Friday 8 May 2020

Long legged spotted stargazers

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your day. We are still enjoying sunny weather here, and we have a lot more 'freedom' because of the improvements in the Corona Statistics, but here in our county North Rhine-Westphalia I think they are moving too quickly. We have an ambitious 'overlord' who is hoping to be re-elected in November and he wants to be seen as a strong man. I think we know others who want to be re-elected in November....Perhaps it affects the character? I just hope it goes well! Today I went to the shops with Nathalie, we wore our masks as we have to, and I had gloves, too. We were  there early, so there were not many people, and I felt okay. But it was exciting! And shelves full of noodles and toilet paper and flour.  But I didn't buy any, I have enough! And the prices have all increased, some things by 20-30% and others by even more. I suppose it was to be expected.

I have been busy crafting this week. I found some simple bird templates I made many years back, and decided to play with them again. I used the paper template to trace the birds onto some white linen recycled from an ancient pair of summer trousers. First of all I ironed the material onto some butcher's paper to make it easier to handle. I coloured the linen with some distress ink in wild honey which I ironed to fix the colour. Then the 2 birds got different coloured spots - black spots for the 'female' and turquoise ones for the 'male'. I sewed around the birds with black thread and then cut the beaks and legs from gold cardboard. The wings and tails were made with scraps of gold netting, some sequined tape and gold netting. These birds represent the  long legged spotted stargazers, only to be seen in the land of Balconia-by-the-Rhine. These birds are always seen in pairs, and the female stands on the back of the male so that she has a better view of what is going on in the neighbourhood....In return, the female bird massages the back of the male while she is standing on it....
My birds have been placed onto a hand-painted and textured  A3 (12" x 17") background. The quote is by J.M. Barrie:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday

And  here are some more of the large and small birds that live here:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your long legged spotted star gazers!! Interesting to read about them too. Your bird photos are wonderful.

  2. Your page with the birds are a TRUE INSPIRATION, Valerie! Gorgeous page, my friend!!!

  3. Valerie I like your stargazers, did you make that up? Balconia by the Rhine indeed!
    Lovely work and beautiful bird photos.

    1. Thanks Christine! That would be telling, wouldn't it!?

    2. I just think we need some smiles right now and a visit to a fantasy land is not bad....

  4. Hi Valerie wow your birds are stunning you always do such amazing work,well done my friend and i love your bird photos,thankyou for sharing them with us xx

  5. Nicely coloured long legged images and beautifully designed creation. Gorgeous photos of a variety of stunning birds.xx

  6. Oh Valerie, how sweet this is! I love the homespun feel to your birdie card - such amazing detail and I love the writing along the side :) WHat a fun set of photos of all the sweet birds - I wish you could add one of our Florida pink flamingos in there, too! xx

    1. Thanks Kelly, I had fun making it! Have a great day!

  7. Hi Val, I have a big grin on my face and have been enjoying your story about the stargazers and Balconia-by-the-Rhine, too funny! Beautiful work, and I just love that you come up with such ideas to entertain us! Thanks, we all need smiles right now! Love the photos, too. Have a wonderful day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Have a great day, take care!

  8. Wunderschön valerie deine Seite mit den süssen Vögeln, ja Frühling ist da mit dem farbigen Hintergrund und die Freude auf deinem Bild!Sehr Kreativ warst du wieder
    Die Tierfotos sind so schön!
    Ich bin gespannt wie das weiter geht und ob es wirklich so gut geht diese Massen von Menschen die alle nur eins wollen alles zu vegessen aber auch den Virus mit dazu wie wenn es ihn nie gegeben hat!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke. Ja, wir werden sehen in welche Richtung es geht, ich hoffe sehr dass die Menschen nicht sofort Alles vergessen. Blain gesund, pass auf dich auf!

  9. mmmmmh :-) Poppies!!! Schönes Banner, meine Lieblingsblumen...
    Hach, Klopapier, so wichtig!!! :-) Ich muss immer noch über dein Video mit dem Mexikaner lachen.

