Sunday 17 May 2020

Sunday this and that

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend. We had another day of sunshine and blue skies, bit it's still rather cool. I walked along the Rhine, through a park and visited some feathered and 4 legged friends at the farm at the end of our street, so all in all, it was enjoyable. And this afternoon I sat in my armchair, put my feet up, and when I woke up my coffee was cold....

I have another hybrid piece put together in Serif, using elements from Mischief Circus, Serif and me. The lovely quote is from Oscar Wilde . 
'With freedom, books, flowers and the moon, who could not be happy?':

I am linking to AJJ, Mia's 'flowers' challenge

Some photos from the park:

On the riding stables:

 At the farm:

Back in the Park:

And on my balcony:

I walked through the fields on my way home and saw this lovely horse:

The hedges are full of wild roses:

Flowers are growing between the castle stones,  and the castle grounds are open again:

A beautiful sunset at the Rhine:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wie süss dein Journal mit der Katze, ich bin ganz verliebt darin und der Farbenmix klasse!
    Deine Fotos ach so schön was du wieder erlebt hast auf deinem Spaziergang.
    Ich wünsche dir eine gute Nacht und träume süss!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Guten Morgen Elke! Ja, es war einen tollen Spaziergang. Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  2. Good morning Valerie omg that kitten page is so darn cute,well done on your beautiful work my friend and your photos are lovely to look at first thing in the morning,hope you have a lovely day Valerie xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl, glad you like the photos. Have a great day!

  3. I like this kitty art. We are still storming something awful. The wind is about 40MPH with gusts. Love all the flowers and especially the horses.

  4. Very happy hybrid piece, the photos as beautiful but sorry about the coffee!

    1. Thanks Christine. I drank the coffee cold, I don't mind cold coffee!

  5. I enjoyed your art work today, love the cat, it looks very happy, it is a great saying too. Obviously you needed a break that afternoon. Wonderful walk photos.

    1. Thanks, I loved the saying, too, and created the page to fit it! Stay safe!

  6. Sorry your coffee got cold!
    Lovely art and a most wonderful collection of photographs.

    Happy Sunday Wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. Cold coffee is still drinkable, but the sleep did me good!

  7. Oh I love that kitty page. I spent my day moving some gravel and like you, afterwards I took a long nap. Boy it felt good. Looks like you had a wonderful walk. I hope the one legged bird gets by ok. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. There's something good about an afternoon nap, huh, and you will hae needed yours after all that work in the yard. Have a fun Sunday!

  8. Thanks Laurie. I don't often sleep in the afternoon, but sometimes it's necessary!

  9. You had me at PURRR. Loved the kitty. Who wouldn't, right? Thanks, too, for sharing yet another entry for Mia's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Beautiful flowers, great photo of the wildflowers in the cracks of the castle, and the white and one black swans in the field. Beautiful photos as usual, but those were my favorites today.

    1. Thanks E. My Kitty used to enjoy sleeping in one of the flower boxes on my balcony and enjoying the sun! Have a great day, take care!

  10. Good Morning Val! Love your kitty piece, so sweet. Our neighbour has a lovely cat, and she often sleeps in our flower beds. But she doesn't read books - yet! Wonderful photos, too. We went to the zoo yesterday, the kids were happy, even my mum enjoyed it, so that made a great change. Today will be a restful day at home. Have a fun day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thank Sarah. Glad you were all able to have a day out, and enjoyed it, and that even your mum was happy - that's worth a lot! Have a great day, take care!

  11. Fabulous work with the cat. Loving the photos and the one legged bird is so cute. xx

    1. Thanks Annie. the goose is hiding its other leg well!

  12. I see it was really great walk! :)

    1. Thanks, it was indeed. Have a good day, stay safe!

  13. Wauw what a nice page you’ve made and such a lovely nature, I ´ll bet you enjoy alot

    1. Thanks, nature is so beautiful, we need to make the most of it!

  14. I think that Oscar Wilde was a wise man, Valerie. Perhaps he too fell asleep from time to time and let his coffee go cold! It would more likely have been tea, I suppose. When you think of the extent to which that poor fellow was persecuted because of his sexual orientation it make you think that we have at least progressed a little. Great shots of animals and birds. As soon as the degree of your renown as the discoverer of new taxa is made public, you will hardly be able to take these tranquil strolls, the paparazzi will be in hot pursuit! Enjoy them while you may!

    1. Oscar Wilde was a great writer and thinker, I love his work. In some ways we have progressed since then, but there's still room for improvement in many things. I just came back from visiting the Canada Goslings again, they are huge!

