and most gorgeous colours. Gorgeous photos and glad you enjoyed your day...

  7. Lovely pictures and what an adorable sewing machine :)

    1. Thanks Monica, have a great day, take care!

  8. This is will be my first time playing Thursday Rain date. Little gosling are so darling.

  9. I loved your "historical event." Sadly, I am not as brave as you. I haven't been off my property since March 15 and don't plan to go anywhere anytime soon. I'm glad you are doing the brave thing, though.

    That's a great tag. You have really taken to this theme. But your visit with the water fowl made me smile. I always love seeing the black swans. They make me happy because we only had one at our zoo and I'm not sure if it's still there or not. Have a super fun Rain's Art Day day, dear friend.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I enjoyed visiting 'my park' again and seeing what is going on.

  10. Thanks Laurie, glad you like it!

  11. Dein historisches Ereignis ist wunderbar und den Mut hattest hinaus zu gehen udn vorsicht zu walten war ein Stück Befreiung für dich. Schöne Fotos von all den Vögeln. Süss die Jungen. Der Stadtpark ist immer so schön.
    Dein Tag ist so hübsch!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Donnerstag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Ja, ich hab mich befreit gefühlt, und das war gut! Dir auch einen schönen Tag!

  12. Lettuce is good! Here dumb people throw white bread. Into the ponds, too.... Dumb
    Still have to make a post on our old-new sewing machine!

    Hach, schönes Tag. Sehr schönes Tag! Ich könnte das gar nicht auf die Nadel rauffieseln, Respekt!
    Die Gänse, süß, die posen ja richtig!

    Gerade kommt endlich die Sonne raus, dir einen schönen Tag, GlG, Iris

    1. Brot ist verboten hier im Park. Wenn sie Salat sehen kommen sie alle angetrabbt. Hier scheint auch die Sonne, ist schön und kalt, ich packe mich ein und gehe wieder raus.

  13. A super post to record the outing you awarded yourself. You are braver than me Valerie.Even though the rules are starting to relax in England I don't feel I want to go out and about yet. Going out to meet a relative one to one in a public park [at a safe distance] is odd to me, why is that better than meeting in a garden close to home has yet to be explained to me. We'd need to travel miles and use a bus as driving the car isn't an option for us these days. sorry to rant on.
    Its a beautiful haberdashery tag.
    Stay safe and take care.
    Yvonne xx

    1. I know the situation in England is much worse than here, and we must all be so careful so that it doesn't get worse. You have a big responsibility to care for yourself and your husband, and to stay safe. And you have such a lovely garden to sit in. Stay safe and well! BIG hugs!

  14. I agree with Yvonne up here! It was a great event that you showed in such beautiful photos as usual! Hugs

  15. Love your work as always! In here we have to wear maks whenever we go out. Stay safe everyone!

  16. Valerie was on the loose, and she got pictures of CANADA Goose! I am very encouraged to hear of your trip on the tram. I am sure that you approached it with a little trepidation, but it was probably just the tonic you needed and will set you on the road to normalcy. Bravo Intrepid Explorer, Valerie. As you say an historical event. Take care and get out and about some more! Best wishes to Nathalie. Stay safe and well both of you.

    1. Thanks David, it was great being on the loose again. I've missed my trips. Being alone 24/7 is not good for anybody, and I need to get back to normal.or at least to the 'new normal'. Now I'm off out for a walk, have a great day!

  17. Hi Val, hope your day is going well. Love your sewing tag. I remember the huge haberdashery piece you made for the care home a few years back, that was so beautiful. Great photos, too, so glad you braved up and went out, good for you! Mum has been playing up again, she's having fun pulling up all the flowers in the garden and throwing them over the fence - good job the neighbours understand! She'll get fed up with it soon, I hope! Look after yourself, hugs, Sarah

  18. Thanks Sarah! Sorry your mum has been playing up again, you never seem to have a dull moment! Look after yourself!

  19. A very beautiful tag and how I love the old singer sewing machine...well done!!!
    I bet you were nervous to venture out you sound as if you were very cautious and did all that you could to be safe for you and others.
    All of your feathered friends seem happy to see you and the lettuce you brought.
    Your photos are always gorgeous!!!.

    Hugs and Stay Safe 🐦🌷🌞

    1. Thanks Jan! We need to be cautious but it was good to get out. The water fowl come running when they sense somebody with lettuce, they love it! Stay safe!

  20. Sounds like a wondrous day. Glad you were able to get out safely. Love those gosslings. So so sweet. That piece is purrfect for folks that sew.
    Stay safe. Be healthy.