    Ja, Preise. Leute gehen in Kurzarbeit oder werden gekündigt und die Preise steigen, super.

    You won´t find the birds at the land of Balconia-by-the Oker???

    Naja, mit den Brüllkindern ist Balkonien wohl auch nix mehr, so was habe ich noch nie erlebt.

    Ohhh, Storche?
    Dir einen schönen Tag, morgen sollen es hier 23C werden! GlG, Iris

    1. Danke Iris, dir auch einen schönen Tag und bleib geusnd!


  10. I am delighted with your birds, they are fairy-tale and unusual. I wish you lots of sun and smile

    1. Thanks Lucyna, much appreciated! Stay safe!

  11. Beautiful piece, love all the lovely colours and details. Great photos as always. Enjoy the freedom.

  12. We're still in lockdown here, though that may change this weekend. I do hope they don't move too soon, however. Love your artwork. Those birds are beautiful. And those photos remind me of better times. Lovely post. Stay safe.

    1. Thanks John. Stay safe. I think the transition has been too quick here.

  13. I have checked my "Where to find Birds in Europe" and I have to say, Valerie, that I was unable to find any mention of Balconia-by-the-Rhine. This is without doubt a very serious omission and I shall write to the editors without delay so that it will be included in the next edition. Furthermore, the Long-legged Stargazer is a species entirely new to me, not only in person, but even in the literature, so I am sure you can imagine how deeply grateful I am that you have brought it to my attention via your delightful illustrations. I must say that the interaction between the sexes is quite unusual, massage not generally being part of the avian repertoire, but it is particularly unusual that the female climbs atop the male. Usually it is the other way around and massage is not what the male has in mind. How wonderful that I have discovered a new location, a new species, and novel behaviour after all these years in ornithology. And all thanks to you. Danke schön! Merçi beaucoup!

    1. Ah David, I am so happy that I have been able to introduce you to a species you don't know! We have several mostly unknown species around here, and soon I will introduce you to another sort, which is even more unusual. This species will have its debut here next week. Watch this space! And stay safe and well!

  14. Yes, I think prices are going to be higher - people have to try and make some profit to catch up on expenses like rent they had no income to cover. The cost of this event is going to be with us for years...

    Off to your pretty pictures and creation. Love the birds - especially the feathers. Whimsical and happy and fun. Super pictures too. I have missed visiting you as you blog is a wonderful place! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. I'm sure you are right about the costs being with us for years, and I'm afraid many shops and restaurants will have to close down, which is sad. Take good care of yourself!

  15. Love your bird work, so cute!

  16. Thanks Natalia! Stay safe, keep cooking!

  17. Thanks Laurie, have a great day!

  18. All is so pretty, and great nature ♥

    1. Thanks Kinga, have a great weekend, stay safe!

  19. Awesome fiber creation and wonderful photography of our feathered friends ~ ^_^

    Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  20. We share some of the same birds...but your stargazers are the very best! Happy PPF

    1. Thanks - they are unique to this area!! Stay safe!

  21. Magnificent the colors!!!
    Your photos are my way of seeing nature through others eyes!
    Thank you so much my sweet friend.

    Stay Safe and Big Hugs 🌷☕🌞

    1. Thanks Jan, glad you enjoy the photos. Stay safe!

  22. Your birds were wonderful, how much inspiration, skill and art.
    Nature is fantastic, how many beautiful birds. All photos are amazing.
    Take care and have a nice and safe weekend.

  23. Thanks so much Maria. Have a good weekend, stay safe, greetings to Portugal!

  24. awe, the birds are just delightful- the arty ones, and your photos of them! Happy PPF!

  25. You have a very good camera to capture those birds so well. Love your art, too. I hope that the right decision has been made to reopen, and I hope the Corona cases don't increase as a result of it.

    1. Thanks. That's my hope, too. I will continue to be cautious!

  26. Here in the US we are moving too fast as well. The "thing" we have in the white house doesn't care about anyone or anything but himself so we are pretty much on our own. Glad you were able to walk down town. I love this bird art. From the background to the legs. Just brilliant. Your bird photos too. Have a great day.