  15. My coffee was cold, also. YES. Hubby made me coffee and I forgot about that. Says the tea-person! GlG and a happy arvo, Iris

    1. Thanks Iris, I'm going to make a coffee now and drink it before I fall asleep!

  16. Another gorgeous creation, Valerie! I am a cat lover! I love the combination of cat and flowers! And beautiful photos from this park. It must be a great place for walk. Hugs, my dear friend.

    1. Thanks Mia. Cats and flowers go well together. We are lucky to have lots of great parks here.

  17. I love your photos, the flowers are so beautiful and your work is sooo cute!

  18. I love, love, love this piece. That car image is just so cute. Glad you had a lovely walk, great photos. Have a great day. x

    1. Thanks Anesha. Cats are always little stars, aren't they! Have a great Sunday!

  19. Beautiful photos from your walk, i realy liked the one with the dew/rain drops on the flower petals.
    Its a fabulous journal page and the cat looks so contented. Thank you for another wonderful page linked to Mia's theme at Art Journal Journey.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. The water drops came from a sprinkler they were using in the park. Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  20. Ja, ja ... our Sunday was also absolutely purrrfect! 😹
    Your cat was a good example ... a lazing Sunday!
    But in our style! LOL
    I love to go to the farm ... is so nice there!
    Have a nice new week ahead! Hugs!

    1. Glad you are enjoying your Sunday. I love walking by the farm. Have a great, new week.

  21. Loving your purr-fect cat piece :) So sweet!

    Your nature photos always brighten my morning internet time :) City girl that I am, the most exotic animals I see are at the patio bird feeder ;) Thanks!

    1. Thanks. I visited the baby geese again today,they are growing so fast.

  22. Fabulous page! That kitty cat is super cute 😁. I'm loving your photos too, wow the sunset looks amazing! I hope you had a lovely week and wishing you a happy weekend! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, hope you enjoyed your weekend, too. Stay safe.

  23. What a gorgeous page Valerie, I love that adorable cat! Looks like you had a wonderful walk all of the photos are beautiful especially that sunset!
    Take care, hugs Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. I did indeed have wonderful walk. Have a good, new week!

  24. Happy Sunday Valerie, I love your art page-had me smiling so sweet
    You have such gorgeous flowers and views around you on your walks-thanks for sharing all of these lovely scenes and flowers.
    Is it possible that I could use your photo of the flowers in the castle rocks for reference for a painting? I love that photo thanks Kathy

    1. Yes of course. Send me your Email and I will send you a copy

    2. thank you-I couldn't find your email in your profile so glad you found mine

    3. You're Welcome, have fun. I'm looking forward to seeing what you make!

  25. A fabulous page Valerie, that cat looks so contented. Lovely photos from your walk - no wonder you needed a nap - but shame the coffee was cold, The flowers look gorgeous, especially the one with the raindrops.
    Have a peaceful evening, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril. Flowers with Raindrops look extra good. Have a great week!

  26. Though there are ranches here in Hawaii, I rarely see horses passing by. They are such beautiful animals.

  27. Thanks Gigi. We have lots of riding stables here, so lots of horses, and I love to see them! Have a good, new week!


  28. Sweet kitty :) Finally, you can walk and take beautiful photos. a lot of smile :)

    1. Thanks Lucyna. It's wonderful to be out and about again. Have a great, new week, stay safe.

  29. Next time drink your coffee before you get comfortable :)
    Love your precious cat art!
    Absolutely gorgeous!!!
    Your photos are filled with beauty and breathtaking color!

    Hugs 🌷🐈☕

    1. Thanks Jan. Today I was sensible enough to drink my coffee before falling asleep. Have a good, new week!

  30. Lovely kitty picture - love that he/she is purring. Great flowers too. I wish I could do hybrid! Wonderful pictures of flowers, interesting things on your walks, and that sunset - Wow. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. Hybrid is easy, you just need a graphics programme. Give it a try!

  31. I love your cat page with that wonderful quote Valerie! Love the Egyptian geese too! xx

  32. Your piece is wonderful Valerie, such a contented moggy! Beautiful photos as always, your town is looking so pretty now xx

    1. Thanks Sue! Every moggy should have a good life!

  33. The cat is adorable. I love the Oscar Wilde quote. I think we all would appreciate a bit more freedom these days. Beautiful photos as always. Eileen xx

  34. Thanks Eileen. Oscar Wilde is always good. Freedom, too!


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