Wednesday 13 May 2020

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all fit and well. Here it has been sunny, but cold, and good weather for walking. Nathalie visited me today, and we ordered our meal from the Chinese restaurant. In March I got a small refund from the electricity company, and promised Nathalie we would go out and 'eat' the money. Then Corrina arrived....Anyway, today we decided it would be better to eat here and ordered from the local Chinese restaurant. It was very delicious, and I have enough for a good meal tomorrow, too, as does Nathalie, who took her 'doggy bag'  home with her. The food was brought by a very friendly Chinese man, clothed in white cap, coat and mask, and with gloves on his hands. He kept his distance, set the bag down at the top of the stairs, gave a little bow and was gone. It's good to see that people are taking 'Corrina' seriously. 

For Mia's flowers challenge at AJJ I have another hybrid piece. I used another of my water-colour and ink sketches, placed onto a grey, hand-painted background. I put it all together using Serif:

And I have lots of flower-power pictures to share:

We've had some wonderful skies:

These flowers were taken in the park of the Diakonie:

And I always love to watch men at work:

Love the window boxes:

Nile geese at Kalkum:

Ducks at the Rhine:

And at Kalkum:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful art and photos, the flowers are so beautiful. Glad you and Nathalie enjoyed your takeout dinner, I have yet to get takeout since this started.

    1. Thanks Christine. Strange how we have had to put so many things on hold lately.

  2. Good to read you enjoyed your take out and have a other meal to go. The flowers in your art piece are beautiful. Always lovely to see your flower photos.

  3. Hi Valerie how lovely to have chinese takeaway ,that is my favourite ,though i havent had it for along time.I love your flower pages,such happy colours and such beautiful work,well done my friend. I love your pics you always take such interesting ones,stay safe my friend xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl. Good that we always have flowers to make us happy.

  4. Your flower piece is gorgeous Valerie. Adding it to the digital frame really finishes off the composition. And makes the yellow really pop. Thanks for joining Mia's challenge at AJJ. And so any pretty flower photos. Those are always nice to see too. Hope you have a great Wednesday. And enjoy your left over Chinese food. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. You have a great Wednesday, too!

  5. This is a delightfully lovely post with great art, great duckies, photos and love the window box.xx

    1. Thanks Anne. I love window boxes, too, have done since I was a kid.

  6. Good Morning Val! Love your journal page and all of those beautiful photos of flowers, skies and even of the men at work. Hope you have a great day, need to take my mum to the doc's today, so keep your fingers crossed that that goes well! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, hope your Mum doesn't play up too much, I know she can be rather difficult, to put it mildly. Take care of yourself!

  7. Leider ist auch das letzte Chinesische Restaurant "eklig" geworden hier.
    A-HA. We´re all doggy bag-people :-)
    Wieviel essen Leute heutzutage?!

    Der Postmann hier - keine Maske, reichte mir Ingo´s Paket, keine Unterschrift... keine Standards. Komisch für die "korrekten Deutschen", oder?

    Schöne Arbeit! Und schöne Fotos. Gleich los zur Post. Für Ingo, also echt... Brrr, so kalt.
    GlG, immerhin Sonne, einen schönen Tag dir, Iris

    1. Danke Iris. Wir haben hier Glück, das Restaurant ist wunderschön und immer sehr korrekt. Andere Lieferdienste hier auch, bisher. Und hier ist es frostig aber sonnig, also gehe ich gleich raus.

  8. The flowers you painted are so beautiful!
    Is that lavender? Mine doesn't have flowers yet ...
    And the Nile geese ... I have not seen here in the Netherlands. I have to look closely ...
    I hope you have a great Wednesday! Hugs!