    1. Thanks Nicole. A lot of politicians only seem to be concerned for themselves and their power. Let's hope it goes well. Glad you liked the birds!

  27. I wonder how I'll feel when I can go to a store again. Nervous, I think, but very excited. I hope. Good for you, going out but being safe about it.

    I love the bird theme of your post, both the art work, which is fabulous and the wonderful photos. Some gorgeous birds in your part of the world. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Well, it was exciting and a bit scary. Last time was before the lockdown, the shelves were all empty and people were fighting over milk....this time it was as if everything was normal, except that everybody was wearing masks. It was rather surreal. I just hope that it all goes good and people are sensible. Enjoy your weekend!

  28. Oh wow. Your bird art is fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I loved this post so much!!

  29. Gorgeous art work Valerie, the birds are so cute and I love all of the textures especially the feathers and the pearls on their claws, so fun! Awesome bird photos too.
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, glad you enjoyed it! Stay safe!

  30. I love your bird photos! and your stargazer bird art. The colors are wonderful!

    We're opening here, and it seems too soon for me :( but what do I know...

    1. Thanks. I think they are all moving too quickly. We can only be extra cautious!

  31. That's a beautiful art piece Valerie! I love all the details in the birds, and that background is gorgeous! And how fun to learn these peculiar things about these birds. Very interesting! Take care & happy PPF xox

    1. Thanks Denise, those birds are certainly unusual ones!

  32. Look like your having fun, doing the bird.

  33. Please be safe when you are going out! Our country is taking it slowly and I am happy about that!
    I love your bird art! I think they are so pretty! Love the colours and the feathers! Thanks for all your gorgeous bird photos! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Tracey. Glad you are taking it more slowly over there. Stay safe!

  34. Nice artwork, creative. And lovely photos! :)

  35. I'm a little late, somehow the end of the week got away from me. I had to smile at your comment about over rushing up for election politicians. I can think of at last 1 more. Not even worth a smile comment for him. And I just love your bird page today. So much cool texture and details. It works perfect for all the bird photos, and I see a stork (or 2) photos today. Hope you still have sunshine. It is snowing here. Sigh. Frown. Almost cry.Hope you have a great Saturday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Now which politician could that be? Glad you like the birds, I had fun making them. It's still warm and sunny here, but arctic winds are forecasted for tomorrow!

  36. Oh my, your long legged birds are amazing! I love how you created them with the feathers and sequins - so beautiful 😁. The photos are fabulous too and I can see how you were inspired 😊. I hope you've had a lovely week! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! We have a lot of long legged birds around here that I love to watch and be inspired by. Have a great weekend!

  37. I absolutely love the birds you created Valerie. The pages look fabulous with all the fabric and detail.
    The photos also looked lovely.
    I think we will all be finding our shopping going up in price as the weeks go by.
    Please stay safe when you go out. We wait until Sunday before they tell us the next stage here. I would rather be safe inside then the risks that some feel they can take.
    I'm also pleased we have the garden. we hear the neighbours cutting grass etc , but the hedges keep us all safely apart.
    Be safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! Glad you like my fun birds - and the real ones, too. It's better to stay safe than take risks. Most people are being sensible, others are sitting on the grass in big groups and enjoying the weather. Completely irresposible. Stay safe and well!

  38. What a gorgeous bird post … both art and photographs :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, have a lovely weekend, stay safe!

  39. Hello Valerie - sorry I haven't visited for a while. Hope all well with you, especially at this time. What a lovely bird post this - your art piece is simply gorgeous, I love the colours and textures :) and your bird photos are as always so beautiful.
    Hope you are having a good weekend. Stay safe and well..........Gill xx

    1. Hi Gill, great to see you around again, I've missed you! You have a great weekend, too and stay safe and well!

  40. I adore your birds - the textures are fantastic! I'm so glad you're staying safe :)

  41. I love your bird art, and those lovely photos Valerie! I'm so pleased we installed feeders in our garden last year, watching the birds brings a lot of joy in these dark times.
    Stay safe,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks. So true that watching the birds brings us joy.


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