    1. Thanks Sandra. Those goslings are really sweet. You stay safe, too.

  21. I love the tag with sewing machine! Beautiful bird photos. The black swans remind me of my time in NZ. I miss going on the bus. Not sure if er are allowed out on then yet. Glad you had a great sight-seeing day!

    1. Thanks June. I love the black swans, we have a big colony in Hofgarten. Hope you can soon use the buses again!

  22. Oohh this is really an historial event Valerie !!Chapeau for you ! I don´t think I could do the same, well, perhaps tomorrow I´ll go out, perhaps! :)
    This is a Gorgeous tag, lovely old sewing machine, I remember my grandmother had one like this one too, and now, my aunt has got it.
    Your photographs are so beautiful, love those swan, black and white, and the ducks and geese are super beautiful.
    Have a great rain day (please send us rain!), stay safe and big hugs,

    1. Thanks Caty! We didn't get any rain, it was just cold and windy today. But it was sunny. Hope you can soon get out again! Look after yourself!

  23. A great tag, and wonderful photos of the water birds Valerie! Glad you're able to get out and about again.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. It was great to be out again!

  24. Glad you were able to travel to Dusseldorf without a problem. Love you are and photos. The various fowl look so nice.

  25. Well done you for doing this. Love the photos of the ducks. Great tag as well. Keep safe and well.

  26. Beautiful tag Valerie, love that vintage sewing machine! Stunning photos of your day out, I love all of the birds especially the black swan with the red bill and the goslings are so cute and fluffy!
    Take care & stay well.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. The black swns are very interesting, und the little goslings and ducklings are just lovely. Stay safe, enjoy your day.

  27. Well done on being able to go out …
    Lovely seeing all of your photographs.
    Love the haberdashery tag

    All the best Jan

  28. Wspaniałe fotografie pięknych ptaków . Spacer daje tyle radości . Maszyna do szycia to
    naprawdę wspaniały wynalazek.
    Miłego piątku i pozostałych dni:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna. Birds are always beautiful, and walking among them brings me great joy. Stay Safe!

  29. Such beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing!

  30. I love your little sewing machine tag - that's so sweet. And yes, I can easily imagine how scary the idea of the tram trip was - great to hear it was quite empty. Worth it for the fabulous pictures of the water birds though... they look as though, like the rest of nature, they've been flourishing in the absence of people.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks! Nature is really flourishing with less interference, and the air here is much better since almost no planes are flying - great!

  31. Oh you are a brave soul and good on you for taking precautions to protect yourself and others. I agree it is good that you were able to get out for some fresh air and sunshine and oh my, your pictures are wonderful. I love the black swans with their red beaks. In fact I love all of your water birds, most of which are different that what we have here in the states. We lived on a lake before we moved two years ago ... I really miss it, but this was for the best. I had a sewing machine that looked like your tag. It was just a piece of furniture, I didn't use it to sew on, but it was a beautiful piece as is your tag. And yes, the invention of the sewing machine was indeed a historical event that still effects our daily lives. So glad you made it out and could see that nature seems to be doing fine in spite of the rampant virus ... stay safe and be well, Valerie ...

    1. Thanks Andrea. I need to get out from time to time, being alone 24/7 at home is not good. Those old sewing machines are very decorative, so much nicer than the new ones. I think nature has enjoyed the respite during the last few weeks. Stay safe!

  32. Now that was an historical event. Love the sewing machine and all the feathered creatures.

  33. What a wonderful adventure you had. I can understand you being a bit apprehensive but you have done it now and marked it down in history. I bet it felt wonderful to walk i the park and see all the ducks etc. It is a long time since I saw black swans - I think I was at Clitheroe and somewhere near the castle, or maybe it was Skipton. I love the baby ducks, or should I say goslings.
    I am supposed to be shielding until the end of June, long time since I last went out on the 15th March but if I have to I have to. At least I can enjoy your walks with your lovely pictures.
    Lovely tag.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, it was really an adventure. But I feel less scared now! Sorry you have to stay home so long. Stay safe!

  34. I love the Nile geese, I've never seen them before, thanks so much for sharing! I love your historical event! It definitely goes down in history...your first tram ride wearing a mask and gloves...what a world we live in now huh? I feel as though I can't trust anyone anymore for my own health. There was a doctor here who failed to self-isolate after traveling, he went on to see over 200 patients and he tested positive for Covid. He's already infected 8 people and hundreds more are being tested. The government is considering pressing charges. Sad sad sad...but your trip is a happy historical event! :) And I love that you added the sewing machine, that's a beautiful subject and a great piece of art! I definitely appreciate the invention of that machine!!

    1. At the moment we are really making history thanks to Corrina. The behaviour of that doctor is a scandal! Stay save!


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