Friday 1 May 2020

2nd on the 2nd and more

Hi Everybody.

Here's wishing us all a good month of May, and hoping that 'Corrina' will start to leave us. It will take time, I know, but we need to hope. Soon!

On the 2nd of the month we show pieces we have already previously blogged and link them to Eizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd challenge. I know it's still the first, but I'm starting early!

I have dug up some pieces from the past, some of which I can't make any more as I can't use my fingers as I could back then. But I'm still hoping things will get better, and do my exercises regularly.

The rabbits are such lovely stamps:

I made this little bag from leather-printed paper for Chrissie, many moons ago:

And the Easter bonnet still hangs on m wall:

This is a huge canvas, it would have fitted nicely to my geometric theme:

I love these sweet birds:

And I love cows and doodling:

And last but not least, a triangular canvas with the Egyptian cat goddess, Bastet:

And I have something new.
The A3 page was made by mopping up water colours, to which I added some colours with gelatos. Banksy's little girl is sending some love into the world, and the flowers were added with a napkin that someone sent to me. The quote is wonky, as always, but still lovely:

 I am linking to Mia's 'flowers' theme at AJJ

And some more photos from Castle Linn:

A coot nesting:

That's all for today!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, good afternoon. I was wondering where you were - did you actually take a few hours off??? And about time, too! Love all that gorgeous art, so many varied pieces. And the new piece today is fantastic, love the colours and the wonderful quote. Leah is in the garden with mum and the kids, so I've got some computer time just for myself, how lovely! Stay well, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Glad you got a few hours peace, hope you locked the door! Enjoy it! Have a nice evening, stay safe!

  2. Wow and wow and wow.., gorgeous artwork!!!
    Valerie you are so talented!!!
    I especially love, love, love the Egyptian!!!
    Your photos are so fantastic that I feel as if I am there.
    The architecture magnificent!
    What a fabulous post!

    Hugs and Stay Safe ☕🎨 📷

    1. Thanks Jan. The Egyptian things always fascinate me a lot, it's a them I love. The castle is a fantastic place. Stay safe.

  3. These are fabulous. Your photos today are amazing. The yellow house/castle is my favorite.

    1. Thanks Nicole, the yellow house is gorgeous, but it belongs to the rest of the castle, probably too expensive to even think about buying!

  4. I love everything, but especially the birds and Bastet.
    YOU take special care.
    Air hugs:)

    1. Thanks Sandra! Bastet is always very special, birds, too. Stay safe!

  5. Your new piece is such an encouragement in these days as we struggle through all this. That wisteria! Wow!

    1. I think we need to encourage ourselves all the time and just keep going in the hope that it will soon get better!

  6. The birds with dresses on made me smile! Oh so sweet! I love that one. Also love the one with Mother Teresa's quote. Such a lovely blog=you made my day!

    1. Thanks Debra! The quote from Mother Theresa is wonderful and something we all need to take to heart.

  7. Love your creations especially the bag. Hope you are keeping safe and well. x

    1. Thanks Anesha, I used to enjoy making things like that. Stay safe and well!

  8. Thanks so much Laurie, that's a lovely thought. I'm happy I can still do so much, and stay creative. Have a great day, stay safe!

  9. That little quote by Mother Teresa made me weep a little. So apt in this age where there is so much suffering.

    1. Thanks, I found it very touching, too. Stay safe!

  10. Wonderful series of artwork ~ my favorite is Banksy ~ I have a print of it on art canvas with the words 'There is always hope.' ~ And your photography is divine ~

    Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol! I love that piece from, Banksy, yours sounds good, too.

  11. WOW stunning artwork Valerie, I love the faux leather bag! Gorgeous page and awesome quote! Fantastic photos today, the vines with the purple flowers look so pretty against the yellow building.
    Enjoy your weekend and stay safe.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks so much, Tammy, glad you like it. The sister is vines are always beautiful.

  12. All of these are just stunning, can't decide which one is my favourite this time ☺ Stay safe and healthy everyone!

  13. Valerie, your previous creations are a true inspiration. Thank you so much for showing these great pieces.
    Youe page with the Bansky girl is gorgeous! I love this girl and I have the same stencil! Great background too and the napkin flowers is an amazing embellishment! Thank you so much for entering this lovely page in AJJ Challenge.
    Castle Lynn seems a fantastic place! Hugs, my dear friend.

    1. Thanks Mia, so kind! The Banksy stencil ist wonderful. Have a great Weekend, hugs, Valerie

  14. Beautiful work from the past Valerie, just exquisite. Lovely spring photos today.

  15. I did enjoy seeing your art work both past and more present.
    I thought the words on the piece with the Banksy girl were perfect.

    Lovely seeing your photographs too.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, the quote is indeed beautiful. Stay safe!

  16. Hi Valerie, your blog posts are always uplifting and an inspiration for me. Your art is amazing-and I really enjoyed all of the photos!! beautiful
    Happy second on the 2nd hugs Kathy

  17. Such fun pieces. I love the birds and the cowpuccino made me laugh. I love bad puns. Lovely views of the castle. The wisteria on the yellow building are striking in color and the small flowers on the brick wall so charming. Take care.

    1. Thanks a lot, I love all cow puns, however bad!

  18. What brilliant pieces, I love those hares and the fabulously dressed birds. I hope your fingers continue to improve - keep doing the excersises! Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, I like those ones, too, great stamps.

