Thursday 30 April 2020

Geometric shapes and Spring Feelings

Hi Everybody!

Today is the last day of my geometric shapes challenge at AJJ. It has been fun, and certainly kept me busy and happy producing pages and visiting all of you lovely people who joined in and made such beautiful pages. Thanks to all for your support and encouragement, and for all the nice comments you left on my blog.
Today I have a collage of all of the pages, or nearly all - I think I missed one or 2 and there are even 2 which I didn't get round to showing:

Today  Rain's art date theme is spring feelings, so I have a few spring like pieces made in past years. I am also linking to Paint Party Friday:

This is an altered photo:

To Daffodils

A poem by Robert Herrick
Fair Daffodils, we weep to see
You haste away so soon;
As yet the early-rising sun
Has not attain'd his noon.
Stay, stay,
Until the hasting day
Has run
But to the even-song;
And, having pray'd together, we
Will go with you along.

We have short time to stay, as you,
We have as short a spring;
As quick a growth to meet decay,
As you, or anything.
We die
As your hours do, and dry
Like to the summer's rain;
Or as the pearls of morning's dew,
Ne'er to be found again.

The photos were taken 2 years  ago at Burg Linn, a fairy tale castle on the other Rhine side, not far from here. And I will be visiting there again when 'Corinna' leaves us and we can wander freely again:

Hope you spring feelings are all bubbling over now!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Every piece of your art is absolutely wonderful!!!
    Your photos are stunningly beautiful!!!
    I love that tower.
    Your home must be filled with so many artistic masterpieces and feel like an artistic dream.

    Stay Safe My Friend☕🌷

    1. Thanks Jan! That tower is really like something out of a fairy tale!

  2. You are so talented and I love the Just Another Day of Being Awesome! So fun.

  3. That art! Love the one with dragonfly and tulips :)

  4. Beautiful art Valerie, love the castle you visit, that curved gate way just begs you to walk through!!

    1. Thanks, it is indeed a wonderful place. Stay safe!

  5. Cool collage. It itself a great geometric piece. ANd nice to see all the other art to. They are happy pages as well as making a good statement. It was a good month for art. And hopefully MAy will be as well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. And here's to May! May it be a good one!

  6. Lovely photos from a great place. Hope you visit it again soon.
    Valerie, you are the best host for AJJ. Your pages are really wonderful. You always inspire me, my dear friend. I send you big hugs.

    1. Thanks a lot Mia, your words mean a lot to me!

  7. Lovely collage and spring pieces for Rain's theme!

  8. Absolutely refreshing and most pleasant post. We still feel like summer here but today even after the rains falling it is not cold, a pleasant way to view a pleasant post like

    1. Thanks Annie. Hope you continue to have good weather!

  9. Again, a day of many wonders. Loved everything.
    Stay safe. Be healthy.

  10. I love the art you created. The boots in the snow with tulips was amazing, and Respect the earth was out of this world. Of course, I really enjoyed seeing your AJJ mosaic, too. I remember when you used to make them when you were an administrator at AJJ, and I still love seeing the recap each month.

    Your photos are glorious, as usual. The arch is probably my favorite, but they all scream spring to me. LOVE these all. Thanks for being such a great host at Art Journal Journey this month. I am SO in awe of all the art you created and the way you visited every person who shared their art there, too. Thank you beyond belief, dear friend.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I had fun this month, thanks for asking me!

  11. I´ll hold on to dreams, I wanna fly, thank you for the input!
    Great works and pics, a great day to you :-)

  12. Wahnsinn deine Wand mit all deine Bilder, alles Kunstwerke in ein grosses verwandelt, ja es hat mir auch Sapss gemacht mal eine ganz andere Richtung!
    Träumersich hast du deine fßr Rain kreativ ausgesucht herrlich alles an zuschauen ob deine Kunstwerke oder die Fotos!!!
    Ich danke dir, mein FrĂźhlingsgefĂźhl ist ganz auf kosten gekommen!
    Ich wĂźnsche dir einen schĂśnen Tag und komme gut rĂźber in den 1. Mai
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke liebe Elke. Deine UnterstĂźtzung bei AJJ bedeutet mir sehr viel, vielen dank dafĂźr!