    1. Yes, it's lavender. I have 2 sorts, one is already flowering, the other not. Enjoy your day!

  9. Was für ein romantisches Blumenbild da swieder ist, mir gefällt es so gut!
    Toll dass alles so abgelaufen ist mit dem Essen bringen. Schön diene Blumenfotos und die Gänse. Das war mal wieder ganz schön stürmisch auch bei dir am Rhein.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag und pass auf dich auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke liebe Elke. Wenn Flut oder Sturm ist wird der Rhein immer voll Abfall. Bleib gesund!

  10. Beautiful photos Valerie, I always feel I have been actually out when l was looking at them.
    The meal you had with Nathalie must have been a real feast with you both having left overs to use today. Its good that you are allowed to have folk come into your home, its still not possible here.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Ooops I forgot to thank you for linking the beautiful page with the flowers to Mia's theme at AJJ, yellow blooms always make me feel happy, its the colour of sunny days for me
      yvonne xx

    2. I know what you mean about flowers, they alwyas make me happy. I'm sorry that it's taking so long for things to get better over there. I was planning on visiting London in June, but I've canceled it now. It was so nice not to eat alone like in the past weeks! And I just ate another big meal, and there's still rice and veggies for tomorrow - value for money!

  11. I don't eat Chinese food often, but when I do, it's definitely a treat, and glad you enjoyed yours. Everything about this post just screams romance and love. The flowers are all definitely lovely! Hope you are doing well, and sending some hugs from across the way. RO

    1. Thanks. An occasional Chinese meal is a great treat for me, too, and it was yummy! Hugs back to you!

  12. Gorgeous pictures. I love the men at work, although I can’t quite work out what they’re doing.

    1. Thanks Friko. The men were cleaning stuff out of the Rhine - lots of junk, tree.trunks, hay bales etc get washed into the water when we have floods. And some naughty people have fun throwing things in. Anyway, there are always people around doing maintenance or clearing the shores. Sad but true.

  13. I am quite sure that eating at home was a fine idea, and how wonderful that Nathalie was able to sit and join you and you could reconnect again in this manner. And to have it all delivered by a kindly chap dressed for protection for everyone is quite special, and he even bowed to you. Obviously he recognized aristocracy. If you do this again I insist that you take a picture of your plate before a morsel even makes its way to your mouth. It is also very interesting that you enjoy looking at work that is! Have a wonderful day, Valerie!

    1. Thnks David! We were so ungry I forgot all about photos, but next time....And of course I enjoy looking at men. The best week I ever had was at a nude drawing class where we drew gorgeous, naked men each lesson. But mostly I make do with viewing the husky workers climbing up trees, riding tractors or cleaning out the Rhine! Have a fun day!

  14. Güzel çiçekler. Güzel paylaşım

  15. Gorgeous art and photos Valerie-I so enjoyed your beautiful post today-thank you

    1. Thanks so much Kathy. Stay well and safe, look after yourself!

  16. How fun to eat your electricity and have it delivered in style. Lovely page fits so well with the beautiful flowers and sky pictures. I really enjoyed my armchair visit today to the parks and along the Rhine. Take care.

    1. Yes, it was great fun, and yummy, too. Here's to the health of the electricity company and may they send me a rebate next year, too!

  17. Beuatiful hybrid piece, the flowers just pop. Great photos as always. Stay safe. x

  18. The Chinese food delivery sounds like it was done right. That's good to see. Your nature scenes, those spring flowers, and those lovely skies are tempting :) I'm glad we can get out and safely enjoy these moments.

    1. Thanks, I was pleased to see that the restaurant respects the rules, it gives a good feeling!

  19. A beautiful hybrid piece Valerie, and wonderful photos. Glad you enjoyed your takeaway.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. I enjoyed my takeaway twice, and there's still some left for tomorrow!

  20. Love your flowers, sky and fowl photos. Nice art, too.

    1. Thanks Gigi. I loved your camel story today, too!

  21. So much beauty to see here.
    Gorgeous artwork,by a very talented artist I may add!
    Beautiful flower photos!
    Men at work photos...
    and my favorite for today that fantastic window photo...stunning!!!