  19. I love seeing all the second views. Some of these I don't remember so it is nice to see them for a first time. And your newest art is also so warm and happy with those orange flowers. Too bad the little girl lost her balloons, but I want to believe she is sharing them with the world. And those purple wisteria in your photos, wow. And one last question, are those cranes or storks in your new header? Happy start of your weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks. I'm sure the little girl is letting them go to bring love to the world! They are cranes. I took the photo 2 years back when they flew over our street coming back from migration, I've never seen so many at once!

  20. Your Art is AMAZING Valerie !! As always I´m delighted by your creativity and talent. I lovee your rabbits, this wonderful bag, the birds, the girl, the cows haha, ... the so nice easter hat.. love all ! Thanks so much for sharing those beautiful photographs of the castle. And, overall, I wish your fingers will soon recover and you´ll feel better.
    Have a very nice weekend, stay safe and I send you big big hugs,

    1. Thanks Caty! The cows are always my faves, too! Stay safe!

  21. Wonderful art work, love the rabbits and the saying with the little girl. I always enjoy your walk photos and the older buildings you have around you. The shutters on the building look like quilt blocks.

    1. Thanks! Ys, they do look like quilt blocks, that's a fun idea!

  22. I was here when there were only seven comments, then got kicked offline. It's taken me this long to get back online, I'm afraid.

    I am in awe of your second look images you shared. Those birds are incredible, that purse unbelievable, and the Egyptian cat is purrfect. Really lovely visions of images from the past. Thanks for sharing these incredible goodies with us as your second look on the 2nd.

    Your little Banksy girl is wonderful. Mother Theresa always knew the right thing to say. Adding the flowers was a real blessing and perfect to start the month using Mia's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    The photos you took at Castle Linn are lovely. Such an unusual, but well preserved place. Take care and stay safe on your walks, dear friend.

    1. Thanks E! Sorry your internet is misbehaving again! Burg Linn is really a wonderful place, always uplifting to visit there!

  23. I always want to make purse and a hat. I guess that what retirement for. Have a wonderful weekend..ppf

    1. Thanks Dora. Hope you find the time to make those things!

  24. Fabulous and all so interesting to see.x

  25. You still make beautiful work, it always will, right?
    If the "wisteria" blooms ... then I'm sure spring is here!
    I wish you a very nice weekend! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella! Wisteria is always a sign that it's really spring! Have a wonderful weekend, hugs, Valerie

  26. If it were within my power, Valerie, I would buy you a brand new pair of fingers with a lifelong warranty, and a maintenance plan to keep them lithe and supple forever. Take good care of yourself. Best wishes, David.

    1. Thanks David, that's a fantastic idea, it would be wonderful. But for the time being I'll have to manage with those I have! Have a good and safe weekend!

  27. That bag sure is amazing!!!
    Abstract art sure got me wondering often. Owwww, the cow...s :-)
    Good quote, great art. And very nice pics again, too, a hpaay day to you!

  28. And with so much to view and write about in my comment, I forgot to say thanks for joining Mia's challenge.

  29. Another wonderful post Valerie, with lots of beautiful makes and photos. I do hope your fingers improve, it's hard not to be able to do the things we want to isn't it? I'm trying really hard not to use my right hand.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. It is hard, but I suppose we have to be contented with what we can do. Anyway, let's hope things get a bit better for us both! Have a great weekend!

  30. Wonderful pieces ~ I love the purse you made ~ The wisteria on the castle is gorgeous! Happy 2nd

    1. Thanks Karen. I am a sucker for wisteria, it is always so beautiful. Take care!

  31. Oh, this rabbits and the purse! The quote is so beautiful, and I always love your photos!!
    So sorry about your fingers - does it happen to be arthritis? ...
    Several years ago I began taking boron in addition to my magnesium, after discovering that it's a cofactor for the mag, and dangerously low in much farmland soil. Hot springs around the world known as arthritis "cures" have boron in the water. (I take 12-18 mg daily, most folks begin with 3mg)

    1. Thanks so much Nadya. I will speak to my naturopath when I speak to her again. I am always eager to try things that help, so thanks so much for the good advice! Have a great weekend!

  32. Oh, I love that yellow building! So cheerful and lovely. And it's always fun to see your seconds! Love the bunnies.

  33. It was lovely to see your revisit projects Valerie and see the cute bunnies again.
    I love the floral page you created for Mia's AJJ theme, the flower shades are so vibrant and cheerful.
    Take care and stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks so much Yvonne! Hope you are well and safe, have a great Sunday.

  34. My favourites are the birds this week. Gorgeous photos.

  35. So many images- hard to choose which one would be my favorite. I believe the sweet little bird in the blue dress wins the prize.Have a lovely and healthy day!

  36. Those rabbits always make me happy, and they started off a lovely trip through some past pleasures. So sorry that your fingers can't manage all those tasks these days (though I hope they will improve again), but you still manage to create such beautiful artworks. The Banksy girl is beautiful in the blushing sunset colours of the page. Wonderful!
    Alison x

    1. Thanks. That Alice-Palace stamp has something happy about it. I hope my fingers will improve a bit, but if they don't, I have to manage as they are.

  37. I love your second look art! The photos around the castle are fabulous! Chrisx

  38. I truly hope your fingers will get better! I really love all your older art! The purse is so cool! The cows made me laugh! LOL! Love Bastet!!! Love the birds and their dresses! LOL! Thanks for your beautiful "love" art piece! Let's all pray everyone does this! Big Hugs!


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