  13. Wonderful creations, you are so talented. Have a wonderful day. hugs Anesha

    1. Thanks Anesha, have a good day! It's cool and rainy here, yessssssssss!

  14. It was good to see the art you created all together for your April's Art Journal Journey theme. You really inspired us with the variety of style and images you used for your Geometric shapes.
    As always I loved seeing your photos, it makes me wish I could join you, but I will be happy to look at the photos and imagine the scenery.
    Take care and stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks a lot Yvonne. I had fun. Thanks for your Support and encouragement. Have a great Weekend.

  15. The daffodil poem is quite lovely, Valerie, and the bird pictures sublime, especially the juxtaposition of the heron and the swan. You are so busy I have no idea when you have time to sleep! How are your fingers these days? Stay well! David

    1. That has been a fave poem since my childhood. I don't sleep much, that gives more time. My fingers are bearable just now, thanks for asking.

  16. How precious all your Artworks Valerie !! I love them all, they are creative and so special. Love your spring cards too. This poem is beautiful, and the photographs of the castle are fantastic. love the duck, swans, heron .... flowers.
    Great theme you have hosting this month at AJJ, lovely Artworks!
    I wish you a very nice day, stay safe, and big hugs

    1. Thank you dear Caty, you are always so kind!

  17. Love your art pieces and the hopeful and encouraging quotes! Inspiring!

    I can see why you want to go back for another visit when this is all over. Simply a stunning and magical place to visit for sure! Thanks for the photos. :)

    Stay well!

  18. Respect The Earth: Purrfect.
    I love the altered photo. Looks just like a painting doesn't it.
    Stay safe. Be healthy.

  19. Hi Val. Hope you are enjoying a wonderful day. We've had some chaos here, mum is back and the kids are running wild! Nothing new�� love your collage, that would make a wonderful poster. And the spring photos and art pieces are fabulous. Burg Linn is indeed beautiful. Have a nice evening, take care of yourself!������Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks a lot. Sorry your chaos ist back, I'm sure it was nicer without it! Take Care!

  20. Your tulips and other spring flowers in your art are lovely, and that crow (raven? I'm not sure I even know the difference...) is quite the stand-out :)

    The poem hit me as particularly appropriate for these times. Thank you. I don't remember reading it before.

    1. Thanks! The bird in the journal page is just a bird painted black, I don't know more! The birds in the last 2 pics are water birds called coots.

  21. wow so great and stunning tower:D

  22. Yes, it is spring over there in Germany. But, it is perpetual summer here in Hawaii.

  23. You take the most beautiful photographs. Just love the bird ones, they should be entered into a competition, they are beautiful. I could sit here all day and just look at them all, the blossoms make me long to go out and see and smell them, feel that warm sun on my face. Oh Valerie, you evoke the most wonderful memories of days in the sunshine.
    Came here to look at your artwork though - love the way you have created a collage of all the months art. That looks absolutely fabulous and I adore the Paper Portraits, all the different elements blend together seamlessly. Beautifu tulips.
    Hgs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I love taking photos, glad you like them. The castle and grounds are really beautiful there. Stay safe!

  24. Your pages look awesome put together like a quilt. The castle and grounds are gorgeous and the swans just so beautiful. Take care.

  25. Fantastic! I love the collage of all your art that you accomplished last month, that's terrific. so many beautiful photos and that fairy tale looks sooo fun to explore! I hope you get to visit it again soon ~ Blessings

    1. Thanks Karen. I will visit there again as soon as it re-opens!

  26. Jestem zachwycona twoimi pracami. Piękne fotografie , pięknego miejsca. Też czekam by wirus wreszcie sobie poszedł ,a, tyle planów na przyszłość. Dużo zdrowia:)

  27. A lovely Spring response Valeri

  28. Fantastic collage Valerie, love seeing all of your pages again! Awesome photos, that castle looks amazing, I love all of the beautiful birds.
    Take care & stay safe. Hugs, Tammy

  29. What a beautiful spring you share. Every photo is a gem, filled with color and an exquisite loveliness. I'm especially fond of the photo of the heron and the swan. Your mosaic of your geometric challenge is great -- what a lot of work!