    Hugs Dear Valerie.
    Stay Safe 🌷☕

    1. Thanks Jan. Those lovely windows in the old houses, with the wonderful flower boxes are always my faves, too, no matter how often I see them! Stay safe!

  22. dear you did a masterpiece! Those photos are genial!

  23. Chinese food sounds wonderful - now I have a craving. Wish places delivered way out here in the country. Guess I could drive in. Sounds wonderful anyway. The piece you created is lovely with the birds and flowers! Great page. Super cool flowers, river workers, birds, and skies - so lovely! Hugz

    1. I have been craving Chinese food for weeks, and that made it taste even better. The restaurant is not far from here, usually we walk there to eat. Glad you liked the journal page and photos.

  24. The flowers are beautiful - isn't it lovely to have all this color after the winter?
    Your artwork is beautiful - the little birds in the top left corner, are they a sticker or stamp or rub-on?
    Do I see RVs on the other side of the river (the Ruhr?)? Is camping still allowed in Germany? Here it is not... But at least today they're opening the beaches again for coastal residents, so I guess in a few weeks I might be able to go to the ocean again. I miss it.

    1. Hi Carola. The little birds are a digital freebie, and so lovely! We're at the Rhine here. The camping place on the other side is still closed, but should be re-opened soon. I'm sure the owners will be happy to get into their camping homes again! Stay well!

  25. What a fabulous piece Valerie! Those birds are stunning against the bright flowers, and I love the script. I think a nice Chinese meal is what my life is missing at the moment! Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

    1. I know what you mean, I was craving that food, too! You take care of yourself!

  26. Your Art journal page is Amazing Valerie !! love the beautiful flowers, so happy, and the great elements you have added. I have also enjoyed your walks, lovely photographs, and adorable nile geese and ducks. The sky is awesome.
    Have a very happy Thursday, stay safe and
    Big hugs, Caty

    1. Thanks so much Caty! The geese and ducks are always really beautiful, I could watch them for hours! Stay safe and wel!

  27. Gorgeous page Valerie, I love the yellow flowers with the birds in the corner! Stunning photos, I love all of the flowers and the coloring on that Nile goose is beautiful!
    Take care, Hugs Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. The Nile geese are always very lovely, with pink legs and gorgeous eyes! Stay safe ad well!

  28. Beautiful photos, as always, Valerie. I'm so happy you can spend time with Nathalie -- much easier than the isolation and you can get out. I've changed my walking times to much earlier and that's a good thing -- fewer walkers and better wildlife spottings!

    1. Early is always better, and an hour of company was wonderful.

  29. Nice that you could spend time with Nathalie, pleased that you enjoyed your take away.

    Loved all of your photographs, I am so pleased you share them here.

    Happy midweek wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. It was good not to be alone for an hour!

  30. I love ducks and flowers, Valerie! Thank you for sharing these lovely photos!
    Your hybrid page is FABULOUS! You combined all these things in a great way! I think I have to learn how to use Serif too! Thank you so much for joining again my challenge at AJJ! Hugs, my dear friend.

    1. Thanks Mia, you are welcome! Serif ist very easy to use.

  31. Your glowing golden flowers are just beautiful at the heart of the page - such a delicate sketch - and I love the birds lined up on the branch above. We've only ordered takeaway once so far during lockdown - Indian for my birthday a few weeks ago - but like you, I was pleased to see how seriously they were taking it. Masks, gloves, keeping a distance... and the food was delicious!
    Alison x

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. Lovely hybrid piece, I am full of admiration for your watercolour, it looks lovely with the birds in the top left hand corner and the script bottom right - just balances the whole thing perfectly.
    Obviously I so enjoyed your flower and sky pictures, very dramatic skies, and the window boxes are a lot more advanced with the flowers than here.
    I have never seen Nile geese before, how unusual, and how pretty the ducks are. A lovely post.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I love taking photos and being outside, just walking around. The Nile geese are very pretty. Stay safe!


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