  30. Hi Valerie ,love your collage ,I always enjoy seeing your beautiful work and loving the pics especially the ones of the beautiful birds xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl. Herons and swans are always so beautiful!

  31. Another fabulous post Valerie. I loved each one of your geometric pieces. Your spring art really says spring and of course your photos. Always a delight. Have a good weekend.

  32. Spring is a beautiful time to create isnt it? You art, poetry, photography pages each are lovely. Wishing you a beautiful spring.

  33. Your art this week is stunning. I loved each one. The collage of all the geometric pieces looks like a beautiful quilt. Of course the photos of your lovely place are amazing, as always. The swan and the heron like each other! Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Debra. I had fun making it! It was great to see the swan and heron together, so beautiful - a magical moment!

  34. Lovely! (As always.) The world may be undergoing some stressful changes, but here, we can all find peace and hope through your art and photos. :)

    One thing your collage shows me about me... I think circles are my "favorite" shape, if there can be such a thing. (A psychiatrist would probably have a field day with that. HA)

    The quotes you include with your bird artwork about broken wings are true and uplifting. The sad thing is when someone else tries to clip our wings for us.

    It's rather nice to see a heron and a swan in such close proximity. You're obviously a talented photographer to be able to capture such great shots without scaring the critters away.

    Take care, sweet lady, and have a super weekend.

    1. Thanks! Circles are always very special to me, too, and I make lots of things with circles. I love watching birds - and people - and enjoy taking my pics!

  35. You live in such a scenic area and your photos just seem to get better and better. These are amazing! As is your art. You surely are productive and your collage is a perfect way to display your work. Happy PPF

  36. You are good at being awesome Valerie.
    Happy PPF


  37. Bravo on all those fabulous art pages for AJJ!!! And oh, your flower art and photos are so beautiful. I love that tower, and the bird photos are super. keep well, and happy PPF!

  38. Gosh this post is full of beautiful things to see from your art to your photographs just wonderful.

    I do agree with you it will be so nice to be able to visit places again … but for now it's always nice to stir pleasant memories with older photographs.

    Take care and stay safe.

    All the best Jan

  39. Wow what amazing pieces, that collage is amazing, such beautiful work. Have a great weekend, Sue xx

  40. I wish I had more time for being creative. I real like the one with lady and back ground has bee hive.
    Great photos also, I did mange get something up for ppf

  41. Wow, I love your beautiful collage! It was such a fun challenge theme this month, thanks so much for being such a wonderful host 😀. I'm loving your page too and the wonderful poem you shared, spring is here and it will soon be summer 😉. Your photos look amazing, especially the blue heron and the swan - gorgeous! Happy May wishes and weekend! Stay safe and keep well! Hugs, Jo x

  42. A wonderful post Valerie! Beautiful art and photos, and a lovely poem.
    Alison xx

  43. You have outdone yourself with the images and longings of spring!! Wonderful post and I love the photographic journey through your slice of the world!!

  44. A good round up of your pages Valerie! I'm sorry I never got to make another page! Love the Spring pages! Burg Linn looks a great place for a walk! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. Time sometimes flies too quickly!

  45. You did an amazing job as host over @ AJJ Valerie, what a fabulous collage of artwork it would make a great postcard to print and send. Wish i'd had the spare hours to have played alongside you all but i've really enjoyed what I managed to catch. Keep that inspiration coming Valerie, i'm hoping some of it may rub off on me.. Hugs Tracey xx

  46. Hi Valerie :) Your collages are so nice! And your spring pieces are so lovely. Your references to broken-winged birds have special meaning for me. :) I love all of the photos you took at the Fairy Tale castle!! That heron is gorgeous!

    1. Thanks Rain. It was a great place to visit! Hope to go again soon!


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